
Just as I thought, at my announcement for my choice the room erupted into chaos. I sighed for what seemed like the 100th time. We seemed to be at an even split. I let the chaos ensue. I would let them decide for themselves. I want my men and women to follow a person they made on their own choice, not by me convincing them. This would be up to them.

An hour had gone by, the votes had swayed slightly.

Two hours, the gap for yay and nay was widening.

Five hours passed, I was pondering what I would have for dinner when I was startled out of my musings by a tap on my shoulder. Shikaku Nara was in kneeling before me.

"Lord Third, as the appointed Jonin commander, I have come to tell you that we have reached the majority decision required by village law to accept or deny your proposition for the fifth hokage." His even voice relayed concisely.

"Oh? And what have you all decided?" I asked, a hint of amusement in my voice. I knew their answer. After getting over the shock in the first hour, the next four were spent discussing the pros and cons of my selection. I heard many of my own thoughts echoed throughout the discussion.

"With an overwhelming majority of 87% to 13%, we the Jonin of Konohagakure… Accept your nomination for your successor." His smirk mirroring my own.

Oh sweet retirement, here I come.

*********************************Who is it?!*******************************************

Kenta POV – A week after Jonin agreed to selection

I stood in the crowd of excited citizens. Both Shinobi and Civilian alike. Kono chatted away excitedly from atop my shoulders. Mom and Dad were discussing the events with friends of theirs that had found them in the crowds. Naruto and Ami were next to me, Ami's parents had joined us as well. Today was an exciting day. Lord Third would be addressing the crowd with a speech he prepared, as well as his announcement of his successor. There was a small betting pool between all of the Genin. My money was on Lady Tsunade. Lord Jiraiya and Naruto brought her back to the village for crying out loud!

An excited hushed whispering began to ripple through the crowd. I tapped Kono's leg in excitement and looked up at her smiling face. Almost 8 years old already, she was my pride and joy. Number one in her class, working on clan techniques already. Yeah, to say I was a proud big brother would be putting it mildly. Silence fell over the crowd which quickly turned into a thunderous roar as Lord Third stepped onto the raised platform.

The cheers and applause continued on for several minutes before silence swept the crowd once more. Lord Third's kindly face smiled around and swept the crowd. Almost the entirety of the 100,000 population had gathered for Lord Third's speech and announcement. The anticipation was palpable. The love people have for Lord Third was so great, WE were excited for him to finally retire.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, Civilian and Shinobi… I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming out today to listen to an Old Man's stories and to celebrate the announcement of my successor!" Roars of approval met his announcement.

"For years, I kept many secrets. Some for what I thought was the sake of the village. Other's to protect individuals that I considered high risk. I have been called 'The God of Shinobi,' 'The Professor,' as well as a few unsightly names by enemies and foes alike. The most common being 'Old Man' 'Old Fart' 'Monkey,' and little Tsunade's favorite 'Senile Geezer." The crowd laughed at Lord Third's expense. Kono particularly laughed at 'Monkey.'

"For all my years of life and experience, I still seem to learn new truths and nuggets of wisdom. Some pleasantly welcomed, some heartbreakingly sad. The single piece of advice that I give to all of you listening today, the only thing I hope you will remember for the rest of your time on this Earth, is never stop learning. For with knowledge comes wisdom, with wisdom comes truth. Some truths you may celebrate, others you may curse. Whatever the outcome, always strive to learn and grow and be a better person than you were the day before."

Lord Third then launched into his epic tale. He told the crowd about the fall of Uzushio. How their end was orchestrated by one of our own. He spun the tale of the nine tails attack. How someone plotted the entire attack to cause division and strife amongst Konoha herself, and how they almost succeed. He told of the truth about the Uchiha massacre. How the man thought to be the second biggest traitor to ever hail from our village, was in reality an unsung hero that threw away his own humanity to prevent disaster in our own backyard. Secret after secret, lie after lie, Lord Third confessed to every sin he carried on his shoulders. He finished his tale with possibly the biggest secret of all. Not in the sense of senseless tragedy like Uzu or The Uchiha Clan, but that the ripple of shame and self-loathing was felt by every single soul in attendance.

