The next day

The captain's cabin

3rd Pov

Inside the captain's cabin, they were 6 people standing around a large table in the middle of the room. On the table, there is a large map of East Blue, a book and a cup of coffee.

"Alright, it looks like everyone is here. Now we can finally start our meeting," said Leo as he took off his jacket

"So captain, what's this meeting about? I presume that it's something important," said Kuro as he fixes his glasses

"Well, it's regarding this book right here," said Leo as he picks up the book from the table

"Now you may be thinking, 'a book? What's so important about a book?' Well, let me tell you, this book right here is really important." said Leo

"Before that, let me explain what happened last night just to get a better understanding of this. To put it short, Hans and I help a girl by the name of Alina to save her family that got kidnapped. We went to Warehouse 70 and we were able to save her family. That is until a guy came to the warehouse and inject some sort of drug. He literally turns into a monster and we fought it." said Leo

"After we fought the monster, I started inspecting and searching for the body. What I found is this book right here. Apparently, it's this guys diary. This morning, I read this diary and let me tell you, there's something interesting going on." said Leo as he flips the book

"Alright, so what did the guy write on his diary?" questioned Cole

"Apparently, the guy injected himself with a virus call the Monstrum Virus," said Leo

"Sorry to interrupt your explanation captain but I got a question to ask about the virus," said Alex

"What is it?" questioned Leo

"What does the Monstrum Virus do to you if you consume it? I'm quite curious to know about this new virus that you discover. By any chance, does it have the same power as the Blacklight Virus?" said Alex

"No. It's not the same as the Blacklight Virus. After reading this diary, it said that after you inject or consume the virus, it apparently makes the user grow stronger and bigger. However, in doing so, you would lose your sanity and you would become nothing but a mindless beast that attacks everything it sees." said Leo

"Anyway, back to what I was saying. I also found out that there's an island where the Monstrum Virus came from. That island is pretty much the source of the so-called Monstrum Virus. Luckily for us, I found a map of the island. Here take a look" said Leo as he shows the map to everyone

"I found this map while we were exploring the basement. Seriously, how dumb are they to leave something important on a table?" said Leo as he picks up the cup of coffee and drinks it

"Goddammit Kuro, not again! You poisoned my goddamn coffee again! I told you before and I told you again, that trick won't work on me!" said Leo a bit annoyed

Poison resistance( Level 49)

Desc: Now you are 49% resist to poison.

"Heh, oh I'm sorry captain, I must have accidentally put some rat poison while making your coffee. How clumsy of me," said Kuro with a little smug on his face

"You're enjoying this, aren't you? Well, I hope you enjoy cleaning the whole ship for a week cause that will be your punishment. Don't get me wrong, this plan was good but at this point at least try making it not so obvious next time." said Leo

"Worth it," whispered Kuro

"Damn it, this was a good coffee too. *Sigh* now I gotta make another one. Next time, I'm gonna recruit a chef." murmured Leo as he puts the coffee on the table

"It happened again, huh. This is the 5th time this month," said Alex with a monotone voice

"Sheesh, you would have thought that this charade would have ended a long time ago. I guess it's still going. Talk about a crazy crew that I join." said Cole as he shakes his head

"Honestly, at this point, it's literally part of our life. Everything crazy is normal around here," said Kuina

"Okay, jokes aside. Do you know where the island is located at?" questioned Cole

"Hmm, hold on let me check, I haven't really finished reading this guy diary," said Leo as he flips the page of the diary

"Okay, it says here that it's somewhere south-east of Adventurers Island. It also says that the weather there is terrible and it's a bit hazy," said Leo as he shuts the book

"Guys, you know what we're doing?" said Leo with a grin on his face

"Oh I know that sound," said Cole

"And I know that face," said Kuina

"Oh yeah, we're gonna go on another adventure!" said Leo excitedly

"Of course, he would say that," said Kuina

"But captain, what about the bounty that we're gonna do? Are we just gonna abandoned them?" questioned Cole

"For now, we'll postpone it. We can do that anytime we want. For now, we got an island to explore. That's way more important than just some dumb bounty." said Leo

"So captain, are we done with this meeting? I got some things that I need to do?" said Alex

"Yup! That's pretty much it. Oh! I almost forgot something! Hey Kuro, here's your weapon back." said Leo as he gives Kuro's weapon back

Gauntlet Claws

2000-3500 Damage

Desc: It is a pair of black gauntlets with long sharp claws.

