Prison, Special containment room

3rd Pov

"You know, this isn't what I honestly expected," said Leo as he looks around the area

Inside the room, they were lots of big metal door that is shut tightly. The place is a bit dark and the hallway is narrow.

"Yeah. This room feels a bit too small and uncomfortable, you know." said guy#1

"I mean, you do realize that this is a prison, right? It's not supposed to make us feel comfortable." said guy#2

"You know now that I think about it, I never really did get to see what their stats are." thought Leo as he looks at both of the guys

"Observe." thought Leo



Alignment= Good Neutral












Alignment= Good Neutral










"Eh, not too shabby but not good enough. If they were to fight those infected monsters head-on then they would definitely die." thought Leo

"Anyway, speaking about it, what do you think Sasha and the rest are doing now? I hope everything is fone on their end," said Billy

"Don't worry about it, man. Nothing bad is gonna happen to our leader... I think. Plus that Kuro guy is probably strong enough to at least hold those monsters down." said Frank

At the opposite side of the prison

3rd Pov

In a dark bloody hallway, there were lots of dead bodies laying on the ground. All of the dead bodies are either the infected wolf or a guard. Standing at the middle of the hallway is Kuro with both of his claw covered in blood.

"Well now, that's the last of this pathetic lowlifes," said Kuro as he retracts his claws and fixes his glasses

"Tch looks like some of the blood accidentally got into my glasses and my shirt. Well isn't that bloody fantastic. Now I'm gonna have to wash them," said Kuro as he started cleaning his glasses

At the end of the hallway, Sasha and her group are standing there with a horrified expression etched on their face. Some of the people look ready to throw up while others just look away at the grotesque scene in front of them. All the while, Sasha looks at the scene with a calm face however on the inside she is shocked and disgusted at the scene in front of her.

"That... that was the fastest and bloodiest fight I've ever seen in my life. Actually, this wasn't even a fight at all, this was just a one-sided slaughter. To top it all off, he doesn't even look remotely threaten at all, in fact, he looks way too calm," thought Sasha

"If what he said before is true, then just how powerful is his leader. Just what kind of monsters did we recruit," thought Sasha

"Alright everybody, stop gawking and let's get going. The faster we do this, the faster that we can get out of here," said Sasha as the group suddenly got out of their stupor

"I agree. This place is starting to bore me. All of these things aren't even worth batting an eye." said Kuro as he and the others continued going to the Room Supplies

Back to Leo and his group

"Anyway, let's get going now. I want to see what this toom has in store for us," said Leo as he and the others started to explore the hallways

As they were exploring the area, Leo is using his Observation Haki to sense if they were any people inside any of the metal doors. Surprisingly enough, there seems to be almost no one behind any of the door... almost. Leo sense a fainting presence somewhere far.

"Hmm, this person must be at the end of the hallway. Although, this one feels a bit foreign. Maybe it's a new infected? No, this one feels a bit weak. Hell, this person feels like he can die at any moment now," thought Leo

"Huh, this hallway seems pretty long. I wonder if we'll actually see the end of it," said Frank

"Yeah, we keep seeing the same big ass door. Seriously, just how many are there in here. This seems a little too excessive." said Billy

"This is taking too long. Guys, I'm gonna start running. This time try and keep up with me, will ya?" said Leo

Before they could even say anything, Leo immediately started running so fast to the point dust started flying.

"Cough, cough, oh God dammit not again! Hey wait up will you!" shouted Billy as he and Frank started trying to catch up to Leo

After a few minutes later, Leo started slowing down a bit and he eventually stops in front of a door.

"Alright, I can feel it. This person is inside this door. Honestly, I'm really thankful that I was able to learn and level up my Observation Haki.

Observation Haki(level 58)

Desc: It grants the user the ability to access a kind of extrasensory perception, granting the user several helpful abilities.

-Presence Sensing

Desc: Allows the user to sense the presence of others. If fully mastered, it would allow the user to see other, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. This type of Haki allows the user to see another person aura, be it behind buildings, strategically hidden or camouflaged.