"Finally, I tell you all my last secret. I tell you this not to upset any of you, or lay the blame at any one person's feet, but as a lesson for the future. Never let grief, sorrow and pain control who you are as a person. Every single one of you is special to me and I would go to war to protect any of you. I think on now my greatest personal shame. For this one had no hidden manipulation or anyone pulling the strings. Lord fourth is regarded as the leaf's greatest hero. He stopped the Kyubi's rampage, giving his own life to do so. His name is uttered with reverence and awe by all who call Konoha her home. While you all worshiped Lord Fourth, you spat on his legacy. You called the little boy chosen an hour after birth to jail the most powerful of beasts a demon. You ostracized him. Cursed him. Beat him."

I stared at Naruto who looked as though he wanted to be anywhere else but here right now. "I say all this, but I promise that I do not blame any single person, nor am I mad or disappointed in any of you. The blame falls solely at my feet. It was my duty to shield that little boy from the pain and hurt of this world. I failed, miserably, in the task that Lord Fourth left to me. I only ask, that from this point forward you all attempt to put your pain and grief behind you to see the loyal, hardworking, kind boy that Naruto is. His existence ensures that Kyubi won't threaten us. As long as he lives and breathes, we are safe. Believe that if you will, but if you have nothing to believe in, believe in Minato. For he was the one who placed the seal on Young Naruto. Your hero personally ensured that we would all be safe while Naruto, his legacy, HIS ONE AND ONLY SON WOULD CONTINUE HIS WORK KEEPING KONOHA SAFE!" Lord Third's voice raised to match the level of the crowd. Shouts of disbelief were quickly overtaken by cries of outrage at such a wild accusation.

Without warning, overwhelmingly bloodlust filled the air. I quickly brought Kono down from my shoulders and hugged the shaking girl. As soon as the sensation appeared, it was gone. Lord Third's look of outrage and anger swept the crowd, sending all those who had gathered cowering.

"If you do not believe me that is your prerogative. I will personally show you the birth certificate and DNA results. However! You will not insult Minato's memory by publicly denouncing his legacy like a bunch of children. Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze is indeed the blood child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. I swear on my grandson's life, this is the truth."

The whispers and murmuring were much more subdued this time around. Deciding that the crowd of people were sufficiently chastised. His smile returned once more.

"I laid my sins at your feet today so that I leave my post as Hokage with no secrets to take to my grave. I swear to you all, that from this day until the day I join my wife in the pure lands, I will work side by side with Lord Fifth to not only atone for the wrongs committed during my tenure, but to ensure that similar sins aren't committed by Konoha or her people ever again! I will spend my days offering guidance and advice when asked, spoiling and doting on my grandchild, and training a select group of Shinobi to ensure the safety of The Great Tree as we enter times of an uncertain future! I thank you, my children, for the blessings you have given me during my time as your Hokage!"

The crowd cheered and hollered for a beloved leader. He shouldered a mountain of guilt, and his people attempted to ease some of that burden. No one is perfect, but Lord Third was a respected man. The key word there being man, as in human. Humans make mistakes and his people screamed their admiration still.

"Ladies and Gentleman, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you the person selected as your Firth Hokage! This person has both the seal of approval from Our Feudal Lord, as well as an overwhelming approval rating form the Jonin of Konohagakure at a whopping 87%! My approval rating among the Jonin was barely passable at 71% if that tells you anything." The crowd laughed at Lord Third's joke but the anticipation was at heights almost unbearable that the laughter didn't last long.

"I apologize, an old man has to have his fun." Lord Third chuckled once more and made a motioning gesture. An ANBU agent slowly stepped forward and took his place next to Lord Third. They exchanged quiet words and the ANBU agent nodded, hand over his mask, his unveiling at hand.

