The next day,

3rd Pov

Inside a forest, Leo with Kanshou and Bakuya in his hand is still testing out his new weapons on an invincible dummy that he stored back at Foosha village.

Invincible Dummy

Desc: A dummy that can never be destroyed by any means necessary. Be it from a gunshot, magic attacks and etc.


"Alright let's try this again. This time, let's hope it works." said Leo as he summons another pair of Kanshou and Bakuya from The Darkness

He then throws all of the swords in his hands towards the dummy and summons another part in his hands. Just as all 4 of the swords was about to hit the dummy, Leo immediately uses Soru to get behind the dummy and slash the dummy.

-279 Damage!

-550 Damage!

At the same time, all of them thrown swords hit the dummy in conjunction.

-289 Damage!

-564 Damage!

-Critical! 340 Damage!

-560 Damage!

"Yes! I did it! I finally did it!" cheered Leo as he all of the fake Kanshou and Bakuya disappear.

"Holy hell, this took a long ass time." said Leo as he picks up both Kanshou and Bakuya that is stuck in the dummy

"Stats." thought Leo


Name=Leo The 'Thief Master'


Alignment=Neutral Chaotic

Level=3( 2500 Exp for next level)


Mana:3710 (6110)






Agility=645+75 =720


Stat points=10

"No wonder I felt something wrong. So apparently every time I tried to summon another weapon that I didn't learn from a blueprint yet, then my mana would get depleted. Guess that explains as to why I felt weird when I summon a grenade launcher." said Leo

"After this, I'm gonna buy lots and lots of blueprints from the Shop. That way I won't have to exhaust my mana on making temporary weapons." said Leo

"Anyway, hey System! How many tries did it take for me to get it right? I kinda lost count." said Leo as he saw the System sitting on a tree branch

[Do you mean today or for the last 4 days?] said the System

"The last 4 days." said Leo

[Then it took you approximately 345 tries just to get it right and even then you still haven't mastered it yet.] said the System

"345 tries?! Damn, that's a lot?! Thankfully, no one except me got hurt while doing this. Well, there was really no one, to begin with anyway." said Leo

[Uhh...about that...you might want to look around the area first.] said the System

"Why?! It wasn't that bad ri-" said Leo only for him to stop when he looks around

Unfortunately, the whole forest wasn't spared from Leo's training. A lot of the trees in the forest got cut in half. Hell, some of the trees are barely even standing.

"...Oh. It's that bad, huh." said Leo

[Yup. That's a lot of forests damage. It's thankful that someone didn't come here and got hurt. You were so focused on testing your weapon, you didn't even realize that the whole forest got damaged.] said the System

"Yeah, I did a lot of damage all right." said Leo as he scratches his head in embarrassment

[Partner, you should be very careful of your surroundings next time. What if someone was walking in on your training and you accidentally kill them.] said the System

"Yeah, yeah I know. Don't worry about it, I'll be careful next time." said Leo

[...You said that before and you're still doing it again.] said the System

"Then I'll be more extra careful next time." said Leo

[Can I ask you a question then, partner?] said the System

"Sure, what is it?" said Leo

[Well, why did you learn a bless magic when you know that it can kill you? I've always wondered as to why you learned it.] said the System

"...Well, funny story actually. I...kinda don't remember. But I did remember almost dying when I tried to cast it. It hurts like hell." said Leo as he rubbed his arm

[...Partner.] said the System

"I know, I know, I should be very careful next time. But hey on the plus side, I did gain a new skill out of it." said Leo

Light resistance( Lv 3)

Desc: You are now resistance to light by 3%.

