Fool's Phone


I screamed as I just woke up from my micro sleep. My phone dropped on the floor with the screen facing upwards and my chat with Yuki was still ongoing when I fell asleep.

'What about him?'Yuki.

That is when I got into my wild dream betraying Kuro and said that he doesn't want to see Yuuki ever again or in summary, Kuro hates Yuuki.

"So I fell asleep for about 10 minutes,"

I blurted out after I read my last conversation with Yuki was sent on 22:10 and I woke up at 22:20.

I reached my phone and continue on where I left the chat. My head feeling really heavy now and so does my eyes.

'I really need to go to sleep now,'

But I keep on trying to finish off the conversation with Yuuki and sent,

'I need to go to sleep now, See you tomorrow,'


My alarm clock is ringing loudly and stinging my ears. The sun rays is really shooting through my room windows. That is to be expected as I read it is already 8 in the morning showed on my alarm clock and to make sure of it, I checked on my phone.

'Why there was no one trying to wake me up?'

And on my phone screen it wrote,

'8:01, Saturday'

"Oh I see the reason why haha,"

I just realised that I don't have to go to school today since it is already weekend.

"I should have told mom that I don't want her to let the sun light disturb my sleep and to not set my alarm clock on 8 a.m just to wake me up,"

I sighed because I still feel like I want to sleep and I'm not sure if I can get out of my bed now.

'Wow this bed is sure really comfy and soft,'

" Mom! "

" What?! "

Mom replied as she open the door of my room.

" Help me, I can't get out of my bed. I feel like I have been tied up by a super strong steel chain did by some evil and trying to steal my handsome face from myself!"

"Yeah right,"

Mom pulling my hand to help me get out of my bed.

"Look at your super strong Heroine Mom came to help you!"

She said with silvery voices after she successfully got me out of my bed.


I said

"Yeah? ,"

"You killing me with the sun light through the windows and set up a time bomb on 8 a.m,"

"That was for your own goodness you just need to bear with it because one day you will never get it anymore, honey,"

She got a point there now. That is also the reason why I loved her so much.

"Ok then,"

I replied with a low voice because I really don't like to think about life without my parents. Not even for a second in my life.

"Now go eat your breakfast. I need to take Kotomi and her friends to the zoo since I have promised her to take them to the zoo if she has done her homework without playing around for 1 hour,"

Mom said and I'm sure that Mom would take Kotomi to the zoo even if Kotomi didn't finish her homework because my Mom is just a really soft hearted person and I would say that her is the softest in the house.

" Yeah, I will take care of the house then, "

"Please do so,"

"Bye bye Big Yuu!"

Kotomi waves her cute hand to me while holding Mom's hand excitedly from the front door.

"Be careful and be a good girl Kotomi!"

I'm waving back to her from the kitchen doorways and reminded her to not be a bother for Mom.

"Yeah of course!"

And now they both are out and Mom already locked the door so I can just keep on eating my breakfast peacefully without bothering to lock the door.

'Wait, I didn't finish the thing that I started last night,'

While my right hand is feeding myself, I use my left hand to take out my phone from my pajamas pocket.


My phone is unlocked.

"I love me!"

I said after seeing my own handsome face reflecting on the phone screen because I put the brightness on low since the last time I used it was night. I don't want to hurt my eyes if possible.

"What was that? Hahaha" Yuki.

Now I see that my conversation with Yuki hanged with a great typo I made,

"O neet ti gO Tp slEEp nooo. See ya latah" Yuuki.

'Seriously? I must be really tired yesterday to even made this crazy typos, '

And I laughed loudly because I can't see a handsome guy like me to ever made this big of typos.After I'm done laughing now I open up the keyboard and start typing,

"Actually what I was going to say was' I need to go to sleep now. See you later' but I guess I'm way too tired to even type the right way last night so there you have it,"Yuuki.

And now Yuki's question is answered and I'm back to eating my breakfast.


When i just finished washing the dishes and about to take a bath suddenly a notification hit my phone and it read as,

' From Yuki'

"Yeah I knew that you was about to go to sleep, what I was asking was about this," Yuki.

She pinned my chat,

"You know about kuro?" Yuuki.

So I replied,

"Oh about that" Yuuki.

"He actually loves you and wants to make you his girlfriend" Yuuki.

I turned off my phone and goes straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

"Look at this hairstyle!"

as I styling my hair using shampoo in front of the mirror making it looks like horns and mohawk.

'This hairstyles doesn't suit me well I guess'

I rinse off the shampoo and brush my teeth.

"Ouch! I'm blind now!"

I screamed because some of the toothpaste got into my eyes while I'm brushing my teeth. The pain last for just 5 seconds though. Just when I get out of the bathroom I hear my phone notifications is sounding like a ringtone instead of a normal notification.

"Who is spamming me?!"

I ran towards my phone because I'm worried if it is something important or emergency but when I read it from the lock screen it is actually from Yuki.

'What now?'

I quickly unlocked the phone and replied,

"Hey now, keep calm and just let me wipe my hair and wear clothes because I just done taking a bath" Yuuki.

"Ok" Yuki.

