*Warning, this is the longest chapter that I have ever written.*

Inside the factory

3rd Pov

Hey, Alex! Are you sure this is the way!" said Kuina as she and Alex are running

"Unless the person I consume is either an idiot or has short term memories, I'm very positive this is the way to his office, " said Alex

"Okay then, but what are you gonna do after we find Ajax office?" questioned Kuina

"Actually Kuina, I'm planning on going to a science laboratory. If this person's memories serve right then there should be a lab here somewhere on the first floor, " said Alex

"Really? So you're just gonna destroy it?" said Kuina

"Destroy it? No, no, you got it all wrong Kuina. I'm not just gonna destroy the lab, I'm gonna take every research that the scientists have done and recorded in this building. Maybe then, I could find a cure for this virus, " said Alex Mercer

"Okay, so it's just you being you again. Got it, " said Kuina

After a few minutes later, they found stairs that lead to the second floor.

"This is it, Kuina. This is where we part our ways, " said Alex Mercer

"Now remember Kuina, Ajax office is on the third floor. There should be a big sign that says that. Oh and be careful, there's gonna be lots of monsters on the second floor," said Alex Mercer

"Got it. I'll see you when we finish the mission. Good luck out there, " said Kuina as she climbs the stairs

"Hey, you! Who are you!" Alex heard as he turns to his left and saw 3 guards running towards him

"Heh, guess this is my cue, " muttered Alex as he turns into one of the guards

"Hey, what are you doing here! Shouldn't you be outside defending the factory?!" said one of the guards

"Sorry there man, I just got out of the bathroom. So what's happening right now?" lied Alex

"There are intruders outside of this factory! Didn't you hear the siren?!" said the guard

"Oh right, my bad. Why don't you guys go first, I forgot to bring my weapon with me, " said Alex

"Alright, but make it quick. Come on, let's get going, " said the guard as he and the rest started running again

"Hehe, what a bunch of idiots. Now, the lab should be somewhere around here, " said Alex as he started searching for the lab

Factory Second floor

3rd Pov

"Come on, come on, where the hell is the stairs at!" thought Kuina as she kept running

As she kept running, she is unfortunate enough to encounter a pack of Deformed Monsters

"RAAAGGGH!" shouted one of the Deformed Monster

"Shit! There's 4 of them! I'm gonna have to get rid of them first if I want to continue, " thought Kuina as she unsheaths her sword

The monster then started rushing towards her. One of the monsters tries to slash her with its claws but she parried with her sword. The second tries to attack her but she dodges and cuts its arm off. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't able to dodge the other two monsters attack.

"Shit!" cursed Kuina as the attack hits her arm

She backs away and starts thinking of a plan. She holds her arm in pain as blood started pouring out a bit.

The monster roars and started to rush towards her. Thinking fast, she uses Soru and gets behind one of the monsters and decapitates its head. She didn't stop there as she uses Soru and does the same thing to the last monster.

Only 2 monsters remain and she gets ready to strike them. The monster starts charging at her again and this time she uses Tekkai. Just as the monsters hit her, their claws immediately shatter. Before they could react, Kuina decapitates both of them.

She hears more noises and turns to her left to see more infected wolves coming towards her

"Ugh, come on, there's more of them. Can't I catch a break for once?!" thought Kuina

"Oh well, round 2 it is, " thought Kuina as she gets ready to attack

Science Laboratory

3rd Pov

Alex opens the door to the laboratory and saw lots of scientists and guards huddled in the room. He saw lots of equipment and research notes scattered around the room. What intrigued him the most is that he saw a cage full of Deformed monsters.

"Huh, this place seems a bit lively, " thought Alex as he looks around the room

"Hey! What are you doing here!" said a guard as he walks toward Alex

"Oh, you know, I just took a wrong turn and thought this was the bathroom. Now, my question here is that why are there so many scientists in this room?" said Alex

"We're here trying to protect the scientific from the intruders. If worst comes to worst, we're gonna have to evacuate them using the secret passage in this room, " said the guard

"Secret passage? There's a secret passage in this room?" questioned Alex

"Why of course there is. In every room, there would be one emergency secret passageway that leads outside. Ajax even explained it to us on the first day of our work. Did you forgot or something?" said the guard

