The Next Day

Adventurers Island, At the docks

3rd Pov

"Finally, we're back. Took us a whole night to get to this island but in the end, it was worth it," said Leo as he docked the ship

"Alright people, as usual, 2 of you are gonna follow me while the rest are gonna stay here and guard the ship. So, whose it's gonna be this time?" questioned Leo as he looks at his crew

"Eh, why the hell not. I'll go with you this time, captain. It's been a long time since I visit this island anyway." said Cole

"I'll go too. I've got some stuff to buy," said Kuina

"Okay. Now let's get going now. The quicker we do this, the quicker that we can rest. I'm honestly started to get a bit sleepy here." said Leo as he and the others got off the ship

"Don't forget to look after the Jackdaw guys! I don't want anyone to steal the ship!" said Leo as he saw his crew nodded

"Alright. Now, which way is it again...right it's this way," said Leo as he and the others started walking

After a few minutes later, they finally arrived at a town. There are many people such as kids and families in the town walking around doing their own business. There are also lots of shops selling stuff such as fruits, jewellery, clothes and etc. Overall, the town is very active and has lots of people.

"Here we are. Woodbury town, a place where rookies and adventurers begin their first journey. Also, this place is known for its many shops. Every adventurer would always come here to buy equipment such as weapons, clothes armour and etc. Pretty famous for rookies, you know." said Leo

"*Whistle* This place looks very nice and extravagant. I mean look at all the buildings in this town, man. It looks like one of those fantasy/Rpg video games that people would play." said Cole as he looks around the town

"Why do you look so surprised, Cole? Didn't you visit this place before with Alex?" questioned Kuina

"I mean yeah, we did. But still, I can't believe that place such as these exists. I mean there's Adventurers, bounty hunters, mercenaries hell even the marine is here." said Cole

"Hahaha, this place is called Adventurers Island for a reason, you know. Anyway, let's go to the Adventurers post to collect our bounties." said Leo

"Kuina, didn't you say that you wanted to buy something in this town?" questioned Leo

"Yes, I did. But I'll be sticking with you guys for now," said Kuina

"Hey, while we're at it. I've got some question to ask for you, Kuina," asked Cole

"Sure. I've got some time to spare. What is it?" said Kuina

"Where did you get that sword at? Now I'm no expert at making swords or katana but that right there looks very well made and dangerous. What was it called again? Mura something?" questioned Cole

"It's called Murasame and yes it's very dangerous. As for your other question, well funny you ask that cause I bought it in a sword shop," answered Kuina

Murasame is a long katana with a red scabbard as a sheath.

"Really? A sword shop? Like a normal sword shop?" said Cole

"Yup. Just a normal sword shop. I know that it's hard to believe that but it's the truth. Heck, even Leo was very surprised when he saw this sword at the shop." said Kuina

"So, does the owner of the store ever mention any story about this katana?" questioned Cole

"Well, he said that some mysterious guy in a robe gave the katana to him." said Kuina

"Really? That's it?" said Cole

"That's it. Although, he did hear the mysterious guy said something along the line of 'one day someone will be worthy enough to wield that sword'." said Kuina

"Hmph, that's...mysterious and lame. So it's just some dumb cliche shit, huh." said Cole a bit disappointed

"Hey, you wanted answers and I gave you one. So, any other questions you need to ask." said Kuina

"Well, can you even use that sword? I've never once seen you pull that sword out of its sheath," questioned Cole

"Not really. It's not that I don't want to but I just really can't. I tried pulling it out but it just wouldn't budge." answered Kuina

"Then why did you bought it in the first place?" questioned Cole

"I bought this sword because...well I don't know how to describe it but I feel like the katana is connected to me. However, I can also feel this sword's bloodlust. It's like a monster wanting to get out of its cage and once it's freed then all hell breaks loose." said Kuina

"Woah, that's some pretty deep stuff there. Anyway, I heard that you had another katana before this. Is it perhaps the one on your waist?" said Cole

