Nighttime, Inside an inn

Alina's Pov

Inside a room, Alina who is still wearing the same clothes is sitting on a bed waiting for the time to go to the warehouse.

"Alright, it's almost time for me to go to Warehouse 70. I just need to contact him. I hope I made the right decision to hire him." thought Alina as she picks up and uses a Den Den Mushi on a table

Pede, Pede, Pede, Pede

Pede, Pede, Pede, Pede

Pede, Pede, Pede, Pede

"Come on! Come on! Pick up already!" said Alina

Pede, Pede, Pede


"Hey there, Alina. How are you doing tonight?" said Leo

"Finally, you pick up. What took you so long," said Alina

"I was busy doing something else. Anyway, it's finally time, huh," said Leo

"Yes. It's time to go to the warehouse. I'll be waiting for you outside of the inn. Don't be late." said Alina

"Sure, I just gotta prepare some of my equipment and I'm ready to go. See you there," said Leo as the Den Den Mushi turns off

Alina puts the Den Den Mushi in her pockets and silently gets out of the room.

A few minutes later...

Outside of an Inn

"Where is he. I've been waiting for 15 minutes." thought Alina as she looks around the area

"I just really hope that my family is safe. God knows what happens to them. My little brother must be scared right now." thought Alina

"Hey there, Alina. Sorry that I took too long." said a familiar voice

She turns to her left to see Leo and a big guy with a long weapon case on his back walking towards her.

"Oh thank God you came. Here I thought that you have forgotten or something," said Alina

"Well, I had to make some preparation for this mission," said Leo

"Umm, who is that guy beside you and what is that on his back?" said Alima

"This guy right here is my right-hand man. His name is Hans. As for your other question, let's just say that it's a big surprise for the enemies. Before you ask, he can't talk." said Leo

"Oh, and I guess I haven't really introduced myself, yet. The name is Leo and that's all you need to know about me." introduced Leo

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go to the Metal section right now," said Leo as he picks up Alina

"H-Hey?! What are you doing?! Put me down right now!" said Alina as she tries getting off Leo

"We're taking a shortcut, of course. Did you actually expect us to go there by running? That's gonna take a long ass time. Now hold on tight cause it's gonna get really bumpy" said Leo

"Hey, Hans. Race you to the warehouse! Whoever wins has to pay for the winner's food!" said Leo as he and the Captain uses Geppo

"What the hell! We're flying! How are we flying!" shouted Alina as she shuts her eyes holds onto Leo for her dear life

"For now, let's just call it a magic trick. Now, shut up and enjoy the view. It's a once in a lifetime chance." said Leo

Slowly and steadily, she opens her eyes. She looks around the area. She was mesmerized and awed by how beautiful and nostalgic it is.

"Woah. This is..." said Alina

"Beautiful? Fantastic? Awesome? Or all of the above?" said Leo

"...Yes. It's everything you just said." said Alina

"I told you that you would like it," said Leo

"I didn't know that flying would be this much... fun. Although, I'm still not used to it yet but... I just can't help and be amazed by this. Do you do this every day?" said Alina

"Eh, pretty much it's been my life. I travel to islands sometime even exploring it and it's just been very fun. I can just relax and enjoy the view." said Leo

"It must have been very nice life then," said Alina

"Well, if you don't count killing and stealing from people then yeah it's very nice," said Leo

"So what about you? What's your story? It's fair that you tell some stuff about yourself." questioned Leo

"Honestly, my life has been quite boring. Don't get me wrong, my family is nice especially my little brother but they can sometimes become very arrogant. All I've been doing is studying and learning how to become a true noble." said Alina

"That's lame. Glad I'm not in your shoes. If I did then I would have either rebelled or run away. Hell, maybe even both." said Leo

"You tell me. To top it all off, I'm not even interested in becoming a noble. All I ever wanted is just to have a normal life and have normal friends." said Alina

"Why? Bad friends?" questioned Leo

"Ugghh, please don't remind me. Most of the times, boys at my school would just look at me with a perverted look on their face and when I tried to befriend one of them, they would just outright flirt with me. The girls, on the other hand, are just as worse as the guys. They don't even care about me and every time I talk with them they would just talk about some 'hot boys in their school'. Uggh, it's so boring and irritating." said Alina

"Most of the times? So you're telling me that not every boy tries to flirt with you?" questioned Leo