"I upgraded and modified your claws a bit. The claws are now sharper and durable enough to not get broken so easily. You can also retract it anytime you want. To finish it all off, I change the cat gloves into a gauntlet. Don't ask how I did it. Anyway, why don't you try it on?" said Leo as he saw Kuro puts on the weapons

"Hmm, it's a bit heavy but I can get used to that. I gotta say, captain, as much as I hate to admit it but you did a good job on upgrading my claws," said Kuro

"Wow! For once, Kuro is complimenting captain? That's quite a surprise. I never thought I'd hear or see that happening." said Kuina sounded genuinely surprised

"Heh, don't get your hopes up. It's just a stupid compliment. I'll admit he is good at making weapons but I'd still view him as nothing but an arrogant asshole." said Kuro

"Nevermind, false alarm people. He returns back to normal," said Kuina

"Okay Hans, I also got a weapon for you. Here, take a look," said Leo as he gives a weapon to Hans

Wolf Claws

4000-5000 Damage

Desc: It is a pair of red gauntlets with sharp claws. It also has a wolf face insignia that glows whenever using its abilities.

Requirement: 3000 Strength, 3000 Endurance


1) You can completely block any attack from the enemy. However, you can only use 3 times until it recharges for a week.

2) At full moon, this gauntlet will give the user +400 Perception and you can double the damage of your attack once.


1) This gauntlet can only be used by a werewolf. If it is used by any other people then the gauntlet will be useless.

"If you're wondering, no I didn't build that weapon. Let's just say that I found them back at the warehouse," said Leo

"Actually, those are one of the rewards that I got from killing that monster.' thought Leo

"Anyway, I call them the Wolf Claws. Now that gauntlet might look like your typical weapon but trust me they're actually powerful. Why don't you try them on?" said Leo

'To be perfectly honest, that weapon is useless since only a werewolf can use it. By now, I would have sold them but since Hans is a werewolf then I'll just give it to him." thought Leo as he saw The Captain puts on the gauntlet

The Captain then moves his hand and test out his weapon by punching the air. However, by doing so he almost hit Alex Mercer

"Hey! Watch it will you! You almost hit me!" said Alex as he dodges The Captain attacks

"So, how's the weapon? I take it that you like it?" said Leo as he saw The Captain looks at his new weapon and nods his head

"Hey, Kuina? Yesterday, you said that you wanted to go buy something? What did you buy yesterday?" said Cole

"Oh, nothing much. I just bought some new boots and leather armour," said Kuina

"Alright then, with this, the meeting is over. We'll be setting sail in an hour so if you guys need to go buy something then this is the only time. After that, we'll set sail to the mysterious island." said Leo

After that, one by one everyone started to get out of the captain's cabin

[Ding! You have gained a new quest!]


Investigate and explore the mysterious island.

Reward: 70 Million Beli and 50,000 EXP

Time limit: None

Failure: None

"Huh, neat. I got a new quest." thought Leo

"Now that everyone is gone, I can now take a look at the new items I got yesterday. Now let see here..." said Leo as he opens his inventory

"Ah! There it is!" said Leo as he grabs the item


3350-4500 Damage

Desc: It is a long barrel flintlock musket with a scope.

Requirement: 3450 Perception, 2500 Strength, 3200 Endurance


1) Whenever the user locks onto a target and fires a bullet, the bullet would immediately track down their target until the target is dead. The bullet leaves a trail of blue light when fired and it can change trajectories when it misses or in mid-flight.

2) Whenever the user gets a headshot or critical damage than the bullet will immediately lock onto another nearby target and continue its attack.


1) The user has to have a strong Endurance, Perception and Strength to use this gun

2) It depends on how much the user can shoot the gun. Inexperience user can only lock on and shoot 1 bullet until they are exhausted, an experienced user can shoot up to 4 bullets and mastered user can shoot as many bullets as they want to.

3) In order for the gun to work, the user has to lock onto the target for 7 seconds. If the user doesn't lock onto the target then the gun would just shoot like any other gun. However, this countdown can be decreased up to 5 seconds if the user is experienced in using this gun.