"Nope. This one is just a normal sword that I bought," said Kuina

"Long story short Cole, she gave her other sword to her friend/rival Zoro. I still can't believe that you gave your sword to him," said Leo

"Call it whatever you want captain but that was my sword and I can do anything I want with it. SoI decided to give it Zoro. Plus I did say that I wanted to start a new," said Kuina

"Still, it's a pretty dumb move in my opinion. That sword was one of a kind too. I could have added lots of upgrades to make it stronger." said Leo

"Oh please, as if you would care anything about swords," said Kuina

"Hey! I'll have you know I took great care of both my Kanshou and Bakuya!" said Leo

"What about your guns then? I thought that you loved using guns more than swords?" said Kuina

"Well, true I love using guns but that doesn't mean that I hate using swords. Hell, I'm actually even planning to fuse my Kanshou and Bakuya with my Casull and Jackal to make it a gun sword. Just think about how cool and strong it would be if I use it!" said Leo as he started to imagine Emiya Alters using his guns

"Oh yeah, it would be strong alright. I just needed the right equipment and materials to make it! Oh, can't wait till I built this gun! It's gonna look so incredible and I don't have to switch my weapon anymore cause it can already change into a sword! Plus, think of all the combo moves that I can make!" mumbled Leo as he started drooling a bit???

"Okay Kuina, what's wrong with our captain? I've never seen him like this before," whispered Cole as he saw Leo continue mumbling to himself

"*Sigh* Remember when I said that our captain is a gunsmith and a blacksmith." whispered back Kuina

"Yeah..." whispered Cole

"Well, apparently he now has this... obsession where whenever he thinks about upgrading or making a new weapon be it for himself or for someone else, he would be... in this state. He would always mumble out on how cool his weapon would look like and how strong it can get. In this state, he also would mumble something about making combo moves. In short and simple terms, we like to call it his fanboying form." said Kuina

"Uh-huh and when exactly did he get this obsession from?" questioned Cole

"Eh, if I remember correctly, he had this obsession when he turned 14. This would go on for about 10 minutes at tops." said Kuina

"Judging from your tone, it looks like you've already gotten used to it." said Cole

"Yeah, usually it would be either be me or Hans to snap him out of his fanboying state. Really the only reason you've never seen him like this before is that he rarely ever got into his fanboying state." said Kuina as she goes toward Leo and snaps him out of his state.

"Hey, Leo! Wake up already! You can think about making your weapon when we go back to our ship." said Kuina as she snaps her finger a couple of times in front of Leo's face

"Huh?! What happened?" said Leo as he shakes his head

"You were fanboying about your weapon again." said Kuina

"Seriously, Again?!" said Leo

"Yup. You really need to tone it down a bit. Anyway, now with that out of the way, do you have any more question?" said Kuina

"One more and it's about the Jackdaw. Where did our captain get the Jackdaw from? Did he bought it or stole it from someone?" questioned Cole

"...Okay, what I'm about to say next might be out of the world. Keep in mind that our captain can do some of the most out worldly things that you can ever imagine." said Kuina

"Heh, bring it. I've seen some weird shit before and this one is just gonna be the same as the rest," said Cole

"...Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. He didn't bought or steal it from someone. He summoned it out of thin air." said Kuina

"...Excuse my French but what the fuck did you just say?!" said Cole

"You heard me alright. He literally summoned it out of thin air." said Kuina with a deadpan face

"Alright, I'll admit I've seen my captain doing some weird shit before but what you're telling me right now is that he summoned the ship out of thin air?! Are you sure you're not hallucinating or taking any drugs?!" said Cole very shocked

"I wish I was joking but I shit you not I literally saw him summoning a goddamn ship out of thin air with my own two eyes. If you don't believe me go tell the same question to Hans. He's gonna say or well writes the same answer that I just gave you." said Kuina