"There was this one boy in my class. His name is Jones and unlike any other boys, he's not a pervert. He talks to me like a normal person, he doesn't even care about my noble status and we become best friends. Don't get me wrong, not every student in my school is bad. I did make some good friends there." said Alina

"So about Jones. How is he like?" questioned Leo

"Well, he's nice, sometimes stupid and... I don't know if I should call him brave or stubborn. Probably both. We would tell some stupid jokes and laugh at it. We sometimes argue about some stupid stuff and overall he's a nice guy to befriend with." said Alina as she has a nostalgic smile

"By any chance, do you have a crush on him. Cause to me, that sounds like you have a crush on him," said Leo bluntly

"What! A crush on him? No way, we're just friends and that's it! Don't make some stupid assumptions you idiot!" said Alina

"Yup. You obviously have a crush on him, alright. You're just too stubborn to admit it. Hell, he may be having the same feeling. Look just tell him that you love him and have a nice life with each other. Maybe even getting married and having kids." said Leo

"Me and Jones together... no... no that's not possible. There's no way he would love me. Although, now that I think about it... recently I did have some weird feelings for him and he stares at me lots of times. Maybe... no Alina no! What are you thinking, of course, he just view me as a friend!" muttered Alina

"Oh, this poor girl. She really doesn't even know that she has a crush on him. *Sigh* honestly, it's not my problem so why do I even bother to care." thought Leo

"Anyway, we're almost at the warehouse. Get ready," said Leo as he landed on the ground

"Hell yeah! I got here first! Now he's gonna have to pay-" said Leo only for him to stop as he saw The Captain sitting on a big rock

"...Oh. Nevermind. You already got here before me." said Leo

"Well, it's your win this time. Next time, I'm gonna win! You hear me!" said Leo

Unbeknownst to him, The Captain is silently enjoying this moment.

"Uhh, are you gonna let go of me now?" questioned Alina

"Oh right, I almost forgot about you," said Leo as he dropped onto the ground

"Ow! Watch it will you!" complained Alina as she got up from the ground

"Anyway, you remember the plan, right?" questioned Leo

"Yeah. I go in there and you guys follow behind," said Alina

"Once we're in there, you distract them and we'll find your family. Are you ready to go in there?" questioned Leo

"Yes. Let's get this started," said Alina as she started going to the warehouse

"Alright, you do that. We'll follow you behind. But first, Hans and I got something to discuss." said Leo

Inside warehouse 70

3rd Pov

"Hey, Boss! There's someone with a cloak coming towards the warehouse! What should we do?!" said a guy

"Heh, looks like she finally came. Took her long enough. Let her in boys! Don't worry let's just say that she's a guest!" said the boss of their group

After a few minutes later, Alina got inside the warehouse. She looks around the area to see lots of people doing some work.

"So, you finally came, eh? Here I thought you either chickened out or forgotten. Either way, it doesn't matter as long as you brought the money." said the boss

"Before I give you the money, I want to make sure that you're not lying. I want to see my family if they're here or not," said Alina

"Oh, don't worry about your family. You'll see them alright. Just give me the money and I'll let your family go." said the boss

Before Alina could even speak, something big came crashing down from the roof of the warehouse.


3 person was unfortunate enough to get hit and die from the impact.

"Holy shit! What the fuck just happened?!" shouted a guy

"*Cough* *Cough* I can't see shit in here." said another guy as he wipes away the dust

Before anyone could react, a certain green-haired teenager jumps down from the hole in the roof and uses his wires to control everyone except Alina.

"Hey! What the hell! Why can't I move?!" shouted the boss as he tries to move his body

"Hehehehe, now die," said Leo as he moves both of his hands

Before anyone could react again, all of the people except for Alina got their body split in half. Blood started pouring out of their bodies. Some of the blood got splattered on Alina's cheek

[ Ding! You have killed a goon! Gained 650 SP and 300 EXP!]

[ Ding! You have killed a goon! Gained 650 SP and 300 EXP!]

[ Ding! You have killed a goon! Gained 650 SP and 300 EXP]

[ Ding! You have killed a goon! Gained 650 SP and 300 EXP]

[ Ding! You have killed a goon! Gained 650 SP and 300 EXP]

[ Ding! You have killed...

"Alright. Mission complete!" said Leo as he retracts back his wire

"W-w-what the-" said Alina as she falls down in fright and looks at the body in front of her.

