My Apologize


Kaitou who had been sitting on his chair stand up on shocked

"As I have said you need to teach this four girl or in a summary you're going to be this four Tutor."

The principal explaining this with a joy on his face.

"But why me?"

"Hmm, that is a good question. I guess because you have the top 1 in every single exam you took and you have a tutor room."

"Aren't that make you a perfect tutor."

Kaitou then sat down back on his seat and crosses his leg again.

"So, in short you want me to teach this four?"

"Yeup! I really hope you give all of your strength on teaching this four."

Kaitou then flip the pages to see their information.

"So basically, what are their goal?"


"Everyone have's their own goal in life to achieve what we want to achieve."

"For that you need to ask them yourself."

Said the principal grinning.

"What a creepy old man…"

"Well if you have nothing more I will be in my way now."

Kaitou then stand up from his seat and turned away toward the doors.

"Ah, wait for a moment Kaitou…"

Kaitou then stop for a moment when the principal is calling him.

"After this you need to be more careful because they aren't a mere children but they are a problematic child."

With a face "I will remember that" Kaitou leave the room.


"As time goes by he still hate me…huh?"

"Well after what I did to his father why wouldn't he be angry."

Mumble the principal alone.

Today after the class ended Kaitou took all his belongings and thinking of going home already but then he got a message coming.

He then open up his phone to look at the message.

The message is from the principal telling that his class of tutoring has started and the girls will be coming tonight.

Kaitou after reading the message take a long sighed.

After reaching at home he had already change his clothe to a usual clothe. When he was about to go to the living room his doorbells ringed.

"It's them…huh?"

Kaitou peek at the screen monitor to look at the person who rang the bell. As expected there is four girl standing behind the door.

Kaitou then slowly open the door.

"What are you guys problematic children doing in front of my house?"

"Wh-what how rude of you to call people a "problematic children" on the first day you met them."

Said the girl with the short hair. Her aura is looking boyish that make Kaitou thought that she was a boy at first.

"I didn't want to hear those of word coming out of girl dressing like a boy."

Saying that Seiji change his view from the girl. The girl was getting more angrier with Kaitou that she almost threw her bags at him but she was hold by the girl with a long-blacked hair

"Haruka it isn't good to treat a stranger like that you know."

"Eh? B-but this guy is the one who started it.


"Yeah, alright…"

The girl who was bickering with Kaitou listened to the girl with the long hair. She is looking like a real Japanese woman for somehow because of her attitude.

"Oh, I'm sorry for my friend attitude, She is a bit stubborn."

Kaitou getting tired speak out.

"Well if you guys want to play friends right in front of my house it is better if you guys go home."

"Ah we are really sorry for making a fuss in front of your house, we are just searching for our tutor, He was supposed to live here…"

"It is me."

All the girl got surprised by what Kaitou just said.

"C-can you re-repeat back what j-just you said."

The girl with the long-haired asked back what just Kaitou said

"Are you guys deaf, I said it is me who will be teaching you guys."


A total of silence for a couple of minutes.


After that they were taken to the tutor room by Kaitou. In the tutor room it was pretty dull probably because it had been not used for so long.

"What is it with this place, it's so freaking dusty."

The girl with the boyish attitude or more specific Haruka was looking over the room.

"Well, I haven't had use this room since the last time…"

"May I ask when is the last time?"

Asked the girl with the longed hair

"Hm, Two year before."

Said Kaitou while putting his hand under his chin. The girl just put her hand on her forehead hearing Kaitou.

"By the way, is your frend there alright, it looks like she is muttering something."

Kaitou pointing his finger towards the short girl who is muttering that may looked like she casting a magic.

"Oh no! I forgot that Suzuha have an 'OCD'."

"An 'OCD'? does you mean 'Obsessive compulsive disorder'?"

"Yeah and common thing when an OCD person see something that is not clean they will go berserk…"

The short girl turn her face up somehow her left eye is shining red.

"And they will clean the place without thinking."

The short girl then dashed and took out a broom and a wiper out of her back.

Ten minutes after that. The short girl came out of the room. Taking out the big rubbish bin with her too. She then took off her glove and mask.

"The surgery is complete."

"Are you a doctor?"

Said Kaitou didn't believe his eye that this girl could clean the room for only ten minutes.

"Well then teacher should we start the lesson?"

"Yeah if I stay here for any longer I might went crazy."

Kaitou then lead them inside the room that is looking clean and shining like a pearl.

"How did you manage to do this with only ten minutes?"

Said Haruka while sitting on the near chair.

