Room Supplies

3rd Pov

"Alright, people! Is everyone done with collecting the supplies?" questioned Sasha as she holds a bag full of supplies

"We're almost done, ma'am! Just wait for a few minutes and we're done!" said one of the people in the group

"Then you better hurry it up!" said Sasha

She looks around the area and sees all of the people In her group are collecting as many supplies as they can inside each crate. She then saw Kuro sitting on top of a crate.

"Hey! What are you doing right now?" questioned Sasha

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm waiting for all of you people to be done with your little scavenging," said Kuro

"Well, why don't you stop sitting there and help us for a bit," said Sasha

"Help you? Ha! As if I'm gonna do more shit for you! Remember, I've already helped you with the wolf problems before. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this room. And before you say anything, you got to remember, the only reason I helped you right now is that my captain gave me a specific order to help you. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have even lift a finger to help you or your villagers right now." said Kuro coldly

"...How...just how..." said Sasha as her hair covered her eyes

"Hmm? How what? How I'm not helping you? How I'm so selfish about this?" questioned Kuro

"Just how can you say something like that so casually! Do you know just how hard it was for us to survive!" shouted Sasha

"To be honest, no. But what do I care? It's not like it's my fault that you're in this mess. If you want to blame someone then blame yourself for being too weak and " said Kuro

"...How can such a person like you become so heartless? Here I thought you were a good person. Turns out, your just the same if not worse than Ajax." said Sasha coldly

"Yeah, yeah. Like I care what you think about me. Now, if you don't have any pointless question to ask then I suggest for you to go away and do your damn job." said Kuro

Sasha then looks at Kuro one more time and silently walks off. Kuro then goes back to do nothing and watch.

"Sheesh, talk about a hassle. Winder what my captain is doing right now." thought Kuro

Jail Cell

3rd Pov

"Hey! Are you guys done with evacuating the prisoners? questioned Leo

"Yup! That's the last of them. Damn, they were a lot of people in this building. Plus, damn this guy is heavy," said Frank as he tries to hold Kitt on his back

"Anyway, what were you doing when we were helping the prisoner getting out?" questioned Frank

"Oh. Just setting something up. By something I mean bombs so nothing much." said Leo

"Oh, then I gue- Wait? Bomb?! You brought bombs with you?!" said Frank

"Yeah. Got a problem with that?' questioned Leo

"Since when did you have the time to bring any bomb. I mean, where did you even hide it?!" said Frank

"Sorry but a magician never tells his secret. Now, where is your friend? I thought he would be with you?" questioned Leo

"Oh, he said that he'll be going somewhere for a bit. Not sure what that means but it's probably nothing important," said Frank

"So, what do we do now? All of the prisoners are free. The problem right now is how are we gonna get out of here with all of these prisoners in tow?" questioned Frank

"Hmm, how many prisoners are there?" questioned Leo

"Uh, somewhere around 1,000 I guess," answered Frank

"Sheesh, okay that's a lot to work with. This is gonna be quite troublesome," muttered Leo

"Okay, so I might have a plan. Although, I don't know if it will work or not," said Leo

"Alright, so the plan works like this. You and that other guy will escort all of the prisoners out of here while I and some 'friends' that I have will distract all of the guards' outside. Now, I'm gonna be honest with you, a lot of prisoners are gonna die from this but I'm gonna try my hardest to distract those guards and infected wolves." said Leo

"Okay that's good and all but exactly who is this 'friends' that you know. Sounds to me like you got yourself some backup. If so then where are they?" questioned Frank

"You could say that. Unfortunately for you, however, I won't be revealing where they are right now because they just like being in the dark," said Leo

"Oh, and if you're tired, you can give that robot to me. That way you can focus on evacuating the prisoners out safely. Also, I suggest that you and your friend divide the prisoners in half so that it's easier for me to defend you." said Leo

