Nighttime, At the forest

3rd Pov

In the middle of the forest, Sasha, Leo and two of his crew which is Hans and Kuro are crouching on a branch of a tree. Right now, Sasha is using a binocular to scout while Leo and the rest are just waiting.

"So, why are we here again, Sasha?" questioned Leo as he saw Sasha scouting

"Didn't I explain the plan to you back at the village?" said Sasha

"No. You just told me to bring some of my crew and follow you in the forest. Now, are you gonna waste my time just sitting there looking or are you gonna start explaining?" questioned Leo

"Alright, so here's the thing. You see that place over there?" questioned Sasha

"Yeah, I'm not blind. It's a base. Specifically, must be one of Ajax's temporary base." answered Leo

"Well, you're right about that one but it's not just a normal base. That base right there is a prison," said Sasha

"A prison, huh? So we're gonna help busting out some prisoners?' questioned Leo

"Yes and we're gonna try and secure some supplies from the base. Maybe if we're lucky, we can destroy the base altogether. But that would be just wishful thinking, with all the monsters that Ajax have it would be impossible to destroy the base." said Sasha

"So, question. Where do they get these prisoners from anyway? From what I know, they don't seem like they came from this island." questioned Leo

"You're right about that one. They don't come from this island, they're probably got kidnapped from other islands on East Blue. From what I know, every once in a week, a boat would come to the dock of the island and they would bring people to this prison." said Sasha

"So that explains as to why they were lots of people back in the warehouse, they were transporting them to this island. Then again, it was very obvious. You know I gotta say, I'm a bit impressed about Ajax. He was able to make a whole island into his territory, build a prison within the 6 months, make an army full of these monsters and somehow is able to control. To top it all off, he was able to do this without any of the Marines or Government knowing about this. Then again, this is East Blue so he got lucky," thought Leo

"So why are we freeing these people to begin with? Your village is starving and some of those people are barely clinging to life right now. What makes you think that adding more people to the village would help you. Moreover, why don't we just go to the docks and help to bust them out there?" said Leo

"First of all, I said that we're not only gonna help freeing the prisoners but we're also gonna get as many supplies as we can in the prison. Secondly, going to the docks is way dangerous than going here. Near the docks, they were tons of those monsters waiting for us there. I know this cause we've tried doing that before and it failed horribly. Thirdly, we need more people to fight for us in the near future. Right now lots of our people in the scouting team are either dead or getting treated right now by my brother and your doctor." said Sasha

"Alright so in short, help the prisoners get out, secure the supplies and if possible, destroy the base. Got it. Anything else that you need to say?." said Leo

"Woah there, calm down. Don't start acting all high and mighty all of a sudden. This base is highly protective, so expect lots of those monsters roaming around the area. Plus, I haven't even finished talking yet." said Sasha

"Okay so, back to what I was saying. Yes, this base is dangerous and for that, we're gonna have to sneak into the base. So here's the plan." said Sasha

"Wait?! I thought you already explained the plan?!" said Leo

"No, that was just the objective of the plan. Now can you stop interrupting me so that I can start explaining my plan now!" said Sasha

"Anyway, the plan here is simple. Here, take a look at the entrance of the base," said Sasha as she handed the binocular to Leo

Leo grabs the binocular and started using it to see the base. He saw two people at the entrance with two wolves that looks to be infected. The said wolf looks a bit bigger than any normal wold and has sharp teeth and claws. Each of the wolves has a collar on their neck.

