Fool's Reflection

I know this is not a right time to do so but i just couldn't hold it in anymore. Especially when both Mitsuha and Yuki are with me now. My feeling are glittering and burning in my heart. I thought I'm about to die just now. My heartbeat racing quickly and in my mind I'm wondering,

"Is this what the so called 'love' is? Then if this is it, please make it rains full of happiness and joy! "

I back myself one step backward and smiling.

"Seriously Yuuki?"

Yuki asked if I'm not just joking about my confession.

"Yeah, of course there is no way I'm kidding about this!"

I said with an appealing loud voice. She must be seriously taking my confession by now.

"Why are you both looking at me like you just saw a disgusting person passing by?!"

"Well I guess this is how people would react when they see a person confessed his love towards himself in front of a car window," Mitsuha appointed that what I just did now is disgusting to be seen and done by normal people.

"I thought the same too Mitsuha," Yuki agreed with Mitsuha's opinion.

"There is nothing disgusting about confessing your love towards yourself in front of a car window!!" I speak up my opinion that it is not disgusting to show my love for myself openly. Because I'm really fascinated by my own reflection on the car window. I can't help but to express my feelings over my great looks.

" But it is okay i guess, because that is what makes Yuuki a Yuuki,"

Mitsuha pleased my characteristic because she is already getting used to my attitude and lifestyle since we were spending many times together as a loving cousin and a childhood friend.

"Yeah you are right," Yuki agreed.

"Of course it is just right for me to love myself," I said it proudly and put my hands around my waist and head up.

"So Yuuki can you give me your phone number?" Yuki requested as she is holding her smartphone in her right hand, walking by my left side.

"Look at me now crowds! I'm surrounded by two girls hahaha!" My dirty mind suddenly react to this situation.

"Yeah sure," I gave her my phone number while we stopped for a minute at the bus stop to exchange our phone number.

"Thank you, now we can talk even when we are outside of the school, " Yuki gladly received it.

"Yeah if that is okay for you," I said that smiling while waving my hand to her.

"I would glad to, so see you later!" she waved back to us as she enters the bus that just came to the bus stop. Now I knew that Yuki goes to and from school by bus. Maybe this will be a thing to help Kuro. It is not like I really wanted to help Kuro to get along with Yuki or anything all I just wanted is to end this mess as quickly as possible. I've learnt many tips on getting a girl from watching animes but I've never used any of it before because I'm not interested to get into a relationship at the moment so I'm not sure if my advice will be helpful for Kuro.



Mitsuha called for me right after we started walking again.

"What is it Mitsuha?"

"Is it okay for me to keep on become close to you everyday?"


I need to know the reason for her question.

"Well, I think that I'm just being a nuisance for you," her wobbling voice makes me worried.

"How can you become a nuisance to me? Actually I'm really happy when you are with me!" I answered her question honestly from my heart. If being with me will makes her happy than I'm willing to even sacrifice my free times.

"Are you sure?" Mitsuha lost confidence on my answer.

"Yeah I'm sure of it,a handsome guy like me would not lie to you,"

"Are you really really sure about it?"

"Yes my dear Mitsuha, I'm willing to spend all my lifetime with you," I wanted her to trust my wills and attention to not letting her being alone and feeling like she is just being a nuisance in my life.

"Ok then, that is a promise!" she is making a serious face and holding out her pinkie finger as a sign of vowing our promise.

"Yeah let's do that," I intertwined my pinkie finger with hers and now our vow is completed successfully. To others we both might be looked like really childish but this is just how we are to each other. We are just being honest to each other.

"Can you come with me to do some shopping?" Mitsuha inviting me to come with her for her shopping.

"I will be your bodyguard. Only yours, but your parents will not be angry right?"

"They said if the one I'm shopping with is Yuuki then it is okay even if I did not come back home for 3 days," Mitsuha surprised me with her parent's trust in me. Mitsuha takes the lead and I just keep myself near by her side because she is the one that wants to go shopping while I'm just her partner or bodyguard that her parents trusted to take care of Mitsuha when they are not with her. And then the most awkward moment came.

We entered a lingerie shop?!

"Hey, Mitsuha I guess I will just wait for you outside because you know umm?" I suggested the best plan to avoid myself from feeling embarrassed by not entering the shop.

"No, you must come in with me!" Mitsuha rejected my plan.

