At the Forest

3rd Pov

"Captain! What the hell was that for!" said Cole as he catches up to Leo

After the whole ordeal in the office, Leo decided to go back to the Jackdaw. The others got nothing to do so they decided to stay and explore the village. However, for some odd reason, Kuina decided to follow Leo.

"What was what, Cole?" questioned Leo

"About that deal back at the office! What the hell, captain! I know I've done some pretty fucked up shits before but even I have my limits!" said Cole

"Yeah, so? What are you trying to say right now, Cole? Are you saying that what I'm doing right now isn't good?" questioned Leo

"Yes, captain! I mean look at the village right now! All of the people are starving and you're going to try and rob them!" said Cole

"Cole, I know that the villagers are starving and all that but here's the thing. I don't care," said Leo

"What?!" said Cole a bit shocked

"I don't care about what they do and how their living conditions are right now. All I care is about me, my crew and some other people that I know. Other than that, they're all nothing but strangers to me." said Leo

"Before you say anything Cole, you got to remember, the only reason as to why we came here is because of this virus and the only reason as to why I help them is because I'll get something good out of it," said Leo

"But still, can you at least try to care for their well being!" said Cole

"No. As I said before, I don't care about them. Now, if you don't have anything important to say anymore then I suggest that you move out of the way or come with me back to the ship so that we can get some supplies for this mission." said Leo

( By the way, I forgot to add this on the last chapter)

[Ding! You have completed a quest!]

Investigate and explore the mysterious island.

Reward: 70 Million Beli and 50,000 EXP

Time limit: None

Failure: None

[Ding! A new quest has been added!]

Help Abner and the villagers

Reward: 80 Million Beli, 40 Stat Points, 150,000 EXP

Time limit: None

Failure: Everyone dies and Ajax wins

"But-" said Cole only to get interrupted by Leo

"Look, I get that you want to help these people. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice thing to do but I'm not like you Cole. I'm not as heroic and selfless as you, I don't do things for free. My policy is that if you want my help then you're gonna have to give me something in return." said Leo

"Uh, guys. Not to ruin the mood or anything but is that smoke over there?" questioned Kuina as she pointed at the direction of the smoke

"Huh, that's weird. Isn't that where I docked The Jackdaw at?" said Leo





"Oh shit?! Then that means the ship is under attack right now!" shouted Leo

"Wait! Isn't Hans supposed to guard the ship? Then that means he's in danger right now!" said Cole

"Well then, what are we waiting for?! Come on, let's go there right now before things get worse!" said Kuina

Leo without saying anything immediately grow two dragon-like wings on his back

"Hey, both of you know how to use Geppo, right?" questioned Leo as he saw both of them nod their heads

"Good. Let's go and if you can try to catch up with me," said Leo

After that, he immediately uses Geppo and started flapping his wings. Both of them follow suit and started using Geppo. They started flying towards the Jackdaw as fast as they can

A few minutes later

At the Beach

Speaking about Hans, he is right now defending the ship from the deformed monsters. This time, however, the deformed monsters have a giant sword instead of long claws. They were somewhere around 20 monsters on the ship

One of the monsters tried to slash Hans but he dodges the attack and punches the monster on the head so hard that it fell off. After that, 4 of the monsters roared and rush toward him. Just as they were about to hit him, he immediately dissipated into his ghost form.

The monsters look around the area to find him but before they could do that he reforms behind them and kicks them in the abdomen. All 4 of the monsters got sent flying on the other side of the ship. Unfortunately for the monsters, they went over the wall and falls into the ocean.

He turns around and saw all of the deformed monsters looking at him with some even roaring. All of the monsters started rushing towards him again and The Captain gets ready to retaliate back. Just as one of the monsters were about to slash him, they immediately stop.

Hans confused by this backs away from the sword that is near his face and looks at the monster.

"Hey there, Hans. Sorry that we're late by the way." said a familiar voice

The Captain looks up at the sky and saw Leo flapping his wings while he uses his wires.

"Anyway, let's get rid of these monsters shall we?" said Leo as he pulls back his hands

All of the monsters suddenly got cut in half and black blood started to burst out of their bodies.

