Would You Take The Responsibility?

Today they start their lesson at a café that Yui recommended because they were so noisy at the library that they get chased out. By the way today Yua isn't here because she stuffs to do.


"Why does all this thing always happen to me?" Said Kaitou talking to himself.

"Recently, you always sighed. You know that bad thing will happen if you sigh too much." Said Sumire while eating the strawberry cake.

"I've already get those thing even if I'm not sighing.: Replied Kaitou sipping his black coffee.

He then looks at the table that was filled with various food. And it all is protein, sweets, calories and some salad.

"Are you guys trying to get fat?" Said Kaitou while holding his coffee cup.

All the girls got shocked by Kaitou words. They then put down the spoon they using to eat.

"Ehem! You hear me Kaitou-kun, I do know that your tongue is very sharp but there is some kind of part where you shouldn't ever say to a girl you know." Said Sumire while wiping her mouth with a tissue.

"What like you're fat?"

Sumire then take the fork and tried to stab Kaitou but she got hold by Suzuha.

"Whether than that Sir. Why are we here? Isn't it better if we just learn at the tutor room?" Said Suzuha still holding Sumire.

"Can't do…"


"Because today is a bad day to use the tutor room. That's it."

Kaitou expression then change a bit after saying that. The other girls wondered what is Kaitou hiding.

"Whether than that did you guys manage to conquered the formula's already?" Ask Kaitou trying to change to study topic.

"Oh! Well the notebook you gave us before really help me with every problem!" Said Yui while showing the notebook.

"Is that so…" Said Kaitou.

"Well it is better if we start our lesson fast. I don't even want to sit here for a long time anyways." Said Kaitou while opening the textbook.

The others follow. Just when Sumire are trying to open her book she accidentally hit her drinks. The drinks then fall on the ground and make a mess.

"Uwa-wa-wah! I'm so so sorry for this!" Said Sumire apologizing.

She then tried to wipe off the drinks but she only makes more mess. Kaitou just put the textbook near his face avoiding the embarrassment. While Suzuha eyes were closed by Haruka.

"Ah, Miss you don't have to do that let me the one to do it!" Said one of the maids.

Kaitou then putting down the textbook as he thought that he just heard a voice that he had knew.

"Yua?" Said Kaitou looking at the waitresses.

The maid stunned at her place. She then stands up and tried to leave the place but Kaitou hold her hands before she could do that.

"Yua! Where is she where?" Said Yui searching with a binocular.

The maid looking uncomfortable tried to leave their table.


"Everyone please excuses us for a minute..."

Kaitou then take the maid away from the table. They then talked outside of the restaurant.

"Here, they probably won't be hearing our conversation." Said Kaitou while crossing his arm.

"What do you mean by?" Said maid.

"Well, your sister might put a small mic somewhere on us and she might hear us or something."

The maid then touched her body to find the small mic.

"Oi! My big sister would never do that kind of thing you know!" Said the maid.

"Hoo… So, you really are Yua then." Said Kaitou putting his finger under his chin.

"What do you mean by that?" Said the maid

"Well at first I didn't really sure that you are looking at how you are disguising yourself." Said Kaitou while looking Yua up and down.

She is wearing a maid clothes a blonde wig and a spectacle. She does look like a different person.

"May I ask why are you wearing like this." Said Kaitou waiting for an explanation.

Yua then fidgets with her finger. She then mustered her courage to tell the truth.

"Actually, I've made a decision to change my life and get closer more with people… I also think that if I want to changes I need to do something."

"And by thinking of that you work 'part-time' here?"

Yua just nodded at Kaitou word.

"Then let me hear the reason you disguise yourself?"

She then points her finger towards her disguises. Kaitou just nodded his head.

"Oh this, This disguise is just for covering my appearance. After all I'm a former singer and a famous person…" Said Yua. She then laugh awkwardly.


"Really where did the innocent clumsy Yua went to? Even though you are still bad at deceiving me. You could just say that you are afraid if they know about you working here, they will look down at you." Said Kaitou crossing his arm.

Yua hearing that got shocked a bit.

"H-how did you know?" Said Yua shaky.

"How? Well, I'm you teacher so I know every single thing you are thinking you know and right now you are shaking." Said Kaitou while pointing at Yua.

"You know everything…huh?"

Yua slowly grinning look up at Kaitou.

"Then could you tell me what does I really want to do right now?"

Kaitou then stand silence at his place looking down the ground.

"Look, As I expected you don't even know anything…" Said Yua turning away.

But then she was stopped because Kaitou suddenly open his mouth.

