The next day

On top of a cliff

3rd Pov

Leo and all of his crew are standing on top of a cliff while looking at a factory.

"So, captain. This is the place right?" questioned Cole

"Yup. I checked the map and I'm very sure that this is the factory," said Leo as he and

"So, just by looking at it, I can already tell that you're gonna do something destructive. By destructive, I mean by destroying the factory," said Kuina

"No, I'm not the one who's gonna destroy the factory. We are gonna do that," said Leo

"So then, what's the plan captain?" questioned Cole

"The plan is simple, you see that entrance over there? I want you, Hans and Kuro to go there and distract the guards. While that is happening, I want Kuina and Alex to go into the factory and just cause a lot of mayhem, " said Leo

"So, we're finally gonna stop hiding and start destroying it, huh? Finally, we get to do something for once. I mean, why didn't we just do this when we already know where the factory is?" questioned Cole

"Well, this morning I decided to sneak into Abner office and decided to take a look at his future plans. I checked their plan and let me tell you it sucks. I'm quite surprised that they're still alive right now. That's why Kuro and I decided on making another plan which was this one. Secondly, I wanted to explore the island a bit more just to see how it is and I gotta say, there were a lot of enemies," said Leo

"Huh, so that's why we didn't see you and Kuina this morning. So, you actually took Kuina with you to explore this island?" questioned Alex

"Yup. If you still don't believe me then go and tell Kuina. She was with me the whole time," said Leo

"Yes, it's true. He and I were exploring the island," said Kuina

"Okay, so did you guys see anything else that isn't an enemy?" questioned Cole

"Honestly, there's nothing much really. Only monsters and some abandoned village. Although I will admit, the monsters we're stronger than I thought especially on the other side of the island. Hell, Kuina was having a hard time trying to kill them." said Leo

"Not to mention the fact that I also met someone interesting today." thought Leo


Inside the forest

Still 3rd Pov

"Hyaaaaah!" shouted Kuina as she slashed a deformed monster

"Hey, Kuina! Are you doing okay on your end?" questioned Leo as he kills another deformed monster with his wires

[Ding! You have killed a deformed monster! Gain 300 EXP and 200 SP!]

"Don't worry captain, I'm fine. There are just too many of these monsters in this forest. What about you?" said Kuina

"Also fine. Honestly, where do these things come from anyway? They're like all over the place." said Leo

"Guess they weren't wrong when they say that this place is dangerous. No wonder they never explored this side of the island again," said Kuina

After a few minutes later, all of the monster in the vicinity is dead.

"All right, it looks like there are no more monsters left. Good work, Kuina," said Leo

"Wow. Honestly, that was tough. Those monsters weren't a joke. This was a whole new experience for me," said Kuina as she wipes out the sweat on her forehead

"Observe, " thought Leo

Name=Kuina Koushirou












"From the looks of it, she's been doing a lot of training lately." thought Leo

"Hey Kuina, lately I've noticed that you've been getting stronger each day," said Leo

"Yeah, I've been doing lots of training back at the village. Although, I should probably get a new sword. This one is getting a bit dull." said Kuina as she checks her sword

"Why don't you just give that sword to me? I can sharpen it back up. Actually, speaking about swords, can you use the other sword now?" questioned Kuina

"Nope. I still can't open the sheath. I've tried it so many times, I've even tried using Armament Haki but it still wouldn't budge. At this point, I'm starting to wonder if I can even open it." said Kuina

"Well, give it time, Kuina. Maybe one day it will recognise you as it's master. Oh and try to relax for once, don't get me wrong training is good and all but sometimes it's better if you just sit back and relax for a bit." said Leo

"Anyway, I'll be staying here for a bit. If you want to go back to the village then go ahead," said Leo

"Okay? Why do you want to stay here? There's nothing really worthwhile to look at here." questioned Kuina

"Oh nothing, I just want to check the corpses. You know, just to get some blood samples for Alex's research," said Leo

"Fine. But don't take too long. These monsters could be anywhere." said Kuina as she started going back to the village

After Kuina left, Leo uses his Observation Haki to make sure no one is spying on him.

"Okay. Looks like the coast is clear. With that said, why don't you come out of your hiding? Don't try to run cause I can sense you." said Leo

After that, a guy with a red hoodie comes out of the forest.

"Well, looks like the jig is up. I gotta say, kid, that's quite impressive. No wonder the boss was interested in you. How long have you noticed me," said the red hoodie guy

"Observe." thought Leo

[Error! You can't observe this person! Rank your System 2.0 up to System 3.0 to observe him!]