"Uhh, yeah. Now I remember. Sorry, I'm quite forgetful about these things, " said Alex as he scratches his head

"That's good to know. At least now I know there's a secret passage in here. Now I just gotta know where it is, " thought Alex

"So uhh, can you explain it to me again on how and where you open the secret passageway?" questioned Alex

"Well, sorry to say but I don't know but usually our commander knows where it is, " said the guard

"You don't know where it is yet you know that there's one in here?" questioned Alex

"Look, man, I just don't know. If you want to know more about it then go talk to the commander, " said the guard

"Then where's your commander at?" questioned Alex

"He's right over there, " said the guard as he pointed at another guard

"Now, if you don't have any more question then I suggest that you start going out there and start defending this place, " said the guard

"Why don't you go out there and do it yourself, " said Alex

"Pfft, fuck that shit, I don't want to die today. Plus, I've got orders from the commander to protect the scientists, " said the guard

"Then I'm gonna go talk to your commander, " said Alex

"Eh, do what you want, " said the guard as he walks away

Without saying anything, Alex started walking towards the commander while looking around the lab. While he was walking, he accidentally bumps into a scientist. The scientist accidentally dropped all the papers that he was carrying

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" said the scientists

"Oh, sorry. Didn't see ya there, " said Alex

"Tch, dammit! Now I'm gonna have to pick up all these papers! Stupid blind guard." murmured the scientists as he started picking up all of the papers

"Hmph, well fuck you too then asshole, " thought Alex as he continues walking again

"Hey there! Sorry to interrupt but are you the commander?" said Alex as he approaches the commander

"Yes. What is it that you want, recruit? Can't you see I'm busy right now?!" said the commander

"I know, I know but I promise you this wouldn't take long. I just want some answers from you," said Alex as he puts up a cheerful act

"...Fine but make it quick. I still got some unfinished business that I need to do, " said the commander

"Don't worry, it's not gonna be much. So uh, first of all, I heard that there's a secret passageway in this lab. Could you tell me where it is? I heard that you were the only one that knows about it, " questioned Alex

"That's weird? I thought I already told you recruits where it is when we enter the lab?" questioned the commander

"Maybe you forgot or something. Plus, I only entered this room just minutes ago so I'm kinda on the dark here, " said Alex

"Okay, but then why are you in here? Shouldn't you go outside and take care of the intruders?" questioned the commander

"Oh well, you see... don't get mad but I don't know where the exit is so..." lied Alex as he tries to look embarrassed

"Don't tell me you got lost, " said the commander with a bit of disappointment

"Umm...kinda?" said Alex

"Ughhh, incompetent people. How could you get lost in this base? There are literally signs everywhere, " murmured the commander as he pinches the bridge of his nose

"Can we just get back to the question? You still haven't answered it yet, " said Alex

"The secret passageway is right there on the wall, " said the commander as he pointed at a random wall

"And the switch? I heard that you had it with you, " said Alex

"It's right here in my back pockets, " said the commander as he pats his pocket

"So any more questions that you need to ask?" questioned the commander

"Just one more, why are lots of the infected monsters behind that cage, " said Alex as he pointed at the cage

"Don't mind it much, it's just the scientists were doing some experiments on them, " said the commander

"Okay, but do they have their chips inside their brains?" questioned Alex

"Not yet. But don't worry, we're safe in here. So long as you don't open it then you got nothing to fear, " said the commander

"Oh, I won't commander. It's not like 'someone' is gonna break it open, " thought Alex as he started grinning in his mind

"So any more questions?" said the commander

"No, I got everything I need to know, " said Alex

"Good, now if you exc-" said the commander only to get interrupted by Alex

"Hey! What the hell is that!" shouted Alex as he pointed something behind the commander

"What is it? Did something happened!" said the commander as he turns around

Without saying anything, Alex quickly and silently grabs the switch from the commander's pocket

"What?! What is it?! What happened?!" shouted the commander as he turns back to Alex

"Oh sorry, false alarm. I was just seeing things, " said Alex

"Ugh, stop playing around dammit! Look, if you got nothing to do then I suggest that you do something useful for once then just standing around here asking stupid questions!" said the commander sounding a bit angry