She covered her mouth in shock and looks ready to vomit at any time. She forcefully swallowed her vomit and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Hans. You can get up now," said Leo as he saw The Captain gets up from the ground

"You know, I'll give that a 7 out of 10. There's no style to your landing and in my opinion, it doesn't look awesome," said Leo


"Change of plans. Killing everyone in here is way easier and quicker than sneaking around the warehouse trying to find your family," said Leo as he walks toward Alina

"Y-you could have just said something before! I could have actually died from that!" said Alina

"Oh, don't worry about it. Nothing bad was gonna happen to you. I already knew that you were there. That's why I told Hans to drop somewhere far away from you." said Leo

"... You know, have I ever told you that you're one crazy son of a bitch?" said Alina

"Thanks for the compliment," said Leo

"That wasn't supposed to be a compliment you, maniac! I... *Sigh* look can we just find my family so that we can get out of here. This place is starting to smell disgusting." said Alina as she covered her nose

"Sure. Follow me, I think I can feel them somewhere around this warehouse," said Leo as he uses his Observation Haki.

"Here it is. I can feel them right over here," said Leo as he found a trap door and tries to open it

"Of course, it's locked. Alina, I want you to back up a bit. Hans, if you would..." said Leo as he saw The Captain lift the trap door and throws it away

"Alright, let's go in. Come on, Alina. Stop gawking at Hans strength and let's go." said Leo as he and Hans go underground

"... I swear to God, these people are gonna be the death of me. Seriously, what kind of bounty hunter did I hire?" said Alina as she follows Leo


3rd Pov

As they go down to the basement, Leo was able to sense even more people in the basement. They were walking down a corridor until they stop at a door.

"Okay guys... and girl. Once we open the door, get ready to attack. They might still be some guards down here. Alina, I want you to stay back. It's about to get messy again." said Leo

"Alright, let's go!" said Leo as he opens the door

Once they got inside, they see a jail cell full of people. Surprisingly enough, there were no guards in the room.

"Okay... this is suspiciously weird. Either the guards are late for work, lazy or they got killed upstairs. Either way, I'm not gonna complain." said Leo

"Alina go find your family. Hans and I will explore this room a bit more," said Leo

"Okay. You better not do anything that can kill us again," said Alina as she started searching through the cell

After a few seconds later, Alina was able to find her family in the cell. Their clothes are dirty and ripped up.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up! It's me, Alina!" said Alina as she tries to wake her parents up.

Slowly but surely, her family except for her little brother is starting to wake up from their sleep.

"A-Alina, is that you?" said her father

"Yes, it's me dad!" said Alina

"Alina! What are you doing in here! You should go before the guards come in and capture you!" said Alina's mother

"What?! No, mom! I'm here to save you guys! Look, I'll explain everything once we get out of here." said Alina

"All right, I'm done with my search. Oh and let me guess, these are your parents?" said Leo

"Yes. Can you please open the door," said Alina

"Hey! Hold on a second, let us out too! I want to be free from this cell!" said a guy as he holds the cell bar

"Yeah! Don't forget about us! We're in this cell too, you know!" said a woman

"Okay, okay, calm down you people. I'll get you guys out of here. Just let me start opening this door." said Leo as he started lock picking the door

"Hurry up, will ya! We're running out of time!" said a guy

"Just a second.... and we're done," said Leo as he opens the door

"Alright, you people can get-" said Leo as he got interrupted by everyone rushing out of the cell while screaming 'I'm free'

"Jeez, talk about rude. No thanks or compliment," said Leo as he saw them rushes out through the door

After that, Alina's family started to get up from the ground. Alina's mother picked up Alina's little brother who is still sleeping while her father tries to get up.

"Don't worry dad, I got you," said Alina as she helps her father get up

"Alright everyone, grab everything that you have and let's get out of here right now," said Leo as he and the others started to get back up top


After a few minutes later, they finally got back up to the warehouse.