"So, I can drop this guy off whenever I can?" questioned Frank

"Yes," said Leo

"Then here, you can have him. I'm sorry but this guy is just too heavy," said Frank as he hands Kitt over, Leo

"Hey, guys! There you are! I've been trying to look everywhere for you!" said Billy as he ran over to Leo and Frank

"What do you mean by you've been trying to look for us! I'm the one who has been trying to look for you! Seriously, where did you run off to!" said Frank

"Sorry but I've been exploring this area a bit and I've got good news and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?" questioned Billy

"Just give us the good news first," said Leo

"Alright so when I was looking around the area, I stumbled upon a red door. So I open it and what do you know, I found the back exit to this place," said Billy

"Oh, that's great then! Now we can get these prisoners out of here more quickly and safely," said Frank

"Yeah but don't get your hopes up, yet. He still hasn't told us about the bad news," said Leo

"Yeah well, the bad news is that after I open the door, I look outside and I saw more guards and those infected wolves outside," said Billy

"Dammit, I knew this wasn't gonna be easy. Oh man and here I thought this was gonna be easy," said Frank

"Hmm, hey can you show me where the door is. I think I might have a plan on what to do," said Leo

"Uh, sure. Follow me its this way," said Billy as he guided both Leo and Frank to the door.

After a few minutes later, they finally found a red door that Billy mentioned.

"Here it is. This is the door right here," said Billy

"Let me guess, you're gonna go out there and scout a bit?" questioned Frank

"Yup. Now just stay here and protect the prisoners and this robot," said Leo as rested Kitt on the side of a wall and opens the door


Outside of the Prison

3rd Pov

Once he got outside, he immediately hid behind a crate that is mear him. He looks around the area and uses his Observation Haki.

"Alright, so there's somewhere around 50 guards and 30 Infected Wolves." thought Leo

He then looks around again and saw a gate that leads to the exit.

"That's good to know. At least now it's easier to exit this place. The only problem right now is the guards and infected wolves in this area. Might as well just start killing them off one by one." thought Leo

"Now, which one should I pick and how many do I want this time?" thought Leo

"Maybe I should summon the low mid-level darklings this time. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Okay, this time I'll only summon up to 12 of them. Let's see just how strong they are compared to their mid-level form." thought Leo

"Now, I summon you again, my darklings!" thought Leo

Just like last time, a black portal opened up and darklings started to come out.

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

-2000 Mana

One by one, the darklings started to come out of the portal until there's only 12 of them. This time around, however, the darklings wears a black hoodie with black pants. They also have a pair of curved daggers on both of their hands

"You know, I'm quite surprised that none of the guards or the wolves noticed this shit. By now I would have thought that they would have at least notice something weird going on but turns out all of them are goddamn blind. Not that I'm gonna complain" thought Leo

"Heya boss! So, what is that you wanted us to do now? I hope it involves lots of killing!" said one of the darklings with an enthusiastic voice

"Well, guess this is your lucky day then cause that's what I want you to do. Do you see those people over there? I want you to kill them." said Leo

"Hell yeah! This is gonna be fun! I can't wait to start slicing all of those humans!" said one of the darklings

"Now, now don't get your hopes up yet. I still haven't finished explaining yet. Now, first here's the plan." said Leo

"I summon you yet again, my darklings!" thought Leo

A small portal opens up and a cat comes out of it. The cat has black skins, sharp claws and it has four eyes.

"Now to put this short, this darkling cat right here will distract all of the wolves. After that, you will divide into 2 groups. Each group will have 6 people. One of the group will kill the guards while the other one will kill the wolves. After that, you guys just go back where you came from. You got all that?" said Leo

"Yeah boss, I got it!" said one of the darklings.

"Good. Now, let's get started, shall we? Okay, cat, be a good little kitty and distract those wolves." said Leo

"Meow." said the cat as it nodded his head

It then started running towards one of the wolves.

"Meow." said the cat as its eyes started turning red

[ Ding! Darkling Cat has activated 'Taunt'!]