"Will do boss, will do, " said Alex as he makes a mocking salute and walks away

"Heh, that was too easy. At first, I want to actually consume them but I don't want the risk of having to lose some of my brain cells. Then again, do they even have one? Either way, it doesn't matter, now I just gotta start the anarchy, " thought Alex as he walks towards the cage

"Oh hey there, little fellas. You looking a bit hungrier than usual. Do you want some snack, " said Alex as he holds his hands out inside the cage

"RAAGGH!" shouted the monster as it tries to bite Alex's hand

"Woah there, easy, easy. You might just get sick trying to eat me you know. Don't worry, in just a second you guys will have your meal. So sit tight for now and let me open it for you," said Alex

"Hey! Step away from the cages! You're gonna get yourself bitten by those monsters, " said one of the scientists as he approaches Alex

"Oh? What's wrong? Scared that they're gonna get out?" said Alex as he smirks and raises one of his eyebrows

"N-n-no. I'm not scared!" shouted the scientists

"So you're telling me that if I open this cage and let them out then you're not gonna scared? That's quite a bold statement, " said Alex as he goes towards the cage door

"W-w-wait! Don't do that! You're gonna get us killed!" said the scientists

"Hahaha, oh man up now, will ya? There's nothing to be scared of anyway, it's tightly locked. Plus, I don't even have the keys with me. Actually, speaking about it, where is it anyway?" questioned Alex

"Oh, it's actually just right beside you, " said the scientist

Alex looks to his left and sees a key hanging on a nail

"...Seriously? You're joking me right?" questioned Alex

"Uhh, no. It's just been there the whole time, you just haven't noticed it yet, " said the scientists

"Well then, guess I'll just take it for myself, " said Alex as he picks up the key

"Exactly, what are you gonna do with it? There's really nothing you can do except opening up the door in which case it would be a dumb idea, " said the scientists

"Oh well, you know I was just gonna- Hey! What the hell is that!" shouted Alex as he pointed something at the scientist's shoulder

"Haha, very funny of you. That's not gonna work the second time. Do you think I'm deaf or something? I heard you did that to the commander before, " said the scientist as he crosses his arm

"Really? Then that's a shame cause this time I was telling the truth. Just look at your shoulder. There's a cockroach just sitting there, " said Alex with a smirk on his face

The scientist looks to his shoulder and what do you know, he sees a cockroach. He did the only reasonable thing that a guy would do.

"AAAAAHHHHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF ME!' shouted the scientist as he freaks out

While he was distracted, Alex immediately uses the key and opens the cage door. Just after he does that, the monsters immediately started getting out of their cage and started attacking both the scientists and the guards. Safe to say, it wasn't a pleasant one.

"Hehe, serve you dickheads. Now if you excuse me, I'll be going now. I don't want to ruin your meal by just rudely watching, " said Alex as he picks up the switch from his pocket and uses it.

A random wall opens up and Alex started going in. He looks back one more time just to make sure no one is following him.

" I'll come back here after you finish your meals. Until then, enjoy yourselves, " said Alex as he started smirking

He goes inside and closed the wall using the switch. Now all he can hear are the muffled screaming and curses of the people inside the lab.

At the cliff

Leo's Pov

"God, what's taking them so long. It's been like 10 minutes already, " complained Leo as he still looks at the factory with Lock-on on his hands

"Ugghh, Cole and the rest are already finished with their work. Maybe I should just go there instead, " said Leo as he scratches his head

"Yeah, you know what might as well just do that. I already know where Ajax is, so it's not hard to locate him, plus it's way better than just sitting here doing nothing, " said Leo as he gets up, puts Lock-on back in his inventory and started growing a pair of dragon-like wing

"Okay, let's do this! Ajax, here I come!" said Leo as he uses Geppo and started flying

Inside Ajax office

Ajax's Pov

"Goddamit! Why is this happening to me right now!" shouted Ajax as he punches his desk

Ajax is a slightly buff guy with tan skin, black eyes and a red mohawk. He wears a brown open leather jacket and blue pants. He also has a bull face tattoo on the right side of his arm

"Shit man! First, the prison next was that damn red hooded guy, now this! What's next? Someone breaking through my window!" said Ajax angrily

"Damn, why does this happen to me now! There's no way those people came from the village and they're definitely not from the damn Red Society! Are they the one responsible for the prison? If so then who are they? I've never seen them before, " said Ajax

"What am I gonna do. At this rate, I might as well just escape while I can. Yeah, I can do that. I'll take some samples of the virus, from my safe, escape from this island with a boat and start again on another island, " said Ajax

Without any warning, the window to his office suddenly shatters and Ajax saw some green-haired guy crouching there.