"Citizens of Konohagakure, please join me in giving our newest Hokage your unwavering support. I now present to you, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure… Itachi Uchiha!" Lord Third's clear voice rang across the plaza. His proclamation was met with dead silence. I could only speak for myself, but I knew for a fact my mind had shut down completely.

Until just a few hours ago, this man was an S-Rank wanted criminal. Of course the revelations unearthed the truth, but still, this seemed too sudden. I finally let the logical side of my brain take over, and I just about lost it.

19 years old, younger than even Lord Fourth. S-Rank shinobi at THIRTEEN! MY AGE! ANBU member at 11, ANBU Captain at 12. This kid, I mean Lord Fifth, was in a league of his own. My brain finally shut back on.

"LORD FIFTH! YOU'RE MY IDOL AND I THINK I HAVE A LITTLE MAN CRUSH! I BELIEVE YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE GREATEST HOKAGE EVER! AT LEAST UNTIL NARUTO TAKES THAT HAT FROM YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Laughter rang out at my… unorthodox reception to our newest military leader. I didn't care, the dam broke open. Cheers louder than Lord Third's entrance sent shockwaves through the city. On and on we cheered, I screamed and cheered until my throat felt raw. After what seemed like hours, the crowd quieted enough for Lord Fifth to greet his people.

"Thank you, everyone, for the generous reception. And thank you, Kenta Yamanaka, for the unique greeting." He smiled in our general direction and cleared his throat. "I am not one for long speeches like Lord Third. I offer you only this. For as long as I live, every decision I make will be for the betterment of our village. I will fulfill my duty as your Hokage to the best of my ability. And if the day ever comes, I will gladly lay down my life to ensure Konoha sees the sunrise the next morning. This, I swear to you all." He finished his short and concise speech with a bow towards the audience. As though a single mind, we all knelt down to show our respect to our newest leader.

I smiled to myself, hope igniting in my chest. I would never compare myself to Lord Itachi. He was a once in a century type of talent. However, if he could achieve S-Rank at 13, I knew that I would one day reach the same. Not nearly as fast, obviously, but one day, I would. For the first time, my dream was finally a dream I could actually believe in.

*********************************Lord Fifth Itachi FTW!**********************************

Itachi POV – 2 weeks after Inauguration

I stared impassively at the 8 Genin gathered before me. In front of me lay the reports and analysis of all the competitors from final exam of the Chunin selection exams. At the bottom of each report I had scribbled my own notes after Inoko Yamanaka let me view his memories of each fight. I had to admit, I was most impressed by each and every individual who stood before me.

I cleared my throat and addressed the young men and women before me. "Most of you have already gathered why you were summoned here today. For those of you who are unusually slow on the uptake" I pinned Naruto with an unimpressed look. His indignant squak elicited a peel of laughter from everyone gathered in the room. "I will now go over your results from the Chunin selection exam. You will all leave here either as new Chunin, or with constructive criticism on what you need to improve to be selected in the next exam. I will go alphabetically."

I pulled out my first sheet. "Shino Aburame, please step forward. You showed great promise with your clan techniques and a solid grasp on handling your kikaichū. Your decision making, planning, and adaptability were all commented on in a positive manner. All that being said, aside from a single last resort earth technique, the variety of your techniques is severely lacking. At this time the judges feel that you need to work on your flexibility in your execution and variety in your techniques. You will not be promoted." Shino thanked me and bowed, stepping back into line.

I pulled out my second sheet. "Fú, please step forward. You are not yet a konoha shinobi, but I have begun the process. It should only be a few more weeks. That being said, I still wanted to give you your analysis. Your strength and speed simply wowed the crowd. You have the required strength to be eligible for Chunin. We know that you weren't fighting your opponent at full strength for obvious reasons. Saying that though, you are not quite ready for Chunin. You were on the defensive the entire fight. Always reacting, with incredible reflexes I will add, to your opponent. Never taking the initiative except at the end. You underestimated your opponent though and had your own technique turned against you. We will get you assigned to a good team with a good captain. I see no reason that with some PROPER training, you won't sweep the competition next time." I smiled at the girl who seemed to glow under the praise. Her first 14 years of life were hell, I'd make sure her time in Konoha was the exact opposite.