"Woof! Woof!" said one of the wolves as it started barking loudly at the cat

After that, one by one, all of the wolves started barking loudly towards the cat. The guards tried to calm them down but failed miserably

"Hey you, mutt! Shut the fuck up and calm down!" shouted one the guards as he pulls the leash back

The wolves ignored them and started to shake off their leash. The leash broke off and the wolf started to chase the cat. The cat then runs away as the wolf started barking uncontrollably and chase it. The other wolves follow suit and broke off their leash.

"Alright, group 1. Go and follow the wolves. Group 2, start killing all of the people. Don't let any of them alive!" thought Leo as he talks telepathically to the darklings

"Don't worry boss! We'll make sure they stay dead!" thought one of the darklings

"Good. Now hurry up before you lose them." thought Leo

After that, all of the darklings started doing their job. Leo saw all of the darklings in group 2 started killing all of the guards very quickly. Some of the guards notice the creature and started fighting back but in the end, they also got killed.

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500 SP and 350 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed a guard! Gained 500...

After that, another notification started to pop up on his screen

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected wolf! Gained 750 SP and 500 EXP!]

[Ding! One of the darklings has killed an Infected...

A few minutes later, all of the guards in the vicinity is dead and so is the wolves judging from the sudden stop of the rapid notification.

"Okay boss, it's done. All of them are dead now." thought one of the darklings

"Good. Now, I want all of you to dissipate and go back to where you came from." thought Leo

"Aww man, here I thought I could stay here for a while. Well, I guess I'll see you again boss." said the darkling as all of them started to dissipate

"Alright, let's get back inside and relay the message. Now we can get out of here peacefully," said Leo as he started going back inside

"Hey there guys, I hope I didn't take too long," said Leo

"...Dude, why did we hear screaming again? The fuck did you do this time?!" said Billy

"Oh...nothing much," said Leo with a grin on his face

"Nothing my ass! We could hear screaming coming from here!" thought both of them

"Anyway, I got good news for you guys. All of the guards are dead and there's an exit just outside this door. Now we can get out of here." said Leo as he started walking

"...Seriously, just what kind of shit did he pull out this time?" said Billy

"I don't know, man. I don't know," said Frank

"Hey, what are you guys standing there for? Come on, we got a lot of work to do," said Leo

"*Sigh* you know, after this I'm gonna take a long good sleep. I'm tired of this shit," said Frank

"Yeah, me too. Today has been too crazy for me," said Billy

After a few minutes later...

Somewhere inside the forest

3rd Pov

On the other hand, Hans is still in the forest fighting against the infected wolves. After Hans lured the wolves away into the forest, he immediately kills both of them without them even realising. Unfortunately for him, however, it attracted more wolves inside the forest.

So here he is, right now, fighting against more of those wolves in the forest. Luckily for him though, the wolves seem to be easier to kill. After a few minutes later, all of the wolves are finally dead. Hans then checks to see if there are any more enemies hiding but there is none anymore. Seemingly satisfied, he turns around and started walking back to the prison. However, it seems as though luck was not on his side this time.


Hans turns around and saw two huge pair of red eyes looking at him.

Back at the Prison

"Alright, that's the last of them. Now off you go, my friend," said Frank as he saw all of the prisoners run away

"Oh my God! I can't believe it! I'm finally free from that hellhole! Thank you so much!" thanked one of the prisoners

"No problem. Just helping some people out, you know. Anyway, I assume you know where the village is, right?" questioned Frank

"Yeah, I know. I'll be going now. Thanks again for freeing us." said another prisoner as they ran off to the exit

"You think those people would be alright?" questioned Billy

"Eh, probably. I mean, the village isn't too far so they might make it in time before any of those monsters kill them," said Frank

"So, what do we do now?" questioned Billy

"Now, we wait for Sasha and the rest. They should be done by now," said Leo as he taps Billy's shoulder on the back