"Hey captain, wait up will you! You're going to fast!" said Cole as he glides down onto the boat

"Damn captain, I knew you were fast and all but jeez that was too fast," said Cole

"Sorry there, Cole. I was just very worried about Hans and the Jackdaw. Then again, looking at it now, I highly doubt he had any trouble killing all these monsters." said Leo

"Anyway, where is Kuina? I thought she was following behind you?" questioned Leo

"I'm down here at the beach! You guys apparently missed some monsters down here! Don't worry though, I already took care of them!" shouted Kuina

"Oh, I take back what I said. She's alright," said Leo as he started slowly descending onto the Jackdaw

"Now, let's see what kind of damage happened to the Jackdaw," said Leo as he started to inspect the ship

"Hmm, lots of holes on the ship, that's already a bad sign. The sail is torn apart, some of the cannons are broken and... where the hell is the steering wheel at?!" questioned Leo as he looks at The Captain

The Captain shrugs and points at the broken steering wheel on the ground

"Oh my god, so not only did the sails got torn up, our goddamn steering wheel is gone," said Leo

"Eh, it isn't that bad. I mean what's the worst that could happen?" said Cole

"Oh my god, Cole! I swear if something bad happens, I'm gonna-" said Leo only to get interrupted

"Uh, hey guys! Come here quickly, will you! I think something bad happened to the back of the ship!" shouted Kuina

"Oh jeez, I freaking knew it. *Sigh* Alright, come on guys, let's see just how bad the damage is this time," said Leo as he and the others hop off the Jackdaw

"So, what is it this time?" questioned Leo

"Uhh, why don't you look at it yourself. All I know is that it's bad," said Kuina as she steps away

"Alright, let's see what we got. Uh-huh...yup. You're wrong about that one. It's not bad, it's worse than I thought." said Leo

"What is it? What happened to the back of the ship?" questioned Cole

"Well, here's the thing, the rudder of the ship is goddamn broken right now," said Leo

"Oh, that's very bad," said Cole

"Bad? No this is way worse than bad. I didn't actually think that the monsters would be smart enough to break the rudder. So not only did we lose the sail and the steering wheel, but we also lost the rudder. In short, we're essentially stranded on this island." said Leo

"You can't fix this captain?" questioned Cole

"No! I don't know how to fix a ship. I only know how to navigate and steer it. Other than that, I know nothing about how to fix a ship." said Leo

"Hmm, you know all of this seems quite suspicious you know," said Kuina

"Yeah, I notice it too. Like we know that the monsters aren't smart and all but how the hell do they know where to attack the ship's weakness. Hey Hans, did anything suspicious happen when you were fighting against the monsters?" questioned Cole

The Captain then thinks a minute and he pulls outs his pen and notebook from his coat. He started to write on his notebook and after a few seconds later he hands it to Cole.

"What did he write?" questioned Kuina

"He says that when he was fighting against the monsters, all of them were scaringly coordinate and what's even scarier is that he might have seen them communicating with each other. But here's the thing after a few minutes, they just turn back to their normal self and just rush recklessly towards him," said Cole

"Huh, that is weird. If thats the case then I got two assumptions on what actually happened. The first one is that these monster can continuously and slowly adapt to the point where they developed intelligence and some resistance." said Kuina

"What about the second one?" questioned Cole

"The second one would be that Ajax has somehow found a way to control these monsters," said Leo as he interrupted Kuina's explanation

"That's what you were about to say, right?" questioned Leo

"Yes. That's what I was about to say," answered Kuina

"Right. Cause if that's the case then Ajax is either a Devil Fruit user or has the technology to control these monsters. Either way, one thing for sure is that he doesn't want us to leave this Island." said Leo

The Captain then looks at Leo with a questioning look that says 'Who's Ajax?'

"Oh right, Hans wasn't with us when we were exploring the island. Yeah, don't worry, I'll explain everything to you later," said Cole

"Yeah, right now let's get the supplies and move it to the village. Come on, let's get going," said Leo as he and others started to get back on the ship

At the village

Alex Mercer's Pov

"So, this is the place where they treat patients," said Alex as he looks to see a bunch of camps

"Alright, let's go in then. Let's see how many patients that I need to treat," thought Alex Mercer as he started going inside the camp

Once he got inside, he saw lots of people on a bed with bandages on their bodies. Some are even barely on clinging to life.

