3rd Pov

The next day, Inside the inn

Inside a random room, Leo is sitting on a bed while scrolling through the Shop in the System. The Captain is still sleeping on another bed. Leo is wearing a T-shirt and black shorts

"Maybe this...no that's not gonna do anything. How about this one...nope, not one either. Man, there are lots of good things in here but nothing really catches my eyes." said Leo

"I can't believe that my short sword suddenly broke all of a sudden. I mean sure I can fix it and even upgrade it too but I'm too lazy to do it. Plus, I needed a new weapon anyway, this short sword is already outdated." said Leo

"Speaking about yesterday, what the hell happened to me. It's like my personality suddenly change all of a sudden." said Leo as he started to remember


Yesterday, somewhere inside a cave

Inside a cave, they were a group of bandits celebrating on their raiding today. All of them are drinking, playing cards and etc

"Hah! I can't believe that the whole village was trying to defend their little home! That's what they get for messing with us bandits." said bandit#1

"Yeah, what a bunch of weaklings. They should have just surrendered in the first place and we wouldn't have to kill all of them." said bandit#2

"You know we should have just spared some of the women. I mean, they were lots of hot babes that we could have taken. They would have to make a good stress reliever.' said bandit#3

"But on another note, have you guys heard about the rumours lately?" said bandit#2

"What rumours? Are you talking about that other group of bandits that got massacred?" said bandit#1

"Yeah, that's the one. Apparently, they said something about a white-haired guy mercilessly massacred all of the bandits in the village. Not even one of them is spared. They started calling him 'The Killer Wolf'. They say that if you ever saw him talking a walk then don't disturb him, if you do then you better run as far away as you can. " said bandit#2

"Are you actually gonna believe all of those hocus pocus? Come on man, it's just a rumour." said bandit#3

"Yeah and even if he is real then what is he gonna do to us. Oh, I'm so scared that he's gonna kill me and everyone in here. I mean come on, how stupid does that sound. It's just one guy what could possibly go wrong." said bandit#1

"Hahaha! Yeah, I guess you're right, that does sound stupid. It's probably just me getting a bit tired here." said bandit#2 as he and the other started laughing

After a few seconds, a strong wind suddenly started to blow inside the cave. Every torch and lantern in the cave started to lit out and every bandit sees nothing but darkness.

"Damn it! I can't see anything in here." shouted one of the bandits

"Hey! Can someone lit up another torch in here?" shouted another bandit

"Hold on! Hold on! There should be another one here somewhere!" shouted another bandit

"Ah! Found it! Just gotta-" said another bandit only to get interrupted




"Holy shit! What the hell was that!" shouted a bandit




"An intruder?! Where the hell is it coming from!" shouted another bandit



"Hey! Show yourself you, coward!" shouted another bandit

After a few seconds, it got deathly silent. Every bandit is panicking and ready their weapon. Suddenly, 4 red eyes lit up some part of the cave. The bandits can see 2 eel-like demonic head. It looks at them as if they were his prey.

"Hello, there my fellow prey! Sorry for the rude introduction though, I'm kinda in a rush here. So to make this quick, all of you wouldn't mind if I started devouring you right now? Don't worry, I'll make it quick and painless." said Leo as he scratches his head

"What ar-" said a bandit only to get interrupted

"Good! Now let's get started, shall we!" said Leo as he summons more tentacles on his back

After that lots and lots of screaming can be heard inside the cave. People who got near it immediately got scared and runs away as far as they can. Leo, on the other hand, was weirdly enjoying this as he saw all of the bandits got devoured or ripped in half

"Wait? What is wrong with me? I mean sure I kill a lot of people but I never really actually enjoyed doing it. God, what is happening to me." thought Leo

After a few minutes later, the whole cave was filled with nothing but blood. Just as Leo was about to get out, he suddenly hears another footstep coming from the entrance of the cave

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I had to take care of some business. So, where wer-" said the bandit as he stops dead in his track and looks around the area

"Uhh....guys? Where did the party go?" said the bandit as he still doesn't notice Leo

"Did I get into the wrong cave again? No, they did say that the party would be in here. Plus, why is it so dark around here." said the bandit as he goes started going inside

He still doesn't realize that Leo was in there as it was still dark. Decided to make it quick, he summons another tentacle and teleports behind the bandit.