I pulled out my next sheet. "Neji Hyuga. I honestly do not think I need to tell you why you will not be promoting this cycle?" I asked the Hyuga genius. He shook his head and lowered it in embarrassment. "Good. Emotions in battle are not a bad thing if they're channeled and controlled properly. Control your emotions, do not let them control you." He bowed and fell back into line.

"Ami Kogure, please step forward." The purple haired teen stepped forward, a look of apprehension on her face. "You were… the biggest surprise in the entire competition, if I'm being honest. A first generation shinobi. Grades and reports that said you'd be lucky to make it to Chunin where you would eventually retire as. Imagine my surprise when I watch this fire-breathing demon take down a clan heir. This girl who 8 months prior to the finals was skin and bone and cared only for her looks and clothes. You were at a complete disadvantage. From the way you carry yourself, I can tell you are a close range fighter. It was a mismatch, even coating your skin in toxin, to fight as you normally would. You made a strategy to counter your opponent, executed it flawlessly, and ended up the victor. I wish Orochimaru had waited until the final match to begin his failed invasion. I would have enjoyed seeing you battle your teammate. With everything being said, I feel confident enough to say congratulations, Ami Kogure… Chunin of Konoha." I smiled warmly at the young rising kunoichi.

Ami walked forward and reached out with shaking hands to receive the proferred Chunin vest from Lord Third. She bowed deeply to both men. "Thank you, Lord Fifth. Thank you, Lord Third. I promise I will continue to work hard, get stronger, and continue to climb the ranks. I promise your faith in me was justified." She rejoined the lines. I glanced at Naruto who was red faced and sweating, the strain of keeping his trap shut almost painful for the boy. He was definitely Kushina's son.

"Shikamaru Nara, step forward." The Nara heir did so. Hands in pockets, heavy lidded eyes gazed at me wholly unimpressed with the entire situation. I laughed to myself, this will be fun. "Seriously, Shikamaru? Did you think that poor acting performance hid how flawless your match was? If you didn't want to be promoted, you should have forfeited. Let's not waste time, come get your vest." The lazy new Chunin meandered forward, grumbling under his breath the entire time. He gave half ass bows to Lord Third and me, and mumbled some type of gratitude. He fell back in line and met my gaze. I activated my 'Sharingan' pinning him in place. My eyes missing nothing, I watched the sweat form and roll down his face. "I swear on everything I hold dear, Shikamaru… I will find a way to motivate you. The most dangerous thing in this world is a motivated Nara. You will be my experiment and proof. Do I make myself clear?" The boy audibly gulped and this time gave a proper bow. I deactivated my eyes, smiling cordially at the sweating boy.

"Sasuke Uchiha, step forward." My little brother did so. Confidence and apprehension warred across his features and posture. Sasuke was the one person who knew I was the last person to play favorites, even with my favorite person in the world. "Sasuke, when I viewed your fight with Fú, I had already decided. Your fight with Naruto simply cemented my beliefs. Watching the man you've become and the direction you are heading, it brings me no shortage of pride to be the one to offer you my gratulations on your promotion to Chunin. Well done, Sasuke Uchiha… Chunin of Konohagakure." I smiled warmly at my baby brother. The excited energy rolling off him in waves. He took his vest with all the grace mother beat into him and offered the proper respect before returning. Cocky smirk back on his face. I flashed my 'Sharingan' at my foolish younger brother who quickly realized his mistake. He put on a more suitable expression. Confident and sure, but not full of himself. That was a much better look.