*Note: Since you have the power of The Darkness, this skill max level has been reduced to Level 50.*

"Man, where is she? I know that she can be late sometimes but not this late." said Leo

"Oh well, guess I'll just go back to testing my weapons again. This time I'm gonna try and master this technique." said Leo as he started setting up the dummy again

"On another note, I've also got a question to ask," said Leo

[What would that be, partner?] said the System

"Well, it personal to me but...do you know what exactly happened to my parents and my friends back on Earth? I mean what was their reaction when they found out that I died? I know that this question sounds very late but I just wanted to know." said Leo

[...I'm sorry to say, partner. I don't know what happened to your parents nor your friends. But all I can say is that your parents and friends are mourning for your death right now.] said the System

"...Figures...of course they would all be sad. I mean you just found out your son/friend just died due to heart disease. Heh, oh man I remember when my friend Jonny would always joke around saying something like getting reincarnated and having a harem." said Leo as he started remembering his past life.

"One time, I remembered when I was a kid, I used to love playing soccer until I became a shut-in when I was like 13. One day, I remembered that I once lost a soccer match to another team and at that time I was really sad cause we were so close to winning. After that, my parents took me to an ice cream shop and we had a pretty fun and laughable time eating there." said Leo as he felt a bit nostalgic

"Oh and another time I remembered when another one of my friend Nathan got in trouble cause he was peeping on the girl's locker room. Safe to say, not only did he got beaten up by the girls but he got suspended for 2 weeks. I can still remember his pleas for help. Thankfully Jonny and I got there in time before something bad happens. Oh, Nathan, you were always the same old funny pervert that we always like." said Leo

"Grandma and gramps we're also nice. They would always spoil me sometimes and every time we visit them, gramps would always tell me stories about his life. It's really unfortunate that they died last year, God bless their souls. Anyways, I remembered back in high school, I used to have this massive crush on a girl named Isabel. She and I had some good conversation from time to time. I did try to propose my love to her but she turned it down. After that, I can't really look at her the same way again for 2 weeks until she confronts me. In the end, we just became friends." said Leo

"Man, those were some good times. It was a nice life back on Earth. Thinking back, I feel like an asshole now since I just started forgetting them all of a sudden when I had the power of the System. The more I think about it, the more I'm starting to feel like a scum right now." said Leo as a single tear fall from his eye.

"Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I know that this conversation wasn't necessary, to begin with, hell I highly doubt you would even care about it anyway, but thanks for hearing it out System." said Leo as he wipes the tear in his cheek

[...Anytime, partner.] said the System

"Alright, let's get back to mastering my technique again. Don't want to feel depressed for the whole day. " said Leo as he regains back his cheerful self and starting training again.

Isshin Dojo

Still 3rd Pov

Inside a room, Kuina and her father are sitting down on the ground. ( Honestly, I don't know how to describe it but just imagine the part where Zoro receive Wado Ichimonji. Just replace Zoro with Kuina and she has a wooden sword beside her.)

It was all silent, the only thing that you can hear right now is the cricket noise.

"So Kuina, what is it that you wanted to talk about today. You seemed quite nervous about it." said Koushirou

"...Well, father... a few days ago, a friend of mine gave me a choice if I wanted to go with him or not on a journey. He said he'll give me some days to think and that he won't force me to join. So I've been doing lots of thinking lately and I've finally made my decision." said Kuina

"So when the day of the arrival comes, I've decided to challenge him to a duel. The rules are simple if I win then I won't join him but if he wins then I'll join him. Unfortunately for me, I lost the battle." said Kuina

"So what I'm trying to say right now is that one day I'm gonna leave this island and I'm gonna travel the world becoming a swordswoman. This is my decision and I'm not ashamed of it. If you're mad or disappointed about my decision then I'm very sorry. I'm sorry that I disappointed you and I'm sorry that I was born as a female." said Kuina as she bows

After that, Zoro suddenly barges inside the room.

"No! I refuse to accept this!" shouted Zoro

"Zoro! Oh, not again! What are you doing in here!" said Kuina a bit shocked

"No! No! I won't accept this! I'm not gonna accept the fact that you're leaving this Island. Not until I beat you in a match!" said Zoro

"Zoro, I've already made my decision and it's final! I can't just back out on the promise now!" said Kuina

"Enough!" said Koushirou as both Kuina and Zoro shuts up

"Zoro, I know that you're upset about Kuina decision but you can't change her opinion. As she said before she already made her decision and she's not going to back out on it. As much as you hate it your going to have to respect her decision." said Koushirou

"As for you Kuina I got a question to ask." said Koushirou

"What is it, father?" said Kuina

"Why do you want to go out to sea? What is your dream Kuina?" said Koushirou

"...My dream? My dream is to become the world greatest swordswoman. I want to show the whole world that women can become just as strong as men!" said Kuina with determination.