"What! Did he...Did he just break through my window!" thought Ajax

Back to Leo's Pov

"Whooo, made it, " thought Leo as he gets up and dust his shoulder

Leo looks in front of him and sees Ajax standing behind an office table

"So, let me guess. You're Ajax right?" questioned Leo

"Yes. Who are you and what the hell are you doing here brat!" shouted Ajax

"Right, you know what let's just cut to the chase. Long story short, I'm here to kill you. So I prefer that you just stand there and do nothing, " said Leo

"Wait?! You're the one who's behind all this! A brat like you!" said Ajax

"Yeah, what did you expect?" questioned Leo

"Observe, " thought Leo

Name=Ajax Mcfield

Age= 35

Alignment=Evil Chaotic










"There's no way a brat like you have done this. You're like what 16?" mocked Ajax

"Okay, first of all, I'm 18. Secondly, well sorry to say but you're looking at the mastermind behind all of this. Anyway, I'm not gonna waste my breath on you anymore, " said Leo as he grabs a pair of guns from his inventory

The pair of guns was Jackal and Casull only this time they look different. Both of the guns have large blades under the barrel of the gun. Jackal has Kanshou as his blade while Casull has Bakuya. ( For better context just imagine Emiya Alters gun. That what they look like only replace it with Jackal and Casull.)

Modified Jackal and Casull

Desc: Jackal and Casull was a formerly normal modified gun. Now with both of the guns modified and upgraded by Leo, it has now combined itself with Kanshou and Bakuya in turn both of the guns have functioned as bayonets guns. Both of the guns still retains the same abilities of Kanshou and Bakuya. In addition, both of the guns has shown the capability to transform back into actual blades vaguely similar to the original swords, along with connecting them at their pommel to create a dual-bladed melee staff


Modified Jackal= 6500-7350

Modified Casull= 5000-6300

Dual bladed mode= 6900-7500

"Hah! You're gonna beat me, kid? Please, as if I'm gonna lose to a brat like you, " said Ajax

"Oh? I wouldn't say that if I were you, " said Leo

"Yeah, well what are you gonna do then? Sh-" said Ajax only to get interrupted


-5400 Damage!

-5300 Damage!

-5700 Damage!

Without saying anything, Leo shoots Ajax with Casull.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear what you say. Maybe you should speak a bit louder next time, " said Leo

After a few second, Ajax gets up and smiles at Leo like nothing ever happened to him.

"Haha, I'll admit brat, that one was a good one. But you're gonna have to try better than that," said Ajax as he started regenerating

"Huh, what do you know, A devil Fruit user I presume?" said Leo with one of his eyebrows raised

"Yup! I ate the Saisei-Saisei no mi (Regeneration-regeneration Devil Fruit). It allows me to regenerate my body if I suffer any damage. Let's say if you decapitate my arm, I will just regenerate it back like it's nothing. Pretty useful Devil Fruit am I right?" said Ajax

"Yeah, it's a good one but at the same time, it's bad if you're weak. So what if you can regenerate? It's not gonna make that much of a difference, " said Leo

"Heh, we'll see about that, " said Ajax

"Actually, you know I have one question that I want to know, " said Leo

"What makes you think I'm gonna answer your question, brat?" said Ajax

"Oh you know, since you said you're gonna kill me and all, then you might as well answer one question for me. I mean, what's the harm in doing so?" said Leo

"Hmm, alright brat, I'll let you answer just one question. But after that, I'm gonna start killing you, " said Ajax

"Awesome. Can't believe that actually work. So, my question right now is why? Why did you create all of this? Why did you need to conquer this whole island and why did you create these monsters? There's no way you're doing all of this without a reason, " said Leo

"Heh, why did I do all of this? It's because I want to conquer all of East Bl-... No, no, not just East Blue but all of the Blues" said Ajax