"Observe." thought Leo

Infected Wolf


Alignment= Chaotic










"Huh, go figure. The goddamn wolf also got infected by the virus. Not surprising. I wonder just how many animals that got infected on this island," said Leo as he saw the wolves started barking and growling

"As you can see, those wolves are gonna be nothing but a pain considering just how fast they are. Just to put into context, they can catch up to us in a matter of seconds. To top it all off, due to the virus, their sense of smell has heightened so it's gonna be very hard to hide from them. Fortunately, they seem to have lost almost any sort of intelligence so that means they will attack anything without even thinking." said Sasha

"Okay, so what exactly is your plan?" questioned Leo

"Easy, some of my men are gonna distract them by shooting some warning arrow. Once that happens, they're gonna take the bait and try chasing them," said Sasha

"Oh, that explains why there are 6 people down there," said Leo as he looks down to see 6 people resting on a tree

"Wait?! So you're gonna use your men as a distraction just so that we can go inside the base? You do realize that they're all gonna die, right?" said Leo

"I know, but there's really no other choice. I'm sorry but sometimes, sacrifices have to be made," said Sasha

"Look, I got a better idea. Why not let Hans do the distraction. He's really strong and he's pretty good at making distractions." said Leo

"Not to mention the fact that he's pretty much a werewolf then it's gonna be so much easier to try and lure those wolves." thought Leo

"Hmm, are you sure that your friend can do it? It's gonna be pretty hard trying to run away from those wolves?" questioned Sasha

They look at The Captain and saw him nodding his head while giving a thumbs up to them

"Well, that settles that problem. Now, what's next?" questioned Leo

"Alright, since the plan has been improvised then after... Hans, was it?" questioned Sasha as she saw him nodding his head

"After Hans distracted those wolves, we will immediately go inside the building and free the prisoners. Unfortunately, we don't know what the building looks like on the inside so be careful. If you see a monster, either run or try to kill them as fast as you can." said Sasha

"We will be dividing into groups, Leo, you, Kuro and another person will go free as many prisoners as you can while I and the rest of the people are gonna try and find some supplies. After that, we immediately get out of the base and return back to the village. You got all that?" said Sasha

"Yup, I got it. Although can I switch out Kuro with another person. You're gonna need him if you want to survive. Fair warning though, he's a bit of an asshole." said Leo

"I can still hear you, you know!" said Kuro

"No, you don't! You heard nothing!" said Leo

"Anyway, just take him with you. I'll be fine on my own," said Leo

"If that's the case then I got no problem. As long as he can keep up with us, of course," said Sasha

"Good. So, when are we gonna start?" questioned Leo

At the entrance of the prison

3rd Pov

"Oh man, this is so boring. Hey, why don't we ditch this place for a bit and do something fun," said giard#1

"Quiet, will you! We got a job to do and we are expecting a shipment of people tomorrow." said guard#2

"I know but it will only be for about a minute or so, no one will notice anything. Plus, we have these mutts to do the job for us so what's the point in even guarding this place." said guard#1

"Look, if you want to go somewhere else then go ahead, I don't care. I'm just gonna stay here and do my job," said guard#2

"Pfft, what a pussy. Alright then, it's your loss and my gain," said guard #1

Just as guard#1 is about to go, they heard a howling sound near the forest. The wolves immediately started howling back and running towards the sound.

"Hey! Where the fuck are they going! Come back here you goddamn mutts!" shouted guard#1 as he and the other guard started chasing them

Moments later, Sasha, Leo, Kuro and the others started getting out of their hiding spot and immediately goes to the entrance

"Okay, looks like the coast is clear. Now let's go inside!" said Sasha

"Uh, boss? Are you not gonna question how that Hans guy was able to do that?" questioned one of the men

"There's no time for questions! We don't have much time! We gotta go before the guard's starts noticing something wrong is going!" said Sasha

After that, they started going inside the base as fast as they can. After lots of hiding and avoiding the guards, they were able to finally find the door to the entrance of the prison.

"Shit! Looks like it's locked!" said Sasha as she tries to open the door

"Stand back, I got this," said Leo as he started lock picking the door

After a few seconds later, the door finally unlocked.

"Bingo! Come on, guys! Let's get in!" said Leo as he and the others started going inside the prison

Inside the prison

Once they got in, they search around the area to make sure there were no enemies around. They see a hallway that leads to 2 paths. There are 2 signs located near the hallway. One signs say Jail Cell while the other one says Room supplies.