"...So what was his excuse this time?" said Cole

"His excuse is that 'a magician never reveals his secret'. I call bullshit on that by the way." said Kuina

"...How are you so calm about this! Everyone would have freaked out when they see a ship just appear out of thin air!" said Cole

"Heh, tell that to my 12-year-old self. He has been doing lots of crazy stuff for the last 6 years and at this point, I'm not even surprised anymore. Heck, I think I might have been numbed from all the crazy shit that he does." said Kuina

"Wow, that's just... that's kinda sad. I feel bad for you." said Cole

"Okay guys, looks like we're already here." said Leo as he and the others finally reached the Adventurers post.

"Alright, let's go inside and meet our little friend. I bet that dude probably miss us by now." said Leo as he and the other go inside

Once they got inside, they saw lots of people lounging around the area. Some are in groups while some are going solo.

"Well well well, look who we have here. If it isn't our favourite famed bounty hunter! Oh and it looks like you brought your crew with you today." said a guy with a beard

"What's up, Reginald. So, I presume that you missed me already?" said Leo as he goes towards the counter

"Like hell, I will! The day that I will miss you is the day that I will stop drinking beer ever again, you hear me!" said Reginald

"Anyway, let me guess, you want to turn in the bounty, am I right?" said Reginald

"Yup. Just hold on a second..." said Leo as he goes in his inventory and pulls out the pirates head

"Here he is. Owen 'The Marine Killer'. Bet you that the only reason he got that title is because of his crew. Dude didn't even look that threatening." said Leo as he puts the head on the counter

"Hmmm, yup. That's the son of a bitch, alright. Okay, wait here for a minute, I'll go get your reward." said Reginald

"Hey, Angelica! Watch the counter for a bit! I gotta go and get this guy his reward!" said Reginald as he started going somewhere

"Okay! Hang on for a bit!" said a woman with a long blonde hair whose name is Angelica

"Sorry for the wait, mister. So what can I do for you?" said Angelica

"Nothing really. Just want to see a board with some bounty poster on it." said Leo

"Sure. The board would be right over there." said Angelica as she pointed at the direction of the billboard

"Yeah, I already know. But thanks for pointing it, I guess," said Leo as he and the other goes to the board

"So captain, who's the unlucky bastard that's gonna die this time," said Cole as he crosses his hands and looks at the board

"Well, since this will be our last time doing this, I might as well go all out. So let see here..." said Leo as he looks at the bounties on the board

"Okay, so I made my decision. The people that are gonna get killed are these guys," said Leo as he picks 4 bounties from the board

"Alright let see what we got here, captain. The first one is Buggy the Clown. Really? A clown is a pirate? That's a good joke." said Cole

"The second one is Arlong The Saw Tooth. So, we're gonna be fighting a Fishman, huh? That's gonna be a first." said Kuina

"Let see, the third one is gonna be another Fishman named Kurobi and finally, the last one is going to also gonna be another Fishman named Chew." said Cole

"So let me get this straight captain. We're gonna be fighting against 3 Fishman and a... clown." said Cole a bit disappointed

"Yup. This is all of the bastards that are gonna die. However, don't look down on that clown just yet, Cole. Sure he might look stupid but that clown right here has eaten a Devil Fruit." said Leo

"Devil Fruit? You mean that weird-looking shaped fruit?" questioned Cole

"That's the one. He ate the Bara Bara no Mi which means the Chop-Chop Fruit. It's a Paramecia type and it's ability well... Kuina have you learned Armament Haki yet?" said Leo

"I wouldn't say that I haven't learned it yet but let's just say that I can partially use it. Unfortunately, I can only use it for about 4 minutes before I get exhausted." said Kuina

"Then your gonna have somewhat of a bad time with him cause this clown Devil Fruit is essentially an enemy to every swordsman/woman out there. Literally, he is immune to any slashing attacks and if his body is split into pieces then he can control those pieces however he wishes. For example like levitating." said Leo

"Okay. That right there is gonna be a big problem for you Kuina." said Cole

"Hey, Leo! Get over here will ya. I finally got your reward." said Reginald as Leo goes back to the counter

"Alright, here's 7 Million Beri." said Reginald as hands over a sack of money to Leo

( So apparently I just found out that whenever you kill a person with a bounty on their head, then 30% of the reward you get will be lost. Yeah, call it lazy writing or whatever but I'm not gonna do that in this fic.)

