Fool's Fun

"Hey girls, after I rethink about it again actually it is still early to go to the theme park so how about we go to the cinema and watch a movie first and after that we enjoy our times at the theme park?"

I suggested right after I saw a big board promoting new movies outside of the shopping mall.

" I guess that is a good idea too since it is still 11:32 a.m now and the shopping mall is just nearby. I'm okay with it but first, what is your opinion on this idea Kotomi? "

Mitsuha stopped and looking into Kotomi's eyes while asking the question.

"Hmm, yeah why not?! This might be my first time to watch a movie in a cinema,"

Kotomi is really easy to bring along since she is not really selfish like any other kids at her age.

"Oh right, all this time you have only watched movies on the TV,"

"You already went to a real cinema lots of times, Big Yuu?"

"Of course!"

"Who you usually goes with?"

"Well most of the times I went with Mom and Dad but sometimes I goes with Mitsuha too if I'm bored,"

'Whoa when I think about it again, I'm really embarrassed to be alone with her in the cinema but I kept on inviting her since I always forgot about it,'

Mitsuha and Kotomi went inside to buy popcorns and drinks while I queuing patiently to buy the movie tickets.

'Man,that was a really long queue and I have to mind my distance from other customers to make sure I don't smell any of their various smells and to avoid getting their flu!'

"Nice job Big Yuu queuing in that long queue!"

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay,"

"Then why the angry face?"

Mitsuha concerned.

"Big Yuu just hate to be in a place cramped with crowds,"

"Oh I see,"

Now it seems like Mitsuha is relieved.

"You will love the movie we are going to watch, Kotomi,"

I'm showing the tickets I just bought to her and Kotomi smiling brightly.

"What movie is it that made Kotomi smiling?"

Mitsuha asked curiously.


I showed her the tickets.

"The Anger of the Cursed,"

And suddenly Mitsuha's face looks like she is frightened and it reminds me that she is actually not into scary movies and get really scared everytime she is exposed to a scary stories.

'Ah I forgot that Mitsuha is not really good with horror!'

" Yuuki,"

"It is okay, I'm sorry that I forgot about how bad you are with horror stories. Trust me there is nothing to be scared of, IF there is a thing than I will protect you from it,"

I'm trying to convince her with full of confidence but I know she might still be frightened by the time the movie started.

" Okay then, "

" What? Sis Mitsuha is scared of ghost?! "

Kotomi smirking. She must be proud to know that an elder person is scared of horror movies even though Kotomi is younger, she can handle horror movies well. Actually she loves horror stories.

"I'm ashamed to admit it but yeah, Kotomi,"

"Don't worry, if you are scared Big Yuu will hug you tightly untill you feel safe!"

"Yeah I will and am ready to take responsibility of it!"

I played along with Kotomi to make Mitsuha more less worried about the horror movie.


The movie is already about quarter way through and Kotomi has started to feeling cold.

"Waaaa, It is so cold in here!

She is hugging herself to warm herself.

" Yeah I forgot to mention about this. Here use my jacket as a blanket. I'm fine with this cold since I'm already used to it,"

Our seats are in the center part of the cinema not too low and not too high up while Kotomi sit left by me and Mitsuha is on my right side.

" Doesn't it feels good to sit next to the wall? "

Mitsuha lower her head a little and talked to Kotomi with a low voice.

" Yeah, Sis Mitsuha!"

"Mitsuha are doing just fine with the temperature in here?"

" Yeah I'm already used to it just like you, "

" Well if you feeling a little bit cold you can just ask me to hug you. I'm ready for you everytime, Hahaha! "

And suddenly the scene where the main character friend in the movie get killed brutally by ghost came up that makes quite a shock for me. But the most shocked person is of course, Mitsuha.


Mitsuha jumped in shock and hugged me so I hugged her too since I'm shocked by the sudden shock too.

"It's okay there is nothing to be scared of I guess,"

"Don't just guess!"

