The Little Support

Today I got into more trouble that I didn't expect at all. Today when I was out looking for a new book that got release today at the next town bookstore.

I usually took a taxi to go out of town but for today I make decision to take the train. Well even though I hate the train because it got pack with people but for once I would like to try it.

And at that place also I met with trouble…

"Ah! Sir!"

"What are you doing at this kind of place?"

"That should be my question."

"Eh? Me, I'm actually on the way to my father restaurant on the next town."

Kaitou then put his hand under his chin.


"Oh, By the way Suzuha have you finish your homework?"

As she heard Kaitou question she tried to whistle but it didn't make any sound.

"So, you didn't do it huh?"

"Wh-what are you s-saying Sir! I didn't say th-that at all."

She got flustered by Kaitou intimidation.

"If you are trying to lie, do it right."

"There is no other choice, I will help you finish it."

"Eh?! B-but…"

"Don't 'but' me, I'm helping you because I want to see you to be success in your life you know."

Suzuha as she heard Kaitou said that give up and nodded her head.

She then just as like remembering something got panic.

"Ah! I still have to help my father at the restaurant! What should I do Sir?!"

"Hm? Can you explain it in more detail?"

"Actually, today our restaurant got trouble because there is like some wealthy people serve our place and ask us to make 30,000 different dishes."

"30,000 isn't that crazy. Why did your father still accept it?"

"Well, he said that he can't disappointed his client request and he would do anything in order to make his client happy."

"Is you father a masochist?"

As he said that he then put his hand under his chin and think for awhile on how to solve both of their problem.

Kaitou as he got an idea turn his face to look at Suzuha.

"If that the case then I've a solution to it and it also allowed you to finish your homework too."

With that here we are at the restaurant. Then coming out of the back door is a guy wearing a chef clothes running out to us.


The guy then got closer and hugged Suzuha out of sudden. But whether than that…


"Dad, let go of me you are embarrassing me you know!"

"Ah, I'm so sorry Suzu-chan it just you took such a long time to come here you know."

"This guy is actually Suzuha father? So, that is why he called her Suzu-chan even though it weird to hear that from him." Tought Kaitou.

"Well then, who is this guy. Ah don't tell me your boyfriend?"

As Suzuha father said that both Suzuha and Kaitou stunned at their place. Suzuha also turned red.

"Hahaha, I'm just joking there is no way that both of you are dating right. Even if that is right, I would not know what I will do?"

"I might just kill someone already, Haha just joking!"

"This old man is dangerous. His love toward his daughter make him a killer. He would just kill someone who got closed with her already." Thought Kaitou.

"Well, I guess I'm already late to introduce myself but will do it anyway…"

"My name is Akihabara Kaitou and my relationship with Suzuha is not like that, I'm just her tutor."

"T-that's right Dad!"

"Oh, I will introduce myself too then…"

"My name is Watanabe Musashi. I am Suzuha father and I've already knew about you from the principal already, So I hope from now on you will keep teaching my daughter."

As he said that he then bowed his head.

"This is unexpected he may be overprotective toward her daughter but he might be a good person." Thought Kaitou.

"Whether than that, aren't we having trouble now dad?"

"Ah, I almost forgot about it. Seeing your face makes me forget about my problem."

Suzuha father then poke Suzuha cheek.

"I guess it is better if I take back what I just said" He is a dangerous person." thought Kaitou

"So, it is better if we start it fast, I'm considering on helping you guys out too." Said Kaitou

"Are you want to help us out too Teacher?!"

"Yeah, because I've also need to make Suzuha finish her homework but with this there is I can do other than help out too."


"Yosh, then let's go in and finish this already so I could play with my daughter!"

Watanabe-san getting fired-up shout out his pervert thought.

The three of them then go into the restaurant kitchen. In there we can see all the chef are doing their best making the dishes.

Then one of the chef's come right to us when he saw us walking here.

"Manager, we have a problem!"

"Wh-what? What kind of problem?"

"One of our chef's got sick after making the 9,999 dishes and now he is resting in the back room."