"Seriously?" said Leo

"Yup, you see brat, to tell you the truth I didn't create the Monstrum Virus, I just happened to found it on somewhere on this island. So once I found this virus, I immediately started planning on trying to conquer East Blue first and then the West, South and North. To do that, I'm gonna need lots of people, lots of scientists and a small island to start my operation. Funnily enough, I just so happen to stumble upon this island here, " said Ajax

"So wait? You're telling me that out of the blue you just started on planning to conquer all of the Blues just cause you find the virus?" questioned Leo

"Nope, even before I found the virus, I really did wanted to conquer all of the Blues. It's been my long life dream. Anyway, back to what I was saying when I successfully infected someone for the first time, I ran into a problem which was to control the monsters. That's when I started hearing rumours about some genius living on an island, " said Ajax

"Let me guess, this genius that you're talking about is Kitt and I already know what happens afterwards. Look, I don't care about your whole backstory or origin or any shit about your past. I get that you want to conquer all of the Blues but for what? Power? Money? To show your pride? To let the world know your hot shit? Cause if you do then I'm sorry to say but you're not gonna accomplish anything considering just how powerful the Marines and Yonko are, " said Leo

"Brat, you don't know anything about power! You have no idea just how horrifying it is in The Grand Line, " said Ajax

"And what makes you think I don't know anything about power? You haven't seen what I can do and yet you just assume that I'm weak. Plus, are you telling me that you've been to The Grand Line before?" said Leo

"...I didn't just been there, I've survived from that hellhole. Back when I was your age, I was just as determined to go to the Grand Line. I thought that it would be easy, a cakewalk. I thought I was at the top of the world. Yet when I got there, I've seen the true horrors of what the Grand Line is capable of. My captain, my crew, my friends, all gone just from entering that place. I was the sole survivor and till this day, I don't know if I was ever lucky or unlucky to survive, " said Ajax

"Ooohhhh, you poor sack of shit, just wait until you hear about The New World and then you see just how small it is the world that you've been living, " thought Leo

"Okay, as I said before I didn't ask or even care about your backstory. Look you know what, I don't even know why I even say anything, to begin with. I should have just killed you from where you stand, " said Leo as he prepares to fight

"You're right. I've already said enough! Now it's time to kill you!" said Ajax as he grabs 4 syringes and tries to inject

"Oh no, you don't! I'm not gonna let that happen again!" shouted Leo as he shoots Ajax with Jackal


-6700 Damage!

-6500 Damage!

-6550 Damage!

-6590 Damage!

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHH!" shouted Ajax in pain as he drops the syringes

"W-what the fuck?! Why am I not healing?! What did you do to me brat?!" shouted Ajax

"Oh you know, have you ever heard of a thing called 'Seastone bullets'? It's quite a handy thing to deal with Devil Fruit users like you, " said Leo as he leisurely walks towards Ajax

"Bastard! Don't think just a few bullets are gonna stop me!" said Ajax as he gets up from the ground

"We'll see about that. Oh, I know! Why don't we play a game that I just invented! It's called, 'How many hits can you take until you die. The rules are simple, I shoot and you survive. A fun game isn't it?" said Leo enthusiastically

"Don't mock me you, brat!" said Ajax as he runs towards Leo and punches him

He dodges the attack and Ajax started to punch him again and again. Leo with a bored look on his face just lazily dodges the attack. After a few minutes, Ajax surprisingly was able to land a hit on Leo

-980 Damage!

"Yeah! How do you like that brat! Does that hurt!" said Ajax

"Pfft, this is it? This is all you have to offer to me? Bitch, my dead grandmother punches hurts even more than yours. Although my grandma never did that to me still you hit like a little bitch which is quite fitting since you are one, " said Leo

"Grrrr, I'll show you just how strong I am!" said Ajax as he tries to hit Leo

"Tekkai!" thought Leo

"Ow! What the hell?! That- That actually fucking hurts. That didn't happen before! Agghhh, fuck! My hands!" said Ajax as he holds his hand in pain

"Hehe, what did I tell you? You hit like a little bitch. So, are you gonna give up?" questioned Leo

"Not yet! I till have one last trick up on my sleeve!" said Ajax as he gran something from his pocket

"Smoke bomb!" shouted Ajax as he throws as a smoke bomb onto the ground

"*Cough* *Cough* Okay, honestly wasn't expecting that at all. Damn, that was a smart one, " said Leo as he wipes away the smoke

After the smoke dissipates, Leo saw Ajax injecting all 4 of the syringes he dropped onto the ground

"Hahahaha! You're fucked now, brat! Now with this, I'll kill you and the intruders!" said Ajax as his voice started getting a bit deeper

"Oh no! Not again!" said Lei as he started shooting him with both of his guns




-6800 Damage!