"The thing that you really want to do right now is…"

"…Being honest with your own feelings. You want to tell the truth but you are afraid to face the reality…"

"…Just like when you are singing." Said Kaitou

The last word that Kaitou said somehow triggered Yua she then turned back to Kaitou way.

"But… even if I say those hurt words. I just want you to know that I'm here…"

"Willingly to support you…"

"I will be here for you when you are ready to face the reality."

Kaitou then slowly get closer to Yua. Yua then take a step back as she still can't face Kaitou. Just then Kaitou put his hands on her shoulder cornering to the wall.

"And I also wants you to know that I will be by your side when you have truly become honest with your feelings." Said Kaitou whispering on Yua ears. That whispered makes Yua face redder.

Kaitou then looked at yua whose her face is red. In her minds right now is thinking about why Kaitou wants to do all of this.

"Why? Do you think I will do all this kind of things?" Kaitou as looks like he read Yua mind continue.

"That is because I'm your tutor and also your guys partner."

Yua at that time just realize something she would never realize if she was alone and that is all thanks to Kaitou.

Yua then put her hands on Kaitou chest. She then pouted her cheeks.

"Even after saying all those embarrassing stuffs, Your heartbeat didn't beat fast at all…"

"What is wrong with that?"

"Nothing at all…"

Suzuha then looked up at Kaitou face.

"Hey teacher… you said that you will do anything for me right?"

"As long as it's not something burden." Said Kaitou while putting his hand under his chin.

"Don't worry it's not something burden at all…"

As She said that she put her hand on Kaitou face and kisses his cheek.

"Eh?" Kaitou was shocked by Yua action.

"Now take responsibility for that!"

She then walks in the café back leaving Kaitou alone.

"Which kind of part that is not a burden at all."

As Kaitou said that he put his hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. He was shocked to know that his heart is beating fast.

"Now, I need to be careful around Yua too…"

The both of them entered the café together making the other girls glaring at them. Suzuha is the most curious one.

Suzuha then looked at Yua from up till down.

"Sir! Who is this!?" Said Suzuha changing her views toward Kaitou.

"Who is this foreigners girl Sir! She has a very pretty blonde hair and it looks like you already had known her?"

"What actually are your relationship with our Sir!?" Said Suzuha while looking at maid Yua.

Yua then grinned and looked at Kaitou.

"Yeah, Just what kind of relationship do we have right Darling~~." Said maid Yua in a teasing voice.

"What is it!?" All the girls shout the same word at the same time while looking at Kaitou.


"Oh god, Please give me a rest."

"She is miss Petra Merkonovic, she is my contacts and now she is working here as a part timer." Explain Kaitou even though it obviously a lie.

"That's right! Nice to meet you all, I hope you guys will take care of my darlings more." Said Suzuha still teasing.

"Y-yeah we will do that…" All of them said it and glared at Kaitou.

They then walks home together from the café. And at this situation Yua make herself looks like they bump into accidentally and walks home together with them.


"In the end we didn't review anything for today." Said Kaitou sighing for the fifth time today.

"Mou~, Didn't I've told you if you keep sighing you will just get bad things with you." Said Sumire while eating her donuts.

"Right, like thing could get any bad than this." Said Kaitou.

Just when he was talking, he accidentally bumped with someone.

"O-ow… Where are you looking at you dimwit?"

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'm actually looking for my big brother he still not coming home yet." Said the girls on the floor.

"Huh? Your big brother? Do I look like I care what happens to your big brother?" As Kaitou said that he opened his eye to see the girl that he bumped into.

Kaitou then get a bit shocked about what Sumire said those true. Bad thing has come for him.

The girl too opened her eyes to see Kaitou and also got shocked by it.

"Big brother?" The girl speaks up.

"Himari." Replied Kaitou.

"Eh?! Big Brother you say?!" All the girls shouts.

The girls then looks behind Kaitou to see who is the one to make the noise. Her body suddenly got shaky.

"B-big B-brother b—bring…"

"Oi, Himari are you oka…"

Just before Kaitou could finish his word the girl continued.

"Big brother brings home girl? And that's just not it. There is five of them?!"

After she shout that she suddenly fainted. Looking at her became like that Kaitou just put his hand on his forehead.

"U-um Kai? Can we get an explanation already?" Said Yui starting to get curious.

"Yeah, this is my little sister." Said Kaitou with a small voice.


"LITTLE SISTER???!!!" all of them shouts.

Today Lesson Finished.

Result: Kaitou had learned something new.

The day before the midterm is 10 days left.