-Strength Sensing

Desc: Allows the user to measure the strength of the people whole presence they sense. Through Strength Sensing, the user can easily locate powerful allies and avoid powerful enemies.

-Intent Sensing

Desc: By using this ability, the user can sense the intention of someone, allowing the user to predict the action of others. The user can predict the attack of their opponent and counter them. The more killing intent the enemy has, the easier their attainable to predict, although more skilled users can predict moves whether it is murderous intent or not.

-Locked(Reach level 60)

-Locked(Reach level 70)

-Locked(Reach level 90)

"Seriously, before this it was easy and now it's really hard trying to level it up. It's must be because all of the enemies are easier and more predictable now," whispered Leo

"Anyway, enough of my babblings. Let get this door out of the way first," said Leo as he grabs the side of the door and pulls it away

The door breaks off and drops onto the ground. Leo looks inside to see who is inside the room. Although, the room is very dark however since Leo has night vision he is able to see the room clearly. He sees an injured guy sitting down with his head looking down. The said guy has black hair, eyes and his skin is a bit pale. He wears a red jacket with white stripes, a black shirt and black pants. He may look like a normal guy but what caught Leo attention is his right arm... is gone.

"Wait, why is his right arm sparkling? Hold on a second. Observe" thought Leo













"Damaged? Hey System, what does that mean?" questioned Leo

[ It means that the person is suffering from temporal status effect. Right now, his levels and stats aren't the same as his original one.] said the System

"Temporal status effect? So does that mean you can get a permanent one?" questioned Leo

[ Yes. For example, if your eye is gone then that means you will get a permanent status effect on Perception. Really, it depends on which part of your body got damaged.] said the System

"Okay, I get all that but right now, I got a question to ask. Is he by any chance... a robot?" questioned Leo

[ Hold on for a moment, partner. Let me scan him for a bit.] said the System

[ Alright, I have scanned him and the answer is yes. He is a robot.] said the System

"Figures. It's quite obvious that he's a robot. I mean look at his right arm, it's gone and it's sparkling. No normal human would just sparkle if they lose an arm. Then again, this One Piece we're talking about so..." thought Leo

"Hey! Robot boy, are you awake or are you still sleeping?" questioned Leo only to be met by silence

"I know that you can hear me right now. Stop pretending to be dead and start answering some of my questions, will you?" questioned Leo again only to be met by silence

"*Sigh* Well, if you're not gonna cooperate then I might as well just leave you here and be on my way," said Leo as he was about to leave the room

"What... are... you... doing here." said the robot with a monotone voice

"Oh, so now your starting to respond. Here I thought you were just some broken toy," said Leo

"I'll ask...again. What... are you... doing...here and what... do you...want from...me." said the robot

"Well, my 'group' and I are trying to set you guys free from this prison. What I want from you right now are some answers. Do you think you can do that for me?" questioned Leo

"If it's something...I know or...relevent... then yes, I'll try... my best on... answering some of...your questions." said the robot

"Good. The first question, who are you and why are you in here?" questions Leo

"I'm just an...unimportant person but if you...want to know my name...then it's Mechanical Human Control Technician or...you can call me...Kitt. The reason... why I'm in here is because...I made something...very dangerous for Ajax." said Kitt

"Unimportant? Bro, you're a goddamn robot. That's not something you see every day. Also, you made something very dangerous for Ajax? So you're an engineer then?" questioned Leo

"Yes. I'm also a...shipwright...and I can also... speak and translate any...known language," said Kitt

"He's a shipwright?! Okay, it's official. After this, I'm definitely gonna recruit him in my crew." thought Leo

"Alright, that's good to know. So, what kind of invention did you made that is so dangerous?" questioned Leo

"I made a device...that lets Ajax and his men...control the infected...monsters," answered Kitt

"Wait?! So you're the reason as to why Ajax can control these monsters!" said Leo

"Yes," said Kitt

"How though? Just what kind of device did you create and how does it work? questioned Leo

