The Meet With His Family


Out of sudden Himari shout out after waking up from faint. Kaitou rushed in the room after hearing his sister shouts.

"What happened? Himari?" Asked Kaitou worried.

"Big Brother?!"

As she said that she looks behind Kaitou and search for something.

"What are you looking for?" Asked Kaitou.

"I see… It was all a dreamed right?"

"There is no way that Big Brother would bring a girl's home?"

Said Hirami putting her hands on her chest feeling relieved.

"Oh, About that…"

As Kaitou was saying the girls open the door surprising Himari.

"Kaitou-kun did your sister already awake?" Ask Sumire approaching them.

"Does she just use Big Brother first name?!" Himari thinking to herself was shocked by the fact.

"Kai! How does your little sister feelings is she fine?" Ask Yui coming from Sumire back.

"Ughhaa! Wasn't she Takamoto Yui the famous actor? What is she doing here?!" Thought Himari.

Himari just became more surprised when Yua catch up with the other two.

"There is two of them?!"

Suzuha and Haruka also followed up. Himari then passed out again after seeing the realities she doesn't want to see.

"Oi, Himari?"

Kaitou then called out Himari name but she didn't reply because she is passed out. Kaitou then sighed.

"If you want to play dead then we will take our leave now." Said Kaitou turning around and walked toward the other.

"Wait! I'm awake! So, don't go!" Said Himari stopping her big brother.

Kaitou then stopped halfway and turned back toward Himari. Himari after successing on making Kaitou stayed make a face that say I want an explanation for who are those girls.

Kaitou as he sighed open up his mouth.

"Well I should say this is sudden but let me introduce to you…"

"This is Himari, My little sister. All this time she isn't here because she lives with my mom on Hokkaido." Explain Kaitou to the girls.

Kaitou then turned his view toward the girls.

"And From the right is Haruka, Suzuha, Yua, Yui and Sumire. All of them is my student." Explain Kaitou toward Himari.

"Students?" As Himari said that she tilted her head to the left.

"As I remember I never tell you about it yet aren't I ?" Said Kaitou while crossing his arms.

Himari shake her heads showing that Kaitou didn't tell anything yet.

"As you heard this is my student. The principal is the one who gave me this job that started two weeks before. I will tell you the reason I took this job next time." Explain Kaitou.

There is a look of terror on Hirami face when she heard Kaitou explanation.

"Th-the p-principal? Yo-you don't m-mean th-that principal right Big Brother?" Ask Himari. When she said that she forced a smile when she looks up at Kaitou.

"Unfortunately, It is that principal and he also send his daughter to learn with me." Said Kaitou

Kaitou also put his hand on Sumire heads when he was explaining the thing making the others shocked. Sumire face get redder. She then pushed away Kaitou hands.

"What the heck did you just do?! Don't treat me like a kid!" Shouts Sumire.

Kaitou as he was pushed by Sumire look back at Himari while putting both of his hand inside his pockets.

"By the way Himari… Aren't you suppose to come here tomorrow with mom?" Asked Kaitou toward Himari.

"Well yeah…But I've told mom that I would get here before her because I want to meet with you Big Brother! So, you don't need to worry about anything." Said Himari.

Himari then looked at Suzuha who is glaring at her from the start.

"Wh-what?" Ask Himari while pulling the blanket to cover her face.

Suzuha then take a deep breath before talking.

"Nice to meet you! Sir Little Sister! Sir have treats me with care for these past few days and I really hope we could be friends too. Oh, by the way I'm also have a little sister maybe she could be your friend? Don't you think so Sir!?"

Suzuha as she said that looks at Kaitou.

"You have a little sister Suzuha? This is the first time I heard it."

"Yeah, She is a very shy girl but also a very good girl you know Sir!" Said Suzuha while slowly closing on Kaitou.

"How old is she." Replied Kaitou while pushing Suzuha heads.

"She turned 16 last month." Replied Suzuha.

"So, She is in the same grade as Himari."

"Ehh???!!! Really? Himari-chan I hope you could get along well!" Said Suzuha holdings Himari hands.


Sumire then looked at her smartphone to see the time.

"Oh no, It's already this late. I guess we need to go home now." Said Sumire packing her stuffs. The others followed Sumire.

"Do you need me to send you home Haruka?" Ask Kaitou.

As remembering the other night incident Haruka gets redder on accepting Kaitou invitation. Just before she could say anything Sumire speak up.

"Oh! You don't need to worry because we are here and we will send Haruka home. So, you just take care of your little sister Kaitou-kun." Said Sumire while holding her smartphone calling a taxi.

Haruka looking disappointed just followed Sumire down.

"Well then Sir! See you tomorrow!" Said Suzuha while waving her hands at Kaitou.

"Yeah, Make sure you guys do a review after coming home." Said Kaitou.

"Yeahhh!" Said all the girl. They then rode the taxi and leave Kaitou and Himari alone.

"There they go." Said Himari.

"Yeah." Replied Kaitou.

"What kind of trouble did you enter this time Big Brother?"

"Who knows?"

Himari then pouts her cheek making her looks like a squirrel.

"Is it have any relation with "her"?" Ask Himari looking worried.

"No, this time he is only paying the debt for the tutor room. It doesn't have any relation with "her"." Said Kaitou entering the house.