Mitsuha still can't open her eyes.

"Okay okay I'm sure there is nothing to be scared of now,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah exactly,"

"Are you seriously really sure?"

"Yeah I'm seriously really sure of this,"

And with that Mitsuha opened her eyes back and keep on watching the movie.

"I'll go to the toilet first, I'll be back,"


I entered a row of seats in the cinema and just when I'm about to sit,


'What?! "

" You are having fun huh? "

I can't believe that I entered the wrong row and there is even a person sitting on the seat.

' Oh no, this is really embarrassing!'

" Ah I'm sorry, I entered the wrong row I see hehe, "

The cold cinema feel so hot because of the embarrassing mistake I made and even though I can't really see the face of the person, I'm sure that the voice was a girl's and that makes it even worse.

' How can I mistaken just one row higher than our seats?!'

" Big Yuu, you should be more careful next time hahaha!"

"Yeah I will!"

As I put my hand down on the hand rest, I touched Mitsuha's hand and it felt really cold.

"Oh Sis Mitsuha is no longer breathing,"

"What has happened while I'm away in the toilet for a while?"

' I guess she is just shocked again,'

I hold her hand tightly and there she comes back.

"Good Morning, Love,"

I'm making the most sexy face I can make to impress her.

"Yeah Good Morning, Darling, what? I fell asleep? "

"Yeah, maybe because you have been covering your eyes too much that you forgot to open it back,"

"Oh I see,"

Mitsuha wiped her eyes and yawned. And we continued to watch the movie until the end.


"Okay girls, now it is already 2 pm so let's go the theme park and enjoy ourselves with water splashing!"

"Yeah, Let's go!"

Kotomi and Mitsuha replied in sync since they both really want to stretch their muscles and joints after that long sitting in the cinema.


"Welcome to our water theme park and be sure to create lots of memorable memories with your wife and cute daughter!"

Said the ticket seller to me after I paid the tickets to enter the wtp.

"Yeah thanks,"

"Will you take me as your second wife?

The cashier said with a smoky voice.

'What the hell is this pretty sister saying?!'

" Just kidding haha! Have fun! "

'That was one hell of an experience. I almost get caught off guard by her temptation,"

"Hey Yuuki,"


"Please be more careful next time when you talking with strangers especially pretty women,"

Mitsuha stopped me and whispered into my ear.

"Yeah I will,"

I replied with a thumbsup.

"Waaaaa! Look at all the attractions here!"

Kotomi excitedly pointing her finger everywhere the attractions located around the water theme park.

"Yeah sure it is Kotomi!"

"Let's get changed into swimsuit now, Sis Mitsuha!"

"Yeah let's do that,"

And Kotomi grabbed Mitsuha's hand and went to the girl's changing room together.

"I guess i will do the same too huh?"

Before I go to the changing room I open up my phone,

"If you both are done then text me and we will meet up at this place again" Yuuki.

"Apparently women's and men's changing rooms here are separated away further from each other. I guess it is to avoid any unwanted incident from happening " Yuuki.

"Ok💕" Mitsuha.


And we meet as we have planned.

"Look Big Yuu, am I pretty in this swimsuit?!"

"Yeah and cute,"

'Look at those frills! Kotomi sure is a definition of cuteness,'

"H-how do I look in this swimsuit?"

"You looked totally great in it!"

Mitsuha blushed after I gave her my honest opinion.


"Yeah but where are the swimsuit that you tried on in the shop?"

"I changed my mind and chose this modest swimsuit instead since I thought it was too sexy for me, you don't like this?"

She looks worried.

"No actually I more prefer you to wear this one instead of the swimsuit back then!"

'Man, the swimsuit she tried on was really sexy but I prefer this modest swimsuit more now. It gets me excited somehow, '

Mitsuha is wearing a modest swimsuit that is not really tight on her body and looks like a swimsuit mixed with a blouse and it is quite stylish to my eyes.

