Volume 2

~~~{ East Blue Arc }~~~

6 Years later...

Nighttime, Somewhere on another island

3rd Pov

Somewhere on an unnamed small island, a pirate ship can be seen docked on a beach. All of the pirates can be seen partying both on the ship and on the beach. All of them are having a good time, drinking beer, singing and etc. Unfortunately for them, this will be the last party that they will ever have before disasters struck.

Inside a forest, 4 people can be seen hiding behind a tree. All of them are wearing animal masks. One of them is wearing a cheetah mask while the other is wearing a wolf mask. The other one is wearing a cat mask and the last one, however, is wearing an oni mask.

"Yep, that's the ship alright. Our target should be somewhere in that ship." said the cheetah mask with a feminine like voice

"All right, listen up everyone. The plan is simple, Cheetah and Wolf will go to the beach and distract all of the people partying there. While all of them are distracted, Cat will go inside the ship and steal every valuable thing that they have. Finally, I will get on the ship, kill everyone while they're distracted and finish the target. You guys got all that?" said the oni mask with a male like voice

"Hmph, you don't have to tell us twice. Seriously, why is it that every time that we're doing a bounty hunting quest, you're the one that always kills the target?" said the cat mask with a male like voice

"Hehe, well if you'd have known me by now then you know that I can get pretty greedy." said the oni mask

"Anyway, let's get going now." said the oni mask

"Right!" said everyone except for Wolf as he only nodded

On the ship

"Hahaha! Alright men, one more time!" shouted the captain of the ship

"3, 2, 1, Congratulations on having your first bounty, captain!" cheered all of the people on the ship

"Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" said the captain

"Jeez, it's a wild party today, huh? Can't believe that everyone is partying just cause the captain got a bounty." said guy#1

"I mean what were you expecting? The captain got his first bounty, of course, it's going to be wild." said guy#2

"What was his bounty again?" questioned guy#1

"Hmmm, if I remember correctly, it's somewhere around 7 million Beri. Pretty impressive, am I right?" answered guy#2

"Eh, I guess." said guy#1

"Hey guys, have you ever heard the rumours about the bounty hunters?" said guy#3

"Bounty hunters? What are you scared that the captain is going to get killed to some no named bounty hunters? Please, as if they can beat him." said guy#2

"What? No, I'm not talking about some no named bounty hunters. I'm talking about 'those' bounty hunters." said guy#3

"Uh, you're going to have to be specific about it. What bounty hunter are you talking about?" said guy#1

"Yeah man, what bounty hunters? Just spit it out already." said guy#2

"Oh come on guys, it's the group of bounty hunters called the 6 Animal Terrors. (Yeah I'm not good at naming groups.)" said guy#3

"Oh, those guys! Why didn't you just say so?" said guy#2

"Umm guys, I'm kinda new to this but who are they? Are they famous or something?" questioned guy#1

"Who are they? Who are they?! Have you been living under a rock or something?" said guy#2

"Uh, no. Seriously, who are they? This is the first time I've ever heard about them?" questioned guy#1

"*Sigh* Alright I'll forgive you this time since you're still a newbie. Let me explain who they are first. So as the name says so they're a group of 6 bounty hunters who each of them wears an animal mask." explained guy#2

"The reason that they are famous is that they never once fail any bounty hunting mission. A lot of the famous pirate in East Blue that had a bounty on their head is now gone. One time I heard that they fought against a guy named Kuro." said guy#2

"Wait, are you talking about that Kuro! The Kuro of The Thousand Plans?!" said guy#1

"Yup, that's the one. From what I've heard that's how they pretty much got famous. So if you ever have a bounty on your head and you see a group of people with an animal mask, then you know that you're about to get killed." said guy#2 as he finished his explanation

Unbeknownst to them, a sudden blur past everyone on the ship.

"Damn, should we be worried about that? I mean out captain just got his bounty in like a week." said guy#1

"Nah, don't be. As long as we don't provoke them then we'll all be fine...probably. Anyway, why don't we talk about something else? All these animal masks that we talked about are making me hungry." said guy#3

"By the way, what kind of animal mask are they all wearing?" questioned guy#1

"Hmmm, don't know. Never seen them before. But I did hear that the leader wore an...oni mask." answered guy#2

"Oni? Really? Does that still considered as an animal?" questioned guy#1

"What do you think I am, a know-it-all? Look either way all I know is that they're dangerous and let's just hope that they never target our captain." said guy#2

"Yeah I mean come on, what are the chances of them even coming here. They don't just suddenly show up and attack us." said guy#3 as he laughed

"AAAAHHHHHHH." shouted a guy

Everyone immediately stops their movement and looks toward the beach.

"What the hell was that?!" said a crew member

"Captain!? There are two people with an animal mask on the beach?! They just suddenly showed up and attacked us?! One of them said that they wanted to kill you captain." shouted a crew member on the beach

"Captain, they're too strong?! Leave while you can before you die, captain?!" shouted another crew member on the beach

"T-These people aren't human, they're goddamn demons?!" shouted another crew member

"...I...think I might have jinxed ourselves here boys. Whoops?" said guy#3

Unbeknownst to everyone on the ship, a guy with an oni mask got onto their ship safely. They didn't seem to notice him yet as they are still distracted.