"Holy hell, you scared the fuck out of me!" said Billy as he got startled

"As I was, let's just hope they get out there as fast as they can. Wouldn't want to blow up this whole place with them dying, " said Leo as he was holding Kitt on his back

"Blowing up the whole place? What are you talking about?" questioned Billy

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you. Apparently, he somehow brought some bombs with him and planted them in the prison, " said Frank

"Wait, he brought bombs? Since when?! shouted Billy

" I don't know. You tell him, I'm not the one that brings explosive with me, " said Frank

"Yeah, I already planted all of my bombs inside the prison. Took a while, but I think it's pretty worth it. Oh, and the best part is that I found a room with lots of explosive insides. Don't know why there's one but hey I'm not gonna question it," said Leo

"No wonder you took a while to get out. So how are you gonna detonate it?" questioned Frank

"With this button right here," said Leo as he pulls out a button from his jacket

"Once everyone gets out, I'm gonna push this button. I suggest that you guys should back away as far as you can cause it's about to be big," said Leo

"I wonder if I can get some free EXP out of this?" thought Leo

Frank was about to question Leo until they heard a crashing sound coming from the left. They turn to their left and see a wall of the prison got broken and The Captain crouching on the ground looking a bit injured.

"Oh, there you are Hans. What happened to you, man?" said Leo, as he put Kitt down and runs over to The Captain to checks his injury


Both of them sensing an imminent danger immediately dodges the attack. He looks at the attacker and saw a big infected wolf. The said wolf is as big as a school bus, has scars all over its body, sharp claws, somehow has three eyes and has two tails. It looks at both The Captain and Leo with predatory eyes and roars at them.

[Warning! Warning! A boss battle has been started!]

Boss Battle!

The Mutated Infected Wolf










"Really?! Now?! Out of all the time, now there has to be a boss?!" thought Leo

"Well, this is bad. Here I thought that things are going smoothly," whispered Leo

"H-hey, what's that m-m-monster doing here?! That t-t-thing is supposed to be on the other s-s-side of the island right now!" said Billy very scared

"Oh god! We're dead?! There's no way for us to run or fight this thing!" shouted Frank as he holds his head

"Guys! Calm down and get a grip! If we work together then you two might live and possibly get traumatised from this." said Leo

"Oh yeah, thanks for the advice cause that sounds reassuring," said Frank sarcastically

"Look, if you guys not gonna stand there and be useless then I want you guys to distract it by shooting some arrows, said, Leo

"Distract it?! Hell to the fuck no?! That thing is gonna kill us before we could even move?!" shouted Frank

"Don't worry! I'll protect you guys! You guys just distract it while we kill it as fast as we can. Oh and don't forget to protect Kitt!" said Leo

The Wolf roars at Leo and started charging him

"Here it comes!" said Leo as he dodges the attack

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" screamed both Frank and Billy as they narrowly dodge the attack

"Damn it! I don't have my guns and my twin sword with me right now cause I still haven't finished combining them yet. Guess I'll just have to use my wires and some of my magic. Although, this is actually a good time to use my Devil Fruit powers. Yeah, let's transform my arms and legs." thought Leo as he starts transforming

After a few seconds later, both his arms and legs have been fully transformed. Both skins of his arms and legs have turn green, has sharp claws and has a bit of armour.




"Alright, I think it's safe to say that I can beat this thing now." thought Leo as he rushes towards the Wolf

Once he got close to the Wolf he started punching it left and right

-5000 Damage!

-4780 Damage!

-4900 Damage!

The Wolf staggers back a bit and shakes his head. It then roars at Leo and started rushing at him again.

"Alright, Hans! Now it's your turn!" said Leo as he dodges the attack

Hans then rushes towards the charging wolf and intercepted it by punching its nose.

-4500 Damage!

The Wolf staggers back again and falls down. A few seconds later, the Wolf got up from the ground and roars in the air

[ Ding! The Mutated Infected Wolf has called for backups!]

Suddenly, infected wolves started coming out of the hole at the wall.