"It's a small chip that...lets you control any...living beings. It is inserted inside the...brain and if the being tries to...misbehaved or didn't follow any orders, then...the chip will activate and...it will shock your brain until you listen...or until you die," explained Kitt

"Damn, that shit is hardcore." thought Leo

"So then why are you in here in the first place? I would have thought Ajax would have recruited you?" questioned Leo

"At first he did...he tried to offer me...by saying I can get...loads of Beli but I refuse. He tried it again...and again...and again but in the end I still...refuse. So without any choice... he and his men tried to attack me." answered Kitt

"So, let me take a guess and say you lost then," said Leo

"No. I was actually winning...although I do admit...Ajax was strong and fast. However, Ajax didn't beat me...rather he tricked me." said Kitt

"How did he tricked you? Surely you would have noticed?" questions Leo

"I... don't remember. All I remembered was...a group of infected monsters...were surrounding me...and Ajax was in the centre. Other than that, I can't recall...a thing." said Kitt

"After that, I woke up...and I found myself...behind bars. Ajax comes in and he said...that from now on...I'll be working for him. If I disobey or try to escape... I would get tortured...or be shut down permanently. I couldn't fight back...because as you can see...I lost my right arm and I'm damaged." said Kitt

"So in short, you got captured and turned into a slave. Typical. So how long have you been working with him?" said Leo

"Almost 8 months," answered Kitt

"8 months huh, so it was before this Island got raided." thought Leo

"Anyway, one last question. Have you by any chance saw or heard about someone wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans?" questioned Leo

"No. I never saw him before...but I did hear about it. While I was working in making the chips...I heard Ajax talking to someone...in his office. He said something about making a deal...to someone. I remember him saying that...he will exchange the virus...for money and lots of resources." said Kitt

"Do you know who it is?" questioned Leo

"...Something about The Society of the Red Joker. That's the name of the group Ajax mentioned. From what I also remember...Ajax seems to fear this group." said Kitt

"Okay. We're getting somewhere I guess. So, let me recap on everything I know right now. So Ajax is apparently working with some other group. I don't know anything about that group but one thing for sure is that this group must be very dangerous. That red hooded guy must be some sort of spy or observer for the Red Society." thought Leo

"Huff...Huff...hey. Finally...huff... I finally catch...huff...up to...huff...you." said Billy as he collapses down

"Yeah...huff...man. I think...huff...I'm...huff...done for," said Frank as he also collapses down

Oh, hey there guys. What took you so long?" said Leo

"What took us...huff...so long?! You were...huff...running so fucking fast. We couldn't...catch up...huff...to you," said Frank

"Oh come on guys, I wasn't even trying," said Leo

"Look...huff...can we rest for a bit. I'm too...huff...fucking tired to even talk anymore," said Billy

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go explore for a bit. You guys watch over this dude will ya?" questioned Leo

"Sure, sure. Just let us rest for a bit," said Frank

"Good. You on the other hand just stay here. I'll get you back later. Now if you'll excuse me..." said Leo as he gets out of the room and turns to his right

"Huh, what do you know, this is the end of the hallway and there's a room too," said Leo as he started walking

"Alright, there's some stairs here that lead to the second floor. That's good to know. Now I don't have to go back cause that's gonna take a long time." said Leo

"Now, let me see what's in here. Hopefully, it's something good," said Leo as he goes inside the room

He looks around the area and sees nothing but some barrels and crates. He also saw a switch that has a sign says Lights on it.

"Must be a switch to turn the lights on or off. Good. I think I have a plan. But first, let me check what the second-floor look like" said Leo as he gets out of the room and climbs up the stairs

Once he got up, he saw a red door. He opens up the door and takes a peek outside to see if there was anyone.