After that, it suddenly got all silent again. A few minutes later, Koushirou started to speak again

"Humans are fragile beings, Kuina. However, a friend of mine did always say that the only thing that a person can do is to let go and keep moving forward. To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fear, the clinging and disappointment of the past. We human beings are always curious and we would always keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things." said Kuina as he turns around and faces Kuina

"Kuina, I'm not disappointed or mad about your dreams and decisions. However, I still do believe that women are naturally weak than men and are therefore unsuitable to be warriors." said Koushirou

"But, I also do appreciate people with talent especially from women. Kuina, I don't care if you become a marine, bounty hunters or even a pirate. As long as you value your own swordsmanship then I wouldn't mind it one bit. That also goes for you Zoro." said Koushirou

"Kuina, there's nothing but only one request that I wanted you to do. You said that you wanted to prove the whole world that women can become just as strong as men, right?" said Koushirou

"Yes! That's what I intended to do in the first place!" said Kuina

"Then I want you to prove it. Prove to me that I was wrong and women can grow stronger. Do you think that you got what it takes?" said Koushirou

"Yes, father! I'll show you that I can grow stronger even as a female!" said Kuina

"Kuina..." said Zoro as he is both shocked and amazed by Kuina's word

"Then I'll be looking forward to it in the future. Also, should I assume that your friend would be that green-haired kid? What was his name again... oh right, it's Leo." said Koushirou

Inside a forest


"Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah!" said Leo as he loses his concentration and falls down to the ground with both his sword

"*Sniff* Hmm, that's weird? I thought that I can't get sick anymore due to The Darkness?" said Leo as he gets up and wipes his nose

"If I remember correctly, in Japanese culture if you sneeze all of a sudden then that would mean that someone is talking about me. I bet it's Luffy or Makino. They're probably worried about me." said Leo

Back in the dojo

"Umm, h-how did you know about that, father?" said Kuina

"It's quite obvious, really. After you lost your first match against Leo, people have been saying that you have been acting weird lately. Now If you think about it, it's obvious that you've been having a match against him somewhere on this island. Plus, you did hate losing to someone else." said Koushirou as he saw Kuina blushes in embarrassment.

"...Was I really that obvious?" thought Kuina

"Anyway, as I said before, I'll respect your decision Kuina. As long as you don't abandon your swordsmanship of course." said Koushirou with a little smile on his face

"Alright! I won't disappoint you, father!" said Kuina

"I know you won't Kuina, I know you won't. Now, why don't you go and meet your friend? He's probably waiting for you right now." said Koushirou

"Okay, father. Then if you'll excuse me, I'll be getting going now." said Kuina a bit energetically

She bows down, picks up her wooden sword and then gets up from the ground. After that, she immediately gets out of the room.

"Zoro, why don't you also go with her. It looks like you wanted to say something to her. Maybe if you catch up to her now" said Koushirou

"Yes, sensei. I'll be going now." said Zoro as he bows and hurriedly catches up to Kuina

Outside of the dojo

"Hey, Kuina! Wait up! I got something to say to you!" said Zoro as he finally catches up to Kuina

"What is it, Zoro?" said Kuina as she stops her walk

"Kuina, if your gonna go out into the sea and chase your dream then I want to make a promise to you." said Zoro

"A promise you say?" said Kuina

"Yes! Someday, one of us will become the worlds greatest swordsman! We'll compete to see who gets there!" said Zoro full of determination.