"It is easy when you focus your mind one thing only."

All the girls then sat down on the empty chair. Or actually they didn't sit near each other making it awkward for Kaitou.

"This is really going to be troublesome." Muttered him under his breath

"Well for the first let me introduce myself, I am your guys new tutor My name is Akihabara Kaitou."

The girl with the long hair then stan up and introduce herself next.

"My name is Sonozaki Sumire, You can just call me Sumire."

"Well then next is me right, My name is Miyabi Haruka, just like Sumire you can call me Haruka."

Said the girl that dress like a boy. Her hair is being tied with a ribbon on the both side of her hair.

"Then my turn is next…"

"Ah it is that "exciting girl"."

Mutter Kaitou under his breath

"My name is Watanabe Suzuha, I'm a chef daughter but my future dream is to be a bride."

"Ah an idiot is here…"

Said Kaitou mocking her.

"Well then the next one is…"

"I-it i-is me."

A girl sitting in the far behind raise her hand

"M-my name i-is T-taka…"


Kaitou then smack the desk with his hand.


"Uwawawa, M-my n-name is Takamoto S-suzuha, please t-take ca-care of m-me!"

After she got scared by Kaitou she then spoke out her words.

"Sit down."

The girl then hurriedly sat down and put her face on the table.

"Well that's all of you?"

All of them nodded their head.

"So we can start our lesson now. But before that may I ask what is your guys goal?"

"What is our goal?"

"Yes, a goal that you want to achieve before I knew that I won't start the lesson."

"W-well then, one,two…"

"A Teacher." Sumire

"An Astronomy." Haruka

"A Doctor!" Suzuha

"U-um a-an Accountant…" Yua

After hearing their goal Kaitou then sat down on his chair and put his hand on his forehead.

"Isn't it different with your talent?"

Kaitou with his disappointment bring back his composure and start the lesson.

"Well if people are going to achieve their goal it doesn't need to be because of their talent right."

Said Kaitou under his breath. He then hand's out a question paper towards every single of them.

He then asked them to answer it.

The test only taken 45 minutes for them to finish. In Kaitou head he thought that this girl is actually clever because they finish it pretty fast.

But his expectation was broken when he marked their paper.

"How amazing all of you got 0%."

With a disappointed face he threw their paper on the floor. All the girl just looked down on their table with a scared face

"I have heard from the principal that you guys isn't that clever but you guys are more than not clever."

"Oh, and now I already know what to call you guys after this."





The girls only sitting on their seat not moving one inch at all. Right now, they have already known how a coldhearted person does Akihabara Kaitou is…

But then Haruka stand up to state what is on her mind.

"I-it w-wasn't our own fault at a-all…"

"It w-was th-the question fault!"

Kaitou then turned his vision towards Haruka looking her dead in the eye.

"Huh, not enough of your stupidness now you're blaming the question. I wonder how far does your stupidness can go?"

Hearing Kaitou mocking her she dashed out of the room tear can be seen coming out of her eyes.

"Hmph, Such a coward ran away after saying all that."

"In my opinion you didn't really have to go that far."

This time Sumire state her thought.

"Why do you think I shouldn't do that."

"That is because even we are stupid but we are willing to learn.

To learn from our past mistake and fix it."

"And we want to getting over this hurdle with…"

"Aren't it better if you guys just give up."

Before Sumire could finish her word Kaitou cut her words.

"You guys are the talented people who have a brightest future if you guys just focus on it. Plus, this is your guy's last year aren't it?"

"In my opinion it is better if you guys just expand your guys talent and stop to…"

"Even if you said that we didn't want that at all!"

Sumire shout and interrupted Kaitou.

"We want to do this because we want to reach for our goal."

"To reach for our dream and reached for a happy ending."

"We also have tried to give up before but there is this person who said to us that we shouldn't give up that fast and we should just reach it even though there is only fail waiting for us we are going to get over it and learn from the past mistake!"

Kaitou got surprised and somehow he was stunned by what does Sumire saying.

Sumire then put back her stuff in her bags and the other two do the same.

"This is maybe short but it had been fun, I hope we didn't have to meet again." Said Sumire

She then leaves the room the others follow.

Suzuha somehow stop for a moment and turned her back.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being stupid it must be hard teaching us stupid girl aren't it"

"I didn't blame you though the other teacher had also told us the same thing, but for a moment I thought that you are different…"

"Like that teacher…"

The last word of her can't be heard by Kaitou because she was saying it with a small voice as like she was whispering.

"Well then, Goodbye."

With that she too went leaving Kaitou alone.

