My First Task

My name is Akihabara Kaitou, I'm a third year in this school of talented people.

Everyone always asked about my appearance that is why am I having a white hair and a red eye.

That is because I am an albino, it came from my mom genetic

She is also an albino.

But today I'm not going to tell a story about me but this five person who have ruined my whole life.

This 4 people is called the 'Six Miracle'.

The first one is Sonozaki Sumire she is the Principal daughter. She is also a very beautiful girl and attract many people at this school. She is also very good athletic and know everything abou Japanese cuisine. It was her family tradition for the girl to learn the Japanese cuisine.

The second one is Miyabi Haruka. As one of the 'Six Miracle' she is very talented on doing business. Well she probably get that from her father who is a Famous Businessman. I also heard that her father make billion in one day.

The third one is Watanabe Suzuha. She is a chef daughter who is working on a five star restaurant. Like her father she also have such a good talented on cooking though I only heard it from my friends and had never tried it yet.

The Fourth one is Takamoto Yua, She is an idol at school and outside the school. Her song had been sold to many countries. We could say that there is no one that had never heard of her song. Even if I say that I too didn't ever heard of her song because I thought that it was a waste of time.

And with that is the five person that is going to ruin my life. Why did I know all of this… that is because I'm also a part of the 'Six Miracle'.

And the last one but not least is me. I'm a genius at school that I always got first on every exam. The whole student at the school called me 'Mr. Geniuses cold-hearted'. I didn't really care what people want to call me because what I want to do is just study.

I have a father who is a Tutor. His tuition class is under our house or right now its only me living there Because my mom need to work in another country bringing my little sister and little brother leaving me alone because I'm the on who want to stay.

Our father had passed away two years ago because of an accident that happened when he was tutoring his student at the school. The room suddenly burned because one of the chemicals got broke and the fire got spread in the room.

My father students got out safely because he was helping them escape but unfortunately my father didn't make it out with them he was trapped in the fire.

And now I'm staying here to take care of his Tutor class under our house. Because he is the one who ask me to took care of it when he gone.

Even though my father was strict with me but he is the one who make me became cold-hearted like him I can't find a reason on to hating him because that is who he is.

The father that I admired so much.

And now there is more trouble to come.

Kaitou arriving at his front house just to find that the tutor room is on pinched.

He had forgot that he didn't pay the bill yet and now the landlord is giving him a warning.

"Tch, How shit."

Kaitou then crumbs the notice into a ball and threw it into a basket bin.

The next day Kaitou came to the school while holding the history book.

Then from behind came a person and tapped Kaitou shoulder from behind.

Already knowing who was tapping his shoulder Kaitou just ignore it.

"Oh, how mean, why do you need to give a cold shoulder on your friends early in the morning."

"Because it was still early in the morning that I didn't want to got involve with you."

Kaitou giving off a cold replied put his bag and sat on his chair still reading his book.

By the way this guy is Otomori Haruto, even though his face is pretty good but the one that make him didn't have any girlfriend is because of his attitude.

He is the only friend I had because I thought that if I have more they are going to be a waste of time. So in my opinion one person is more than enough.

"Hey, Kaitou have you ever think of getting a girlfriend."

As Haruto asked that Kaitou change his view from his book to Haruto and make the face of "I'm disappointed in you".

"Woah, what's wrong with that face?"

"I don't because I think it just a waste of time."

"But whyyyy???"

"Because they will get in the way of my study."

Haruto hearing Kaitou said that just smile.

"Well then I can't really blame you for that."

"Because you've been like this from the first time we met."

Kaitou didn't really hearing toward Haruto mumbling instead he is focusing on his book.


"Aaah, What a waste even though you are ranked 1 in the 'Most want to date-boy'. Glare…"

Haruto is glaring on Kaitou as like he was waiting for a reply. Kaitou who was focusing on his book gave up to his friends request.


"So, you are the number one guy that every girl in this school want to date."

"There is also a comment with it : 'He is a genius', 'He is pretty good-looking' and 'Even though he is such a cold-hearted I can't seem to hate it ."

"What's wrong with that comment?"

"Eh, you aren't happy?"

"Not even a slightest bit."

Haruto hearing Kaitou replied turned his face down giving up. But then he got happy back

"Oh, and do you want to know the 'most want to date-girl' is?"

As Kaitou tried to continue reading his book he turned his face again this time with a face that say "I'm not interested".

"Even you make that face I will still tell you."

Kaitou knowing that Haruto won't give up that easily just rolled his eye.

"So the first place got taken by Sonozaki Sumire, the second is Takamoto Yui and the third place is Takamoto Yua."

"Wait those two are sibling's?"

"Oh, yeah not just a sibling but they are also twin. Why did you ask?"

"No, it just I've heard about the idol but not the other one."

"Oh, the other one is Takamoto Yui, She is an actress and right now she is working at America. She is also one of the 'Seven Miracle'."

"Is that so…"

Kaitou then put his hand under his chin wandering why all this talented girl exist in this school.

Just when Kaitou had started wandering off someone came to his class and called out his name.

"Is Akihabara Kaitou's here."

"Kaitou he is calling for you."

Haruto then poke Kaitou cheek with his finger to make snap out of daydreaming.

"A-ah Yes?"

Haruto then pointed his finger towards the guy that came.

"The principal wants to meet you right now."

After saying that the guy walked away from the class.

"I wonder why the principal's want to meet you, now don't tell me that you had break the rule?"

"I didn't."

With his usual voice Kaitou replied to Haruto question and dashed out of the class.

When he arrived at the principal front door he knocked it three time.

"Come in."

A voice of a middle age men can be heard from the other side of the door.

Kaitou then open the door to see the principal is sitting on his chair.

"Please sit down young Kaitou."

After getting permission by the principal kaitou sat down on the chair near the principal desk. He then crossed his leg and arm as the usual way his sitting.

"So, What do you want?"

Ask Kaitou entering cold-hearted mode.

"You don't really have to be that stiff."

"I'm calling you out here just because I want to help you."

"Help me?"

Kaitou getting more confused when the principal said that he wanted to help him.

"Help me with what?"

The principal just grinning while he taken out something from under his desk and show it to Haruto.

"What the heck is this?"

Kaitou then take the letter and open it. His reaction was shocked because he didn't expect that he will see the letter again.

"Th-this is…"

"Yeup it was a letter of warning for you tutor room."

"How did you get your hand on this?"

With a serious voice Kaitou look in the principal eye deeply.

"Ara, You're scaring this old man you know."

"I have many contacts for your information I can always get what I want."

"And for that I want to help you pay the bill."

Kaitou still looking at the principal eye lean back his body on the chair.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"Hmm? Why do you think that I want you to do something?"

"Because I have known you for a long time and I know that you are not the guy who give things for free."

"I guess Aito has known me longer than you though."

Hearing his father name was being called out Kaitou grit his teeth. The principal look at him and just gave a smile.

"Well as you said I'm not doing this for free, So, you need to do the somethings for me."

"Ah, and don't worry this job is the one who will feed you money."

"Huh, if you just being honest from the start we won't have to waste my time anymore."

"Well then take a look at this."

The principal taken out another file out of his desk and give it to Kaitou.

"This is?"

Kaitou then open the file to see a list of problem kids.

All of them is the girl from the 'Seven Miracle'.

"What's wrong with them?"

"As you can see they are a very talented people but every talented people have their own weakness…"

"And that is?"

Kaitou raise one of his eyebrowed waiting for the principal to finish his words.

"Is to teach them."