"Okay, dad. Rest here for a bit and don't try to move a lot," said Alina as she rests her father beside a crate

"What happened to your leg, dad? What kind of torture did they put you guys through?" said Alina as she looks at her father's leg

"*Huff* *Huff* Nothing bad happened to your mother and little brother. *Huff* I *Huff* I told them that they can do anything to me as long as they don't touch or hurt my family," said Alina's father

"Dad, you idiot! Do you know how worried I was about you! They could have killed you, you know!" said Alina

"I *Huff* don't care what happens to me. As long as my family is safe and happy then I can die happily," said Alina's father

"Dad..." said Alina

"Okay, okay, sorry to bother your little drama here but Alina, you didn't forget about our deal right?" said Leo

"Of course I didn't forget about our deal. Hold on a second, it should be somewhere in my pockets," said Alina as she searches her pockets

"Alina, what's the meaning of this? What deal did you make with this guy," said Alina's father

"Well, Mr Alina's father, she and I made a little deal this morning. Her deal is that if I save you guys then I get 89 Million Beri," said Leo

"What?! That's outrageous?! 89 Million Beri is too much!" said Alina's father

"Hey, is that or it's 100 Million. Honestly, you should be thankful that I lowered the price. Plus, you guys are noble so 89 Million shouldn't be that much." said Leo

"Either way, I thank you for saving us. If it weren't for you then we would have died in there. From the looks of it, I highly doubt that they'll let us go," said Alina's mother

"Don't take this the wrong way, miss. The only reason as to why I save you guys is because of the money. Nothing more, nothing less." said Leo

"Found it. Here's your money, Leo," said Alina as she gave Leo a sack full of money

"Pleasure doing business with you," said Leo as he takes the money

[Ding! You have completed a quest!]


Save Alina's family

Rewards: 35 Million SP, 20 Stat points, a new skill.

[Ding! You have gained a new skill!]


Desc: Now you have a little minimap on the top right of your screen.

"Nice! This is gonna be a very useful skill in the future." thought Leo

"Now if you'll excuse us, we will be going now. It's unfortunate that we weren't able to test out our secret little weapon. I was even excited for it," said Leo as he and The Captain started walking away

"Hey! What the fuck happened in here?!" shouted a guy with a beanie at the front entrance of the warehouse

"Oh? Guess I missed one of them," said Leo

"So, we got ourselves some intruders, huh? Well, I'll be, never thought that the bitch has the guts to call in some mercenary." said the guy

"Okay there dude, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. You can let us go and forget all of this ever happened or I can kill you and be done with it," said Leo

"Heh, no way in hell am I gonna run." said the guy as he grabs a needle from his pocket

"The boss said that if shit come to shove then I'm gonna have to use this. I imagined that this thing can give me the power to kill you guys." said the guy as he injected the needle

"Pfft, you think some drug that you injected is gonna kill us? Bitch please, you're nothing but cannon fodder." laughed Leo

"Oh, we'll see about that..." said the guy as his voice started getting a bit deeper

His body then started to grow bigger and his skin started turning grey. His clothes and pants got ripped apart and his teeth started growing sharper. After a few seconds later, he got up from the ground and open his eyes revealing it to be yellow slit eyes. His body has grown way bigger and bulkier than The Captain and the only clothes that are left are his boxer. His body has also turned grey and his fist also has a bit of claw coming out of it.


[Warning! Warning! A boss battle has been started!]

Boss Battle!

The Grey Monster










"A boss battle?! This dude became a fucking boss just by injecting something in his body?!" thought Leo

"Alright, I'll give you a point for the entrance. Alright, Hans, you know what to do," said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"Alina, you and your family should get out right now. We'll distract them for you," said Leo as he equips Casull and Jackal

"A-Are you telling me that you guys are gonna fight that monster?! Both of you are gonna die?!" said Alina

"Don't worry about us, worry about yourselves first. Plus, it's been a long time since I had a decent fight," said Leo with a maniacal grin on his face

"O-okay! You better not die from this! You hear me!" said Alina as she picks up her father and runs away with her family

"Heh, well then, mgah'ehye's r'luh mgah'n'ghft uaaah( let the magic show begin.)" said Leo in R'lyehian language

The Captain turns toward Leo and gave him the 'What the fuck was that' look.

"Oh, uh... that was a language that I've been wanting to use. I thought that it would look cool. Anyway, just ignore what I said." said Leo

"RAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH" shouted the monster as or started rushing towards them

Both of them dodges the attack effortlessly and the monster ram into a wall.

"Okay, here's the plan. I'll distract him for a bit and you use our little secret weapon. At first, I wanted to test it out on this building but it appears that this would be a great time to use it on a moving beast." said Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

The monster then gets out of the wall and started charging towards them again. Both of them dodges again and Leo finally started to attack the monster.

Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang!

-5600 Damage!

-6000 Damage!

-5890 Damage!

Critical! -7890 Damage!

-5400 Damage!

-6190 Damage!