"Okay, so there's somewhere around 20 guards and 10 Infected wolf in this floor. The third floor and the first floor on the other hand..." thought Leo as he closes his eyes and uses Observation Haki

"Hmm, the same as this floor except there's a bit more guard." thought Leo

"Alright, that's everything I need to know. Time to go back down and relay some of my plans to those two." thought Leo as he goes back down and meets up with Billy and Frank

"Hey guys, you okay now?" questioned Leo

"Yeah, we're good. Just give us a minute to get up. Hey Frank, come on let's get up," said Billy as he and Frank gets up from the ground

"Alright guys, I got a plan on how to free those prisoners. So listen up, the plan is really simple. You see that room over there? I want one of you to go to that room over there and switch off that switch. Before you ask, that switch pretty much lets you turn off the lights. After that, well... let's just say that it's going to be a massacre." said Leo

"Why? Are you gonna upstairs and kill everyone? Cause if that's what you're saying then your crazy" questioned Billy

"Nope. It's not me who's gonna do the work. It's gonna be someone else and when I mean someone, I mean a group. What group is it your thinking? Well, you're gonna have to find that one out yourself. Although, I do highly suggest that you don't." said Leo with a sadistic grin on his face

"Uhh, okay I guess," said Billy

"So, who's gonna turn off the lights?" questioned Leo

"Not me!" said Frank

"Not...Dammit! Alright fine, I'll turn off the lights." said Billy

"Good. Now you, on the other hand, I want you to pick that guy up," said Leo

"That's it?" questioned Frank

"Yup. Just pick him up until we get out of this place. So, are we clear?" said Leo as he saw both of them nodded their heads

"Then good, let's get this show on the road," said Leo

After a few minutes later...

Second floor

3rd Pov

"Hmm, you know. What should I do after this?" wondered one of the guards

"I could probably go eat something in the cafeteria but all the food taste bland. Maybe I can get some rest?" wondered the guard

Just before he could say anything, the lights in the room suddenly shut down.

"Hey! What the hell happened! Why are the lights turn off!" shouted one of the guards

"I don't know! Maybe there's something wrong with the generator?!" said another guard

"Hehehe, it's showtime. I've been meaning to try and use this power before. Alright Darkness, you know what to do." thought Leo


"Okay. Now, I summon you, my darklings!" said Leo

After that, a dark portal opens up behind him and several impish looking creatures came out of the portal.

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 Mana

-2,500 M...

This goes on until they were 20 of them. All of the impish looking creatures are wearing a black cloak with black assassin clothes. All of their faces are covered by a mask and all of them have two daggers strapped onto their belt. ( Okay, before you guys ask, yes I know that's not how they look like or how they're summoned. But this is my book so...yeah, just roll with it.)

"My lord. We have come as you ordered. What are our orders now, my lord?" said one of the creatures

"I want you all to go out there and start killing all of the guards and wolf from top to bottom. Do not kill any of the prisoners or any of my group, understood. Oh and at least let one of them live just so I could interrogate them," said Leo

"Yes, my lord!" said all of the creatures

"Good. Now go out there and start the massacre," said Leo as he opens the door fully and let's all of the creature run loose

After that, everything went to hell. You can hear lots of screaming and barking outside of the door.

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

"You know, this might honestly be the first time that I've ever done this. I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed with myself. Either way, I'm getting some free money and EXP." thought Leo

The Darkness(level 62)

Desc: An element force of Chaos and Creation that bestows his host with nearly limitless powers as well as allows them access to an otherworldly dimension and control over the veritable legion of Darklings who dwell there.

-Tendrils: The Darkness can form tentacles or tendrils of various shape and sizes to do their will. These tentacles are strong enough to tear enemies apart or destroy obstacles.

-Demon Heads: The Darkness manifests itself in the form of eel-like demon heads that can devour enemies or rip them apart.

Heightened senses: Certain senses are heightened; such as the ability to literally feel a person's footsteps from several yards away, even while underground.

Regeneration: The Darkness endows his host with regenerative abilities. These healing abilities are advanced enough to regrow damaged or lost internal organs in mere minutes.

Teleportation: The host can travel anywhere in the shadows

Darkness construction: The darkness can create various out of The Darkness such as guns and sword

Summoning Darklings: Darklings are the impish, deviant, base and foul-mouthed servants of the Darkness. Created from necroplasmic materials and animated by the spirit of the Darkness, the Darklings are the foot-soldiers of the Darkness host; serving and obeying his every whim, protecting him from harm, and tending to his needs. The hosts communicate with the Darklings through telepathy, able to give them commands and receive messages from across long distances as well as see and hear through their eyes.

