Fool's Thought

I woke up into an unfamiliar world, alone.

"Where am I?" I've got no memory of this scenery l. Th trees here are all shady and calming my eyes. The world geographic views are various and colourful. There is not even a single urban sculpture my sight.The skies are clear and bright. The sun is smiling. I started walking around to see the surrounding areas.

" Seriously?" I lost my way. I stopped walking and lean back to one of those shady trees nearby. The wind blow makes the leaves sounded like a music instrument.

"Pfftt!" A leaf got into my mouth and I coughed.

"They are really into me," I'm referring to the leaf and then I heard a woman calling my name with a ringing voice.

"Takahashi Yuuki!" a disembodied voice pierced into my ears.

"I'm here, where are you?!" I stand up and searching where the disembodied voice came from.

The clear blue skies suddenly become cloudy and dark and the lightning strikes the ground like it is targeting on me. The lightning swooped on me and I felt a stinging pain all over my head.

"It hurts!" I screamed with a bit tears.

Apparently the stinging pain i just felt right now is from Yuki pinching my cheek when I lost deep in my imagination of a world that got only me in it.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?!" Yuki asked after I'm back to the real world.

"I didn't hear you calling because I was in my own beautiful and calm world just now," I'm holding her hands because I want to prevent them from keeping on pinching my handsome face.

"Hey, your hands are so big,"

"What? You never touched a well grown man's hands before?," I asked.

"Besides my Dad and Grandfather's hands when I were little kid, yeah you are my first," I can feel her hands getting warmer little by little since I started holding them. Yuki's hands are so soft and calming to be hold.

"Seriously? You never got into an accident as example you slipped on the floor and a handsome man hold out his hand to help you get up or catch you before you fall completely on the floor or teachers forcing you to form a pair of opposite genders and dance while holding hands on a school camp or whatever?

' I can't believe that she never touched another guy's hands before me'

"Well I have got into the accident where a handsome man hold out his hand to help me get up back then," her faces facing towards the class's ceiling.

"See! Than I'm not your first time," I made a conclusion for her story.

"You know who is that handsome person was?" Yuki's face now is coming closer to my face just for the sake of that question.

"I don't know though," First of all, I never know Yuki for that long amount of time so of course there is no way I have an idea about who she is talking about. But there is something going on in my heart. A feeling of wanting to know the truth. My heart itching that I want to asunder my chest and take out my killing itchy heart. I need a painkiller for this. Is there any painkiller to do the job well?

"I want to kill whoever that bastard who touched Yuki!" my mind is haunted and screaming. I feel like I'm burning over my head. Just when I almost cried, Yuki holds my hands and whispered to my left ear,

"That was you, Yuuki. On the first day of school under lots of fully bloomed Sakura trees, me and you met and you bumped into me and then you held out your hands to help me get up so please take responsibility for taking my first time," she now increase the distance between us as our eyes met into each others and then she let go of my hands and with a wide smile, she goes to teacher's office. Leaving me alone with blanked mind.But the itch in my heart has gone, my heart felt so great, blissful and relieved.

" What is this feeling?Why did I ever thought to kill person that touched Yuki? It is not like that is my business or anything. I got nothing to do with her. But why?" I started asking myself questions of the unknown feeling I've felt just now. This is the first time my heart ever felt like that in my life.

" Oh great, Kuro was not here. If he saw Yuki and me like that, he will make the greatest mistake he could ever done about me in his life," I don't want to be labelled as a traitor because he trusts me to help him reaching his feelings to Yuki. And I'm just a really handsome highschool boy that being caught into helping someone else's romance.


" Ah crap, here he comes, " I sense Kuro's presence.

"Lalala lallala lala!" Kuri comes into class grinning and singing like a person that got one of his nerve veins to the brain cut out. But honestly I feel relieved that he is coming like that.

"Yo, Yuuki!" he greeted me while giving me a peace and goat's smile. He stopped in front of my table,standing.

"Yo," I simply tried to act the same as he did to me but that does not seem like suited my characteristic the best.

"Yuki greeted me this morning and it really made my day!" he boasting to me, a person that got greetings from Yuki and other girls every day.

"Seriously what can I do to help you?" I sighed and slapped my forehead because of Kuro's childish pride and attitude. For me it is all are the opposite, greetings for Kuro is a drug but for me it is just like sweets. It feels great but just for a short moment and it will go away so does the person that gave the greeting. People never stay. Things can't stay unchanged and so does people's heart.

