Fool's Beloved

"I smelled really bad now heh" I sighed right after i open my eyes out from my calm sleep because I fell asleep with full of sweat last night. This has actually became a norm for me to sweat almost every night when I'm sleeping especially when it is in summer. The only way to prevent me from sweating in sleep is to switch on the air conditioner but last night i did not switch on the air conditioner because i do not want to burden my parents to pay for expensive electricity bills. I am trying my best to minimise the uses of electricity even though my parents never asked me to do so. They never complain about the electricity bills but i knew it is really expensive since dad installed one more AC in the living room last month.

"While I'm being a good son, I'm also losing some calories just by sleeping big deal huh? "

I'm trying to convince myself to not give up lowing the cost of the electricity bills so that my parents will be a little bit less burdened.

"Yuuki!" I heard Dad calling my name from outside of my room.

"What is it dad?!"

"I genuinely think it is better for you to take bath now or else you will be late for school!" Dad reminding me because it is already 7:45 a.m on the clock.

"It is okay dad, i will just use my 'wings' to fly quickly to school because I'm a-"

"An angel, yeah right now just be sure to eat breakfast before you go!" Dad cut me off before i can even finish my daily narcissistic routine.

"Mom where are you going?" I asked as I'm putting some fried rice Mom cooked for breakfast into Kotomi's plate.

"I need to go to kindergarten now so just put the dishes into the sink after you done eating" Mom said.

"Okay then"

"So Mom is a kindergarten teacher today?" Kotomi asked with some rices stuck on her adorable and a bit chubby cheek.

"Yeah Mom is a kindergarten teacher for today, my dear cute little sister Kotomi" I can't hold myself to kiss her on the forehead because her cuteness is just incomprehensible even for a handsome guy like me.

"Let's go now big bro Yuu!" Kotomi take my hand right after I'm done tying my shoelaces and ran off out of the house.

"Wait a minute my princess, my humble self needed to lock the door first or something bad will happen"

"Okay then please do so hehe, " she makes a serious face with eyes glaring cautiously to the surrounding as if we are locking a door that is protecting a world level secret that will harm the world if it is found out by the wrong hand. A minute after I locked the door, we started walking to the school holding hands. Kotomi love to hold my hands when we are walking together she said because it makes her feel secured and safe.

"Kotomi's friends are cute too but they are nothing near compared to Kotomi's levels of cuteness" I talk to myself after I safely walked Kotomi to her school. She is still in elementary school.

"Good Morning Yuuki!" Mitsuha greeted me when I'm just entered the classroom. Tokugawa Mitsuha, she is my cousin. My most beloved cousin. Since middle school she has always been the centre of attention by many boys of our age but she just never been attracted to them. I guess the first time I met her was when we were 5 years old. At that time she is a little bit taller than me but when we get into middle school, I became taller than her maybe that is just how men and women grow.

"Yeah Morning too" I replied with a smile. She followed me everywhere all day because she is just too shy to communicate with strangers. The only person she knows is me because I'm her handsome cousin besides, all our ex middle school classmates did not join us together in this class. They are all over the school but not in the same class as Mitsuha and me.

"Hey I know that you are too shy to communicate with strangers but did not you feel embarrassed walking and talking only to me all day?" I asked worriedly. I want her to make friends so that she does not feel lonely if i can't be with her.

"If it is you than I'm okay with it because I love you, Yuuki, " she said that as she held a bit of my uniform.

"Yeah I love you too but you need to make friends as soon as possible because there is no guarantee that i will be alive tomorrow or even a minute after we walking like this, " I'm trying to encourage her to make friends so that I will be less worried about her. I love to see her every day. Of course it is because i love to see a beautiful person or things but all that can't beat my love of my own looks everytime i look into the mirror.

"If you say so, I will try to make friends with all the classmates as quickly as i can! Sorry to make you worried about me Yuuki, " she feels guilty even though it is just a small matter to me.

"No, it is okay to rely on me at times I just said all that because i want to see you happy, laughing and smiling since you are my most beloved cousin Mitsuha, "

I'm trying to make her guilty goes away because i knew how bad she is in handling her guilty feelings. She might be crying alone in the classroom when I'm not looking if i did not said that.

"Ok now while we are at it let's go eat lunch together under that tree!"

I suggested and pointing toward a big shady tree right outside of the school's building. Maybe a calm environment will help lessing the stress in Mitsuha's mind.