-6000 Damage!

-7000 Damage!

-5000 Damage!

-6500 Damage!

-6050 Damage!

-6950 Damage!

-5100 Damage!

-6700 Damage!

-6200 Damage!

-7150 Damage!

-6000 Damage!

"Did I get him?" thought Leo as he only saw smokes

Suddenly, Leo sensed something dangerous and immediately dodges an incoming attack. The smoke dissipates and he saw Ajax? standing there without any shirt. Only this time, his skin is grey, has sharp claws coming from his hands, has some bone armour around his body and arm, black eyes and a small horn growing on his head. However, his body didn't grow massive.

[Warning! Warning! A boss battle has been commencing!]

Name=Ajax Mcfield???

Age= 35

Alignment=Evil Chaotic










"Huh...fuck me. I should have just killed him rather than toying with him," thought Leo

"Be prepared, brat cause I'm gonna kill you!" said Ajax? with a somewhat demonic voice

"Oh, you can still talk? Thought you just become a mindless beast, " said Leo

"RAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" roared Ajax as he started rushing towards Leo

Leo surprised by his speed barely dodges the attack.

"Okay, that was fast. Guess its time for me to get serious then," thought Leo

Ajax didn't stop there as he immediately turns around and starts rushing towards Leo again. Leo seeing this immediately uses Tekkai. Once Ajax got close, he immediately started punching him very fast

-1860 Damage!

-1900 Damage!

-2000 Damage!

-1747 Damage!

"Damn, even after I used Tekkai he's still hitting me hard, " thought Leo as he resists Ajax's punches

Ajax roars again and goes for another attack. This time, however, Leo dodges the attack and uses his wires to trap him making him standing still. Ajax tries to break off the wires but fails to do it. Leo backs away for a bit and started shooting him.


-5000 Damage!

-3560 Damage!

-4050 Damage!

-5100 Damage!

"His armour is tough and every damage that I did to him was useless considering the fact that he can regenerate, " thought Leo as he saw Ajax healing him at a fast rate.

"Well, then I guess there's only one thing I can do now. I've been meaning to try and use this ability since I've unlocked it, " thought Leo as he walks slowly towards Ajax

"Hey Ajax, you can still hear me right?" said Leo as he saw Ajax looking at him

"Brat! Don't think you've won just yet! Once I get out of whatever the hell this is, I'm gonna rip you apart from limb to limb and I'm gonna make you beg for mercy!" shouted Ajax as he tries to get out

"Uh-huh, yeah I don't think so pal. You see, I've got a question for you. Have you ever felt...fear before? Hmm, have you ever heard the definition of insanity before?" said Leo as his hand is surrounded by a dark aura

"Cause if you do then you're about to confront some of your worst nightmares again and again until well... you give up or die. Let see how you handle it, shall we? Now, stay still and I'll show you the true meaning of both fear and insanity!" said Leo as he smiles maniacally and touches Ajax head

Ajax Pov

Once Ajax looks at Leo, he saw that he wasn't in his office anymore and was floating some sort of darkness. He notices that he can move again and his body turns back to normal.

"Hey! Where the hell am I! Where did you take me brat!" shouted Ajax

"Oh Ajax, buddy, you're asking the wrong question here. It's not 'where' you should be afraid off, it should be what I would do to you, " said Leo as his voice echoes around the darkness

"Hey! Show yourself! Come here so that I can kill you, you cowardly brat!" shouted Ajax as he looks frantically around the area

"Are you sure? I mean, I'm gonna say it now but you're gonna regret looking at me you know?" said Leo

"Just shut up and just show yourself! I don't care what type of trick or shit you're gonna do to me!" shouted Ajax

"Alright then, if you insist, " said Leo

After that, eyes started opening everywhere in the darkness and all of them are looking at Ajax. Before Ajax could say anything, a bright light suddenly to clouded his vision.