"Damn if only I had brought a torch with me, then I wouldn't have had the trouble going in here." said the bandit

Without any second, Leo immediately pierces the bandit's chest. He lifted him up in the air and summons one eel-like head.

"Agi!" thought Leo as he cast a small ball of fire in his hand

"W-what...the...hell." said the bandit as he looks down to see his chest for pierce

"Well, your wish has been granted. Now you can see how you die." said Leo

Without giving him any chance to talk, Leo commanded the demon-like head to eat the bandits head. After that, he threw away the corpse and started to get out of the cave

"There, you had your dinner. Satisfied?" questioned Leo

"VEEERRRRYYYY...." said The Darkness

"Good. Now let's go back to the inn. Hans probably waiting for me right now." said Leo

"Actually, If you wouldn't mind I've got a question to ask. Where do all the body parts that you've devoured go?" said Leo

"WELL...I DON'T KNOW." said The Darkness

"What do you mean you don't know. Are you telling me that this whole time you've been eating peoples body parts and heart without even knowing where it goes." said Leo

"...YES." said The Darkness as he sounded a bit sad and disappointed

"Do you even feel hungry when you start eating those body parts or are you just doing it just cause you wanted to?" said Leo as he crosses his arm and raises one of his eyebrows

"...THE SECOND ONE." said The Darkness

"So, let me get this straight. The only reason that you've been eating people is that you just wanted to do it." said Leo

"...YES." said The Darkness as he sounded even more disappointed and sad

"Then this whole killing has been nothing but a waste of time to me." said Leo as he is very disappointed


"Dude It's only been a week, it wasn't even that long." said Leo


"Fine. Only cause you asked politely. Plus, yeah he's definitely waiting for me. Dude must be sleeping right now." said Leo as he started using Soru to go back to the inn.

Flashback end

"I'm honestly still disappointed about yesterday though. But hey at least the food wasn't cold. Anyway back to what I was saying, what is up with me yesterday. Again, I killed a lot of people but I never actually enjoyed them before. Jeez, what is happening to me? Am I actually gonna turn into some kind of monster or something?" thought Leo

"Whatever it is, I hope not. Maybe I'm just really tired yesterday. Yeah, that's probably what happened." said Leo as he continues to scroll through Shop

"Hey System, I've got a question to ask." said Leo

[ What is it, partner?] said The System

"Well, this might sound a bit personal to you but do you have any sort of physical appearance?" questioned Leo

[Why yes actually! As a matter of fact, I do! Would you like to see it, partner!] said the System a bit excited

"Woah there, System! This is new, I've never seen you this excited before." said Leo as he is a bit surprised

[ Sorry, partner. It's just that this is the first time that someone has said something about my physical appearance.] said the System

"Really now? Like no one has ever acknowledged the fact that you had a physical appearance this whole time? Also, are you telling me that there was someone else before me who uses you as the System?" questioned Leo

[ Yes. No one, I mean no one has ever spoken about my physical appearance before until now. As for your other question, yes. Before this, there was someone else who uses me until the user died.] said the System

"So, do you remember who he or she is?" questioned Leo

[Unfortunately partner, I don't remember. All I know is that there was someone else before you who uses me as their System.] said the System

"Huh, the more you know." said Leo

[ So, do you want to see my physical appearance, partner.] said the System

"Sure, why not. I honestly wanted to see what you look like." said Leo

[Alright this might take a while. So stand back, partner.] said the System

"Well, I'm actually sitting on a bed right now so does that still count?" said Leo

After a few minutes later, blue particles started to circle around and form a blue figure. The blue figure started to form in front of Leo. The blue figures wear an office shirt and black pants. He has shaggy hair that is combed to the side and has a diamond-shaped face. He also seems to wear a police cap with a badge that has the word 'S' written on it. What interest Leo the most is his eyes. Actually, he doesn't even have eyes. The only thing that he can see is that his eye sockets are black. ( like eyeless jack)

[ So, how do I look, partner?] said the System

"Hmm, not bad. You honestly look normal, well except for your eyes of course. Actually, if we were back on Earth then people would be mistaken you as a security guard." said Leo as he checks the System new appearance

[Thank you, partner. You have no idea just how long I've been wanting to get out.] said the System as he started stretching his arm