4) The user has to manually reload the gun

"Wait for a second... this gun... it looks familiar," said Leo

"I know I've seen this gun before but I just can't seem to remember where it came from," said Leo as he tries to remember

"Oh! I remember now. It was that one blue-haired vampire from Hellsing! I remember her using this gun! What was her name again?" said Leo

"Hmm, nope I completely forgot about her name, but whatever it was, I didn't forget about this gun. I remember seeing it back in Hellsing and my God this thing was awesome," said Leo

"Well, guess that means that it's time for me to recruit a sniper. So, first is recruiting chef and next is a sniper or the other way around," said Leo

"Now let's see the devil fruit. Hopefully, it's something good," said Leo as he grabs the devil fruit from his inventory

Bijon Bijon No Mi ( Vision Vision fruit )

Desc: It is a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows the user to see anything and everything, including points in time. It also highly increases the person's Perception


1) If the user looks too far into the future or past, the user suffers from migraines, extreme headaches and if long enough, bleeding from the eye. However, if the user uses the Devil Fruit too much then the user may suffer from permanent blindness

2) If the user is blind then the Devil Fruit is useless.

3) An inexperienced user can only see some part of the future and the past. In order for the user to see the future and past clearly, the user has to train their mental strength.

4) Like any other Devil Fruit, the user is weak to seawater.

"Huh, so if anyone eats this Devil Fruit then they become Merlin. Yeah, this Devil Fruit is too valuable to sell. I'm just gonna put this back in my inventory and I'm gonna give this to one of my crew in the future." said Leo as he puts the Devil Fruit back

"Now with that out of the way..." said Leo as he takes out Casull and Jackal

"It's time to combine you two with Kanshou and Bakuya. This is so gonna be great," said Leo with a grin on his face

2 Days later

Somewhere in the sea

3rd Pov

On the middle of the sea, a ship can be seen sailing towards an island.

"Hey, captain! It looks like we finally found the island!" shouted Cole as he uses a spyglass

"Really now?! Where is it at!" shouted Leo

"Just straight ahead, captain!" shouted Cole

"Alright, then full speed ahead," said Leo as he starts controlling The Jackdaw

"I wonder what kind of Island we're gonna explore this time," said Kuina as she wears the same outfit as last time only this time she doesn't wear her jacket

Cole jumps down from the ship's mast and uses his electricity to levitate down.

"Oh? Training again?" said Cole as he landed next to Kuina

"Yeah. I just got done training," said Kuina as she wipes the sweat of off her forehead

"So, what do you think we're gonna see this time around?" questioned Kuina

"I don't know. But whatever it is, I just hope that it's not gonna be as bad as that Rare Animals island," said Cole

"Why? What's so bad about that island?" questioned Kuina

"What's so bad about it?! Damn animals always attack and push me into the sea! Do you have any idea how hard it was to swim back to the island? I could have gotten killed! Hell I think I might have developed a sea phobia now." said Cole

"That's because you were scaring them. You showed them their power and tried to threaten them, of course, they'd be scared," said Kuina

"Pfft, of course, you would say that. That's because of the animals like you. Plus, I was just joking, I wasn't actually gonna roast and eat them." said Cole

"Hmm, I wonder..." said Alex Mercer as he walks beside Cole

"What is it, Alex? Got something in mind?" said Cole

"Well, it's about the virus. I wonder what does is it look like and how powerful is it?" said Alex

"Why? Is it because this is the first time that you encounter another virus like you?" said Kuina

"Yes. I'm quite curious about this virus appearance. Like how did it appear in the first place or how come no one knows about this virus yet or better yet, what are the people behind all this gonna do with the virus So many questions yet there are still no answers." said Alex

"Oh well, guess we're gonna have to find out once we reach the island," said Alex Mercer

"Guys! We're almost at the island! Grab your equipment and get ready!" said Leo

"Guess I'll go grab my stuff. So see you guys in a minute," said Kuina as she goes to grab her stuff

"Yeah, I'm gonna go grab my weapon. What about you, Alex?" questioned Cole

"I'll just stay here and get ready. You just go do your thing," said Alex

"Okay, if you say so," said Cole as he goes to grab his weapon

At the Beach

3rd Pov

Leo docked The Jackdaw near the beach. Once the ship has been docked, everyone except The Captain gets out of the ship.

