

Last night was like a scenario from those fairy tale stories that we grew up listening to. It does not matter how many hardships appeared in a story, our heart craved for a happy ending.

I was just like that. Not acknowledging the fact that I was supposed to be a mature woman, I was floating in an unknown world of delirium and fantasy. Both terms are pretty contradictory in their meanings, but that was my state at that moment.

I kept staring blankly at the ceiling, being lost in my thoughts. Then, I turned towards Seth and stared at his face. With my index finger, I touched his lashes, nose and lips. He was so beautiful. His face looked so alluring as if it was a sculpture made by some skilled artist. Then, I leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, "Wake up, Sleepy head! How come I woke up earlier than you?".

While rubbing his eyes, he took a glance at me and uttered, "I am on leave today".

Then he curled up in bed and slept. Unlike him, I had to go to work. So, I made my way out of the bed. Then, I got ready, made my favorite breakfast and ate it with delight. When Seth came down for the breakfast, I was ready to leave. While sending me to the work, he kissed me and told me that we will be going out for dinner later. I smiled and waved him goodbye.

While driving towards the university, I remembered that I forgot to ask what Seth was going to tell me. Though I always loved him and wanted him to continue to treat me warmly after the marriage too, his change in behaviour was too sudden. Even when he treated me harshly, I was never able to hate him. But it was definitely my place to know of the reason for his cruelty.

Then, I reached university and managed my classes. The day went by so fast and it was 2'o clock already. Since it was the time for lunch, I drove to my favorite restaurant. There, I met Evans unexpectedly. He approached me and said, "Hey Beautiful ! Even though we have been friends for so long, it is strange how we meet eachother unexpectedly only. Since we rarely get any chance to meet, let's have lunch together".

I nodded and we got ourselves a table. We ordered our food and drinks. Evans was a talkative person but that somehow was comforting since I didn't talk much usually. He talked about his work and his future plans and about a girl he started seeing recently. I was happy for him and wished the best. Then, he abruptly neared my ear and said," Why didn't you contact me on the number that I gave you on the note in the party?"

I was astonished by the suddenness of the enquiry and claimed," Since I was doing fine, I did not wish to bother you. That is all".

He had a frown on his face. He asserted,"I know Seth has been hurting you and even on the party I could see that you were hurt".

That statement was so unexpected. While hearing him talk, I dropped my fork in astonishment. With a smile, I tried to hide my pain and concluded," It was just that I was not doing well that day. Seth has loved me even more since the day we got married. He even offered me to have dinner with him today".

Evans seemed distrustful of me and said, "He is trying to take revenge on you. He doesn't love you. Don't trust anything he says".

The bitterness of the statement filled my heart with despair and tears started building in my eyes. While trying to hold back my tears, I exclaimed," That is not true. He did treat me a little ruthlessly in the beginning but that has changed now".

His eyes looked pitiful and he held my hand in his and said, " I am telling you all this because I don't want you to get hurt any further. During the night of your wedding, he was with me. We were celebrating his marriage with you. The woman that answered your phone was my secretary. That day, he told me about his plan of avenging his girlfriend Rose".

Unable to take it all in, I questioned Evans," What do you mean? What do I have to do with Rose? It was Rose herself who broke up with Seth, isn't it?"

Evans exclaimed," No, they didn't break up. She died in a car accident. Your belated brother kept her for himself and even got Seth all beaten up. She tried so many times to escape but was not able to do so. One day, he caught Rose secretly trying to call Seth. He got her in a car with himself and drove with lunacy. Seth knew the number of the number plate and followed them secretly. Your brother drove the car like a madman. Soon, the car fell off a cliff. Your brother and Rose died on the spot. That day, Seth decided to return all the anguish he felt to the sister of his tormenter. He devised a plan to marry and torture you. He wanted you to suffer the pain that he felt in loosing his beloved. He always loved Rose. It could be that he still love her only and is only treating you nicely to torment you further".

Unable to hold back my tears, I cried like an infant. After that, I paved my way out of the restaurant. I walked towards my car. I felt a striking pain in my head and my vision was getting really blurry. I fainted and Evans caught me. He got me in his car and sprinkled water droplets on my face.