"Hehehe, it looks like the plan is going well. Now, why don't I ice things up around here...okay that sounded very bad, I'm sorry for even making that one up." whispered the guy with an oni mask.

"Mabufula!" chanted the guy with an oni mask

Suddenly, everyone except for the captain on the ship got encased in ice.

"What the hell?! What happened to my crew?! What kind of sorcery is this?!" shouted the captain

"Well well well, what do we have here. A dog all alone surrounded by a pack of hyenas with nothing but his pleading." said the guy with an oni mask as he revealed himself

"What the...no way, you're that bounty hunter that everyone has been talking about!" said the captain

"Oh, so you do know me. Here I thought you were all brawn and no brains." insulted the oni mask

"You...what do you want with me?" said the captain a bit frightened

"Oh, you know just doing my job." said the oni mask as he pulls out a poster from his pocket

"Let's see where did I put it...oh here it is! Owen the 'Marine Killer' with a bounty of 7 Million Beli. Gotta say that's a pretty good bounty for East Blue standards. But I'm not here to compliment you, I'm here to kill you." said the oni mask as he throws away the bounty poster.

"So to make this quick, why don't you just stand there like a log and let me decapitate you. Don't worry, I'll make it quick for you." said the oni mask as he summons two swords

Before the captain could react, the oni mask immediately goes behind him and decapitates his head with his swords. A few seconds later, both the body and the head drops onto the ground.

[Ding! You have killed Owen 'The Marine Killer'! Gained 7 Million SP!]

He stores away the sword and picks up the decapitated head from the ground.

"Alright. Mission complete. Time to get back to my ship." said the oni mask as he takes off his mask only to reveal that it was Leo

Leo now an 18-year-old man who is standing somewhere at around 180 cm. He still has the same hairstyle as before only this time it's a bit longer than usual. He wears a white T-shirt with an open light green jacket. He also wears a grey combat tactical pants and a pair of black boots. For the final touches, he wears a pair of black gloves. Overall, he still looks the same except now he's finally grown up.

"Now I just gotta wait for my crew to come here. By now, they should be done with their work any second now." said Leo as he stores the head his inventory and sits on a nearby barrel.

After a few minutes, 2 people got onto the ship with one of them carrying two bodies.

"Finally, took you guys long enough. So, how did it go? I presume that it was a breeze." said Leo

"Of course. It's as you said before, they were all nothing but cannon fodder to us anyway." said the cheetah mask as she took off her mask only to reveal that it was Kuina

She also now a grown-up, wears a white T-shirt that says 'Don't Underestimate Me' with a brown leather jacket and black jeans. She wears a pair of black shoes and has two swords on her waist. She also wears a pair of blue fingerless gloves. She stands somewhere at around 172 cm. Her face looks like Tashigi( although it's supposed to be the other way around) only her hair is much longer and she doesn't wear any glasses.

"Don't forget Kuina, remember what I said before. By all means, don't underestimate your opponents. True they may be weak but one wrong move and you're dead." said Leo

"I know, captain. You said it like a hundred times. Anyway, so what are you gonna do with all of these people that you froze? You're not just gonna leave them like this, are you?" said Kuina

"Oh right. I almost forgot about them. Do you want to do the honours or should I do it?" questioned Leo

"Why don't you do it. You're the one that started it so it's fair enough that you end it." said Kuina

"Alright. Suit yourself." said Leo as he took out Kanshou from his inventory

"Vicious strike!" thought Leo as he swings his sword

A few seconds later, all of the people that got encased in the ice just got sliced in half.

[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 450 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 450 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 450 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 450 SP]

[Ding! You have killed a pirate! Gained 450 SP]

[Ding! You have killed...

"So, Hans. I see that you got yourself, 2 people, with you. Are they still alive?" said Leo as he saw The Captain took off his mask and nods his head

"Well now, why don't we give these people to one of our crew. Heard that he ran out of juice for his powers so good for him. Anyway, now we just gotta wait for one person to come here." said Leo

Just as he said those words, a guy with a cat mask comes onto the ship with two bags on his hand.

"There he is. So, I assume that you found lots and lots of money from the ship." said Leo

"If you're not blind and you can see what I'm holding right now then yes, captain. There's a lot of money and jewellery inside these two bags." said the guy with a cat mask as he drops the bag and takes off his mask

He wore an open black suit with two golden markings on it over a white shirt with a loosen up black tie and collar, with a spiral-like protrusion on the edges, and sports striped shoes. He reaches for his pocket and puts on round glasses.

