The Meet With the Specific People (Part 1)

The principal sends Kaitou an invitation? Just what is he planning this time?

Kaitou as he looked at the Invitation card just put it back in the mailbox.

He then walked away from it and walk into his house but just before he enter his house, he got a called from someone.


As he open his bag to take out his phone he put an annoying face as he had known that the one's calling is the principal.

Kaitou had think to decline it but just then he remember that the principal is not a normal human. He would do anything to get what he wants.

Having no choice Kaitou answer the calls.

"Hi! Did you get my invitation Kaitou-kun. I was hoping if you could come to it."

"Why do I need to go to the party huh?"

"Ah! If you said it like that, it only means one thing! You got the invitation right?"

Kaitou start to feel uneased with the principal temperament.

"Yah, I really worried that you didn't get the invitation, because its not going to be a party if you aren't there right?"

"What do you want? Just say it fast."

Kaitou then walked into his house and take off his shoes.

"Well,well, You don't have to be that stiff. I just want to say that you need to come to the party. That's all."

"Why? Even if I'm not there is still going to be a party right. Anyways I don't want to go to a party full of pig who think their level is higher than the other."

"Ah! How cold! But that is your natural attitude so I'm not blaming you though…"

"Well, let me just get into it. Today I want to introduce you to a specific people…"

"Oh! An existence that surpass pig…huh?"

"You do see people as a pig huh? Oh! does that girl also in your pig list."

Hearing The principal said Kaitou become silent for a moment.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that…"

"It's okay, Whether than that who is this specific people?"

The Principal over the phone can be seen showing a bad smiling.

"If you want to know that, you need to come here first! Then I will be waiting for you! Ah! Make sure that you came wearing a suit okay!"

With that the principal hangs up the phone leaving Kaitou alone in the living room.

"That girl…huh?"

"If can I do want to meet her again."

As Kaitou talk to himself he get out of his house and take back the invitation.

He then arrived there 30 minutes early. Wearing his dad suit he then enter the Hotel.

As he walks in he saw a face that he knew that is Haruto.

Haruto also notice that Kaitou is coming. He then approached Kaitou while waving his hand in the air.

"Oi! Kaitou! You got the invitation too?!"

"Don't come here you pig, you are going to embarrassed me.

"Ah! Again, you and your cold attitude. Just say that you are happy to see me!"

As he opens wide his arm to hug Kaitou but got blocked by Kaitou who put his hand on his forehead to stop him.

"By the way, why are you here? Haruto."

"Oh, didn't I tell you why?"

"No, you didn't."

"Mou…Kaitou-san whenever people are talking you need to properly hear."

"I did say that my father got an invitation to this party and I as his son must follows him!"

"You are here just to pick up woman aren't you?"


"How did you know!!!"

Shout Haruto making a surprise face.

"Don't make that surprise face at all."

Ah, if I think again, he did tell me that he is going to be here but at that time I was too focus at my book that I didn't hear him talking.

"Ah, see that woman! She is hot!"

"You just show your true nature, you pig."

Kaitou then as like remembered something ask a question.

"Oh, By the way, what is your father job?"

"Oh! Now that you mention it, I never tell you about my father at all right?"

Kaitou just nodded at Haruto question.

"Well, he didn't do a big job at all, he is a businessman that ranked two in the businessman rank."

"The heck, there is businessman ranked?"

Kaitou as he was surprised that it really exist continue to hear Haruto talking.

"So, let me guess the number one is Miyabi Sasaki right?"

"Yeah! Bingo!"

Then just when Kaitou and Haruto was having a conversation came a middle age guy wearing a red suit approaching Haruto. He then hit Haruto heads out of sudden.

"O-Ow! Who the heck are you?"

As Haruto turned to see who is the one hitting him, his anger goes away.


"F-father?" Shouts Kaitou surprised.

"Father?" Kaitou as he was confused tilted his head a bit.

"What the hell are you doing out here? Didn't I told you to just wait inside!"


He then changes his view toward Kaitou who has been looking at him.

"What are you looking at huh boy?"

"My name is Akihabara Kaitou, I am your son friends. Even if he looks like this but he always helps me a lot." Said Kaitou trying to be polite.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Hmm? Did you just say your name is Akihabara?"

Haruto father then look a little closer at Kaitou face making Kaitou having a mixed feeling of ease and disgust.

