

Strolling through the empty corridors, I kept thinking of him. Without him, that house was no longer a home. One person alone doesn't posses the capability of doing that. I have always felt dejected since the day I married him. Since then, there has been a void in me. That void has been growing in me for quite some time now. It feels like it will eventually consume my unrequited feelings for Seth. Perhaps this was the infliction of being in an unrequited love.

It was around 3 am that I got a call from an anonymous number. I got up from the bed, moved towards the table and picked it up.

"Hello, Are you Mrs. Cole? ", said an anonymous man.

"yes", I uttered hurriedly.

"Your husband has gotten into an accident. I hope you can reach Heartland Community Hospital asap", said the man.

I got out of my night gown and found myself some suitable piece of clothing. I got ready hurriedly and made my way towards my car. It was still dark outside. I drove like a frantic.

After reaching the hospital, I went to the receptionist and inquired about Seth's room. My heart was beating like a drum and fear was clouding my mind. It was getting really hard to unravel the intricacies of the unpredictable circumstances. Since yesterday, my life has been nothing but 'eventful'. The half truth that Seth told me, the confession of Evans and the atrocious argument between Seth and me. All these happenings had a toll on me. I took big steps towards his room. I stood before his room and saw him sleeping quietly. He had a fracture and some minor injuries. I inquired about his health from the doctor. The doctor informed me that he hadn't been eating and sleeping well, thus, his immune system was very weak. So, he needed a consideredable amount of rest. I pushed the door open and went towards his bed. He was unconscious. He was given Sedatives and other medications. I sat beside him and held his hand in mine.

I didn't remember but I had fallen asleep holding Seth's hand. I woke up to find him caressing my head with his other hand. I woke up and averted away my hand from his. He had remorseful eyes.

Silence persisted between us in that moment. I helped him in his chores, but didn't try to initiate or indulge in any conversation with him.

Soon after his mother arrived with his father. This was the first time I met his father after the wedding. Fidel Cole was a jovial man with a kind smile. Though he retired from Mcstreme Group by giving up his position as CEO to his son, he was still very skilled and had an intimidating aura. After leaving business, he extensively travelled, painted and sold those paintings in auctions. He was a well established man.

"After Seth's discharge from the hospital, You both are going to stay with us for few days", ordered Fidel.

"I don't think that will be necessary father. I can take take care of myself", said Seth in a deep voice.

Fidel chuckled, and while taking a glance at his fractured leg said, "I know you're a big boy. That is quite clear from your prevailing predicament.

Now, will you make your old man persistently plead for his son to come back? "

"You're the most dramatic father ever. We will stay with you guys for a week. That is all", said Seth while closing his eyes.

Cherise neared me and offered me a cup of coffee.

It was almost afternoon when we all reached home. For the lunch, Seth's uncle Chad also joined us. It was such a gladsome moment. The wholeness of the family love and their adoration for one another was heart-warming. The only bummer was that Seth was eating alone in his room. Fidel talked about his adventures while traveling and Cherise. He talked about how he met Cherise, and how their relationship culminated through the years. It was actually very beautiful how people who could be as different as day and night fell for one another. This was the only thing I had always hoped for. Seth was everything I needed, but our circumstances were unfortunate. He could never love the sister of the person who murdered his love. It was unfortunate but my heart wheeped whenever I tried to accept the excruciating reality.

As Seth was not in his finest health, I took some days off work to help him heal. After having lunch, I went to our bedroom. He was working. He was having an online conference with his colleagues. I drifted away from that space and went in the isolated part of the room. I started reading books. Cole family had a library of their own. Before coming to my room, I stocked some of the books. After reading the book, I turned my gaze towards Seth. He was sleeping soundly. I went beside him and laid next to him. He noticed my presence and opened his eyes. He turned his gaze towards me and batted his eyelids. I enrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me. I rested my head on his chest .

"I am sorry. I caused you so much trouble. There was a reason why I had to leave ",asserted Seth.

I didn't say anything and rested in the comfort of his arms.

"I never cheated on you. Everything that Evans told you was true. I lied to you the other day. Unable to live with the guilt, I tried to get away from you. Then, I realized that it was also the day of Rose's death anniversary. So, I drove off to the graveyard to pay my respect, and while returning I had an accident. I know I have been nothing but pain for you to deal with. That is why, I decided that it would be appropriate for me to walk out of your life. Forgive me if you can", asserted Seth.

I still didn't utter a word. I was tired of all the bickering and wished for this comfort to last forever. While digging my head deeper into his embrace, I dozed off.