"Well shit. Hey System, is this guy too strong or something?" thought Leo

[Unfortunately, yes. This guy is too strong for you to handle. I advise that you either get out of there as fast as you can or try and negotiate with him.] said The System

"Noted. This might be stupid but I'm gonna try and talk to him. Let's just hope that he doesn't kill me." thought Leo

"Oh, you know, since we entered the forest. Now, if you don't mind, I want to skip all of the introduction and just ask some questions," said Leo

"Oh? Straight to the point I see." said the red hoodie guy

"Yeah well, I want to make this quick so that I can go back to my crew," said Leo

"Plus, I don't want to die from fighting this guy." thought Leo

"Seems to me that you sounded scared. Alright then, I'll play with you for a bit and answer some of your questions." said the red hoodie guy

"Okay, so the first question, who are you and who do you work with?" questioned Leo

"So we're starting big huh? Well then, who am I is unimportant and I work with my boss." said the red hoodie guy

"Alright then who's your boss? Is it Ajax?" questioned Leo

"Ajax? Ha! That's a nice joke kid. Sorry kid, but I don't work with weaklings like him. My boss is stronger than you could ever imagine. Next time don't you dare try to insult my boss," said the red hoodie guy as his red eyes started shining

"As for your question, I won't be telling who he is. However, I will say that he got his eyes on you," said the red hoodie guy

"Let me guess, your boss was the one who sent me the robotic owl," said Leo

"So you do know about the robotic owl. How long?" questioned the red hoodie guy

"For about 3 years. Honestly, thinking back, I should have noticed that robotic owl sooner. It's pretty embarrassing, " said Leo

"Huh, so no wonder one of the robotic owls is missing. I thought it got stuck or something. That would explain everything. After this, I should inform boss about it, " whispered the red hoodie guy

"Alright enough about that, next question. What is your relation to Ajax?" questioned, Leo

"Him again? Well, he's nothing but a tool for us. That fool thought he could conquer the whole East Blue with this virus. He thought we were helping him cause he was useful. In reality, my boss was just using him as a means of progression, " said the red hoodie guy

"In short, you were using him to get the virus from this island, " said Leo

"That's what I said didn't I?" said the red hoodie guy

"Okay, next question then. Why is your boss so interested in me? I mean, I've done nothing notable that would make him interested in me." said Leo

"I don't know. He didn't say why he's interested in you. He only ordered me to keep an eye on you. Although, if I were to guess it would probably be two things. One would be about your quick growth in power. The other one, however, would be your power." said the red hoodie guy

"My power? You mean my Devil Fruit?" questioned Leo

"No. Not your Devil Fruit. Your other power. The one with the serpentine heads." said the red hoodie guy

"...So, you knew huh?" questioned Leo

"Of course we knew. Things like that just don't go unnoticed. I mean having two separate powers? That sounds so absurd and impossible, right? That's why my boss is probably so interested in you. I mean I would too if you have two powers." said the red hoodie guy

"Honestly, kid, you're both lucky and unlucky to have that type of shit in your arsenal. If the whole world knew about this then your life would have been ruined. Think about it, The World Government would have issued a bounty on you on such an early age, Pirates, Marine and especially Bounty Hunters alike would try to capture you, scientists would want to experiment on you, and so on. As I said before it is both a blessing and a curse to be born with this power. It's thankful that they don't know about you yet," said the red hoodie guy

"So kid, any other question that you need to ask?" questioned the red hoodie guy

"...Yes, just one more...actually make it two. One would be what happens if I kill Ajax and two from the sounds of it, your group I forgot what's it called must have some type of agenda to this. If so, what is it?" said Leo

"For the first one, our boss would not care if he died or not. We already got what we wanted from him and whatever he does next is up to him. The reason I'm here is that I was only to observe him. If he tries to betray us then I was ordered to kill him, " said the red hoodie guy

"For the second one, well, we do have an agenda to all of this but I won't tell you. Although I will say one thing, it will be a big one. Far bigger than what Dragon and his Revolutionary Army does, " said the red hoodie guy

"Huh, I thought you guys would be aligned with the Revolutionary Army?" said Leo

"No. We don't work with other groups. We are already one big group," said the res hoodie guy

"Oh yeah? Then why don't I hear anything about your group lately?" questioned Leo

"That's because our group remain anonymous. Our boss doesn't like revealing our group that much cause he said that it would be bothersome to have both the Marines and The World Government on your tail," said the red hoodie guy

"Then your boss is a smart person then. Usually, people would just reveal themselves to the whole world just to show their might and how threatening they are. Your boss, however, must be thinking that if people knew more about his group then the World Government would have immediately started an investigation and sending some of their spies. Although, one thing that still bothers me is how did your boss manage to hide from not just the Marine or The World Government but from the whole world?" said Leo

"I thank you for your compliment but as for how we did it well, that's a secret that only our group knows." said the red hoodie guy

"Well then, looks like I've already told you more than enough. Now before I go, I got something to give you, " said the red hoodie guy as he brings out a letter from his pocket and gave it to Leo

"What's this?" questioned Leo

"An invitation. My boss has ordered me to give you an invitation to join our group. It's up to you if you want to join us or not. Either way, my job here is done, " said the red hoodie guy as he started walking away

"Remember this Leo, our group name is The Society of the Red Joker. Don't forget about it cause one day our group will strive to succeed in our goal. When that happens, well let's just say that this whole world will plunge into chaos, " said the red hoodie guy as he disappeared out of thin air

"Society of the Red Joker, huh. Yeah, that doesn't sound suspicious at all, " said Leo as he stores the letter in his inventory

Flashback ended...