"Yes, that is my name. Is there something wrong?

"Oh, Is that so?"

"You have grown to be a great person just like you father…huh." Said Haruto father under his breath.

"Did you just say something sir?"

"No, nothing at all. Just talking to myself."

"Whether than that I also want to show my gratitude for looking after my trouble son. I hope he didn't give you that much trouble." Said him while bowing his head he also pushed Haruto heads down who is watching the woman guest walk in the hotel.

"Well then if you could excuse us, both of us need to go back in the hall room. If you like do you want to go in together?"

"I'm sorry, I will be in there soon but first I need to go to the other place first." Said Kaitou apologizing.

"Is that so…Are you going to meet with your girlfriend?" Said Haruto father while making a smug face.

"I don't have any." Replied Kaitou.

"Is that so? Then you need to find one fast or you're going to be alone forever you know." Said Haruto father while dragig Kaitou collar.

"I will remember that advice."

Saying that Kaitou walked in to the hotel and search for the room that the principal asked him to enter.

He then walked straight into the corner and out of sudden someone's calling out his name.


Hearing that Kaitou had known the only person who call him with that nickname is Takamoto Yui."

Kaitou was right about it and it seems like she is heading here. Don't want to make a fuss Kaitou wait for Yui to come.

"What do you want?" That is the first word that came out of Kaitou mouth the moment Yui arrive.

"You are always using a cold word right. Plus, you never put any emotion in it."

"Then, may I ask why are you here?"

"Don't you know that I'm an actor. Of course, I would be invited to this party."

"You just want to say that? Then I will get going."

As he said that Kaitou walked away but Yui stopped him before he could do that.

"You are always leaving people just like that because you didn't show any interested in them. Are you want to say that you didn't have any interest in me too." Said Yui starts to make a sad face.

"Well if I can be honest, I really don't have any interested in you."

"Well then Please, excuse me."

With that again Kaitou tried to leave but this time Yui take his hand.

"Hey, do you really mean it?"

"Mean what?"

Yui as she was holding herself said with a slow voice.

"Do you really mean it when you said that you don't have any interest in me."

Kaitou became silent for a moment.

"Yes, I mean it…"

A face of shocked can be seen on Yui face.

She then let go of Kaitou hand. Kaitou then walked away from the place but got stopped again by Yui when she turned and said.

"Well then, I will just need to make you become interested in me."

"Huh?" Said Kaitou confused.

"If you didn't have any interested in me that's fine but you didn't say that you will not have any interest in me forever right?"

Hearing that Kaitou didn't say anything. He just stands there hearing Yui state her thought.

"So, prepare yourself. For I Takamoto Yui will make you become interested with me!"

Saying that with proud she put her hand on her hips.

"I will look forward to it." Replied Kaitou.

With that Kaitou walked to the room the principal is waiting leaving Yui alone.

"Just you wait, Akihabara Kaitou. I will really make you become interested in me." Said Yui talking to herself.

Finally, Kaitou arrived at the room the principal is waiting. He then takes a breath before he opened the door.

Inside he saw The principal is eating a pudding that looks like the one he made at Watanabe-san restaurant. He then thought that the order is coming from him actually. Kaitou kinda became disappointed with his hardwork.

He also saw the other four people waiting for him. The principal then stops eating when he saw Kaitou entering the room.

"Ah! Finally, you've came! Just where have you been?"

Said the principal. There is a pudding on his left cheek.

"I'm sorry for being late. I've meet with an unexpected person before coming here." Said Kaitou bowing his head.

"Eh? Is it your girlfriend?" Ask the principal. The pudding is still on his cheek.

"No, it's not." Said Kaitou with a serious tone and the usual face he shows.

"Ah, Anyways come in, I did say that I want to introduce you to specific people aren't I? Well here they are!"

"Is he here already?" Said a guy in a suit.

"He is late. Does he really the guy who we can relied on?" Said a woman in a dress.

"Mama, Tries to calm down a bit, didn't the teacher said he need to meet with a person first." Said a guy in a coat trying to calm down the woman beside him.

"Ahaha, You're pretty late Teacher did you just gone sleep after helping at the restaurant. Said a guy who Kaitou had already known that is Watanabe-san.

"This is?"

"Yeup, This is the specific people that I want to introduce to you!"

"They are your student's parent!"

Said the principal while a maid trying to wipe off the pudding on his cheek.