The monster staggers back a bit and Hans started to open the weapon case on his back. He opens it and grabs a rocket launcher that has been modified and upgraded. He aims and charges the rocket launcher towards the monster

"Observe." thought Leo

The Grey Monster










"I'm doing some good damage but it's still not enough. The problem right now is that Hans needs to aim the rocket launcher towards that monster. With this thing moving so much it's gonna be hard for him to aim. I'm gonna have to stall this thing long enough." thought Leo

"Hey! You bitch ass monster! Is that everything you got? Cause that was one of the worst moves I have ever seen. Hell, dare I say that I was wrong about this fight being decent. Oh wait, I already did!" provoked Leo

"RAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH" roared the monster as it immediately gets back up and charges towards Leo

Once he got close, it started trying to punch Leo left and right. However, Leo was able to effortlessly dodge the attack. The monster then clasps his hands and tries to smash Leo. Again, Leo dodges the attack.

This goes on for a while until Leo saw the rocket launcher charged fully.

"Perfect. Now I just gotta trap him in my wires and Hans can aim at that monster." thought Leo

"Heh, now I see. I guess I was wrong about you. Your not an amateur fighter. No, you're the worst fighter that I have ever seen in my entire life." provoke Leo

Provoked by this, the monster then roars at Leo and tries to grab him. Before that could happen, Leo immediately uses his wire to stop the monster.

"Hook, line and sinker!" thought Leo

"Now, Hans! Aim and shoot at the monster right now!" shouted Leo

Hans then pulls the trigger and the rocket launcher fires a large rocket towards the monster. The monster got hit by the rocket and unfortunately for Leo, he got sent back flying a bit due to being near him. Oh and he also suffers from hearing problem



"Shit! That actually kinda hurts! Oh fuck, I can't hear shit right now. All I'm hearing is static. Here I thought I got used to this but apparently, I haven't yet. At least the thing is dead now... right?" said Leo as he gets up from the ground

[ Warning! The Boss has activated Madness Enhancement!]

"What?! Madness Enchantment?! What the fuck?!" thought Leo

Out from the smoke, the monster charges towards Leo. Leo surprised by this, was barely able to dodge the attack.

The monster now fully seen now has red cracks all over its body. His claws have grown longer and its body somehow grew a bit bigger.

"Holy fucking shit... Observe?" thought Leo

The Grey Monster










"RAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" roared the monster as his voice somehow grew even deeper than before

"Hans! Quickly, reload the rocket! Don't worry about me I can still fight! I'll distract him a bit more!" shouted Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head and reloads the rocket launcher

"RAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!" roared the monster as it charges towards Leo again

This time ready, Leo was able to dodge the monster again.

"Alright, big guy. Round 2 it is. This time around let's try using some magic. More specifically as I like to call it, elemental bullets," said Leo as he reloads both his gun with fire magic

"Agilao Shot!" thought Leo as he shoots the monster



Resist! -1350 Damage!

Resist! -1200 Damage!

"Nope. That didn't work. If anything, it made him angrier." said Leo

"RAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH" roared the monster as it charged towards him again

The monster jumps forward and tries to grab Leo. He was able to dodge the attack.

"Alright. Why don't we try another one? Maybe, ice? That seems logical." thought Leo as he changes his bullet

"Bufula Shot!" thought Leo as he shoots the monster again



Resist! -1200 Damage!

Resist! -1250 Damage!

"No? Damn, this thing is tough. Alright, how about some nuclear bullets. Let's see if you can resist this." thought Leo as he changes his bullet

The monster gets up and immediately rushes towards Leo. It tried to punch him but Leo immediately uses Soru to get behind the monster.

"Alright! Eat these then you monster!" said Leo

"Friela Shot!" thought Leo as he shoots at the monster



Effective! -5600 Damage!

Effective! -5700 Damage!

"Well, guess that did something. But it still not tired?! Damn, for having a low Endurance, this thing is tough." thought Leo

"RAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH" roared the monster as it started punching the ground very hard to the point where the whole warehouse is shaking

"Woah! Woah!" said Leo as he almost trips

Hans on the other hand trips and accidentally shoots the rocket at a bunch of crates.

"Dammit! This thing is a bit tough. I can't transform cause that would take longer. I'm gonna have to figure out a new plan." thought Leo

"Hmmm, Oh! I know! Maybe if I use my rocket launcher and enhance it with a Nuke Elemental then I can finally kill it! Yeah, that would work!" thought Leo

"Hey, Hans! Change of plans! This time you'll be the one to distract him while I use the rocket launcher and shoot him! You think you can do that!" shouted Leo as he saw The Captain nods his head

"Good! I'll be counting on you!" said Leo as he saw The Captain uses Soru

Leo then uses Soru and grabs the rocket launcher that is on the ground. He then aims the rocket launcher towards the monster.

