The Trouble In Teaching Them

Why are we at the library you ask?

Why does this four girls didn't do their studies you ask?

Why am I holding my anger you ask?

Even me myself want to know what happen.

It all happen this morning where Sumire came to my class.

"Kaitou kun!"

"Ah, Sumire what do you want coming to my class?"

"It was nothing I just thought if we could studies together at the library after school?"

"Oh, Well for sometime we need to studies outside the tutor room aren't we?"

Sumire hearing Kaitou saying that clapped her hand together.

"So then today we will go study at the library right?"


"Is that so then I will wait for you at the library today."


After that Sumire leave the class. After she leave the room all Kaitou classmate is staring at him.

"Do you guys have anything to say to me."

Noticing that he's been staring at. He let out his voice.

Then his classmate back away a little while shaking their head.

Next come Haruto who just knew that Sumire is coming to his class to meet Kaitou.


He then dashed into the classroom.

"How dare you didn't say anything about your relation ship with Sumire."

Haruto said it with a teary eyes while shaking Kaitou body.

"What the heck are you talking about."

"Don't play dumb, I know when I was on the way back from the toilet, Sumire-chan were coming out from the class."

"So, why do you think that she come here to meet me?"

Still shaking Kaitou body he stopped for a moment.

"It because I heard she said "Today I can be with Kaitou-kun, How lucky."."

"Are you pervert hearing someone mumbling?"

Said Kaitou with a disgust face.

"How meanie~!!!"

Their conversation got cut when other person came and strike their conversation.

This time it was Haruka that came into the class.

"U-um may I meet with Kaitou."

"This time it was Haruka who were ranked fourth in the beautiful girl in the school!!!"

Said Haruto continued shaking Kaitou body. But he then stopped when hear a hand being creaked.

"Number 'four' you said, It have look like you are ready to die huh?"


Haruto then runout of the class out of fear.

"Geez, man this time only know how to be dumb."

She then turn her view towards Kaitou. She become a bit embarrassed when their eyes met.

"U-um F-for today can we…"

"Huh, I can't hear you though."

"Ah, mou I just want to say can we studies at the library today?"

"Is that all you want to say?"

"Yeah, is that all. What?"

"It is nothing, well it's okay if you want to I can…"

"R-really, Then I will meet you after school."

With that she then dashed out of the classroom.

"Ah, She had already gone?"

Again Kaitou classmate have been glaring at him.


Kaitou only sighed when he was been glared by his classmate.

"Oh I should tell the other two that we are going to studies at the library."

Just when he is going to get up. The other three girl's came.

In Kaitou he was like how did they didn't bump with the other's two.


Shout Suzuha from out of the class.

"What do you want Suzuha?"

While putting his hand under his chin.

"Hehe, you know the two of us here come to ask you something."

"Is it because you want to studies at the library."

Suzuha then stood silence for a moment.


She shouted out the word while having a surprise face on her.

(That's what came out of your mouth first?) Think Kaitou.

"But how did you know that?"

"I wonder why?"

Kaitou then look behind Suzuha where Yua is hiding.

"Then what are you doing there."

Surprise Yua come out of Suzuha back.

"U-um m-me t-too want to S-studies at the L-library…"


"Whatever, for today we will be studying at the library that's it."

"Right!" replied the two of them.



NAME: Akihabara Kaitou

Age: 18 Years old

Height: 179 cm

Birth of month: 14 April

Talent: Super Genius

Food Like: Tonkotsu

Hair Colour: White

Eye Colour: Red

Family Member: One mother, one little sister and one little brother.

Status: Single

Work: A Tutor


The present time

How did this happen?

Why did this girl's didn't want to studies right now?

Am I at the fault here?

Kaitou then look at Suzuha who is cleaning the library because it was dusty.

He then moved his eye at Sumire who is eating her snack. When she noticed that Kaitou is looking she then take away her snack showing that you can't have it. (I won't take it don't worry) Kaitou think in his head.

Giving up Kaitou then look at Yua who is properly doing her homework.

Somehow his heart got calmed a bit but when he saw that she have make so many mistake in it the anger got raised.

Doesn't want to get more angrier he then looked at Haruka who is sleeping right now.