"Let me guess, you wanted to do another bounty hunting?" questioned Reginald

"Yup. This time around it's going to be 4 people." said Leo as he shows the bounty poster

"4?! Jeez kid, are you sure about this? I know that your strong but you're gonna face up against a Fishman. Not 1 or 3 but a whole group of Fishman. To top it all off, your gonna face off against Buggy the Clown." said Reginald

"Come on man, why are you so worried all of a sudden. These guys are gonna be nothing but cannon fodder. Plus, who said anything about doing this on my own. Anyway, thanks for the reward and I'll be getting going now." said Leo as he and the others started going out

'Hey! Wait up a sec- and he's gone. Great." said Reginald as he drops his head down on the counter

"Ah jeez, kid. Why do you gotta make this old man so worried about you?" said Reginald as he scratches his head

"Don't worry manager. You said that he never once fails a bounty hunting mission, right?" said Angelica as she reassures Reginald

"Yeah but Angelica, sweetie I'm not worried about how strong he is. I'm just worried about his personality. I'm worried that one day his cockiness might lead him to his death." said Reginald

"Well, I'm sorry to say manager but the only thing I can say to you right now is that you just gotta believe in him." said Angelica

"Yeah. Guess that's the only thing that I can do." said Reginald

After that, Leo and his group got out of the Adventurers post.

"Alright, now with that done, let's go back to the ship. So Kuina, when are you gonna go and buy your stuff. Don't tell me that you follow us for no reason?" said Leo

"No, I'm gonna go right now. I'll see you both back at the ship, captain," said Kuina as she started walking away

"Alright, let's go back to the ship, Cole. I'm honestly exhausted right now and I want nothing to do more than sleeping right now," said Leo as he yawns

"Agreed. I just want to sit back and drink some beer." said Cole

Just as they were about to walk back to the ship, someone who is wearing a cloak accidentally bumped into Leon and falls down.

"Oh, sorry there, dude. Here let me help you up," said Leo as he helps the person gets up.

"You should watch where you're going ne-" said Leo only for the person to ignore him and continue running

"Huh, that guy must be in a rush or something." said Leo

"Hey, captain. It looks like he dropped something." said Cole as he picks up an item from the ground

"What do you know, this guy dropped his wallet." said Cole as he hands the wallet to Leo

"Woah. There's a lot of money in this wallet. Damn, that dude must be stacked." said Leo as he started taking all the money

"Really captain? You gotta be this greedy?" said Cole

"Hey, it's free money. It's not my fault that he dropped it," said Leo

"Alright, I'm done. Now just gotta give it back to him," said Leo

"Wait what? Captain, are you hearing yourself right now? Why do you want to give his wallet back after you stole everything from it?" questioned Cole

"Okay Cole, let's be honest here I'm both a dick and an asshole. As much as I hate to do this, I gotta at least give this guy his wallet back cause I actually kinda felt bad for him. Also, I only left 1 Beli in this wallet so technically I didn't steal everything. " said Leo

"In short, you pity him," said Cole

"In a way, yes. Now, if you don't mind I'm gonna go chase him now. If you want to follow me then be my guest." said Leo as he started searching for the cloak using Observation Haki

"...Man, his logic kept getting weirder and weirder each day. Then again, when was the last time did he ever become normal. Either way, I might as well just go back to the ship. I should probably try to improve my Observation Haki." said Cole

After a few minutes later, he was able to track down the person.