"Alright, guys! Are you ready for another adventure!" said Leo excitedly as he has a massive grin on his face

"Jeez, captain. Do you have to do that every time we arrive at another island?" said Cole

"Sorry but I just can't help myself, you know. It's an unknown island and we know nothing but shit about it. Of course, its gonna be exciting!" said Leo

"Not really. As a matter of fact, I'm more cautious about this island. If what you said is true then we're gonna have to be careful. Since this island is the source of the so-called Monstrum Virus then that would mean that this virus would have infected animals and plants alike. If there's a village in here then the virus would have most likely infected some if not all of the people," said Kuro as he fixes his glasses

"Then that would make this adventure even more exciting. Just think of all the new things that we're gonna see," said Leo

"Yeah but captain, I think what Kuro is trying to say right now is that we should be more cautious of our own surrounding. Who knows what type of monsters that we're gonna face," said Kuina

"Eh, fair enough, I guess. This island is probably gonna be filled with nothing monsters," said Leo as he finally calms down

"Alright, enough talking. Let's get going. There's a forest right over there." said Leo

"Wait for a second, captain. Where the hell is Hans?" questioned Cole

"Oh, he'll be guarding the ship while we explore this island," answered Leo

"Umm, won't he feel a bit lonely guarding the ship?" questioned Cole

"Well someone gonna watch over The Jackdaw. It's either that or someone is gonna stay here and guard the ship with him. Plus, he did say... I mean wrote that he is tired and wanted to sleep." said Leo

"Anyway, we're wasting our time right now. Less talking and more action," said Leo as he and the others started going inside the forest

A few minutes later

Inside the forest

"Man, this forest is hazy. I can barely see anything in here," said Cole

"Well, the guy did say that this island is a bit hazy," said Alex

"Yeah, I know. But I didn't think that it would be this bad," said Cole

"Hey guys, is me or do you feel like something is watching us right now?" said Kuina as she tries to look around the area

Suddenly, Cole immediately stops walking.

"Hey, Cole. What's the hold-up? Why did you stop all of a sudden?" said Kuina

"We're not alone in here," said Cole as he slowly grabs his weapon

"Yeah, I can feel something fast coming towards us," said Leo as he started getting cautious

"Everyone, be on guard! Something is about to come!" said Leo as everyone immediately grabs their weapon and gets ready to attack

A few moments later, several weird creatures suddenly jump towards the group and try to attack them. Everyone dodged the attack and they immediately look towards the creature

The creature is tall and stands at around 215 centimetres. It has a thin body that shows little muscle mass and the creature body is grey. Its face is deformed and its eyes are black. Its leg and arms are long and it has very sharp long claws. It has no signs of any hair.

"Observe." thought Leo

Deformed Monsters


Alignment= Chaotic










"It looks like all of the monsters have the same levels and stats." thought Leo as he looked around the area to see more monster coming out of the fog

"Everyone, get back! I'm about to do something big here!" said Leo

"Magarula!" chanted Leo

Suddenly the air around the area got stronger and the fog is starting to fade away. The monster got blown back by the force of the wind. The group, on the other hand, are struggling to not get blown back and some of them almost fail to do that.

After a few seconds later, the wind finally subsided. Leo and the others were able to see the whole area very clearly.

"Well then, that was a breeze," said Cole as he dusts his clothes

"So captain looks like Kuro was right about monsters being here. Your orders?" questioned Alex

"Isn't it obvious? We do what we usually do, we fight our way through these monsters," said Leo with a grin on his face

"Alright, guys! Show them what you can do! Show them the power and training that you'd been doing until now!" commanded Leo

"Heh, you don't have to tell me twice, captain," said Kuro with a grin on his face as he retracts his claws

"What are you gonna do, captain? Are you gonna fight with us?" said Kuina as she unsheaths her sword

"I'll be in the sideline backing you guys up. You guys focus on the target. There are at least 15 of these bastards right in front of you." said Leo

"Right!" shouted the whole crew

"RRAHHHHHHHHHHHH" shouted one of the monsters as it and the other monster started rushing towards them

"Here they come!" shouted Leo

The group except for Leo also started rushing towards the monsters. Cole being the first one hits the monster in the face with his weapon which is The Amp.