Can't hold his anger no more Kaitou flicked Haruka head with his finger.


"What do you think you are doing huh?"

Haruka who just got up by Kaitou flicked shout.

"Huuh? Do you have problem with me?"

Said Seiji while glaring at Haruka with a murdering intense.

"Shouldn't it better if you just study and not sleep?"

Kaitou glaring got intense that his face is so close with Haruka.


But instead of feeling afraid Haruka blushed when Kaitou face is close with her.


Sumire noticing both of them interrupted them by making a coughing sound.

"If you two want to glare at each other face for so long we could leave you two alone."

Kaitou then back of a bit from Haruka.

"Hear me, aren't you guys come here to studies?"

"Yeah that is the reason why we're here aren't we?"

While crossing his hand Kaitou continued his word.

"Then why are you guys just doing what you guys like?"

Then all the girl glare at each other. Sumire then state her thought.

"Wasn't it because you are the one who said we can do anything we want and you will not get angry didn't you?"

Kaitou remembering back the word he said that day regret it a bit.

Seeing Kaitou is down all of them start opening their book.

Kaitou who just notice them start opening the book raise his head.

"Here could you help me with this problem?"

Ask Sumire showing her notebook.

"Ah, then if you have done with Sumire could you help me?"

Said Haruka

"You two…"

He then changed his view toward the other three.

The other two just smile while doing their work.

For somehow Kaitou cold ice just got melted because of this four girls warmness.

"Well then let us start our late studies."


After the studies ended they all parted away and go home first before coming back to Kaitou house for the night tutor.

Walking home beside Kaitou today is…



"Even today you guys didn't make any progression at all… huh"

"Aren't you sighing too much today."

"If you do that too much you will have a bad day you know."

Kaitou look at Haruka as she talked.

"Actually, I think I already get that."

Said Kaitou felt tired.

"But it is surprising to know that you live near me, I thought that you will be living in a mansion though."

"Oh yeah, I do live in a mansion though."


"Do you know the big house on the other side of the road?"

Kaitou then put his hand under his chin as making a pose of thinking.

"Yeah I think I do."

"That is my house."

"That big house is yours?"


Kaitou as felt like he was being ignore turn back to see Haruka have stopped and looking at the sky.


Haruka then snapped out of her world when Kaitou is calling out his name.

"Ah, s-sorry I got distracted?"

"You sure does like star aren't you."

Haruka hearing Kaitou said that just smile shyly.

"And that remind me, that you want to be an Astronomy aren't you?"

"Yeah, That is my dream to be since I'm a kid."

"May I ask why you want to be an Astronomy?"

She then looked back at the sky.

"If I say make sure you didn't laugh okay."

"Does I look like someone who easily laugh."

"Hmm, yeah you doesn't look like one."

"The reason why I like star is because when I was a kid I always read a storybook and in one of the book I read it say that if people died they became a star and live happily with other star."

Kaitou was a bit surprised hearing Haruka said it. Because all this time he only thought her as a weird girl who doesn't have their own dream.

"Aaah, How embarrassing, I think its better if you forget about it."

"Even if you ask that how can I forget something like that."

"Ah, As I thought you really going to laugh at my dream aren't you."

Kaitou then look at Haruka face with a serious vibe.

"I'm not an asshole who laugh at others dream. Instead what's wrong with having such a childish dream wasn't it more interesting that way."

"I understand you tried to make me happy but the way you said it hurt my heart so much."

Said Haruka while gripping her fist.

"But even though I think it was a childish dream, I felt like I want to help you reach it."

Haruka who fill with anger slowly calmed down.

"Are you really mean it when you said that?"

Said Haruka while looking at Kaitou face.

"Yes, I won't ever lie for something like this."

Said Kaitou while crossing his arms.

"Really, how could you say that with such a plain face."

Mutter Haruka under her breath.

"Did you just said something?"

Ask Kaitou curious. Then Haruka close her range with Kaitou.

"Those word I will hold it as a promise you know."

"Yeah, I will really bring you and the other girls reaching your guys goal. Even though we need to go through many hurdles, I will not give up on teaching you guys."

Said Kaitou with a plain face.