"Are you okay ? I am sorry if I ended up hurting you. I just wanted you to acknowledge the truth, so that you would not get hurt any further. If you want I can drop you off to your parents home", remarked Evans.

Not being able to say much, I uttered, "I am fine. Drop me off to my home please".

After reaching home, I moved towards the bedroom. At first, I needed a bath. It was all too much to take take in. After getting out of the shower, I laid on the bed. I didn't have any strength left in me. After few minutes, Seth approached me. He sat beside me and asked, "Are you tired? should I cancel our dinner?"

I turned my head towards him and replied," Yes, I am not feeling well. I don't want to go out".

Seth gently kissed my forehead and said, " Okay, Did you have anything for lunch?"

I nodded and turned my gaze away from him.

Subsequent to my arrival, we ended up bickering.


Maybe, it was something you ate. You take good rest. I will take care of some work that needs my attention.


No! I want to talk to you. Yesterday, you told me that you were going to tell me the reason for your ruthlessness.


You are not in your perfect health at the moment. That is why, it's not appropriate for us to discuss it now.


It doesn't concern me. Agony by agony, something is gained, and my personal agony counts with the rest. I would really be grateful if you'd confess.

(While holding his hand closer to my heart, I stared deep into his eyes with tears building up in mine. )


All Right, I was ruthless to you because I was afraid of coming face to face with something I did behind your back.


What did you do?


Mon Coeur, You know that I love you, right?

( I reluctantly nodded. After hearing what Evans told me, I just needed a confirmation from Seth to solidify Evans's claims.)

Before the day of our wedding, I got too much drunk. In my drunk state, I ended up sleeping with a woman. The guilt of it kept eating me alive. It was really hard for me to confess it to you. As I was ashamed of the hideous obscure secret that I possessed, It was hard for me to say anything to you. I knew you didn't deserve a lying schmuck as your husband, so I purposely tried to make you hate me.


No!! You're lying. That is not the truth. You can not cheat on me. You always claimed that you loved me. You will never do that to me.


It was not intentionally done. I was really drunk that day.


The only relationship that we have is of incredulity now. I don't trust you or anything you say.


Mon Coeur, forgive me. It was before our marriage and it wasn't intentional.


Would you say the same thing if I would have fooled around with someone before the marriage? Would my being drunk would have justified the heinous act that I would have committed?

(He got really mad and striked me on my cheek. That was the first time that Seth hurt me. My tears flooded my cheeks and I pushed Seth away.)


I love you 'Mon Coeur'. It is only you that make me want to hurt you.


No, those words are not true. You married me only to torment me. You never felt anything for me. That is why, you keep hurting me. I am nothing but an object for you to play around with. You don't fathom my feelings for you. You're a filthy liar. You just wish to avenge your dead girlfriend. You just want to hurt me because my belated brother hurt you. You even have a photograph of them. I don't want to be with you. You hurt me!!


Where did you get all these wild ideas from? You checked my cupboard? Yes, it is true that I dated Rose and your brother snatched her away. He tormented her. She even got pregnant and was helpless. She wanted me to help her escape him. whenever I used to meet her, the more petrified she used to get over the thought of your brother finding out. She went through so much pain and even in the end I could not help her. She couldn't even die in the arms of the man she loved. She loved me dearly. I wanted to start a family with her even though she was pregnant with another man's child. Your brother stole that away from me and Rose. Even still I get nightmares of that day.

Tears started falling from his eyes. It was the first time I ever saw him cry. I hugged him and pleaded for forgiveness for the cruel words I uttered previously. He hugged me back and what followed was a passionate kiss. I kissed him and my worries drifted away. But he still seemed hurt and blue. He told me to rest. After that Seth left without saying anything, and I was left alone in the room. Soon, I dozed off. When I moved downstairs, nobody was there. Seth had gone. I came back to our bedroom to check the cupboards. The cupboards were empty. He went away with his luggage. I called him on his phone but I couldn't reach him. He left me.