"Shit! I need ammo! Where the hell is the weapon case at!" said Leo as he looks around trying to find the weapon case

While this was happening, The Captain is distracting the monster by fighting it head-on. The monster punches the Captain and he blocked it by using Tekkai.

"RAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!" roared the monster as it started rapidly punch The Captain

The Captain still blocking the attack got pushed back a bit. The Captain then retaliates back by uppercutting its face. The monster staggers back and The Captain took this advantage to push him back by punching him rapidly.

"Aha! Found it!" said Leo as he reaches for the weapon case.

Leo immediately reloads the rocket launcher and aims it at the monster.

"RAAAAAGGGGHHHH" roared the monster as it tried to grab The Captain

The Captain dodges the attack and immediately climbs on top of the monster's back. He then started to put the monster in a chokehold. The monster tries to shake him off but The Captain still holds onto it.

"Alright, you monster bitch. Stay there and let me kill you. All it takes is one shot." whispered Leo as he tries to aim for the monster

After a few seconds, The Captain grabs the monster head, get off of it and slams it right into the ground. The monster tries to get up but before it could do that, The Captain grabs the monster from behind and spins it around. After that, he throws the monster away and it got sent flying to a bunch of crates. The Captain looks at Leo and nods his head.

"Okay! Let it rip!" said Leo as he finally was able to aim at the monster

The monster then gets up from the ground and roars into the air

"Friela Shot!" thought Leo as he coats the rocket launcher with Armament Haki and pulls the trigger

Just like last time, the rocket launcher fires a large rocket towards the monster. The rocket hits the monster directly into its chest


Effective! Critical! -110,070 Damage!

After that, the smoke around the monster started to dissipate. The top half of the monster's body got destroyed. The only thing that remains is the bottom half of the monster. The leg of the monster then falls down onto the ground

[Ding! You have killed a Boss! You have gained 120,000 EXP, 50 Stats Points, 35 Million SP, a Devil Fruit and 2 new items!]

[Ding! You have levelled up!]

"Phew. Finally, that thing is dead," said Leo as he slumps down

"It's thankful that we brought this rocket launcher. I've been actually meaning to test this weapon out since I've modified and upgraded it. Took me almost a week just to upgrade and modify this weapon but it was worth it." said Leo as he inspected the rocket launcher

"Hmm, I never really did give it a name. How about... The Anti-Nemesis. Yeah, that sounds good. The Anti-Nemesis it is." said Leo

[Ding! Rocket launcher has been renamed to The Anti-Nemesis!]

"On the plus side, at least I got 2 new items, a devil fruit and I levelled up. Let me see my stats for a bit," said Leo as he checks his stats

Name=Leo The 'Famed Bounty Hunter'


Alignment=Neutral Chaotic

Level=38( 450,000 Exp for next level)










Stat Points: 275

"Hmm, that's a lot of Stat Points but for now I'll save it for later." thought Leo as he walks towards the monster's body

"Gotta say though, this thing was a bit of a challenge. Heh, here I thought that East Blue was the weakest," said Leo

"In all seriousness, what the hell was that? He just injected some sort of liquid in his body and transform into whatever the hell this thing is," said Leo as he checks the body

"Whatever it is, there's definitely something big going on here. As far as I know, this definitely wasn't part of the canon. So it's either 1) the canon is changing or 2) I'm in an alternate universe." said Leo

"Oh! What's do we have over here?" said Leo as he picks up a book from the monster's pocket

"It's this dude's diary. I'll check it out when we return back to The Jackdaw. Right now, we gotta get out of here. Marines will be coming here soon enough. I mean come on, they're not that deaf and stupid to not notice this message," said Leo as he puts the book in his inventory

"Oh, almost forgot. Gotta get rid of the evidence," said Leo

"Mabufula!" chanted Leo

All of the dead bodies including the monster got encased in ice and shatters into millions of pieces.

"Hey, Hans! Grab the weapon case and let's get out of here!" shouted Leo as he saw The Captain grabs the weapon case on the ground

After that, both of them immediately gets out of the warehouse with Leo still holding the rocket launcher. They ran as fast as they can going back to The Jackdaw.