"Am I being that hard on them?"

Wander Kaitou and then he collected back the paper that he threw on the floor.

When he was picking up the paper out of sudden one paper fell out of the pile of paper.

Kaitou take the paper that looked like note off the floor.

He then got surprised after seeing the paper because what was write on the paper is…

"Listen here, Kaitou you are stupid, You can't even answer the question of a middle-school grade."

"It isn't my fault that the question is that hard."

"And now you're blaming the question. That show how stupid you are."

The tall guy is scolding young Kaitou

"But even if you fail to do it. There still time to make-up for it."

"Learn back from where you fail and do it all over again and if you fail again you just need to do it all over again."

"And you need to remember this till the day you die."

"Even if you are the only person to be an idiot then be the first idiot who beat the other geniuses."

The same word is written on the note that Kaitou is holding.

Is it a coincidence that this note is same as what Kaitou father told him.

"How the heck did I ever forget what my father had teached me?"

"How an ungrateful son am I."

Kaitou then take a look back at the girls paper sheet. He goes through all of it and take a note on where they did wrong. Somehow he find that they can make it but still make a simple mistake.

"For tomorrow I really need to apologize to them."

Said Seiji to himself.

The next day.

The four girls were called out to the principal room.

"Why are we here, Papa?"

Ask Sumire to his father who is the school principal.

"Just wait, we still waiting for him to come."

"Him? Who is him?"

Just when they are talking the door was slammed open surprising everyone. What surprised them more is that the person opening the door is Kaitou.

He then entered the room. The moment he entered the room Haruka tried to leave the room but was blocked by Kaitou.


"What if I say that I didn't want too."

"I said moved!"

"I don't want too."

"I'm here to apologize to you…"

Kaitou view change to the other four.

"To all of you."

Haruka who tried to get Kaitou to move backed away giving up.

After he manage to hold Haruka. He then bowed his head down. Everyone in the room is surprised especially the principal.

"I'm sorry, I said all of that because I looked down on you guys that make me forget that I was a stupid before becoming a geniuses."

He then took out some notebook from his bag. And give it to them.

"This is?"

"That is a note that I've make when I go through your guys paper last night."

"Wait don't tell me you did this only on one night?"

Ask Sumire with a curious plus worried face

"Yeah, I sure didn't get enough sleep that night."

"Huh, Serve you right."

Said Haruka mocking Kaitou.

"And right here and now I want to ask you guys that if you guys really want me to teach you I will give you my full strength on teaching you guys."

"Even if you guys make fail I will try and not get angry with you guys so fast."

All the girl in the room just look at each other until Suzuha the first one to step up.

"I want you to come and teach us again Kaitou. Didn't I say that I have hope in you"

"But I didn't know about the others?"


"M-me t-too… Ev-even if you are st-strict I'll also t-try to not make you angry."

Yua also followed Suzuha.


"I think that there is no problem if you willing to change your attitude."

"But you need to know that I'm still angry about you for last night case."

Said Sumire crossing her hand and make a pouting face.

"Sumire… thank you."

And then the last one left is Haruka. She had been standing there silently for a moment.


"If you don't want it it's okay, I'm not really pushing you."

Said Kaitou looking down to the ground.

"Aaah, I also want to apologize for being such a wimp last night."

"I too had hope on you when the first time we met."

"Cause you make me remember about our first tutor who is cold toward us too but he never give up teaching us."

"So, don't ever give up before you know the final answer!"

Said Haruka while punching Kaitou on his stomach.

But Kaitou still standing still after taking a punch from Haruka. Because he caught her fist before it reached his stomach

"So, it really is true that you also take lesson on judo and karate…huh?"



"Which one of us is an idiot."

Getting irritated she landed another punch and this time also Kaitou catch her fist.

"Hmph, if you didn't catch that punch I might just take other person as my tutor."

"Glad, I catch it."

"Haruka, thank you…"

"For what?"

Ask Haruka confuse.

"For giving me another chance to teach you."

Haruka get a little embarrassed hearing Kaitou said those word.

"And I also want to say that from now on, I will teach you all with my full strength. I promise I will do anything to make all of you happy."

Hearing Seiji confession all the girl including Haruka get embarrassed.

"Did you just confess your feeling towards all of us?!" Sumire

"Wow Kaitou-san you really are getting bold there but I didn't hate it." Suzuha

"U-um f-for now I-I actually…" Yua

"Eh? Did I just say something wrong."

With a plain face that didn't know what he did Kaitou asked them.

"Just after we forgive you, how dare you becoming more like an animal!!!"