After the light dies down, Ajax lowers down his arms and started opening his eyes. There he saw that he was standing on a ship. He looks around and saw nothing but the sea.

"What the... why am I on a ship? Did that brat just teleported me somewhere in the middle of the sea! Then that must mean he's a Devil Fruit user," thought Ajax as he started walking forward

"Damn it! Just where am I exactly! I swear once I find this little shit, I'm gonna tear him apart! Although, for some reason, I get the feeling that this place looks...familiar, " thought Ajax

"Wait! This ship...this scenery...this...this feeling...I...I've...don't tell me!" thought Ajax as he starting looking a bit pale

"No, no, no! This is impossible! There's...there's no way I'm back here again! This damn hellhole again!" thought Ajax as he started sweating and feeling scared

After that, a big storm suddenly envelopes the whole area. The rain started pouring down hard and thunder striking loudly. The whole ship started shaking and Ajax had a hard time keeping himself standing

"No! This is just an illusion! Yeah! This is nothing but a mere illusion! Nothing here is real!" thought Ajax as he frantically tries to deny everything he's seeing

"Ajax..." said a mysterious voice

"What! Who says that! Is it you brat!" shouted Ajax as he looks around the area

"Ajax...turn around...I'm right...behind you, " said the same mysterious voice

Slowly, Ajax turns around and saw a guy standing there. To everyone, he may seem normal but to Ajax...

"No... B-but how!" whispered Ajax as he looks at the man with wide eyes

"Ajax...why...why...Why did you leave us...Why did you abandoned us, " said the guy

"I...I didn't... a-abandoned you guys...I...I just wanted to-" said Ajax only to get interrupted

"You lied to us...You lied to us Ajax...I thought you promised us...that this would be a fun adventure. You told us...we would be friends...forever, " said the guy as blood started coming out of his eyes

"Yes! Of course, you're my friends, I promised you guys! But-" said Ajax only to get interrupted

"But no Ajax, we were just following your orders. We thought you knew what you were doing, " said another voice

Ajax looks beside the guy and saw a woman standing there looking at him

"We trusted you Ajax. We followed your orders and yet...you lied to us, " said the woman

"No...No I didn't!" denied Ajax

"Yes, you did. Now, look at us...we're dead because of you and yet... you've survived. You led us to our death! This is all your fault!" said another as he appears beside the woman

"No! No, it isn't! I didn't-" said Ajax only to get interrupted

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT AJAX! YOU LIED TO US YOU COWARD!" shouted all 3 of them as their eyes turn black and blood started dripping from their eyes

After that, more people started appearing on the ship and they all started chanting 'Coward'. A lot of them have blood all over their body with some of them losing an eye, arm, legs or any body parts.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! All of you! I'm not a coward! This isn't my fault! I-I didn't mean for this to happen to you!" shouted Ajax as the voice started getting louder

Ajax turns around and saw a big wave coming toward the ship. He screamed loudly and closes his eyes. The waves hits and ship started sinking.

After a few minutes later, Ajax holds onto a broken plank with his dear life so that he wouldn't drown. Yet even as the ship has sunk, he can still hear the chanting.

"No, no! I don't believe this! This isn't real! This is all just a big stupid dream! I'm gonna wake up in a few seconds now and everything going to be fine, " thought Ajax as he closes his eyes

After a few minutes, he opens his eyes and saw that he wasn't in the sea anymore. This time, he saw that he was swimming in a sea of blood. He also saw that they were bodies everywhere floating on the sea.

"Oh God no! Not this! Please, just stop this already! I'm sorry, okay! I-I-I didn't mean for this to happen to you guys!" shouted Ajax in fear as he looks around the area to see more dead bodies

Without him even realizing, he is now standing in the darkness again. He slaps himself to see if it was a dream or not. He frantically looks around the area, trying to see if there was anyone.

"Big brother..." said a child-like voice behind him

He immediately turns around and saw a little girl holding a teddy bear.