I picked up the second to last sheet. "Naruto Uzumaki, please step forward." Naruto bounded forward and began vibrating in place. His infectious energy and positivity saturating the air. "You absolutely intrique me, Naruto Uzumaki. You are the perfect blend of your parents. I only met them a few times when I was very young, but I remember both of them clear as if it were yesterday. To the world, you're a carefree, loudmouth, who throws around smiles to all those around him. Your eyes speak the opposite. Even when you smile, the cold calculating look never leaves those eyes. The bone deep sorrow is always present. And the icing on the cake is the almost zealous determination you use to fuel all your life's endeavors."

I studied the boy further watching as he began to fidget under my gaze. "Watching your match as an outsider was fascinating. If you took the match at surface value, we saw a loudmouthed, cocky idiot running around the arena haphazardly, throwing out insults and rattling his opponent's cage. If we look at the underneath though, we have an entire different story. You tested not only your opponent's strength while keeping yourself out of harm's way, you were able to deduce that your opponent's superior eyesight couldn't determine fake from real. Your childish taunts tossed your opponent into emotional turmoil which led to poor judgement on his part. You set the trap, laid the bait, and your opponent took it without thought. You were able to metaphorically walk up to your opponent, grab his hand and guide him directly into your trap. It was an absolute masterpiece hidden beneath the façade of an idiot. Your second match was much the same, but at an even higher level. Sasuke was able to keep his cool but you still were able to unwittingly boast your way into a surrender. Naruto Uzumaki, I look forward to seeing how your future shapes up. It is a bright one, indeed. You are a crafty and skilled opponent. One day, people will fear you as much as they once feared your father. Congratulations, Naruto Uzumaki… Chunin of Konohagakure."

I watched as every emotion raced across the boy's face before settling on one. Pure, uninhibited bliss.

"YES! YES! YES! I did it! I did it! Thank you! Thank you so much! I won't let you down Lord Fifth!" He bowed over and over to me, his excitement threatening to overrun the room. He then launched himself at Lord Third and hugged him for all he was worth, tears of happiness falling freely. He pulled himself off my predecessor and wiped the tears away. With another bow he ran back to the line where he was barely able to contain his energy once again. Part of me prays every night that more Uzumaki are out in the world and that we can bring them home. The other part of me dreads that day if it ever comes, if the rest of them are even half as excitable as Naruto.

I cleared my throat and grabbed the last sheet of paper. I studied the final competitor, the biggest enigma of the group. Came in second to my brother by a single point. Considered an absolute prodigy in his clan techniques, mastering the art of complete separation of yin and yang chakra in just a short year. Mastered many of his clan techniques already, including a B-Rank technique. A Yamanaka who looked up to my deceased cousin so much he was attempting to re-create his feared fighting style. A budding master of poisons. Dual element with impeccable control. To top that long resume off, he was in possession of Kumo's feared bloodline, storm release. There were Jonin that didn't even have the diverse skillset that this 13 year old boy had. With so many specializations, logic dictates that he would be a simple jack of all trades. A master of none. At 13, and a Genin less than a year out of the academy, his focus should be on improving just one or two things. Mastering one thing at a time and then moving on, building that skillset over time. This teen before defied all logic. He not only had a full plate, he was absolutely thriving. He would be Jonin within 2 years at this rate, probably less. With so many things to focus and improve on, he should be Genin, low skilled Chunin in all arts he was attempting to master. Instead, this 13 year old boy was high tier Chunin in most of his branches, Low Tier Jonin in a few. It was ridiculous, even I wasn't as potentially deadly as this boy was at 13. I was stronger, yes, but his potential dwarfed mine.

"Kenta Yamanaka, step forward please." I called out. The boy did so, even gaze meeting my own. Not nervous, not confident, nothing. He was in control of himself, not letting his emotions control him. He blinked, not missing the flash of red. There it was, so slight it was hard to miss. The slight tightening of his eyes, and the miniscule crease in his brow landed my lead. Apprehension. Well done though, regardless. He will make a fine Shinobi one day.