"Well then, guess we know where we need to go now," said Leo

"Alright, you know the plan. Now, you 4 stick with me and Kuro while both of you stick to Leo," said Sasha as she ordered the group of people

"Well, see you guys on the outside then. Alright, you two, let's get going," said Leo as he and the other two people started running to the Jail Cell

"Are you sure he's gonna be fine out there? I'm not one to judge but he seems a bit too cocky for his own goods" questioned Sasha

"Oh, he may look weak and arrogant at first but trust me, he's stronger than he looks. I know this cause I never once won a fight against him. Plus, he's quite persistent." said Kuro

"Hmm, fine I'll trust you on this one. Let's just hope that he doesn't die out there," said Sasha

After that Sasha and the rest started running to the direction of the Room Supplies

Jail Cell

Leo's Pov

"Hey! Can you slow down for a bit! You're going to fast," said guy#1 as he tries to catch up to Leo

"I already told you guys to try and keep up with me!" said Leo

"Yeah, but we didn't actually expect you to run this fast! Like holy shit, how are you not tired yet!" said guy#2

"Well, it's not my fault that you guys are slow!" said Leo

After that, Leo finally stopped and hid behind a wall. He looks around the area and saw lots and lots of people in a jell cell from top to bottom.

"Jeez, talk about a lot. This area is goddamn huge. Like, three-story building big. No wonder there were lots of monsters on this island." thought Leo

"Huff...Finally... we catch up with you. Damn kid, can you slow down next time." said guy#2 as he and guy#1 finally catches up with him

"Shhh, shut up for a bit. I'm trying to concentrate here," said Leo

"Hmm, it looks like there are some guards and infected wolf around this area. Gotta be careful though, they may be dumb but they're still fast." thought Leo

"Okay guys, from what I'm seeing right now, there seem to be some of those wolves around this area," said Leo

"Really? I don't see any of those wolves around here." said guy#2

"Then there might be at the upper level of this area. Either way, remember what Sasha said to you guys, be careful," said Leo

"So then, how are we gonna free all of these people. There must be like hundreds of them in this area." said guy#1

"I don't know. Maybe there's a switch somewhere that opens up all of these cells. Anyway, you guys just stick with me. Follow my lead and try to be quiet." said Leo as he crouches down

Leo started to quietly crouch walk around the area while using his Observation Haki to sense the enemies. The two guys follow suit and they immediately have their bow and arrow on their hands. Leo saw two people guarding a door that says Special Containment. He hides behind boxes of crates that are conveniently near him.

"Okay seriously, why is it that every time I want to hide, there would always be lots of crates. Like seriously, who the hell puts crates in prison." thought Leo

"Hey, exactly why do we have to protect this door, plus what does Special Containment even mean?" questioned guard #1

"Honestly, I don't know but do we really gotta know? I mean the only reason I took this job is that Ajax is paying me so much money. Without it, I would have quit a long time." said guard#2

"Yeah, can't believe that these monsters exist in the first place. I thought they were just joking when they said to be wary of monsters on this island." said guard#1

"Right? If I had known they were actual monsters on this island, I would have immediately said my goodbyes and just left." said guard#2

"Hey, how did you get this job in the first place anyway? I got this job cause some shady dude in an alleyway said something about earning free money. I thought they meant shipping drugs or some illegal shit, not this." said guard#1

"Really? Coincidently enough, that's what happened to me also. Just some shady guy in the alleyway offering me a job. By any chance, did this guy perhaps wears blue pants and red hood covering up his face except for his eyes? In which his eyes are glowing red?" questioned guard#2

"Yeah. That's what the guy looks like. That was the one that offered me this job. You think that they're the same person?" questioned guard#1

"A guy with blue pants and has a red hood? That's a new one. Sounds to me he's an important member of Ajax team. Either way, I gotta be wary of whoever that is. Just gotta remember that he has red glowing eyes," thought Leo