"Shit! It called some of its friends," said Frank as he shoots one of the infected wolves with arrows

"Hey, watch out! On your left side," said Billy as he shoots an infected wolf that got near Frank at the head

"Thanks, man," said Frank

"Your welcome. Be careful though, there's still some more left," said Billy as he and Frank started shooting the infected wolves

Some arrow missed while some hit the infected wolves. Luckily one of the arrows hit the head of one of the infected wolf and kills it.

"Shit, at this rate we're gonna get surrounded! Hey Frank, how many arrows do you have left with you?" questioned Billy

"Not much. If this keeps on going then soon enough I'm gonna run out of arrows," said Frank

"Shit! Then fall back! Run as far away as you can and try to find some cover!" shouted Billy

"What about the robot!?" questioned Frank

"Forget about the robot, its made of metal, it could survive from a few bite!" said Billy

After that, they started running as fast as they can. Unfortunately for them, the infected wolves already catch up to them and bit Billy's leg

"Fuck!" shouted Billy as he falls down

"Ugh, get off me you mangy mutt!" shouted Billy as he started kicking the wolf

"Get off of him!" said Frank as he grabs his dagger from his belt and stabs the wolf in the eye

The infected wolf falls back. Frank helps Billy gets up from the ground

"Hey, you okay there?" questioned Frank

"Fuck no! Ah shit, I can't even feel my right leg anymore!" said Billy

"Oh no, they're catching up on us!" said Frank

"Dammit, just go! Just leave me behind!" said Billy

"No way man, I'm not gonna leave you," said Frank

"If you don't then we're both gonna die!" said Billy

"Look, just shut up and grab onto my back already! We don't have much time!" said Frank as he picks Billy up

After that, Frank started running as fast as he can to find some cover. Unfortunately, he was a bit slow and the wolves were able to catch up to him. Some of the wolves try to bite him but he somehow was able to dodge them. However, it didn't last long as one of the wolves was able to bite him.

"Ah, shit!" shouted Frank as he falls down

"Goddamit my leg!" said Frank as he struggles to try to get up

All of the infected wolves surrounded Frank and Billy and started to slowly closing in on them.

"Shit man, at this point we're gonna die!" said Frank

"Yeah. It seems so," said Billy

"Why do you sound so calm about this?! Aren't you afraid that we're gonna die!" said Frank

"Goddamit, of course, I'm afraid you idiot! It's just that well..." said Billy

"Well, what? Got no reason?" said Frank

"No, it's just that I... almost accomplished nothing in my life. Even before this, I was just a nobody in the village. I just do my everyday job selling some food. So honestly, even if I die, I don't feel like everybody would remember me at all. I'd only go out as a nobody who died for the sake of nothing." said Billy

"So, what you're telling me right now is that you're scared but at the same time you don't care if you die," said Frank

"In a way, yes," said Billy

"Man, you really are weird. I mean not as weird as that green-haired dude but still weird," said Frank

"Yeah, but I wouldn't call that guy weird. More like he's just full of surprises," said Billy

Just as the wolves were about to pounce on them, out of nowhere, all of the wolves got shot by a lot of bullets. Some are dead while some are still alive. The wolves that survived immediately runs away. Frank and Billy turns towards the source and saw Kitt standing up, with his hands forward and fingers smoking.

"Target eliminated," said Kitt

"Did...that robot just shoots those wolves with his fingers," said Billy

"I think so. Damn, I'm gonna be honest that's actually quite awesome," said Frank

"Are you both...okay?" questioned Kitt

"Well if you don't count the wounds in our leg then yes, we're okay," said Frank

Unbeknownst to Frank, an infected wolf successfully got behind him and tries to bite him in the neck. But before it could do that, an arrow suddenly hit the wolf right on its head. They both turn around and see Sasha and the rest of the group.