"Ah, you must be the doctor that the mayor sent you." said a male-like voice

Alex turns to his left and saw a guy walking towards him. The guy has black hair and his eyes are grey. He wears a blue shirt with a doctor coat, a pair of glasses, black jeans and a pair of shoes. He also wears a pair of gloves and has a stethoscope on his neck.

"Hey there, my name is Berlin and I'm the head doctor of the medic team. As you've known by now, I'm the mayor's son," said Berlin with a smile on his face

"Alex," said Alex Mercer

"That's it? No flashy introduction or anything?" questioned Berlin

"I got no time for that. I'm only here to treat the patients. Nothing more, nothing less." said Alex

"I see. Well then, why don't we get started. Follow me, I'll show you the one's that you need to treat." said Berlin as he started going somewhere

"Alright then, lead the way," said Alex as he started following behind

After a few minutes later, Ken opens up a curtain and in there, there were 4 patients laying on the bed.

"Well, here we are. These are the patients that are severe to cure. We tried to lessen it but every time we do that it's gotten more worse than before. You think you can treat them?" questioned Berlin

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," said Alex Mercer as he started checking the patients

After a few minutes later, he's finally done checking all of the patients

"So Alex, do you know what type of injury the patients have right now?" questioned Berlin

"Well, so the first patients have suffered from lots and lots of wounds from one of the monsters. I mean, they were lots of large claw marks on his body. But don't worry, it's nothing too serious considering that the cits weren't too deep which Is kinda surprising. I mean have you seen how large those claws were by the way?" said Alex Mercer

"Anyway, the second patient suffered a more seriously injured leg. It's so bad that we're gonna have to amputate it. After this, he can't go onto another scavenging again. Alright, the third patient suffered a close range of blunt trauma. Like the first patient, his upper torso is covered in cuts and is severely burned." said Alex Mercer

"For the final patients, well... he doesn't appear to have any injury at all. In fact, he seems pretty healthy to me. But just in case, can you explain to me as to why is he in here?" questioned Alex Mercer

"Well, this patient has been our most recent one yet and yeah physically he's fine but mentally? I wouldn't say so. He started having some bad nightmares and has been having lots of severe case of emotional distress and physical reactions. For example, once we mention something about those monsters, he immediately started having a physical reaction about it." explained Berlin

"Hmm, then that means he suffers from Ptsd. How old is he by the way?" questioned Alex

"He's 16 years old," answered Berlin

"So you're telling me that you sent a 16-year-old kid into a group of scavenging team that not only might get him killed but also emotionally scarred for life. Not to mention the fact that these monsters are hard to kill... well for you guys, to us they were easy," said Alex

"Don't look at me, I'm not the one who assigned him in the Scavenging team. I'm only just treating people who have been injured from scavenging the woods," said Berlin

"Anyway, for this one, I can't say much about how to treat him but I suggest to avoid or thinking about those traumatic events and avoid going to places that might trigger his Ptsd. Other than that, he's gonna have to meet up with someone who is professional at mental health care," said Alex

"Wow! I gotta say, Alex. You really are an amazing doctor," said Berlin

"Well, here's the thing, I'm not a doctor. I'm a researcher. There's a big difference." said Alex

"Researcher or not, you've helped us quite a lot. So thank you, Alex," said Berlin

"I'm just doing my job plus I haven't even started operating on them yet so don't celebrate too early," said Alex Mercer

"Anyway, do you have any medical supplies?" questioned Alex

"Oh sure, it's right this way. But the problem is, I don't think we have enough supplies to treat all of them," said Berlin

"Don't worry, my captain and some other people from the crew are getting some supplies from the ship right now. Right, now let's get started on operating these people. Oh, and can you call some other doctors that are available right now?" questioned Alex

"Sure. Just tell me what kind of supplies we need and I'll go get it for you," said Berlin

"Right. This is gonna cost me an arm, lots of sweat and a long ass time." thought Alex

After that, Alex, Berlin and some other doctors started doing the operations on the patients. True to Alex words, it took a few hours on operating them