"I don't know. But the first time I saw him, I was pretty fucking terrified. Like at one moment he's there and the second I blink, he was just gone." said guard#2

"Yeah. Hell, the first time I saw him, I swear he was looking at me like I was some snack. Don't know why I felt that but all in all, that dude is fucking creepy and I hope I don't meet him again anytime soon or just forever," said guard#1

"Heh, you tell me," said guard#1

"Well, that was useless. We learn almost nothing." said guy#1

"Alright, I have an idea. Can one of you try to distract him while I take out the other guard? After that, can the other one try to hide the body of the first guard while I go for the second guard that got distracted?" questioned Leo

"Sure. Let me just get ready for a bit. I'm gonna shoot this arrow in some random place." said guy#1 as he gets ready to shoot

"Alright on my mark, in," said Leo




"Now shoot!" said Leo as he saw guy#1 shoot at a random jail cell


"Holy shit!" shouted one of the prisoners as he backs away from the arrow

"Hey, prisoner! Shut up and go back to sleep!" shouted guard#1

"How the fuck am I gonna do that if there's a fucking arrow in here!" shouted the prisoner

"Uggh, fine, fine! What is it? What's the problem?!" said guard#1 as he started going near the cell

Leo without even saying anything immediately goes behind guard#2 and started choking him. The guard struggles to try to get out but before he could do that, Leo pulls out a throwing knife under his jacket and slit his throat. The guard falls down and lies there lifelessly as blood started pouring out of his throat.

[Ding! You have killed a guard! Gained 400 SP and 300 EXP!]

He then goes for the second guard while guy#2 goes to pick up the body and hides it behind the crate they were hiding.

"Alright, so you're telling me that there someone in here with a bow and arrow is trying to shoot you through this jail cell?" questioned guard#1

"Yes! That's exactly what happened!" said the prisoner

"Are you sure you didn't just craft that think yourself or something?" questioned guard#1 as he doesn't realize that Leo was behind him the whole time.

Leo immediately puts the guy in a chokehold and put his knife in between his throat

"Alright, I'm just gonna make this quick. Is there any lever or switch that opens up all of the cells doors? If you don't answer then I might kill you," questioned Leo

"Y-y-yes there is. It's on the top floor on the far left side." said the guard

"Good," said Leo

"N-now are you-" said the guard only to get interrupted

Without any hesitation, Leo slit the guard's throat. Same as last time, the guard falls down lifelessly.

[Ding! You have killed a guard! Gained 400 SP and 300 EXP!]

Leo looks inside the jail cell to see the prisoner looking at him with fear in his eyes. Leo made a silent gesture and the prisoner slowly nods his head. Leo looks around the area and picks up the guards body. He then puts the body next to the other guard.

"Alright, so apparently there is a switch that opens up the jail cell. The problem right now is that it's located on the top floor of this area," said Leo

"That's gonna be a problem. Although, while I was hiding this guard body, I did found this key," said guy#1 as he handed over the key to Leo

"Observe." thought Leo

Special Containment Key

Desc= Unlock the door to the Special Containment room

"What do you know. This must be the key to unlocking that door over there. Why don't we open it and let's see what's inside," said Leo

"Umm, didn't you said that we're gonna go turn off the switch?" questioned guy#2

"We can do that later. We already know where it is. Plus, aren't you guys a bit curious about what's inside?" questioned Leo

"I mean, I guess?" said guy#1

"Look, I'm just gonna go and explore what's inside this Special Containment room. If you guys don't want to follow me then stay here and try to not get caught," said Leo as he goes to the Special Containment door

"Yeah, you know what, I think it's a good idea for us to follow you." said guy#1 as he started running towards Leo

"Yup. I'm not gonna stay here and risked myself getting killed." said guy#2 as he follows behind

Leo then unlocks and opens the door of the room. Without saying anything, all 3 of them immediately goes inside.