"Then why didn't you just do it when I was sleeping or something?" questioned Leo




"You just realized that now, did you?" said Leo as he raises his eyebrow

[...Yes.] said the System as he drops his head

"*Sigh* I swear both you and The Darkness are the same." whispered Leo as he facepalms

[Anyway, do you want me to return back to your mind or...] said the System

"No, no you can stay like that for now. At least I can now talk to you face to face. Anyway, can you help pick out a weapon for me? I'm trying to find a good sword that I can use for now." said Leo

[ Sure, partner. Might I show you a list full of good swords.] said the System

"Yeah, do that will you." said Leo

[Affirmative.] said the System as he shows a list full of swords

[Take your time, partner.] said the System

"Yeah, I got you." said Leo as he started to scroll through the list

"Oh, wow! This is quite a surprise! I never thought that I get to see these two weapons again. Guess I'll just take them then and some throwing knives wouldn't hurt." said Leo

Throwing knives x9

Desc: A very sharp knife that is meant to only be thrown. If you get lucky, you can stagger your enemy.


SP=100 x9

Kanshou and Bakuya

Desc: Kanshou and Bakuya also know as Gan Jiang and Mo Ye are what people called them 'married' swords representing Yin and Yang. Their quality and ability as a sword are high due to being made with the best materials and one human sacrifice. The quality of the grip is more important in the practical use of sword than the ornamental value and they are noted being quite big and heavy.

The main ability of the sword is their strong bond with each other, which not only allows them to attract each other but it also said that they will return to their owner even if events cause them to be lost. If one is thrown whole the other is held, the thrown sword will return to the user much like a boomerang.




Requirements= 200 Strength for each of them

SP=60 Million for each one of them.

*Note: You can only use them if you bought both of the swords. If not then it practically useless and does no damage.

[Ding! Would you like to purchase these items?]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes!" said Leo a bit excitedly

[Ding! You have successfully purchased the items. The items are in your inventory. ]

"All right! Let's check these baby out!" said Leo as he opens up his inventory

A few moments later, 2 weapons suddenly appear on both of his hands.

"Oh, nice! This is so cool!" said Leo as he examines both Kanshou and Bakuya

"You know, Kanshou feels a bit heavier while Bakuya feels a bit lighter." said Leo as he starts testing the weapon by swinging it

[Careful there, partner. You might get hurt if you're not careful about using it. Those two weapons are considered strong for a reason.] warned the System

"Don't worry System, I'll be very careful about using these two." said Leo as he puts Kanshou and Bakuya back in the inventory

[So, is that all you wanted to buy?] questioned the System

"Actually, there's one more thing I needed to buy." said Leo

[Then what is it?] said the System

"Is there any blueprints for a submachine gun?" questioned Leo

[Yes, there is. However, which one do you want? There's a lot to choose from.] questioned the System

"Well I forgot what the gun is called so can you bring up a list like you did last time?" questioned Leo

[Affirmative.] said the System as he brings up a list

"Hmm, let see...it should be here somewhere." said Leo as he scrolls through the list

"Aha! There it is! The Heckler & Koch MP5 blueprints! " said Leo

Heckler & Koch MP5 blueprint

Desc: A blueprint of an MP5

SP= 5 Million

[ Ding! Would you like to purchase this blueprint?]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes." said Leo

[Ding! You have successfully purchased the items. The item is in your inventory. ]

Leo then summons the blueprint out of his inventory and uses The Darkness power to construct the weapon. Moments later, a small black portal appears and Leo puts the blueprint in the portal. Moments later, he pulls an MP5 out of the portal and the small portal vanished.

"Nice. Of course, it's a bit heavy but one day I'll get used to it." said Leo as he uses Observe

Heckler & Koch MP5

Desc: A submachine gun that was developed by Heckler & Koch company in the early 1960s. It is provided to be a highly successful design. This MP5 is a slightly modified version of the HK54. Before this, it had a narrow checkered metal 'Slimline' handguard in the place of the HK54's narrow slotted metal ones. These were later replaced by the thicker 'Tropical' handguard. The improved 15- and 30-round magazines were adopted in 1977. They were curved, had unribbed sides and had chromed-steel followers.