"You know, you guys should have been more careful about your surroundings. Honestly, didn't I thought you to always check your 6," said Sasha

"Captain! Oh, thank God you're here!" said Billy

"Alright, I don't know what is going on right now but it seems like our friend over there is fighting against a big wolf. Both of you will explain everything to me later but right now, let's take care of the enemies first," said Sasha as she saw more wolves coming for them

"Heh, you people better stand back unless if you want to die to which I wouldn't mind," said Kuro as he started attacking the wolves

Meanwhile back at Leo and The Captain, they are doing just fine fighting against the Wolf.

"Observe." thought Leo

The Mutated Infected Wolf










"Good. Its health is low right now. Just a few more punches and it's dead." thought Leo

But just before Leo could attack it, the Wolf then roars into the air and started changing. It started growing a bit bigger and red lines started to appear all over its body.

[Warning! The Boss has activated Madness Enhancement!]

"What! Oh, come the fuck on! Are you shitting me right now! Goddamit, observe!" thought Leo

The Mutated Infected Wolf










"Well, fuck me. This shit just went from bad to worse." thought Leo

The Wolf immediately charges straight towards Leo and tries to bite him. He dodges but unfortunately the Wolf was able to bite his right hand.


"Fuck," thought Leo

But it didn't stop there as it still continues charging recklessly. This time however it chooses to attack The Captain. The Captain seeing that he couldn't dodge it immediately turns into a white mist. This continues on for a while.

"Dammit, if this keeps up, I'm not gonna be able to beat this thing. I can't even hit it cause it's too fast. Thank fuck I transformed cause if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to win." thought Leo as he dodges another one of its attacks

"Now how am I gonna beat this thing. If I can't hit it then I need to find a way to trap it somehow. What can I do?" thought Leo

"Oh that's right, I planted bombs inside the prison. So maybe if I could lure it going towards the prison then I could detonate it and Bam! We win. The only problem right now is that there are still some people near the building," thought Leo

"Hey, guys! Move out of the way!" shouted Leo

"What bu-" said one of the guys in the group but got interrupted.

"Just move already! If you don't then you're going to die!" shouted Leo

"O-okay!" said the guys as he and the rest move out of the way

"Hey, you bitch! I'm right over here! Come and get me!" shouted Leo as he provokes the Wolf

The Wolf roars at him and immediately charges straight towards him. Just as the Wolf was about to bite, Leo was able to dodge just in the last second. The Wolf can't control his speed crashes into the building.

Leo pulls out the button and without saying anything presses it. After that, a massive explosion erupts inside the building.

[Ding! You have killed a Boss! You have gained 140,000 EXP, and 10 Stats Points!]

[Ding! You have leveled up!]

After a few seconds later, all of the smokes started to slowly dissipate. Once all of the smoke is gone, the whole group sees that the building is gone.

"Holy shit...just how many explosion did you planted," said Billy

"...Whoops. Looks like I overdid it." said Leo as he scratches his head

"You think!" thought everyone except Kuro and The Captain

"That's our captain alright. Just recklessly destroying things without even thinking," said Kuro

"...Does he always do this from time to time?" questioned Sasha

"Hah, don't bother with it. This is nothing compared to the shit that he does regularly," said Kuro

"For some reason, I have a very bad feeling about this," said Sasha

"You should be," said Kuro as he started walking towards Leo

"Hey, come on guys. What's with that look on your faces? Aren't you happy that you all get to survive another day?" said Leo

"Uhh...yeah. After everything that has happened, I don't think so," said Frank

"*Sigh* I'm too tired for this shit. First, my leg is bitten and now this. I just want to go home and go to sleep." said Billy

"Look, Captain, why don't we just go back to the village first. If we stay here for too long then those infected monsters might get here," said Kuro

"Yeah, considering just how big the explosion is, it must have attracted a lot of monsters. Alright, Hans, let's get going now," said Leo as he started going out of the prison

After that everyone started exiting the prison. The Captain out if instinct checks one last time to see if there are any more monsters. Satisfied, he immediately exits prison.