"...So that's your promise, huh? You want one of us to become worlds greatest swordsman." said Kuina

"Yes! Once that happens, we're gonna compete with each other to see who wins!" said Zoro

"Zoro...you dummy. Even though your weak, your still the same person that I met. Your never gonna change are you?" said Kuina

"Alright, then it's a promise!" said both Zoro and Kuina as they shake their hands

"Anyway, I gotta go now. Don't want my 'captain' to be waiting on me." said Kuina as she started running again

"Don't you forget our promise now, Kuina!" shouted Zoro

"Oh, I won't be forgetting it alright. I always keep my promise." thought Kuina

A few minutes later,

Inside a forest

"Alright, he should be here somewhere." thought Kuina as she goes inside the forest

Once she got inside the forest, she started seeing lots of tree damage.

"What happened in here?!" thought Kuina as she looks around the forest

In the middle of the forest, she saw a certain green-haired kid training with his sword.

"Oh hey there, Kuina! What took you so long? I've been waiting here for like 6 hours now." said Leo

"...I leave for 4 days and this is what happens." said Kuina

"Oh...about that. Yeah, I can explain." said Leo

"You better be. Seriously, I know that you prove to me again and again that your strong and all that but I didn't think that you'd be this strong to do this much damage!" said Kuina

"Hehehe, yeah let's just that I got too absorbed into my training again. This kinda usually happens to me from time to time." said Leo as he scratches his head

"Anyway, now that you're here, we can start your training now." said Leo

"Training? You didn't say anything about that yesterday." said Kuina

"I didn't? I thought I did yesterday." said Leo

"No, yesterday you said to me that you'll explain the 'things that we need to do', today." said Kuina

"Oh, well, in that case, long story short I'm gonna start training you. To put it quite bluntly, right now you're weak. If we were to be sailing right now, then chances are you're going to be nothing but a burden to us." said Leo




"I know what I'm saying right now is mean and all but really it's the truth. Don't take it the wrong though, you're still strong on your own accord but the people that we're gonna face in the future is gonna be stronger than you'll ever face before." said Leo

"But don't worry, that what I'm here for. I'm gonna help you get stronger! Get ready for he- I mean your training! Yeah, that's what I was about to say!" said Leo

"...Okay, I'll admit I'm quite offended about what you said about me just now. But if what you said is true then I guess I got no choice then. So, when is it gonna start?" questioned Kuina

"Hmmm, right about now." said Leo as he immediately used Soru to get behind Kuina

He kicked her so hard she got sent flying towards another tree. Fortunately for her, she's still conscious and alive. Although, she did suffer a lot of damage

"*Cough* Cough* What the hell was that for?!" shouted Kuina as she tries to get up

"Rule number 1, always expect the unexpected. The enemies aren't gonna wait for you to attack or defend so your gonna have to act and think fast." said Leo

"Sorry but if you expect me to go easy on you then your in for a bad time. I'm gonna say it now now, this whole training is gonna be nothing but hell to you. I'm gonna be even harsher and strict with your training. Don't worry though, after this your gonna grow stronger than you were before." said Leo

"How long is this gonna take?" questioned Kuina

"Hmm, it's probably gonna take 2 years. Once we're done with your training, now we can start to set sail to sea. Do you think you got what it takes to survive through this training?" asked Leo

"If it's like you said then I guess I'm gonna have to endure it. I'm not gonna give up, not now not ever! I'm gonna survive and I'm gonna get stronger!" said Kuina

"That's the spirit! But don't get too excited and cocky now. In which case, rule number 2, don't let your ego control you. Although I was also a victim to this whatever you do, don't let your ego overtake you even if you got the higher ground. If you do that then you're gonna let your guard down and your gonna die." said Leo

"Now, this will be the only time that I'm doing this but I'll give you 10 second to get ready. Once the time is up, I'm gonna start attacking you again and you're gonna either dodge or block the attack." said Leo

Kuina then finally gets up and took her stance with her wooden sword.

"Ready?" questioned Leo

"Give me everything you got!" said Kuina

"With pleasure...that honestly sounds wrong." said Leo as he saw Kuina rushes towards him

On that day, let's just say that this is the start of our protagonist adventure.