Yuki stopped spamming my phone with her chats after I asked her to chill until I'm done wearing clothes.

"Hey you are wearing clothes or making clothes?" Yuki.

I bet she is angry about something but I don't know the reason why.This is really making me scared and worried at the same time.

"Come on it is already 5 minutes since you wiped your hair" Yuki.

'What did I do wrong to make this girl looks annoying to me now?'

And now I'm completely wearing clothes.

"What?" Yuuki.

"I don't love Kuro in romantic ways" Yuki.

"Oh really? So what about it?" Yuuki.

"I need you to help me prevent Kuro from keep getting close to me" Yuki.

"Hey, Kuro is a good guy just go out with him" Yuuki.

"No I don't want to!" Yuki.

"Just give him a chance like a week at least to prove that he is suitable for you Yuki" Yuuki.

"No I can't trust any other man beside you Yuuki" Yuki.

"Heh this is really a drag now, " I sighed and annoyed.

'Just give an end to this already'

"Ok ok now I will tell Kuro that you got no such a romantic feeling towards him" Yuuki.

"Please do so!😁" Yuki.

"Thanks! 😘" Yuki.

"Ok" Yuuki.

I screenshoted my chat with Yuki and sent it to Kuro.

"Dude, I can't accept this" Kuro.

"Ok" Yuuki.

"By the way thanks for your help😣!" Kuro.

"Ok" Yuuki.

Just when I'm about to put my phone away suddenly Yuki message to me again.

"Now Kuro has started to chat me so please help me, I don't want to chat him but at the same time I don't want to hurt his feelings with rejection!" Yuki.

"Seriously now?" Yuuki.

"Help! 🙂" Yuki.

"Come on just go out with him!" Yuuki.

"No i don't want to!😒" Yuki.

"Ok ok now just send what I sent" Yuuki.

"I don't have such a feeling toward you so please give up and I'm sorry 🙏" Yuuki.

"Ok thanks" Yuki.

And now my peace is back to me so I turned on the television and watch some animals documentary, some deers are fighting with each other and hitting both heads to one another also some giant toads leaning over each other. Apparently it is about the mating season.

'What is wrong with you tv?'


I jumped into a conclusion to kill my time by watching some animes instead of animals documentary of mating season. Actually I really love to watch animals documentary but not about mating season because it makes me want to do so too and disgusting.


After 2 hours of binge watching anime, suddenly once again my phones notification pop up.

"Oh come on! I need to finish this anime or my brain will go bored!"

Apparently the notification is from Mitsuha.

"Hey Yuuki😗" Mitsuha.

"What?" Yuuki.

"You are not busy tomorrow?" Mitsuha.

"Yeah, what about it?" Yuuki.

"Hmmm" Mitsuha.

"Would you go out on a date with me tomorrow?" Mitsuha.

"Yeah sure👍🏻" Yuuki.

"Is it ok?! 😱" Mitsuha.

"If it is for you than anything is fine Mitsuha" Yuuki.

"Ok then we will meet where and when?" Mitsuha.

"I will come to your house at 10 a.m and we will get on a bus to the city" Yuuki.

"Ok then see you tomorrow !😍" Mitsuha.

"Also don't forget to bring your swimsuit or trunks or whatever it is suitable for swimming 🏊 " Mitsuha.

"Ok" Yuuki.

"Ok now let's continue where I left off!"

And I binge watching animes all day long. Not to brag but I completed 2 animes before 8 p.m and did my homework also some chores when I took some rest for a while from watching anime.

'I'm going to take a break from watching anime at least two days after this'

As I walk to the living room and sit on the sofa,


"What is it Big Yuu?"

Kotomi answered and lean her head on my lap slowly.

"Tomorrow I'm going on a date with Mitsuha, so do you want to join us or just lazing around the house?"

I pinched her chubby cheek softly.

'Ahh she is so cute'

"Yeah I'm glad to!"

Kotomi accepted my invitation and it looks like she is really looking forward to it.

"Then promise Big Yuu to be a good girl and not to be a bother to Big Yuu and Sis Mitsuha,"

"Yeah I promise to not cause a problem to Big Yuu and Sis Mitsuha!"

Now our pinky fingers intertwined as she vows her promise to me.

"You have to sleep early today because tomorrow will be a really tiring day for us!"

"Yeah sure!"

Kotomi showing me her cute smiles and she fell asleep on my lap while I'm watching some funny reality show on the tv.

'She is already sound asleep before I knew it huh?'

I'm princess-carrying Kotomi into her room upstairs just next-door to mine. As expected from a room of a little lovely girl, it is coloured mostly pink and cute.

'She is surprisingly light and looked so small when I carry her this way'

It has been 1 week since the last time I ever lift her that I forgot that Kotomi is still small and not heavy at all for me.

"Big Yuu,"

Kotomi is sleep talking.

"Yeah my cutie?"

I replied even though I knew that Kotomi couldn't hear me.

"Naaa, "

Kotomi blurted as she went quite and sleep soundly so I put on blanket on her so that she feels warm and protected and right after that, I switched on Kotomi's sleeping lamp because she is scared of dark before leaving her room.