Fool's Companions

"Handsome!" I sneezed right after I entered my room when I safely arrived at home.

Well, I tried many times to say "handsome" while sneezing but failed and finally I did it today.

"This must be fate since I'm so handsome that even when I sneeze, it says 'Handsome',"

I blurted while wiping my nose with tissues.

"Make sure you go to sleep early so that you can be healthy back by tomorrow, Yuuki," Dad said while passing by my room.

"Yeah sure!" I replied and closed the door.

"I guess today was just a little bit cold to be playing at water themed park but it was not my fault that I caught a cold,"


"Eh?!" suddenly cats started fighting outside of the house that made me shocked

'Seriously why are you fighting around this house?'

I'm ignoring the fighting cats and laying down on the bed.

"Nyaaa," notification popped up from my phone.

"What are Kotomi doing now?" Mitsuha.

"She is sound asleep already," Yuuki.

"She must be really tired haha," Mitsuha.

"Yeah since we had lot of funs today splashing water and stuff and I got myself a little flu by now," Yuuki.

"So do I," Mitsuha.

"Then let's go to sleep early for tonight!" Yuuki.

"Yeah let's do that," Mitsuha.

"Goodnight!" Mitsuha.

"Yep, Goodnight too," Yuuki.

So I plug in the charger into my phone and charging my handsome self with sleep.


"Hey Yuuki," Touya suddenly called my name while I'm working on some schoolwork teacher gave us in the class before recess.

He is one of my classmates but I don't know a thing about him though except the fact that he is the tallest person in this class.

"Yeah what?" I stopped my writing for a moment to pay attention to him. Surprisingly I did not find it annoying when Touya comes to me even though I'm busy at the moment.

"I heard that you love watching anime and reading manga from a certain person, " said Takami Touya.

'Huh? Certain person, who is that?'

"Who is that certain person?" I asked in confusion.

"Of course your beloved cousin, haha!"

Touya seems to be proud to found out my hobbies despite there is nothing really special about it.

'Oh yeah, we both watched animes together sometimes so that makes sense,'

"Yeah those are my hobbies so what about it anyway?"

I'm back to continuing my Science schoolwork since I feel like I had left it for an enough time.

"Slice of life or action?"

'Wait, he is asking my favourite anime genre now seriously?'

"I prefer more on slice of life,"

"So do I!"


Stupidly I lost my cool and became excited.

"Yeah, umm can we be friends?"

"Yeah why not, right?"

"Alright it is all settled now! Oh wait, you got that wrong. You mistaken goiter as mumps,"

Touya coming closer and pointing on the question I answered just now in the excercise book.

"Oh I see, you are right. I did not read it says about 'Lack of iodine in the diet' on the description,"

I quickly reached out my eraser and erase the wrong answer and write down the right one.

"So what will you do about today's Physical Education class?"

Touya is sure full of questions.

"What about it though?"

While I'm searching for answers from textbook.

"Well, we are playing badminton today so who will be your partner?"

"Doubles mixed or not?"

"Nope. Just same sex per team,"

"Then I choose you to be my partner so you may feel honoured, Haha!"

"Yes It is my pleasure to serve you Mr. Yuuki!"

He suddenly kneel down and posing like a servant with an appealing voice.

Apparently the Physical Education starts right after recess so that students have a little time to get changed before the class started and it left only 10 more minutes before recess end so we decided to go to the toilet to change into our sportswear.

"Okay class, let's do some stretching beforehand to prevent any injuries while doing activities so make sure to do it seriously!"

Mr. Nishikata Raku is leading us with the stretching.

'Wow, Physical Education subject really suits Mr.Nishikata . Looks at those biceps and big arms!'

"This hurts!"

Touya shouted while we are stretching our bottom.

"What is the problem?"

"My legs are showing the symptoms of cramps. It is stinging,"

He answered with a wheezy voice since we are stretching seriously.

"Man, you should be more active to take care of that,"

"Yeah I will from now on!"

After we all done stretching, Mr. Nishikata asked us to pair up with someone to start having a badminton match against classmates.

"Let's do this!"

I excitedly lifting up the badminton racket since I enjoyed playing indoor sport such as badminton.


Touya seems to be excited too.

'So these two are whose we will be against with?'

"Shiba and Chihiro,"

Touya looking to my well prepared-for-war self.

"From what I can see now, Shiba is the shortest guy in the class while Chihiro is spectacled and a little chubby?"

"Beware to not underestimate them since I already knew what they are capable of,"

"Yeah I will keep that in mind!"

And the match has started about 12 minutes and we are on the lead by the points 18 : 17 for the time being.

'Wow, this pair really surprised me with their stamina and speed despite their physical,'

"So this is the right situation to say do not judge a book by its cover!"

"Are we the protagonists of some badminton-based sports novel series now?"

"This is not my genre but just put that aside and let's end this quickly, Touya!"

I wiped my sweat with my wrist band and back into a ready position and so does Touya.

"Yeah sure!"