The monster staggers back and another monster tried to slash him with its claws. Cole dodges the attack and shoots multiple bolts right out of his hands. The monster staggers back and he immediately rushes in and attacks the monster multiple time with his weapon.

"Observe." thought Leo

Name=Cole Macgrath

Age= 27

Alignment=Neutral Chaotic







Inteligent=3100( By the way just don't trust this one at all. Most of the times I would get it wrong.)



"Cole Macgrath. He has pretty average stats and is one of the versatile people in my crew. Lately, he has been showing some good progress in using and obtaining back his power. To top it all off, he is able to learn and unlock his powers from both his good side and evil side." thought Leo

"The only flaws that he has is that he's pretty weak to water and has limited use of his powers. Thankfully, he learned the skill called Bio leech." thought Leo

Cole then jumps onto the monster, spins around mid-air and smashes his weapon right on its face. The monster immediately drops down dead after the finishing move that Cole did

Another monster tried to attack Cole from behind but before it could do that, Kuina immediately comes to his aid and block the attack.

"Woah! Didn't see that one coming. Thanks for the backup." said Cole as he starts rushing towards another monster

Kuina just nods silently and immediately retaliates back. She started slashing the monster left and right and the monster tries to retaliate back. Another monster roars and tries to attack Kuina from the back. Just as the monster got close to her, she immediately dodges the attack. The monster then collides with each other making them falling to the ground.

Kuina using this as an opportunity immediately uses Soru. Just as the monsters get up, she immediately decapitated their head and both of them falls back onto the ground this time dead.

"Observe." thought Leo

Name=Kuina Koushirou












"Kuina. Her stats are also average. However, for the past 6 years, she has improved a lot since then. Not only did she improve a lot, but she also has learned 3 of the 6 Rokushiki technique. Guess all that training was really worth it." thought Leo

Kuro and Alex Mercer, on the other hand, are honestly doing just fine. Alex Mercer just kept on dodging and slashing the monster by transforming his hand into a giant sharp blade. Kuro just kept on blocking the monster claws and attacking them back.

"Observe." thought Leo

Name=Alex Mercer


Alignment=Neutral Chaotic












Alignment=Neutral Chaotic










"Alex Mercer. He's essentially the doctor of our crew. Cold, merciless and always gets the job done. Has some very high stats especially his Intelligence. Although, for some reason, he's pretty much gotten too curious about this world. Then again, this isn't really Alex Mercer since this is just a clone. Actually, as far as I know, Alex Mercer is already dead at the start of the game and this is just virus taking control... I think?" thought Leo

"Anyway, next up is Kuro. The strategist of our crew. He's quite arrogant and always look down on others. However, he's pretty much the fastest person on our crew and is an excellent strategist. Even though in the canon it took him 3 years just to complete his plan until a certain straw hat stop him. He like everyone else in the crew also learned Rokushiki." thought Leo

"Heh, these things are supposed to be monsters? What a joke. Let me show you what a real monster looks like." said Alex Mercer as he switches his blades to claws.

"Well then, you abomination have been nothing but a bunch of nuisance to all of us. Why don't you all just drop down and die already?" said Kuro as he started swaying back and forth

"Oh shit, be careful everyone! Kuro is about to use that attack again!" shouted Leo

Once everyone heard this, they Immediately started backing away by climbing and sitting on the branch of a tree.

"Shakushi! ( Scoop Death)" said Kuro as he suddenly disappears

After a few moments later, all of the monsters started having claw marks all over its body. One by one, all of the monster started to die by decapitation with some of it losing an arm or a leg. After that, the whole area is filled with nothing but dead bodies and Kuro appears out of thin air

"Now that was easy." said Kuro as he retracts back his claws arm fix his glasses

"Holy fuck, talk about a massacre," said Cole as he is sitting on a tree

"You tell me, now why don't we get off this tree and investigate what's really going on," said Leo as everyone started jumping off the tree