"There he is. Hey you! Stop right there!" shouted Leo

The person still ignores him and runs into an alleyway.

"Oh my God. Out of all the way that he could have gone, he had to go to an alleyway. From experience, I learned that whenever someone goes into an alleyway something bad is bound to happen." thought Leo

"Usually an idiot would just go in there gun-blazing without any plan but you know what fuck it. I'm gonna be a goddamn idiot and just go straight in there," said Leo as he goes inside the alleyway

Once he got inside, he searched around the area to find the person. Just as he was about to use Observation Haki, he hears a footstep coming behind him.

"Don't move." said a feminine like voice as she points a gun towards Leo's head

"I gotta say, I didn't think that you would follow me through an alleyway. I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed." said a feminine like voice

"Dammit! I knew that this would happen. Oh well, guess it's unfortunate that I have to kill her. What a waste of time. Why did I even pity her in the first place. " thought Leo as he started using his wires

"Now, I want you to turn around slowly." said the woman

"You know little girl, you should be very careful around these parts especially an alleyway. Anything bad can happen to you at any seconds," said Leo

"Was that supposed to scare me? Don't you see that you're in danger right now" said the woman

"No. You're the one who's in danger right now. Bitch," said Leo

"What are you talk-... wait?! Why can't I move my body?! What's going on?!" said the woman

"I told you before, anything bad can happen to you if you're not careful enough especially in an alleyway. Now..." said Leo as he took out Casull and points it at the woman head

"Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't blow your brain to bits by now. I'll give you 10 seconds. 1!" said Leo

"W-w-wait?! Hold on, I'm sorry?! I'm sorry for pointing a gun at your head?! I didn't want to kill you, I just wanted to intimidate you into helping me, okay?! Just please don't kill me?!" said the woman as she broke down crying

"Wow. That was easy. Just a few threatening words and she's already broke down crying. I'm honestly very disappointed right now." thought Leo with a disappointed look etched on his face

"*Sigh* Okay. Just shut up and start explaining you little crybaby," said Leo as he lowers down his Casull

"Huh? You're not gonna kill me?" questioned the woman

"No, I'm not gonna kill you. Look, why don't we just start things over. First of all, what's your name. Secondly, can you lower down your hood? Thirdly, can you stop crying and just tell me what's going on." said Leo as he retracts back his wires

"*Sniff* Okay. *Sniff* My name is Alina and the reason as to why I did that is because I need your help," said Alisha as she pulls down her hood

She is a tanned skin woman with black braided hair and black eyes.

"Observe." thought Leo




Level 2









"Help? Then why didn't you just say so? All of this wouldn't have happened if you just said that you needed my help." said Leo

"Well... I thought that if I lure you here, then I thought that I can scare you into helping me." said Alina

"... Let me get this straight, you dropped your wallet thinking that you can lure me into an alleyway which surprisingly worked and you wanted to intimidate me just so that I can help you with your problems?" said Leo as he raises one of his eyebrows

"... Y-yeah." said Alina as she looks down and blushes in embarrassment

"You didn't think this plan through, did ya? That's by far one of the dumbest plans that I have ever heard. To make it worse, I fell for that shit. God, that just makes me look like a bigger idiot." said Leo as he facepalms

"L-look, I know that it's a dumb plan but I was in a rush, okay!" defended Alina

"Look, can we just forget this ever happened and tell me what kind of help do you want. I don't want you wasting any more of my time." said Leo

"R-Right, I'll start explaining what's happening. The reason as to why I need your help is because my family has been kidnapped " said Alina

"Kidnapped? Okay, I'm starting to see where this is going. Proceed." said Leo as he crosses his hands

"A few days ago, I got an anonymous letter saying that my family has been kidnapped. They threatened me saying that they wanted 100 Million Beli and if I don't have that money by a week then my whole family gets killed. They said that if I ever try to contact any help from the police or marines then my family would immediately die and they go for me next." explained Alina