"What should we do now, if we don't finish this in time our restaurant reputation is going down."

"C-calm down, there is might be a solution to this."

As Watanabe-san thinking he then look toward Kaitou who just stand still. He then makes the face of "I've got the idea".

"Teacher! Can you cook?"

"Well I already expected this kind of things to happen. So that's why I'm here to help out."

Kaitou leave the room for a bit then came out with the chef clothes.

"Well, let's start our cooking."

Kaitou then start picking up the note that write the menu.

"So, Parfait 3000x

Steak 700x

Lasagna 1000x

Hamburger 10000x

Pasta 5000x

Chicken Chop 10000x

Pizza 299x

Pudding(Special) 1x"

He then looked over and see there is already about 4,999 dishes from Steak, Lasagna, Pizza and Parfait.

And the other 5,000 are from Pasta so it makes 9,999.

"The other left is Hamburger, Chicken Chop and Pudding…huh."

"The Chef got sick at the 9,999 dishes. So, the he got sick when he is making the pudding…huh." Think Kaito.

"Manager, when is our deadline?"

Watanabe-san then put his finger under his chin showing that he is thinking.

"Hmm… As I remember the deadline is tomorrow morning and we need to send it at the hotel on time at 9 a.m."

"Is that so…"

"The time now is 4 p.m. If we finish making the hamburger at 10 p.m. and the Chicken chop at… No with that we are going to be pass our limit…"

"Then divide two team too make both of it at the same time? It looks impossible too with just only this people…"

Kaitou then put his hand o his head to push his brain on finding a solution to this problem.

Just then Suzuha tugged Kaitou wrist. Kaitou then change his view toward Suzuha.

"S-sir, You don't have to go that far for us…"


"It is our problem after all, I don't want to give our trouble to a person that help me."

"It is okay even if we didn't make time on it we still going to finish the job that we take. It is our policy after all "never disappointed your customer" Right dad?

"Yeah, So Teacher as my cute daughter said you don't have to push yourself to do this all thing here."

As Watanabe-san said that he hit Kaitou back waking him up from his thinking world.

"Not pushing yourself…huh?"

"I'm not even pushing myself you know. After all, why should I push myself for you guys that didn't even have any relationship with me…"

"But I still want to help you all."

"I'm just having a cloud in my mind that's all."

"Whether than that we should hurry making the left dishes we don't really have any time left."

He then took everyone in the kitchen attention.

"Everyone here listen, For today I will give you all the order on what to do."

"And now we are going to be divided into the 4 team."

"4 Team? Why should we do that the only menu left is just Hamburger and Chicken Chop left right?"

"So, its better if we divided into 2 team." Said one of the chef's

"Yeah, that might be better but that will make your guys energy turn to zero faster."

"So, I make a solution on how to solve this problem."


"We are going to make a rotation."



NAME: Miyabi Haruka

Age: 17 Years old

Height: 165 cm

Cup: B

Birth of month: 15 November

Talent: Businesswoman

Food Like: Pudding

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue

Family Member: Father.

Status: Single

Work: Student


"A rotation?"

"Yeah, a Rotation. It a work of the 4 team where we will rotate our work to the other."

"Just like we are good at making dough but don't know how to bake, we will pass the job to the person who knows.

"So, who are the person who can bake go to the group A, The one who could decorate go to Group B, The one who could make the preparation go to the Group C and the other member will be in Group D where you guys will help the other group if they are having trouble."

"But if everyone having their own role what about the pudding? We can't make it anymore after doing all of this."

"We will still do it because there is still three of us left."

Standing behind Kaitou Suzuha and her father

"I will do my best!" Suzuha

"Me too!" Watanabe-san

"Then everyone knew your own role?"


"Then, Let's finish this fast and go home already."


With that supporting word all the chef then put their spirits making the dishes.

"Well then, we should be making the pudding now."

"Yeah, I will go and get the ingredient!"

Watanabe-san then hurriedly go back to get the ingredient. Then Suzuha came closer to Kaitou and tugged his shirt.