"So Kuro, have you gotten used to using that move yet?" questioned Leo

"Why yes, captain. You could say that I can now finally, see what I'm about to attack now. Thanks for teaching me the Rokushiki technique. Maybe now I can finally kill you." said Kuro

"Hahahahaha, you can try. But it's gonna take you more than that to just kill me," said Leo

"Guys, this is not the time right now. Why don't we investigate the body first and then you guys can do your dick-measuring contest or whatever it is," said Kuina

"Guess we'll talk later," said Leo as he and the others started to walk towards one of the bodies

"So... what are we actually looking at," said Cole as they stare at the body

"Hmm, these monsters... it looked like these monsters were once humans before they turn into this thing," said Alex Mercer as he crouches down and checks the body

"Well, that's pretty obvious considering how deformed and human-like they look," said Cole

"But here's the thing, look at the blood. Its colour is black," said Alex Mercer

"Hold on Alex, let me just..." said Leo as he goes to Shop and buys a test tube.

"Here you go, Alex," said Leo as he gives the item to Alex

"Thanks, captain," said Alex Mercer as he took the test tube

"Leo, by any chance are you sure that you don't have any Reality manipulation power? Cause at this point, you literally just brought a test tube out of thin air," said Kuina

"Nope. But what I can tell you now is that powers are far stronger than just some Reality Manipulation," said Leo

"Alright, I'm done taking the blood. Maybe now I can finally research on what's going on with this virus," said Alex Mercer as he stores the test tube in his jacket

"Alright, let's get going now guys. There's still a lot of things that we haven't explored yet on this island.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" shouted someone

They turn toward the voice and see a guy standing on a tree with a cloak, and a bow and arrow

"Don't you dare move from that spot or I'll kill you!" shouted the guy

"Is this guy serious right now?" questioned Cole

"Look, we don't want any trouble. We're just here visiting and exploring your island," said Leo

"Nice try, you scum! Don't think you can trick us that easily!" shouted the guy

"Okay seriously, what is going on right now," questioned Cole.

"Okay, you and what army?' said Leo

Just after Leo said those words, many people started coming out of the forest with makeshift spears and bows

"Huh... nevermind then. Guess that's what happens when you jinx yourself," said Leo

"You just had to say that, didn't you," said Kuina

"Hold your ground everyone!" said a woman laced with an authority voice

The woman wears a blue cloak with a brown shirt and leather pants. She wears a pair of boots and leather armour. She has long brown hair that is tied up in a ponytail and has tanned skin.

"So, you said that you are travellers right?" questioned the woman

"Yeah, that's what I just said," said Leo

"Then tell me, travellers, how did you know about this island and why did you come here?" said the woman

"Let's just say that I heard some certain rumours about this island so we got curious and wanted to check it out for ourselves," said Leo

"More like you got curious," said Kuro

"Shut up, will you," said Cole

"Alright, where's your ship at?" questioned the woman

"And why do you think we should tell you about our ship? For all I know, you people could just ransack our ship," said Leo

"If we did that then all of you would have died by now." said the woman

"Oh yeah? If you have attacked us then all of you would have also died," said Leo

The air suddenly got tense and everyone was ready to attack at any moment. This goes on for a minute until it got interrupted by the woman

"Okay, for now, I believe you. But don't think for a second that I'm gonna let my guard down just yet. All of you are still strangers to us." said the woman

"Alright everyone, weapons down! These guys are allies for now." said the woman as all of them started lowering their weapon

"Good move. Now, why don't we start this over and introduce ourselves? My name is Leo and I'm the captain of this lovely crew." said Leo

"Lovely my ass, more like a bunch of crazy people with some unrealistic dreams," said Kuro

"Names Sasha. One of the leaders for this rebel group," said Sasha

"With that out of the way, why don't you follow us back to our village. I'll explain everything back at the village," said Sasha

"Are you sure about this, leader?! Even if these people are travellers, we still know nothing about them!" said one of the guys

"Yes. I can assure you that everything is going to be fine," said Sasha

"Now, come and follow us. Try to keep up," said Sasha as she and the other started walking towards the village

"Well, you heard the lady. Let's get going guys," said Leo as he started following Sasha

"Sheesh, talk about a rude awakening. It's only been a few minutes and we're already into some deep shit," said Cole as he and the others started following Sasha