Fool's Assistance

That eventful event-ing- it is a pun. That evening really plays a big role to changes my life after this. My peaceful,calm and sweet life is about to be changed just by a confession.

"So now i want your help to makes my feelings reach out to Yuki, " Kuro said that with full hope as plain as eye can see from his face and hand gesture. Well of course i did not answer it immediately since i was amazed by the evenings scenery like what i mentioned last time. Every second, a car passed, within the speed limit of course. There are blue, red, yellow also rainbow colours on the car bodies.I was talking in my mind,

"You are handsome Yuuki so let's enjoy this handsome life!" that is what i have been told by my inner voice.

"Yeah, I'm willing to!" I replied with my outer voice loudly to inspire myself to live my life to the fullest.

"Really? Thanks Yuuki! You are the best, it was right to ask for your help but to be honest i was a little bit worried if you actually have a feeling for Yuki too but now it is clear that that is not the case, " Kuro jumped with excitement while saying all that.

" Eh wha- oh yeah of course i am a good person after all! " i stated because my attention and mind was taken by 'You are the best' and that was how i accidentally got myself involved into another person's stupid business of youngsters with no real attention of wedding, worthless relationship but also some do have attention to getting married but it would be a really tough path to be walked down to. No offense though just my own opinion as a highschool student because we never have enough money to even buy 5 clothes at one time in the end we will use our parents money to buy it. And then Kuro and I apart at the junction that is about 5 minutes walking to my house. My parents house actually.

8 p.m. Just about time usually for me to chill in my room and read manga or watch anime after taking a calm and cold bath but this time i am having a deep thought in my head for 1 hour.

"What kind of joke have i gotten myself into?", and sighed.

"Yuuki come down now your wife has came to visit you!"

"What? I don't even remember getting married to someone that is worthy for my love yet!" i blurted confused to my mom's sudden joke.

"I'm kidding come down now the dinner is ready!" she explains it. Actually I'm not quite sure what is my mom's job actually. She is sometimes a teacher at a kindergarten, sometimes she is a teacher in a highschool and sometimes she is a housewife. I guess the best answer for my wondering thought is she is working as a "Mother" because that is what she clearly doing all this life. I loved her very much.

"So how is the first day in highschool?" sat on a chair that is facing against me, Dad asked my opinion and experience.

"It was really a high school" i answered stupidly as a joke.

"Umm not about the school's buildings but I'm asking about your expression towards the environment and surrounding of the school." Dad really took my joke in the face.

"Hohoho of course i caught crowds eyes since they must never seen a person with an angel-like handsomenesss as me!" I claimed arrogantly. Of course my dad will just let it slide because my characteristics is already became a normal thing for both of my parents since they took care of me since i was born until now.I guess forever.

" Yeah, yeah you really are our son. Obviously." said dad.

"Hey, I'm your son too!" shouted Kotomi that sat beside me. Oh i forgot to mention actually I have a little sister and her name is Takahashi Kotomi. She is a really cute little sister.

"No you are not our son" mom replied.

"Yeah you are our lovely daughter, honey." dad continues her words.

"A really cute one of course!" Kotomi said proudly while holding up her spoon with her cute little hand. And we started eating all the foods mom made for tonight dinner.

After I'm done helping mom washing all the dishes and cleaned up the mess Kotomi made while eating, I excused myself to the upstairs. I goes straight to my rooms and closed the door.

" I'm full now! " i shouted what i got in my mind because I'm really fully recovered with food in my stomach. It feels like a usual normal every night i have ever had in my life tonight. But there is something a little bit different in my heart, head. I lost in thought. I lost my own optimistic and narcissistic characteristics for a moment. My imagination is paused for a while there.

"How in the hell will I help Kuro reaching his selfish feelings towards Yuki?" I wondered. Helplessly I keep trying to think the best way to end this nuisance as soon as possible. Because as you know that I, Takahashi Yuuki really hate to get involved with another people's life. All that has happened was just by an accident. I never intended to even get to know the name of that girl, Tanaka Yuki. Because i do not want to regret it if. If i ever get fallen in love with her. It is just an "If". Some people said that if you think about something too much before you go to sleep, you will have a dream about it so i wondered if I'm thinking about something really perverse for 30 minutes before I go to sleep will I get a dirty dream? I really hope it will not happen to me. I do not want to have people disturb my dreams too.

"Oh God please somehow protect my feelings, my heart, i do not want my heart to ever feel hurt. Pain!" said me in my mind before i go to sleep. I sweated like crazy that night. I can't even close my eyes since the sweat got into my beautiful eyes. At least now I'm back to my old self.

" Oh sweat, you should not ever enter my this beautiful eyes until you smell like a flower and not hurting my eyes it is!" I screamed because I'm really in pain at the moment. The sweats are salty.And before i knew it, I already sleeping soundly that night. Maybe even if you feel really uncomfortable, if you are really sleepy than you will just started sleeping without you noticing and all your senses will be inactive to ignore the uncomfortable situation.