And there goes some intense badminton match between two pairs. It is as if the shuttlecock would not even touch the ground even when smashed with the mightiest smash but somehow we won streaks two of three matches by close points each and now the last game. Touya did not even have to jump while smashing since he is already tall as he is.

'Seriously, you have it easy now,'


Mr. Nishikata announced our points at the moment which is our opponents are the one that is leading.

"Smash!" Touya successful smashed the shuttlecock to the ground and we are now on the game points.

"20:20! The first pair to score 2 points ahead will be the winner!"


Touya once again did a graceful smash.

'Whoa, this is great!'


"Yeah, I can see the shuttlecock coming so clearly!"

and I scored the winning last point for us.


Touya and I jumped in sync and high fived.

'Seriously what am I thinking? This is just a Physical Education class's badminton match against classmates and yet I'm feeling so blissed winning it. Let's just put that aside because I got a friend here!'

" Hey, that was a good match!"

Shiba spoke and them both coming to us.

"Yeah it was,"

I answered with a grin.

"You know what? Yuuki is good at sport and enjoying the same hobby as me!"

Touya bragged.

"Whoa, really? We both loved watching anime too!"

Chihiro confessed and caught my whole attention.

'Having to know another person is sharing the same hobby as myself is really exciting,'

"Then let's be a group!"

"What group is it Yuuki?"

"Otaku Group!"

"That sounds great!"

Shiba agreed with a fruity voice.

"Yeah, let's be together!"

Chihiro is making a peace sign as he agreed with my suggestion too and with that we become a group of people that shares the same interest and hobbies with each other.


"So how was your badminton match, Mitsuha?"

I asked since we are walking back home together.

"It was totally fun!"

Mitsuha smiled.

"That is good,"

"But we did not won the match,"

"Well I guess that was because you were against athletics pair,"

"Perhaps that was the case,"

"You know, I made 3 new close friends today and it is really making me feel more alive!"

"Hey that is a good news, they must be otaku like you that you approved them as close friends even though you are usually annoyed with people, "

It seems weird that I feel like Mitsuha is walking a little bit unusual.

And when I looked onto her feet, I saw her left stocking looked like it is bandaged inside.

" You sprained? "

" As you can see, yeah I am sprained hehe! Perhaps I was moving around too much back then in the badminton match, "

"Real badminton match does not require too many movements even so some badminton players still sprained and injured in match,"

"I will be more careful next time and I'm grateful that Yuki helped me with bandaging while Hina and Miya carried me over to the infirmary room,"

Apparently Hina and Miya are their opponents in the badminton match whilst Yuki is Yuki.

" That's good! "

I patted her head while keeping my walking pace the same as her in case she felt any pain and needs help from me.

"Do you want this Prince Charming to princess carrying you?"

I'm making a stance readily to carry her.

"It is okay, I'm stil doing just fine for the moment,"

She refused with a little smile.

"But I'm glad that you also have found friends that cares for you albeit it is by hurting your ankle, Haha!"

I laughed in satisfaction.

"Yuuki, beware to not look to your left,"

"Why is that?"

I asked while turning my face to the left and suddenly I stopped in shock. It feels like my heart has been penetrated by 50 calibre sniper rifle instead of a mere arrow that is usually used to penetrate one's heart.

"Oh no!"

I shouted.

"Seriously I have told you,"

"I can't believe that I have forgotten how truly handsome I am in the mirror!"

My step has stopped after I realised that we are passing by a big shop which has a very large window and I saw my own reflection in it.

"Please do not be sad myself, my memory lost is just temporary, there is no way I will forget about my precious mirrored self!"

"Let's just get back home already!"

Mitsuha grabbed my hand and dragging me over to continue our journey going back home safely. She is doing her best despite her sprained ankle.

"Oh look, there is a crepe stall!"

'I do not why but i just feel like to mention it,'

"Yeah right there it is, "

"You know what we call a crepe that tastes not really good?"


"It is a crap, hahahahahaha!"

I'm laughing so hard since I found it funny myself.


Mitsuha is laughing too that her laughter makes me laughing harder than how I already laughed which made me fell to the ground since I can't handle it anymore.

'We must looked like a pair of idiots now,'

After about 5 minutes of laughing, we are now back on track to Mitsuha's house first and then I'm going straight to my home sweet home.


"Hey that is embarrassing, stop it!"

I blushed after looking to my own reflection in the mirror after taking a bath.

'This is ridiculous. How can I be blushed by looking to my own reflection?'

I thoughted but it is the truth. I'm not a weird person but this is really happening and I got myself a headache.

"Okay no more mirror!"

So I turn my eyes away from it and look into my phone.

"Just some emails?"

' Touya, Shiba and Chihiro. I can't see any harm to befriending with them so I will be looking forwards for tomorrow. What should I talk about? Perhaps I can use the crepe joke on them too. Yeah that must make them laugh too!'

"Let's conclude the day!"

And there goes I closing my beautiful eyes and diving myself into a peaceful sleep.