"I have a question for you, Kenta. What is your goal? What is your dream?" I asked, steepling my fingers and studying the boy.

He hesitated but a moment before his clear, confident voice rang out. "My clan has been shoehorned into support roles for so long that many have stopped reaching for new heights. I want to be the first S-Rank Shinobi from my clan in over a century. To prove to them that the "paper-pusher" clan has just as much potential as any other noble clan." His voice never wavered, his eyes remained burning with determination. He had complete faith in himself. It was a good answer, but not what I wanted.

"Sounds lovely. Then what? Where do you go from S-Rank?" I asked the boy.

That seemed to finally catch him off guard. It seems either no one had asked this question before, or he didn't think that far ahead. "While Kenta searches for his answer, I want you all to take my advice as you will. I want you to go home tonight and write down THE goal. As big as you can make it. The end all be all goal for your happiness. Then, I want you to write the smaller goals you will need to achieve the end goal. To succeed in life, you need something to work for. If you aim too high though, you will lose confidence and give up. To counteract this, you set smaller, attainable goals to continue to drive you towards that final goal." All the Genin nodded enthusiastically at my words. It was a reassuring sight. "Kenta?"

"To protect the village with my life if needed." He declared boldly. I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"That's your JOB as a Konoha Shinobi, whether you're a newly graduated Genin, or the Hokage. We all fight for our village until we can no longer fight. Then we dig deep and fight even more. What. Do. You. Want. Kenta Yamanaka?" My eyes bore into the boy. He seemed to ponder my exact question before the lightbulb finally went off.

"ANBU Commander. One day, Naruto WILL be Hokage. I will support him the best way I know how. I will become the strongest ANBU. The elite of the elite. I will ensure I train our village's elite into the ground, making sure the world knows that you do not even look at our ANBU without seeing your life flash before your eyes. I will support the village as its anonymous shadow." He finished, chest out and voice ringing with pure confidence once more. I smiled at the boy. Glad he finally has a clear goal. The potential this boy had actually frightened me. S-Rank were in a league of their own, many tending to grow the ego along with their rank. This boy would no doubt reach that milestone, sooner than later. I had to know where his loyalties truly lied. Serving as ANBU commander, declaring you would continue to make the elite of the village soar to new heights? That spoke of a young man who loved his village and wanted nothing but success.

"Now THAT is a goal. Continue down the path you've chosen and I see no reason you won't succeed. Now, the moment I know you're eager to get to. I just have no idea where to start." I pondered for a moment.

"Lord Third, what would you say about Kenta here if he was given high praise. Would it go to his head? Or would he take it for what it's worth and use it for personal growth?" I turned to my advisor.

"It would go to his head, most definitely." Was his blunt reply. The boy seemed to wilt slightly at hearing the admission. "However, it wouldn't be in the traditional sense. Kenta is the hardest working Genin I know. It would swell his ego, for sure. He would then do something stupid, that's been proven a few times. His most redeeming quality though is his desire to improve himself. If he is called out on his attitude or actions, in the appropriate manner, he will acknowledge and apologize for his mistakes and grow from it that way. He has never gotten defensive if a flaw was pointed out in a constructive manner. Anyone would get defensive if you began throwing accusations at them. Kenta though is wise beyond his years. If you tell him, or even better yet lead him to the answers, he will own up and correct himself. He would grow an ego, yes, but it would be an ego caused by a young man figuring out who he is as a person. It wouldn't grow due to the ideals that he is indeed better than anyone and can do no wrong." Lord Third finished with a warm smile for the boy who looked absolutely relieved at Lord Third's praise and assessment.