Damage= 120 per shot

[So exactly, why did you buy the blueprint when you can buy the actual gun?] questioned the System

"Well apparently back when I was testing out on using The Darkness, I found out that once you construct something out of it using a blueprint, the weapon automatically has infinite of bullets and it does more damage than the original." said Leo

[Okay, usually I wouldn't question your powers or anything but doesn't this sound a bit too op?] said the System

"Well, it would have if 1) every time I need to reload this gun, I'm gonna have to use my mana. The only reason as to why I said it had infinite bullet is because as long as I have mana then I can never run out of bullets." said Leo

[ So, how much mana do you need to use in order to reload your weapon?] questioned the System

"It depends. Like both Casull and Jackal, they need somewhere around 200 mana to reload for each of them so that would make it 400 mana." said Leo

"Secondly, since this is still considered as a gun then it can still break or get damaged. Thirdly, if I bought the actual gun then it's gonna cost me more than the blueprints. And finally, it's loud as fuck and it doesn't even matter if I put a suppressor or not, it's still gonna be loud. I remembered the first time that I tried to shoot a tree using Casull and let's just say that I had some hearing problem for a while." said Leo as he puts back the gun in his inventory

"Anyway, It's time for me to get out now. Don't worry, I'll leave a note to Hans. When I get to the forest, I'm gonna start my daily training and test these two out. Maybe I can make some good combos out of it too" said Leo as he gets up from his bed, puts on his clothes and gets out of the inn

"Oh, and System, you can stay like that as long as you like. It's nice to actually talk to someone who isn't a mute, no offence though. Anyway, try to keep up with me." said Leo as he started going to the forest

[ Okay, partner.] said the System as he dissipates into a blue light and follows Leo leaving a blue trail

A few hours later

Inside the forest

"So Kuina have you made up your decision yet?" said Leo as he dodges another attack from her

"Nope, not yet at least." said Kuina as she attacks Leo with her wooden sword

"Don't worry, relax and take your time. As I said it, again and again, I'm not gonna force you to join me." said Leo as he dodges

"Hey if you wouldn't mind, I'd got some question to ask." said Kuina

"Sure, what is it?" said Leo

"So, let's say if I join your little pirate group. What are you gonna do afterwards? Are we gonna leave this island and just become a pirate immediately?" said Kuina as she attacks Leo

"Well, not really. Obviously, we're not gonna become pirates yet cause 1 there's only 3 of us. 2 we still don't have a proper ship to sail and 3 you're still weak and inexperienced. For now, we'll become a group of bounty hunters." answered Leo as he dodges

"So, in your opinion how long is it gonna take?" said Kuina

"Don't know. Probably 4 to 5 years, hell it's may take even longer than usual. So for now, let's just say until we have a proper ship and some more crew. Probably around 5 to 6 people." answered Leo

"Alright, next question. Did you kill anybody before you came to this island? If so how many?" said Kuina

"Hah! What kind of question is that? Of course, I killed a lot of people before. Mainly bandits and pirates. As for the other one, no." answered Leo

"Alright, so this one relates to the first question. If I did join, what kind of enemies am I really expected to fight?" said Kuina as she attacks Leo

"Well, the average marines, bandits, bounty hunters, pirates, assassin, hell even swordsmen/women. Pretty much the whole world is gonna start targeting us so expect a lot of killing. As I said before, this whole thing being a pirate is no joke." answered Leo as he dodges

"Although, there is this one person that might interest you. Have you ever heard of Hawkeyes Mihawk?" said Leo

"No. Who is he?" questioned Kuina

"You don't know him. Here I thought you wanted to become the greatest swordswoman." said Leo

"Ha ha that's very funny of you." said Kuina sarcastically

"Thank you very much. I've been working on that joke for a while now." joked Leo

"I'm serious here, who is he?" questioned Kuina

"Okay jokes aside, his name is Dracule Mihawk and I guess you could say that he's the strongest swordsman in the whole world." said Leo

"Wait?! The strongest swordsman?!" said Kuina very shocked

"Yup! The strongest alright and he's out there at sea just doing his business. He's probably waiting for someone who is strong to challenge him right now." answered Leo as he imagined Mihawk sitting in his boat while drinking wine

"So that means..." said Kuina

"Yup, if you want to become the world strongest then you're going to have to beat him first." said Leo

"So, any other questions?" said Leo

"...Well, this relates to the killing question but...how did you feel when you had your first kill. Did you...got terrified?" said Kuina

Leo suddenly stops his movement and looks at Kuina dead in the eye. It was deathly silent in the forest to the point where you can hear the wind blowing in the air.