"I was horrified and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to call for help but if I do then I'm scared that they'll kill my family. But then I heard a group of a famous bounty hunter called the 6 Animal Terrors." said Alina

"Uh yeah, I want you to stop right there. Could you not call us that name again. It sounds cringy and I regret naming that." said Leo

"Oh... okay then? Back to what I was saying. So I heard about your group and I thought that I can get your help. So please, I beg of you. Can you please help me. I'll give you anything you want just please help me free my family." begged Alina

"Anything, huh? That's a pretty risky reward your bargaining there." said Leo as he strokes his chin

"W-w-well, I-If you want I can reward you w-w-with something else. Something t-that can satisfy y-you. I-It's my first time doing this s-so can you go easy on me." said Alina with a blush on her face

"No. I'm not gonna ask for your virginity. I have my standards and I'm not gonna rape a girl like you. Only a horny teenager or scum would do that. Plus, I hate crybabies like you." said Leo with an uninterested look on his face

"H-Hey! I'm not a crybaby!" said Alina

"Heh, whatever you say, anyway if you wouldn't mind I got some question that I need to ask," said Leo

"As long as you help me then I'm fine answering any of your questions. I'll try my best on answering any of your questions," said Alina

"Good enough. For my first question, why did you come to me when you can go get help from any other mercenaries or adventurers on this island?" questioned Leo

"That's because unlike every other mercenary, you're skilled and experienced. If I ever get help from those people then they're either gonna die or get bribed." answered Alina

"You do realize that we're a group of bounty hunters, not mercenaries, right?" said Leo

"Who cares. You guys would do anything as long as you get paid a fair or higher amount of money." said Alina

"Okay fair enough, second question. Are you apart of a noble family. You look and talk like one." questioned Leo

"Yes. I am apart of a noble family and to prove it, I'll show you this." said Alina as she reaches for her pocket and shows her family insignia

"Alright then, third question. Do you know where they're keeping your family at?" questioned Leo

"Yes, I know where they're at. They said that they kept my family in Warehouse 70." answered Alina

"Warehouse 70, huh? If I remember correctly, that should be on the other side of this island. Which means that it's at the dock near Iron Town." said Leo

"Umm, I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm kinda new to this island so..." said Alina

"Really? I thought you lived here?" said Leo

"No, I came from another island. I just got here 2 days ago so can you explain some things that I need to know about this island?" said Alina

"...Sure. I'll give you a rundown on what you need to know. This island is called Adventurers Island. As the name says so, this island is very famous for having many adventurers. This island has 3 sections. We have the right section, the left section and the middle section." said Leo

"This section that we're standing right now is the left side. We call it the Wood section. This section is famous because it has so many shops. A lot of adventurers especially the new ones come here to buy some equipment for their journey." explained Leo

"Why is it called the Wood section?" questioned Alina

"Because this section has lots of forests. Actually, this section is split into two sides. The left side is called the forest side while the right side is called the civilization side." explained Leo

"Anyway, let's move onto the next one which is on the other side of this island. That section is called the Metal section. That section is famous for its materials on making weapons such as swords and guns. Unlike the Wood section, that place is pretty famous for people who want to become a blacksmith, gunsmith, shipwright, repairmen or builders. A lot of adventurers also go there just to upgrade or modify their weapon and equipment. Oh and I forgot to mention that you can also repair or upgrade your ship there. That's my favourite section if you're wondering." explained Leo

"Now for the middle section. We call it the Noble section. That place is pretty much where nobles like you live. Funnily enough, it's also a place where you register to become an adventurer." said Leo

"Wait, I thought that if you want to become an adventurer you have to register at an Adventurers Post." said Alina

"No. If you want to become an Adventurer then you're going to have to register in the Noble section. The Adventurers post is a place where Adventurers take quests. If you completed a quest then you get a reward. Simple as that. Adventurers can also take on bounty hunting quest. Usually, not a lot of people do that cause they're either still rookies or busy doing other stuff. Also, bounty hunters, mercenary, assassin and marines can also take on quests in the Adventurers post." explained Leo