"...A-Alice?!" whispered Ajax

"Big brother...you said that you'd come back. You promised that you'd come back and safe me, " said Alice

"A-Alice! I-I'm sorry, okay! I was too late to save you! I-I didn't know where you were! I...I..." said Ajax as he falls on his knees

"You're what, Ajax? You're sorry for what you've done? Do you regret that you didn't save her? The one big mistake that you don't want to ever remember " said Leo

"Y-Yes! Of course, I'm sorry for what I did!" said Ajax as he now starts crying

"Oh, don't worry, Ajax. You'll be meeting her soon enough. Just stay there and let me do all the work. It's okay, everything is going to be fine, " said Leo as he appears behind Ajax and points Jackal at his head

"I-I-I'm so sorry, Alice...everyone. I..I...you guys are right. I am coward. I didn't even feel sorry after you guys die. I'm a monster... a scum. I don't deserve to live, " said Ajax as he cries even harder

"Don't be sorry, Ajax. Plus, you're not the monster here cause that would be me. You're just the victim, " said Leo as he pulls back his gun

"W-What are you doing, kid! Please, just shoot me already!" shouted Ajax

"Hahaha! Oh no, Ajax. What's the point in doing that when the fun has only just begun? I told you before that I was gonna show you the true meaning of insanity and fear! So you'll be stuck in here, repeating the same things over and over again until you give up or die!" said Leo as he started smiling and laughing maniacally

"No! Please! Just kill me! Please, I beg of you! I don't want to see it again! Please!" begged Ajax as he started bowing

"Goodbye Ajax! I hope that you have a fun time here!" said Leo as he laughs and disappears

"No! No! Please! Come back! Come back, please! Just let me die, already! I want to meet my friends again!" shouted Ajax in anguish as you can nothing but the echoes of his voice around the darkness

"Don't worry big brother. Just like what big brother Leo said, we're gonna have a fun time in here for the rest of our lives and there's nothing you can do about it. Isn't that great! " said Alice as she looks at Ajax and walks towards him slowly

"You're not gonna be alone, big brother. You have me and your friends in here. It's been a long time since you've seen us you know and we've been very sad. But don't worry, since you're here everyone is going to be happy and fine. Trust me, it is to die for, " said Alice as more people started to appear behind Ajax

"...Ha...Haha...Hahaha...Hahahahaha. Yeah, you're right. Maybe...hahaha...maybe it is going to be fun in here, " said Ajax as his mind slowly started to descend into madness.

Leo's Pov

Back at the office

[Ding! You have defeated the boss! Gained 350,000 EXP and 400,000 SP! ]

[Ding! You have levelled up!]

"Oooohhh, I think I might have overdone it, " said Leo as he Ajax on the ground shaking

"Uhh, System. Can you tell me what happened to him?" questioned Leo

[Well... how do I say this. You, pretty much just trapped him inside his mind. So unless you want to free him, then he's pretty much just stuck in there forever.] said the System

"Oh yeah, I definitely went overboard this time. Damn, even I'm scared at what I did to him, " said Leo

Sakana-Sakana No Mi, Model: Cthulhu(Level 41)

Madness Manipulation( Level 2)= The user can create, control and manipulate madness/insanity of themselves, others or the madness energy around, whether increasing, decreasing or otherwise causing insanity, even manifesting the emotional energy to the physical level and gain power from it.


-Insanity inducement= The user can cause madness in a person or a group of people that have no mental illness. Depending on the user control, his victims may go slightly crazy or downright insane to the point of not knowing which is a dream or reality. To use this, the user can either look at the person straight in the eye for about 4 seconds or touching them. The user can also decide if he wants to trap his victim inside their minds for eternity or not.

-Level up Madness Manipulation to Level 20 to unlock the next Sub-Power

"Well, not to be an ass or anything but it's not my problem anymore. Although, he could still be of use to me. Maybe if I take his body and give it to Alex, then maybe he can do something about it? Like, making him apart of my crew?" said Leo

"Eh, I don't know. But for now, I'll just take his body back to the ship. I summon you my, darklings!" said Leo as he summons 1 darkling

"What is it that you need, my lord, " said the darkling

"I need to carry this body back to ship. Just put him inside my cabin, " ordered Leo

"Then it shall be done, my lord!" said the darkling as it picks up Ajax's body and started going to the Jackdaw

"With that done, let's see just what's inside this office, " said Leo as he started searching the office

To be continued--------->

(Cause this chapter has already been long enough as it is. Like damn, it's almost reaching 7000 words.)