"I'm sorry if that question is pretty sensitive to you, I'll dr-" said Kuina only to get interrupted by Leo

"It's okay. I'll tell you how I feel when I had my first kill." said Leo

"Alright, how do I put it. Well, to be honest with you I felt very disgusted at the sight but at the same time, I felt empty. I wanted to puke so bad and just look away but my body just doesn't want to move. My heart was racing and I was admittedly very frightened at the time. I stared at the corpse for a few seconds until I close my eyes and took a deep breath and I just kept chanting in my mind 'it's going to be okay'." said Leo very sadly

"After that, I've pretty much gotten used to killing people over and over again. Although that doesn't mean I enjoyed doing it, actually it was the opposite. I was disgusted and the only reason I kill people is that if I didn't then I would have died a long time ago." said Leo

"Think of this as a lesson. As a certain someone always says it's easy to kill people however it's hard to live with it." said Leo

"...Did...you ever thought about the people that you killed before." questioned Kuina

"Admittedly, no I never did. At that time I just thought about surviving." said Leo

"Anyway, why don't we talk about something else. Do you have any more question?" said Leo

"No, I don't. That was the last of it, for now." said Kuina

"Actually Kuina, I got a question to ask." said Leo

"And what would that be?" said Kuina

"Well, did you meet or fought with Zoro yesterday?" questioned Leo

"No. Why would you say that?" said Kuina

"...Oh shit." thought Leo

"Umm...what happened to him yesterday?" said Leo a bit nervously

"Well, remember when you chop his neck and he falls unconscious. Yeah, apparently he still hasn't woken up yet until this morning." said Kuina

"...Oh...well shit. Then this confirms that I fucked up the canon again, huh." thought Leo

"Actually, why am I even upset. I should be happy that she's still alive right now. Yeah, if it wasn't for Zoro then she would have died today." thought Leo

"So, what is he doing now?" said Leo

"*Sigh, the usual. Training." said Kuina

"Alright, you know what, I'll withdraw this match for now. I got some unfinished things to do at home." said Kuina as she started walking away

"Alright, see you tomorrow." said Leo

"Okay, now I can start testing this weapon out." said Leo as he summons both Kanshou and Bakuya

"Let see what they can do." said Leo as he grins while looking at both Kanshou and Bakuya

4 Days later


On the middle of a field, Leo was resting on the ground while looking at the moon. Right now, he is waiting for a certain someone to come here.

"This is it. Today's the day where she chooses if she wants to come with me or not." thought Leo

"Wonder what's Hans doing right now. Either he's sleeping or taking a walk." thought Leo

He hears a footstep coming towards him and looks to his left only to see Kuina with a real sword which was the Wado Ichimonji

"There you are, here I thought that you've forgotten or something." said Leo as he gets up from the ground

"So, have you made up your decision yet?" questioned Leo

"Yes. I've been doing lots of thinking lately and I've finally made my decision. I will join your crew..." said Kuina

"Cool. Welcome to t-" said Leo only to get interrupted by Kuina

"IF you beat me in a one on one duel. This time around we will be fighting using real swords," said Kuina

"*Sigh* Of course, there's going to be a condition. Alright, let's get this over with." said Leo

"Let me guess if you win then you won't join the crew and if I win you join. Did I get that right." said Leo

"Yup. This time I want you to go all out." said Kuina as she sheaths her sword

"So, I can use any sword right?" questioned Leo

"As long as it's a real sword then yes. Now, why don't you get your sword and we can start our fight." said Kuina as she took her stance

"No need, my sword is right here with me or should I say my 2 swords." said Leo as he summons both Kanshou and Bakuya

Kuina unfazed by this just took her stance and Leo does the same. They stare at each other silently as the wind blows in the air. After that, both of them finally acted and started to attack each other.

Kuina acted first and attacks Leo with her sword. Leo immediately blocks the attack with both Kanshou and Bakuya


Thinking fast Leo uses Soru and attacks Kuina in the back using Kanshou. But Kuina turns around and was able to block the attack.