And enough with all that talks we are enjoying ourselves with most of the attractions. I could say that Kotomi is the most excited among us all the time.

'Well, she is still a kid'


A sudden attack of water bomb landed on my handsome face.

"Who did that?!"


Mitsuha laughing really hard and that is just how her laugh sounded like since we were kids.

"I guess you are the guilty one, so here I come!"

And I'm chasing down Mitsuha in the pool while Mitsuha and Kotomi trying to run away as fast as they can from me. Actually Kotomi isn't running since she is using a floater.

"Hohoho! I'm much more faster than you there is no way you can escape!"

As I grabbed Mitsuha from her back I sensed something really soft.

'Ah, what is this deja vu?'

I lost in thought for a second.


And I'm back to reality to realise that I'm hugging Mitsuha.


I get my hand off of her and turned my back on her.

"I guess hugs feels different depends on the situation,"

"Yeah, perhaps it is,"

I answered with a taut voice.

'Whaaaa, hugging while wearing a proper clothe and when wearing only swimsuit really makes the difference! I mean, I touched her while only wearing a swimming trunks and it felt weird? It is embarrassing!'

" Big Yuu?"

" Why don't we get something to eat now? We have enjoyed so much for now,right?"

"Yeah let's do that!"

Kotomi then starts soaking her head in the water before we leave it and Mitsuha helping Kotomi by pushing her floater along with us.

"Let's eat!"

Kotomi is really eager to eat the foods we just bought from the food stalls around the water theme park area.

"You both eat first I will buy something to drinks for us and if I'm lucky, I might buy chocolate drinks for you too,"

"Okay Thanks!"

And Mitsuha waving her hand to us before she goes.

'When I think again, some people praised us when we was walking in search of foods,'

"Look at their cute little daughter, she is behaving so nicely you should behave like her!"

A mom scolded her crying child wanting to dive into water so badly from the tall waterfall.

"Big Yuu, look at Sis Mitsuha!"

Kotomi suddenly blurted out and pointing her fingers to a direction with a full mouth of cupcake.

' Ah, seriously? '

As I put on my glance toward where Kotomi is

pointing, I see 2 guys is approaching Mitsuha and it looks like she is being a target of two beasts.

"Hear me Kotomi,"


And we came up with the best plan I can manage for the moment so we started walking and Kotomi starts running into Mitsuha and hugged her.

"Mama that is my chocolate drink, right? !"


Mitsuha surprised by the calling and she hugged Kotomi back as if it is a force of habits.

"Hey honey what took you so long? You want to be beaten again or what?!"

I acted as if I'm a violent husband.

"No, please I'm sorry !"

Mitsuha's face became more frightened after my acting.

'Why would she looked so sad with that? I guess that means my acting was good Haha!'

"Umm we are sorry for the interruptions!"

The two guys is apologising with a really sorry face.

"Yeah sure,"

And they walked away from us.

"Sis Mitsuha saved!"

"Thank you, for getting me out from that unpleasant situation,"

"Yeah, yourself must be more careful and it is the best to not walking alone so I'm at fault too for letting you to go alone,"

'I guess that kind of stuff most likely to happens since Mitsuha is a real beauty from inside to the outside,'

"Look, there is the Cuddly Bear!"


I successfully caught Kotomi's attention.

"Let's take some pictures with it!"

'Mitsuha really got the same thinking way as me or our minds are linked somewhere?'

So in order to take pictures with the water theme park's mascot which is the Cuddly Bear

I'm standing at the left of the mascot while piggybacking Kotomi. I'm holding Kotomi's left hand to keep her balanced and she is holding the Cuddly Bear head with her right hand while Mitsuha is standing close to me on my left.

So the man I trusted to take the pictures of us on my phone and the other guy is using a special camera says,


And the sweetest moments captured both in a digital way and polaroids.