"Thank you, Lord Third." I smiled at the elder man and focused back on Kenta. "Then hear what I say for what it is, not how you perceive it. Kenta Yamanaka, at this moment, you have the highest ceiling for potential of anyone in this room. In terms of power, both Naruto and Sasuke will surpass you within a few years. They both have more chakra than you and always will, that is facts. Your control though is a close to perfect for anyone who isn't following the path of a medical ninja. Chakra, control, techniques, none of that though is the reason I say what I say. You are the most dangerous for a completely different reason. Your ability, at your age, to get inside your opponents head and dance them to your tune is almost frightening." I stared at the boy, watching his eyes grow wide in fear. Did the kid think I was angry? Hmm, I have been told I'm not the best at expressing emotions, I will work on that. Later thought.

"Do not misunderstand me, Kenta. I know I not the most… sociable of people. I say what I say out of respect. I do not question your loyalty or love for your village. You put those worries to rest many minutes ago. I'm simply stating facts for not only your benefit and to ensure you receive all the tools and guidance you require to grow, but I do it for all those in the room as well." I cleared my throat and continued.

"During your preliminary match, with a single needle and a simple lie, your opponent was dancing to your tune. Your clan specializes in the human brain and psychology. I have many thoughts on the direction your clan could go down, but I can only offer my advice, I cannot tell a clan how to run themselves. I will tell you all right now that of the 25,000 shinobi within our ranks, I would hesitate to fight only 4 of them. I am confident enough to know that anyone else would stand no chance. Lady Tsunade and Lord Jiraiya. Aside from their standing as 2 of the legendary Sannin, they are both hardened veterans of not one, but two world wars. Lord Jiraiya would crush me, I am stronger than Lady Tsunade, for she has long been out of fighting shape. However, I would still more than likely lose to her. She has more decades of experience than I've even been alive. When two opponents meet in battle that are at a similar level of strength, experience is usually the deciding factor in 9 out 10 matchups."

"The third opponent I would not wish to face is sitting to my left. Lord Third. Even now, after his battle with Orochimaru has left him weakened, he would still dance circles around me. His combination of speed, strength, flexibility in techniques, and his brilliant mind are the most deadly combination in the elemental nations. His titles are well earned, and many opponents still shake in fear thinking of fighting 'The Professor.'"

"Finally, the last person I'd ever want to face on the field of battle. He is at the top of my list for most dangerous opponent in Konoha. A man so unassuming, most forget the danger he poses on the battle field. Inoko Yamanaka, Kenta's father." Defying logic, Kenta's eyes widened so far he looked almost cartoonish. So, the boy didn't know. Most people don't. "Oh yes. Inoko "Silver-Tongue" Yamanaka. A-Rank threat. You're probably all wondering why I would be the most hesitant to fight an A-Rank threat when compared to two Sannin and a Kage level shinobi. I'll tell you why. That man has single handedly killed 3 S-Rank shinobi in single combat. During the Third Shinobi War, he was separated from his team and was ambushed by a group of 10 Iwa Shinobi. All of them Chunin and Jonin. He walked away from that battle without a scratch, raising his hand to only kill one of them himself. The rest? He turned them all against each other with a single clan technique to start the flames of distrust, then using only words and whispers the flames were fanned to an inferno. Men who had served together for years were attempting to kill each other within minutes. When the dust settled, a single Chunin still stood. Inoko cut his throat and moved to regroup with his team."

"Getting inside your opponents mind. Finding the one thing that makes them tick. Lord Inoko is a god among men at the subtle art of psychological warfare. He can find the one thing that you don't even know about yourself that will push you over the edge. Once he gets even the tiniest of cracks in your mental defense, you're as good as dead. Even the most hardened veteran isn't immune. Men and Women who are known as monsters with no feelings, fall before Inoko once he slips through the cracks. I have said it before, I'll say it again. Control and channel your emotions. Do not let them control you. There are many practitioners of the art of mind games, and if you're not prepared, you will be dead before you can comprehend how you even lost."

I swept the room with my gaze once more, taking in all the different reactions. I had to turn away quickly from Kenta. The poor boy looked like he'd faint at any moment. Did no one ever tell him how dangerous and ruthless his father was on the battlefield?