"Anyway, back to what I was saying. So, you guys have any questions that you need to ask?" questioned Leo as he looks at his crew

"Yeah, I have one. What are you gonna do? Don't tell me you're just gonna sit here and do nothing, " questioned Alex Mercer

"No. I'm gonna help Cole and his team. By doing what exactly you might ask? Well, I'll be helping them by snipping off all the monsters at the entrance by using this gun, " said Leo as he brings out Lock-on! out of his inventory

"Now you may be wondering what this gun does, right? Well, sorry to say but you're just gonna have to find that one out yourself. Any questions? " said Leo

"Okay, so do you know where Ajax is exactly? I know he's in the factory but where is his office located at?" questioned Kuina

"Well, I don't know where his office is exactly but Alex knows where it is. Tell them, Alex, " said Leo

"To put it short, our captain here brought back a guard from prison and he told me to consume him. So I did that and I got his memories. I know where his office is and end of the story, " said Alex Mercer

"That and I lied about not knowing where his office is. It's that window right there. Isn't that right System?" thought Leo as The System materialised beside Leo

[Yes. I've detected one life signal behind that window over there.] said The System as he pointed at the window

"Any more questions.... no? Then let's get started. Everyone, go to your positions, " ordered Leo as everyone started to scatter into their position

At the entrance of the Factory

3rd Pov

"So guys, you know what to do right?" said Cole as he, Kuro and The Captain walks leisurely to the entrance

"Yes Cole, for the last time, we know what to do. You don't have to spell it out for us every minute, " said Kuro

"Hey, you! Stop right there! What are you doing here!" shouted one of the guards at the entrance

"So uh, who wants to do it?" questioned Cole as he looks at both Kuro and The Captain

"No one? Guess, it's my turn then, " said Cole as he steps forward and swings his arm forward to fire an electric shockwave

Before the guards could even react, they were immediately thrown pushed back and hit a wall rendering them unconscious. After that, Hans steps forward and punches the entrance of the gate sending it flying backwards. All of the guards look at the broken gate to see Cole and his team walking in

"Hey, there boys! Sorry, we're late. We had some difficulties coming here." said Cole as he and the other two leisurely walks inside the factory

"Well then, enough talking. Let get this party started, shall we? You guys better be prepared cause this party is gonna shock you till the rest of your life!" said Cole as electricity started sparkling on both of his hands

"Hey Kuro, wanna have a challenge and see how many kills we can get? The loser with the lowest kills will have to do what the winner says," said Cole

"Oh? Are you mocking me right now?" said Kuro as he retracts his claws

"I don't know. Maybe I am. But are you gonna back down on a challenge?" said Cole

"Hmph, fine then. You asked for this. I'll play with your little game for now. But don't start complaining when I win, " said Kuro

"Hah! In your dreams!" said Cole

Hans was also getting ready by using both of his guns. Without saying anything, the three of them started charging towards the enemies. While this was happening, Leo was still on the cliff looking at the factory with his scope.

"Alright, phase 1 is complete. Now it's time for phase 2. I'm counting on both of you right now, " whispered Leo as he saw Kuina and Alex sneak into the factory

"Good, at least they successfully got into the factory. Now to check up on the other 3," said Leo as he saw Cole and the other doing fine

"Oh, it looks like someone is trying to sneak up on Cole. Let's just hope that it doesn't hit Cole. Alright, take aim and..." said Leo as he aims at the person

"Lock-on!" said Leo as he fires the gun

A few seconds later, the bullet hits the person right in the head. The bullet didn't stop there as it started changing trajectories and hits another person in the head

"Holy shit! It's so hard to control it! I don't think I'll be able to control it much longer, " said Leo as he holds his head in pain

After a few seconds later, the bullet then just drops onto the ground. By then, a lot of the enemies are dead due to the bullet

"Okay, I'll admit, I had a hard time trying to control the bullet and changing its trajectories. Jeez, I'm gonna have to train my sniper if I want him/her to use this gun, " said Leo

"Alright, let's go for another one, " said Leo as he reloads the gun

After that, Leo started to rinse and repeat for about a few minutes. Unbeknownst to him, the red hoodie guy is silently watching the assault from afar.

"Well, well, well, it looks like the kid went and actually started his raid. Guess this is where Ajax is gonna die. It's a pity but nonetheless, he already outlived his usefulness, " said the red hoodie guy

"Boss was right about him. One day, that kid is gonna cause quite a ruckus, especially in the New World. Let's just hope that he can survive the Grand Line first, " said the red hoodie guy as he turns around and disappeared out of thin air