"Thank you, Sir For not giving up that easily."

"For giving us your support."

Said Suzuha while still holding Kaitou shirt.

"Well I hope you too will give your best on learning because I'm not going to give up teaching you guys."

As he said that he gently pat Suzuha head. Suzuha getting her heads pat got her face redder. With that Kaitou go straight to Watanabe-san.

After Kaitou go she put her hand on her head feeling the place that Kaitou touched. She then shyly smiles about it.

After about 8 hours the 5,000 hamburger and 5,000 Chicken Chop have finished.

They then took a couple minute to rest a little.

"It's looking great, everything happened just like I planned."

"With this we are going to finish this before 5 a.m."

Kaitou as he talks alone look at Suzuha who is resting at the corner.

"Ah!!! I'm so tired, I want to sleep."

"But you can't do that though."

As Kaitou said that while walking toward Suzuha.

"Ah? S-sir? But why?"

"It because you need to finish your homework."

Kaitou then put out the notebook and a pencil case out of nowhere.


They then spend their rest time making the homework. And she managed to finish the homework but she also fell asleep after that.

Watanabe-san then enter the room to check on both of them. Kaitou as he put a blanket on her putt his finger on his mouth showing Watanabe-san to be quiet.

The both of them then walk out of the room and continue making the pudding.

"Is it really okay to let my daughter sleep."

"It's okay, there is no reason to push her that much."

Said Kaitou while weighing the Pudding.

"Heh! You know the first time I heard the principal found a new Tutor, I thought that he is going to be a strict person."

"And the first day when she got tutored by you, she came home looking gloomy. When I ask the reason why, she refused to answer me."

"I'm really sorry about that." Said Kaitou feeling guilty.

"Ah! It's okay it's okay, Though I do think of killing you when I see her like that… but the next day she came home looking happy. At that time, I didn't have to ask what happen when I see her showing that happy face. I have already know, that you have properly apologize to her.

"Then every time she came home or when she wants to go to your tutor class, she always showing a happy face."

"So, Teacher! What I want to say is just one…"

"From now on please teach my daughter till she became what she wants."

Kaitou then stopped his work for a moment and look at Watanabe-san face.

"Yeah, I will do my best in order to make her happy."


"Oi, did you just say that you want to marry my daughter?"

"Huh? I didn't say that."

"I do accept you as her tutor but not as her husband!!!"

"How far did you misunderstand my word."

The time is 4:55 a.m. all the chef are tired and the dishes are already finished just like Kaitou predicted they manage to finidsh it before the timeline. We did it.

"Everyone, thank you for your hardwork! With this our restaurant reputation will be raised and for a week I will give you guys the rest that you guys want."

"Well then, Everyone Good work!"

As Watanabe-san said those word he then bowed his head to show how grateful he is toward his worker.

With that all the workers leave the place. Kaitou also get ready to go home.

"This is the first I felt so tired, after this I would just go home and take a nap."

Just when Kaitou are walking to the door Watanabe-san stopped him.

"Teacher, wait for a minute!"

"Manager? What do you want?"

"Just want to tell you something…"

As he panting, he stopped for a moment to take his breath.

"From now on, I hope that you be careful around the principal."


"Soon… Soon you will know."

"So, just be careful around him. Don't let his word get through your emotion."

As Watanabe-san explain himself Kaitou just look at him.

"You don't need to be worry, from a long time ago I have become careful around him."

"And don't get his word through my emotion?"

"That is not going to happen at all… Because I'm the guy who never showed his emotion for once at all."

Watanabe-san just smile hearing Kaitou said those word.

At that time, I still didn't know that I am such a pathetic man who will give in toward the principal. What is not showing any emotion?

After coming home late after helping Suzuha. Kaitou arrive at his front house.

He then saw a letter in the mailbox. He then slowly approached it.

"It's not the warning letter again right, That principal should have pay it off already."

But what Kaitou is thinking right now is different from what the letter said. The letter was an invitation of an Elite Party held by Sonozaki Hayate.

The Principal?