Leo uses Soru again and this time he throws both Kanshou and Bakuya towards her. Kuina seeing this was trying to dodge the attack. Unfortunately for her, both of the sword we're thrown so fast that she was barely able to dodge it.



Kanshou was able to hit her right shoulder while Kanshou was able to cut her cheek.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" shouted Kuina as she drops the sword and holds her right shoulder in pain

"So, giving up?" said Leo

"N-not yet. Plus, why did you throw your sword? Now you're defenceless against me." said Kuina as she picks up her sword with her right arm while the left arm still holds her right shoulder in pain

"Oh really?" said Leo as two small black portals appear on his right a left side

Leo grabs something inside of the portal only to pull out a copy of Kanshou and Bakuya

"Try saying that again." said Leo with a smug grin on his face

"H-how did you do that?!" said Kuina very shocked

"Let's just say that I've been testing out on my new weapon lately and I accidentally stumble upon something interesting while doing it. I'll admit, I'm still not good in using these two but hey I at least tried my best. Plus, you should really be careful of your surroundings next time." said Leo

"You think that's not what I'm doing right now?!" said Kuina

"Hmm, nope not really. Oh and by the way, checkmate." said Leo with a grin on his face

"What are you talking about?" questioned Kuina

"Look behind you." said Leo as he saw Kuina turns around and saw both the original Kanshou and Bakuya coming back like a boomerang.

Kuina tries to dodge the attack again but Leo immediately closes in on her using Soru.

"As I said before, checkmate." said Leo as he pounces on her to the ground and stabs both Kanshou and Bakuya onto the ground near her face.

"It looks like I win again." said Leo

"Wait! Watch out your weapon is still coming towards you!" said Kuina

Leo looks up and holds both of his hands out. Just like a boomerang, the sword return back to its user.

"Now that was a close one. Again I'm still not used to holding and using these two weapons yet. " said Leo as the Kanshou#2 and Bakuya#2 immediately vanish

"Alright, now don't move. This might sting a little." said Leo

"Dia!" said Leo as he chanted one of his spells

After that all of the wounds that she got started to heal slowly. However, there is still some dried blood left on her clothes

"W-what! Impossible, how can you do that!" said Kuina as she saw her wound completely heal

"Can you stand up?" said Leo as he gets up from the ground

"Yeah. I can still stand up." said Kuina as she gets up

"Good. I don't want my crew to just die all of a sudden. Now that would be bad." said Leo

"Okay seriously! What was all that thing that you did!" shouted Kuina

"What is?" questioned Leo

"Don't start playing dumb with me! Those things that you did! The swords that appear out of nowhere! My wounds healing!" shouted Kuina

"Oh, that! Yeah, for now, let's just say that...a magician never tells his secret." said Leo with a smug grin

"Magician my ass! Seriously, just how strong are you!" shouted Kuina

"Easy there, Kuina. Don't worry, when the time is right, I'll tell you all about my powers. How about that?" said Leo

"Powers?! Are you tell-" said Kuina only to get interrupted by Leo

"Alright, without further ado, let me properly welcome you to our crew. Welcome aboard, it's a pleasure to have you in my crew." said Leo as he holds out his hand for a handshake

"I...*sigh*...okay. Then I guess...thank you for having me in your crew...captain." said Kuina as she decided to drop the subject and shakes his hand

"So, what now captain?" questioned Kuina

"Now? Well, we go back home and rest." said Leo

"That's it?" questioned Kuina

"Yup, that's it. I'll tell you the things that we need to do tomorrow. Right now, I just want to sleep." said Leo

"Okay then. I guess I do need to go back home and take a shower. Father is definitely gonna notice all these blood on my clothes. I'll just make up an excuse." said Kuina

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Oh and please don't try to sharpen your sword or something. If you do that your gonna die falling down the stairs." said Leo

"What??" said Kuina as she was confused

"Nothing but just don't do what I just said okay. Alright, I'll take that as a yes. See you tomorrow." said Leo a bit hastily and started running back to the inn

"Okay, that was weird." said Kuina as she picks up her sword and started walking back home

"I really need a shower after all of this. Tonight has been quite hectic." said Kuina