"So now-"

his words are strangled by me because I already knew what he was going to say and it will be really annoying to me if I heard it one more time.

"This world holds infinite possibilities for every person living on it, and the only way to unlock it is by making our own decision and not to use another's mind and thought.If you are using another person's advice than it is meant that your life is being decided and your infinite possibilities are still locked. In summary, you are living for another person's life and not yours."

" But-"

his eyebrows are frowning now.

" Yeah you can just choose to take another person's advice sometimes if you feel like really useless, helpless and that perhaps be one of your infinite possibilities too."


his hands touching my shoulders and he is coming closer to me as he is really curious to know the summary for all my smart talks.

"Now choose, You want to rely on my advice or think of your own decision for this time?"

I removed both his hands off my shoulders and resting my head onto the table because I already feeling tired of this long conversation.

"Man, you really got me good now, as expected from the Great Yuuki!" he saluted to me as if I'm one of the great military commander.

'Am I looked like one of the Great past Rome Empire military commander to you now?'

I thought.

"Now just make your decision and act,"

I needed to rest my mind now since its energy has been used up for thinking the best advice to give to Kuro today.

"For today, I will use yours!"

smiling shamelessly, Kuro give up on thinking his own resolve to approach Yuki.

'Seriously this dude just never been considered about me!'

I'm stressed out.

"Sure thing then," I reluctantly just bear with his decision and started thinking for a little bit more of a way to help Kuro. I try to imagine every situations and way that is easy to do and does not consume too much energy. And after a few seconds I got an idea.

" I will contact her and tell her about how a good person you are,"

This is the only idea that came out from my thinking.

"Hmm... Ok then I don't have to do anything again this time I guess," he accepted my idea gladly without a long thought.

'Easy task, small talk'

"Ok now everybody go back to your own sits and pay attention, the class is about to start!" Miss Karuizawa walk into the classroom since the recess just over and she is the teacher for our English period .

"Stand up!"


and we followed Yuki's command.

'Today, the big event is going to happen in my precious life'

I thought as my head is bowing to Miss Karuizawa as a respect.

'I will put an end to all of this nuisance at once, today and I will regain my peaceful youth like how it would be if I was not get caught myself into Kuro' s problem'.


Just like usual, Mitsuha and I walking to our home together until she is safely arrived at her house. But today there is something different I felt about Mitsuha. She looked like she is worried about something and she is glaring really sharp to me that make me feel a little uncomfortable.

"What is on your mind now Mitsuha?"

I needed to stop her from keeping on glaring to me like that and perhaps she got a problem or two or more that I maybe can help her calm down a little bit.

"Why do you ask?!"

she flustered.

"Well, your beautiful eyes are really glaring sharp on me so I thought that you got something to say to me or anything about me that make you angry or disappointed or you just can't take your eyes off from my handsome face,"

Mitsuha blushed and I'm glad that she finally took her eyes off from me and now I feel more comfortable to talk and walk with her.

" It is about girls in our class, " she finally said what is going in her mind.

" What? They bullied my adorable cousin? "

"No, that is not it!"

She pinched my arm and it was actually didn't really felt like a pinch but more like just a touch. She is a really feminine girl after all that her strength is really low.

"Okay so what is it?" I asked.

"Well..... They complimented you too much,"

"So what about it? Is not it normal for a handsome guy like me to get some of those compliments from girls?" I confused.

"Stupid Yuuki,"

And now she is pouting and punched my stomach teasingly.

"Stop that, it got no effect on me hohoho!"

"Well I never intended to hurt you after all,"

Mitsuha pulls my necktie and standing in front of me with a cute smile. I'm glad now that Mitsuha is smiling like how she normally does to me.


'Homeworks are sucks'

I lean on my big blue themed bed while hugging an exercise book that I just did homework into it. The fan on my room ceiling has been put into the max speed and it makes my eyes follow it.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about that!"

now I just realised what actually I were going to do tonight before I went to sleep.

' Even an angel like creature as me can forgot things sometimes too huh? '

I take my phone from my desk and unlocked the password 'YuukitheGreat' and start messaging to Yuki.

"Hey what are you doing now?"

"Just solving some maths problems" Yuki.

"Oh, I just let the book clean. It is not like I can't solve the maths problems or anything, I just don't want people to know how smart I'm actually is yet" Yuuki.

"Yeah right, good luck with your secret now hahaha" Yuki.

"You know about Kuro?" Yuuki.

"What about him?" Yuki.

"Well, he actually hate you and don't want to see you to appear in his sight ever again" Yuuki.