"Heeeehh… You really have change huh Big Brother?"

"I really thought that she is the only who could change you."

"After all you wouldn't give your soul to the principal for the girl life after all…"



NAME: Takamoto Yui

Age: 17 Years old

Height: 156 cm

Cup: D

Birth of month: 23 August

Talent: Act

Food Like: Hamburger

Hair Colour: Blue

Eye Colour: Brown

Family Member: Father, mother and a twin little sister

Status: Single

Work: Actor


The next day…

"Kai! we have come open the door already!" Shout Yui infront of Kaitou house.

A couple of minutes then Kaitou opens the door and behind him is Himari who is hugging Kaitou from the back.

"Woah, what happens to you siblings?" Ask Sumire.

"It's a long story…" Said Kaitou.

"Just explain to us what actually happened?" Said Yui.


Last night Kaitou was wakes up by his little sister who wants to go to the toilet but she is afraid to go alone after she watch a late scary movie with Kaitou last night. The moment she finished using the bathroom somehow, she saw her own shadow on the walls that she thought a ghost and that traumatize her.

"From last night till now she doesn't want to let go of me at all." Said Kaitou while pushing off Himari but she doesn't budge off. She then tightened more her hugs.

"So basically your little sister is a "bro-con" that's it" Thought the two of them.

"By the way is it just the two of you? Where is the other?" Asked Kaitou while looking at the two of them.

"Haruka isn't coming for today she said that she had something to do first." Said Sumire.

"Yua is picking up Suzuha because she thought that Suzuha might still be sleeping." Said Yui.

"Is that so? Then for now let's come in we are having breakfast."

Kaitou then walks in his house and followed by Sumire and Yui. Kaitou then sits down on the chair and continue to eat his breakfast.

"U-um, For how long will your little sister be like that?" Ask Sumire.

"Who knows?" Replied Kaitou while eating his sandwiches.

"Aren't you feel uncomfortable?" Sumire continued on asking question.

"Not at all."


"Because she is my little sister."

"Now I don't know who is having a sibling complex…" Thought Sumire.

She then changes her views toward Yui who is already sitting with Kaitou on the dinner table. She then takes the bacons up with a fork and show it to Kaitou face.

"Say "Aaaah" Kai!" Said Yui.

Both Himari and Sumire were surprised by what just they heard. The both of them then looks at Kaitou.

"Why?" Replied Kaitou.

"Just open your mouth so I could feed you." Said Yui.

Kaitou feeling tired to argue with Yui just do as what she said and got feed by Yui.

"How is it? Delicious?" Ask Yui.

"What is the purpose on commenting my own cookings?" Said Kaitou while munching the bacon.

"Well this is only a practice for when we are married, I would like to do this to you." Said Yui showing off a smile.

Sumire and Himari got more shocked by how bold Yui is. While Kaitou just sighed at Yui because he had get used to Yui teasing him.

"By the way if I married you then Himari will also became my little sister! Yay its like doing one thing and get another thing for free." Said Yui while raising her hands in the air.

"I do think what you just said is 100% wrong." Said Kaitou.


"Just when will I get a peace morning?" Said Kaitou while sighing.

"I think you won't get it though" Said Sumire under her breath.

Kaitou then glared at Sumire after she said that. Sumire just avert her eyes from Kaitou.

"By the way, I've been wondering from last night, Why are you and Himari-chan aren't looking the same?" Just then Yui speak up making both Kaitou and Himari shocked.

"That is because Himari looks more like our father… She is also had his eyes and hair colour while I have my mother genetic that is an albino." Explain Kaitou while sipping his coffee. Himari just tighten her hugs hearing about her father.

"Eh… Is that so."

Just when they are having a conversation the door bells ring.

*ding dong*

"Ah! That is them, I guess? Let me open the door." Said Sumire walking to the door.

When she opens the door Suzuha voice could be heard from inside.

"Everyone! Morning!" Shout Suzuha energetic.

"As always you are very energetic this kind of morning huh?" Said Kaitou mocking Suzuha.

Suzuha then just laugh at Kaitou mocks because she is a happy go-lucky girl.

"Good morning Everyone, We're sorry for being late today we need to help someone first." Spoke Yua.

"Help someone? Who is it?" ask Sumire curious.

"Ah! She is a beautiful sister who might live around here. So, we decide to lead her here…"

"But because we didn't really know this place, so, we brought her together here." Said Yua.

"Somehow I felt that such a big trouble is coming." Thought Kaitou.

Yua then as like waving her hand to call for someone. As it looks like there is a beautiful woman carrying a 4th years old boy walking to the door.

"Nice to meet you I'm the beautiful sister my name is Aibara~desu…" Said the woman. Her figure is beautiful she looks like she is around 20 but she is carrying a baby with her, maybe someone else baby? This is Sumire thought at that time.

But her thoughts were fallen with this only seven words that came out of Kaitou mouth.

"What the hell are you doing mom?"

"Ara, did I get caught already?" Said the woman.

"You have been caught from the first moment already."

Just when this two family is having their conversation the other girl is staying in silence for a moment.


"Ehhhhh???!!! She is your mom???" Shouts all the girls.

"Tehe!" Said Kaitou mom winking her left eyes.

Today Lesson Finished.

Result: The girls learn about Kaitou family.

The day before the midterm is 9 days left.