"Yeah let's do that, " she agreed with my suggestion.

"Come on you should be glad to be having a lunch with the most handsome man in the wor- I mean in the galaxy!" I intend to make Mitsuha smile in my own way.

"Yeah of course and I'm the happiest girl in the galaxy now" she blushed. I can see it clearly because her skin are the fairest and flawless than any other girls in the school.

"Open your mouth Yuuki," she demanded me to do so thay she can feed me properly.

I opened my mouth wide and then when she let her guard down,

"Ouch!" Mitsuha shouted because i bit her feminine finger.

"Yuuki you are so mean!"

"I'm sorry Mitsuha but i just couldn't resist to bit you delicious looking finger and i loved them," I made up an excuse so that she would not scold me.

We back into the classroom and goes to our own tables

"Oh no, I did not bring enough exercise books for today's classes!" I heard Mitsuha's low voice. I came to her table and gave her my extra exercise book.

"Thank you Yuuki, I love you!" she accepted it with the sweetest smile she can give and a sugary 'I love you' along with it.

"So does me" I returned her love because it is already became a normal thing to do towards each other since we were just kid. But not normal for our classmates.

"What?!" our classmates screamed in sync as if they are all a smartphone connected to the same wifi connection. That surprised me and Mitsuha.

"Hey you both are girlfriend and boyfriend?!" Dekai, one of our male classmates asked me to know the truth about the relationship of Mitsuha and me. His big stomach really got my attention. I want to spank them because they looks so soft.

"Oh you all are misunderstanding somethings here now, " I answered.

"Than what about that 'I love you' and 'So does me' things?!" Dekai asked again.I'm getting really annoyed now.

"Well it is normal for cousins to love each other is not it?!" I tried to cease the misunderstanding.

"Yeah it is normal for me to love Yuuki!" Mitsuha step in too. I bet she felt guilty to let just me to clear the misunderstanding because she is the first to say 'I love you'.

"So you both are cousins huh? Hahaha!" Dekai grating and patted on my left shoulder. The others now just accept our explanation and back to what they are doing just before now. Some girls approached Mitsuha and started to talk to her.

"Let's be friend, Mitsuha!" said one of them along with a handshake.

"Y-yeah if you are willing to accept me as your friend!" Mitsuha accepted the girl's friend request and took her hand to complete a handshake, bashful.

"Ah, Mitsuha is really cute too. I'm glad that she is my cousin. If we are married to each other, I believe that our children would be the most beautiful in the world, " I let my mind do the talking and keep it myself. Mitsuha look at me and said,


while making a heart with her hands even though it looks like an upside down poop to me but it is okay as long as i understand what she is trying to say. I just gave her a big smile as the response for her thanks while laughing in my head.

"That was really something to be misunderstood dude." here comes Kuro starts again disturbing my relax time.

"Well at least I'm loved" just a quick response.

"Yeah, so now what should i do to make Yuki fall in love with me?" Kuro asking for my advice on something I'm not expert of.

"You just approach her naturally like most guys do as example to ask for help in mathematics but that will just makes you look like an idiot but if that will make love bloom into her than it is worth it i guess so." I said with a monotonous voice while looking out to the window.

" Yeah maybe that will do for the meantime" Kuro just agree with my opinion and did that right after i advised him to do so.

"Hey that dude really wants to get along with Yuki, " I thought in my mind.

After the school ends, I walked down the stairs together with Mitsuha and when we just about to get out of the school's building there is Yuki waiting for me in front of the school's gate.

"Yuuki!" she called for me even though i can see her clearly right there just a few steps away from me.

"Yes I am Takahashi Yuuki!" I answered her calling while raising up my arm to the sky.

"What do you need of me Miss Yuki?" I pretending to be a butler for a moment and one knee down posing like the usual pose people often use to propose a girl. Mitsuha laughed a little bit with my act and so does Yuki.

"Stop that, it is embarrassing for a guy to knee down to me" Yuki said.

"Yeah Yuuki, it is looks like you are proposing her just now!" Mitsuha explained the details why it is embarrassing for Yuki.

"Actually i have fallen in love with you since the first time we met!" I confessed. Our's eyes met and the time feels like it has stopped. All that left is a weird silence. I can see clearly in her eyes, how she is feelings. Both of them Mitsuha and Yuki.