Summons available:-

-Low-rank Darklings: 500 Mana

-High Low-rank Darklings: 1000 Mana

-Low Medium-rank Darklings: 2000 Mana

-Medium rank Darklings: 2500 Mana

-Snake Darklings: 1500 Mana

-Wolf Darklings: 3000 Mana

-Cat Darklings: 450 Mana

-Owl Darklings: 450 Mana

-Salamander Darklings: 700 Mana

-Speedster Darklings: 1250 Mana

-Shielder Darklings: 1250 Mana

-Sniper Darklings: 1300 Mana

-Locked(Reach level 65)

-Locked(Reach level 80)

-Locked(Reach level 90)

-Locked(Reach level 100)


Strong light: The power of Darkness depends on Darkness, as they are banished away by strong light. The host is rendered mortal in light of a day. Anything that is created by the Darkness is burned away by strong light. The darkness host can become more tolerant of light with time, experience and training. Weapon of light such as flashlight, flashbangs or light cannons can harm a wielder of the Darkness. To combat the weakness, the host can destroy light source(turning off lights in a room, smokes grenades, etc) or stick to the shadows

Copulation: If a host impregnated a woman, the spirit of the Darkness is passed to the newly conceived child and the host dies at the moment of his birth

"Well, this is gonna take a long time. Might as well just meditate a bit to gain back some of my mana." thought Leo as he closes his eyes and starts to meditate

After a few more minutes, all of the screamings suddenly stopped.

"My lord, everyone except for the prisoners and one of the guards have all been killed just as you commanded. What are your orders now, my lord?" questioned one of the darklings through his mind

"Can one of you find a switch and switch it on. It should be on the third floor." thought Leo

"As you wish my lord." said the darkling

A few seconds later, Leo can hear all of the prisoner's cell doors opening.

"It is done, my lord." said the darkling

"Good. Now, I want all of you to return back to whence you came from," said Leo

"Okay, my lord. Call us if you are in need of us again, my lord." said the darkling

Just like that, Leo felt all of the darklings started to disappear one by one. He then gets up from the ground and goes back downstairs.

"Hey, Billy! You can turn the lights on again. The plan is a success!" said Leo

"Alright, if you say so. Hold on just a second," said Billy as he turns the light back on

"There, all of the lights are back on now," said Billy as he walks out of the room

"Say uh, I got a few questions that I need to ask?" said Frank

"Sure, what is it?" questioned Leo

"Exactly, just what happened outside. I can literally hear screaming from here. Just what the hell did you do?" questioned Frank

"Again, it's better off if you don't know what actually happened but if you want to know so badly then let's just say that I've ordered some creatures to kill them," said Leo

"Uhh, you're joking, right?" questioned Frank

"I don't know, maybe I am, maybe I'm not but one thing for sure, every guard and those infected wolves are dead by now. So any other questions?" said Leo

"Yeah, one more. So, why is this guy I'm carrying right now feels so heavy? Now I'm not saying he's fat or anything but his body literally feels like metal. By any chance, is he a robot?" questioned Frank as he holds Kitt on his back

"A robot? Really dude? Like come on, they're just nothing but fantasy they can't be real." said Billy

"Uh, then explain why is his whole right arm gone and is sparkling right now. That shit ain't normal, man," said Frank

"Yes. That guy you're holding right now is a robot," said Leo

"Yes! I knew it! I knew they were real! Oh man, I can't believe I'm actually touching and holding onto a robot right now! This is so cool!" said Frank

"What?! No way?! That can't be true! Let me see it!" said Billy as he goes to Frank

"Oh shit! You're right dude, this is a robot. Wow, didn't actually think they existed in the first place. I gotta say I'm a bit impressed by this." said Billy

"Okay, okay. Calm down will you? You can look at him whenever you want but until then, let's go and help the prisoners first. There's going to be a lot of them." said Leo as he and the others started climbing back up the stairs.