"So, captain. What do we do now?" said the guy with the glasses

"Now we wait for our ship to come, Kuro. After that, we return back to Adventurers Island and collect our bounty. You know the usual." said Leo

"So while we wait, why don't we have a conversation. You know like any other normal conversation." said Leo

"So, you guys have any question or thoughts that you wanted to talk about?" questioned Leo

"Well, I do have a question to ask." said Kuina

"Alright, shoot." said Leo

"When are we gonna start becoming pirates. It's been 4 years since we-" said Kuina only to get interrupted by Kuro



"Oh right, for you it's been only a year since you joined our crew." said Kuina with a deadpan face

"Don't you mean that I was forced to join your crew." said Kuro

"And who's fault do you think that is, Kuro? If you weren't so arrogant and cocky enough to challenge our captain to a fight then none of this would have happened to you. On the plus side, at least you don't have to stay with your crew since you hate them." said Kuina

"Anyway, we're getting off track here. So back to my question, when are we gonna become pirate? It's been 2 years since you started training me and another 4 years since we start becoming bounty hunters. Don't you think that it's been long enough? We're already strong and got some experience to go to the Grand Line. by now." questioned Kuina

"It's been that long, huh? Well, if that's the case then once we return back to Adventurers Island, why don't we do one last bounty mission and then we'll become pirates. It's as you said before it's been too long and now it's time for us to become pirates and travel through the Grand Line to achieve our dreams." said Leo

"Anyway, it looks like our ride is here. Come on, let's get going now." said Leo as he saw another ship coming beside them

"Hey, there guys! What took you so long?" said Leo while Kuro was picking up both of the bags that he dropped.

"Sorry captain. It's just that this is the first time that I ever tried to steer this ship." said a bald guy who is steering the ship

The bald guy is wearing a simple black and yellow T-shirt, paired with black cargo pants that have a white Union Jack on the right leg. He has a sling bag with a melee weapon that is being kept on a strap attached to the bag. He has a tattoo on his arms and a scar on the right side of his face. He also wears a pair of sports shoes and his appearance is somewhat pale.

"Cole, everyone except for the captain has never once steered this ship before. It's a miracle that you didn't even crash the ship yet. Next time, I think we should leave the steering to the captain." said a guy with a hoodie

The said guy is wearing three layers of clothes which is a button-up white shirt with a protruding collar kept partially buttoned, a plain grey hoodie and a black leather jacket with a red interior, two horizontal white lines and a red tribal design on the back. He wears plain blue jeans and black shoes. He also seems to have very pale skin, curly black hair that is kept slicked back and light blue eyes that are constantly sickly grey tinting around them.

"Yep, it's like what Alex said. Next time, It's better off if I steer this ship from now on. Don't want the Jackdaw to crash or sink cause that would be unfortunate." said Leo as he and the other jumps onto the ship. ( Before you ask, yes. It's that ship Jackdaw.)

"Whatever you say, captain. So, where to now?" questioned Cole as he gets off the steering wheel

"Isn't it obvious? Back to Adventurers Island, of course." said Leo as he holds the steering wheel

"Oh and Cole, I heard that you ran out of juice for your lighting powers. Well, you're in luck cause Hans just found 2 people for you to suck...okay that came out very wrong by the way." said Leo as he saw The Captain drops two people on the ground

"Uhhh...what happened out there." said guy#1 as he and guy#2 wake up.

"Is it morning time already? God, that was the worst hangover ever." said guy#2 as he rubbed his head in pain.

"Nice. Hold on a minute captain, let me just..." said Cole as he grabs both of their faces

"Hey! What the fuck are yo- AAAAHHHHHHHH" shouted guy#1 in pain

The same goes for the other guy as he also screams in pain. After that electricity started to flow right through Cole's body. A few seconds later, both of them immediately stop their movements and just drop dead.

"*Inhale and exhale* now that felt very refreshing. So, what are we gonna do with that ship now? Are we gonna destroy it?" said Cole as he pointed at the now-abandoned ship

"Just leave it. We already cause enough destruction for today. Plus, I'm too lazy to even destroy it anymore." said Leo

[Hello there, partner. How are you doing?] said the System as he materialized beside Leo

"Oh, hey there, System. Where have you been? It's been 2 days since you didn't show up." thought Leo

[I appreciate your concern, partner. But I was busy doing something else.] said the System

"Oh. Okay then." thought Leo

[ Are you not gonna question on what I was doing?] said the System

"Nope. I'm just pretty lazy to question it." said Leo

[...After all these years, you still haven't changed, partner.] said the System as he shakes his head.

"Hey! Mind you, I did change...physically. I'm now back to my teenage self again and damn that felt so good." thought Leo

[ Whatever you say, partner. So what are you gonna do now?] questioned the System

"Going back to Adventurers Island." thought Leo

"Alright guys, let's set sail back to Adventurers Island!" said Leo as he started steering the ship away from the island.


Hey there guys. It's me yet again. So, those are all of the three new people that joined Leo's crew. If you guys still don't know on who it is then let me show you the hints that I gave you.

Lightning= Cole Macgrath from Infamous 1/2

Claws=Captain Kuro from One Piece

Black leather jacket with red interior=Alex Mercer from Prototype( Yeah, I should have just given you guys an easier hint.)

Before you guys ask, yes Leo did use the Gacha System to summon both Alex Mercer and Cole Macgrath. Don't forget though, they didn't get transported from their own world, they're just nothing but clones of their real self with no memories of their past.

Before you ask again, yes it's that Jackdaw from Assassin Creed 4 Black Flag. If you wanted to know how he got it then you're gonna have to see the next chapter.

So, that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you guys in the next one.