"So, you just register in the Noble section and you just automatically become an Adventurer?" questioned Alina

"Not necessarily. In order for you to become an Adventurer, you need to pass an exam first. Don't ask me what the exam is cause I don't know. I'm a bounty hunter, not an Adventurer." said Leo

"Wow! This island must be massive." said Alina

"Yeah, it really is. This island is pretty famous you know. Hell, it's almost as famous as Logue town. Oh, and by the way, this isn't the only island where you can become Adventurers. Apparently, there's still more at North Blue, West Blue, South Blue and in the Grand Line. The only reason as to why Adventurers are not well known is because nowadays a lot of people either become pirates or marine." said Leo

"Alright. I've made my decision. I'll help you with your little problem on one condition. I want 100 Million Beli as payment." said Leo

"What?! You want 100 Million Beri. That's an absurd amount of price that I have to pay?!" argued Alina

"Hey, you said that you'll do anything to get my help. You're a noble, right? So that means your family must be rich. Plus, you're going to pay those people 100 Million anyway so really it's either you give them the money or you give it to me." said Leo

"No, I refuse that offer. Lower it down till 70 Million!" said Alina

"Oh, so we're going to play that game, huh. In that case, how about somewhere around 95 Million." said Leo

"Nope, 76 Million." said Alina

"How about 80 Million." said Leo

"Tch dammit, 77 Million." said Alina

"Okay, 89 Million. Last offer." said Leo

"...Fine, I'll give you 89 Million Beli. Happy now?" said Alina

"Then the contract has been sealed. Don't worry, your family will be safe." said Leo with a smirk on his face

[Ding! You have successfully won a bargain! Gained 500 EXP and 1000 SP!]

[Ding! You have gained a new quest!]


Save Alina's family

Rewards: 35 Million SP, 20 Stat points, a new skill.

Failure: Alina and her family death

Time limit: Until Tonight at 12.00

"So, when and how are you gonna do it? Do you have any plan of sorts?" questioned Alina

"Your deadline is tonight, right?" questioned Leo

"What? Yes, but-" said Alina only to get interrupted by Leo

"Good. Then the plan would initiate tonight. Now take this." said Leo as he gives a paper to Alina

"What's this?" said Alina

"It's my phone number. With this, we can now communicate with each other easily." said Leo

"So, what's the plan?" questioned Alina

"The plan is simple. I want you to go to Warehouse 70 and pretend that you're going to give them the money. Don't worry, I'll follow you close behind." said Leo

"But what if they find you? What are you gonna do?" questioned Alina

"Isn't it obvious? I'll kill all of them of course. But I highly doubt they'll find me. Anyway, while you're doing the negotiation, I'll be sneaking around the warehouse trying to find your family. Once that's done, we get out immediately." said Leo

"...Wait, that's it? That's the whole plan?" said Alina

"That's it. It's just a simple in and out plan. Although, I might honestly try to bring one of my friends for this mission." said Leo

"Alright, that's pretty much it. Call me when the time comes." said Leo

"Wait, hold on a second. I still don't know where Warehouse 70 is located." said Alina

"Don't worry about it, I'll show you where it is tonight. You just gotta trust me." said Leo

"... You know, for some reason, I feel like it's a bad idea to trust you." said Alina

"Oh and here's your wallet back." said Leo as he tossed her wallet back

"Wait? Why does my wallet feel so-" said Alina only to get interrupted

"Anyway, I'll see you tonight. Goodbye." said Leo as he immediately uses Soru

"...Okay. That was weird." said Alina as she checks her wallet

"... No wonder he was in a rush. That bastard just stole all of my money." said Alina very quietly

"I want to scream so badly right now but you know what, I'm just gonna go back to the inn." said Alina as she started walking away.