"But this is embarrassing!" I said the reason why it is better for me to just wait outside of the lingerie shop.

"No, you promised to stay by my side so just keep quiet and come with me! If something bad is going to happen to me than who will come to help me?" Mitsuha insisted to have me come into the shop along with her. I give in and just follow her leads.

"Just wait here and don't do anything naughty," Mitsuha reminding me while testing 2 swimsuits the shop clerks recommended for her to try on.

"Of course!" I replied to her.

Man, this is really embarrassing after all.

"T-tadaaa! How do I look?!" Mitsuha asking for my opinion for her looks in the new swimsuit she tried on.

"Of course you look so sexy and pretty!" I can't even open my eyes out of embarrassment.

"You must open your eyes to give a serious comment on how do I look in this!" she scolded me.

As I opened my eyes, I became speechless by her beautiful body and can't really describe her beautiful looks is. When i raised my vision a little bit more, I saw a reflection of myself on the mirror behind Mitsuha because she wide opened the fitting room curtain and I blurted

"You looked so beautiful!" with a fruity voice and grinning widely.

"O-oh thanks!" Mitsuha then closed the curtain back and pay for the swimsuits.

"Hand the bags to me, I will carry them for you," I offered to help her.

"I-It is okay I can carry these bags on my own," she insisted.

"No I'm your bodyguard here so I will help you carry it,"I took the bags from her slowly and she just gave it in.

Of course a gentleman like me help her to carry the bag even though she was a little reluctant to let me do it because she feels embarrassed.

" Why do you need all this anyway? " I asked.

" Just for fun," she laughed a little. That smile I really wanted to protect it.

" See you tomorrow Yuuki and thanks for today! "

" Yeah see you tomorrow!" and now Mitsuha is safely arrived at her home after all that shopping.

"Walk for 10 more minutes and I will be arrive at home too I guess?" I said to myself as I started walking back home.

"Mom,Dad, bro Yuu just came home!" I heard Kotomi's voice by the time I entered the house. In her hands, she is holding a color pencil maybe she were coloring her drawings before I came home.

"Yeah, your handsome big brother just came home!" I boasted to Kotomi and then she comes towards me and embracing me tightly.

"I miss you!" Kotomi said with her adorable smiling face.

"I wanted to see you too Kotomi," everyone that has witnessed Kotomi's cuteness will always wanted to see her again so I'm glad that I'm her big brother because I can always spend my time with her. Cuteness overload.

"You should take a bath now big Yuu," Kotomi said while plugging her nostrils.

"Yeah your big brother has became smelly after this exhausting day," I agree with her comment.


Before I go take a bath,I need to put my bag into my room first. The first thing I see in the room is a big mirror next to my bookshelf. I'm really sensitive to mirrors, everytime I saw a mirror I could not resist the urge to look the reflection of myself on it.

"How about this?" I'm posing like a model in front of the mirror.

"I guess I will take off my clothes now," and when I'm about to step outside of my room, my eyes once again caught up by the mirror and my step stopped. And now I'm posing as a nude model.

"Oh look at my great body!" I fascinated by my own body and it goes on for about 30 minutes before I go take a bath. Sometimes it even went on for 1 hour because I just really loved to see my beautiful self and sometimes I even started to have a headache when looking at my own reflection. Maybe that happened because my brain just can't process the level of my handsomeness that is beyond thinking and logic. There are things sciences cannot explain.


After taking a bath, I lean down on the bed,

"I'm too lazy to iron my school uniform for tomorrow now,"

I'm way too exhausted for today and mentally challenged.

"Oh great, now the lingerie shop is lingering in my mind," I'm worried if I'm going to be a perverted person, a handsome pervert.

A notification from my phone startled me. Apparently it is from Yuki.

"What are you doing now?" from Yuki.

"Nothing, just loving myself," from me.

"Oh really? At least you are not loving another girl hahaha," from Yuki.

"Yeah I'm not interested to do so," from me.

"I wonder about that... Goodnight for now see you tomorrow!" from Yuki.

"Goodnight too," from me.

- - - - - - - - - - - End of Conversation - - - - - - - - - -

"I need to get some homeworks done by tomorrow so I will sleep a little bit later than usual tonight I guess?" and 2 hours after I'm done all my homeworks, I closed my eyes to sleep. It is a cold night so I can sleep peacefully under my furry blanket feeling secured.