"With ALL of that being said, in the same way that Lazy-Ass over there is on a fast track to surpass his father as the greatest military mind in the village… Kenta is quickly catching up to his father when it comes to psychological warfare. Inoko was 16 almost 17 years old before he reached the proficiency that Kenta is already showing. That is why I saw again, Kenta Yamanaka has the highest ceiling of anyone in this room, and is by far the most dangerous. If you feel that you need training in controlling your emotions on the battlefield, you have young man that could make many Jonin pause."

All eyes swept to the tall blonde boy. The flames had been fanned. I could see the fire burning in the eyes of everyone, including Skikamaru of all people. All their eyes promised the same thing, that they wouldn't stay behind Kenta for long. I made eye contact with the normally confident boy who seemed to want to shrink into himself under the challenging gazes of his comrades. Or not…

"What the hell are you idiots looking at? We all already knew that none of you can match not only my skills, but my handsome good looks. Keep glaring, it won't help you get stronger." The boy smirked cockily in challenge at his friends and now rivals.

Naruto couldn't contain himself any longer. "Shut the hell up, Kenta! I'll kick your ass any day! I kicked Bastards ass. I kicked Fate boy's ass. Your next, you better prepare!"

With that, the room dissolved into chaos. The Genin and newly minted Chunin were bickering back and forth. Challenges for spars and duels being thrown left and right. Boasting and bragging could be heard by all, even the Lazy Nara and normally quiet Aburame were getting sucked into the cacophony of teenage competitiveness. I turned on hearing the snort from my side.

Lord Third leaned in and whispered "Well done. You confirmed the nagging suspicion that everyone had after seeing Kenta take Gaara down. This promising generation will be even stronger now, competing with one another, it will push them over that mountain that separates the good from the great. Nicely done, Lord Fifth."

I smiled at the wise man's praise. My attention turning back to the squabbling teenagers. I sighed fondly once more, but I had already wasted enough of my time, as well as their time. I released just a trickle of bloodlust into the atmosphere, with just a touch of unhinged madness. Oops, that might have been too much? Kids these days were too soft. 8 pairs of wide, fearful eyes met my own. The shaking bodies of 8 teenagers only added to their sense of fear. I cleared my throat and they quickly formed back into their line.

"Enough time has been wasted. I must apologize, it has been… a long time since I've had a chance to talk so openly and freely. Now, your evaluation, Kenta. Your instincts and prowess in battle are years ahead of your age group. Your opening strategy completely rocked Gaara's world, putting him on the defensive from go. You continued your assault, always keeping him on edge. Even while he lashed out like a cornered animal, you always maintained your control. Your control and budding mastery over your elements was in full effect. Someone with your chakra levels should not be able to utilize 6 C-Rank techniques, 2 B-Rank techniques, as well as fly around the room with so many 'Body-Flickers.' My cousin Shisui would be proud and humbled, I must add. You will ensure his legacy lives on. Overall, Kenta, you were the easiest candidate to decide on promotion. Your strategies fit your opponents flawlessly. You can either be cunning and crafty, or go straight brute force. Your pre-planning is second only to Shikamaru's and your on the fly plans are trumped only by Naruto. I say this as a proud leader. Congratulations, Kenta Yamanaka… Chunin of Konohagakure.

****************************Old Man Itachi Speeches and Wisdom**************************

Kenta POV

I walked through my door, kicking my shoes off. After we were dismissed the 8 of us all went out to lunch together. Our friendly bickering from before had continued well through dinner. A betting pool was put in place on who would be the first of us to make it to Jonin. I was going to win, there was no doubt about that. Though the competition was no cakewalk!

I strolled into the kitchen, surprised to find my dad sitting at the table. The dark rings under his eyes and giant mug of coffee clued me in.

"Long night at work, dad?" I asked quietly.

He nodded. "Too many slipped through the barrier during the invasion. We're completely revamping the barrier and doing some cram training sessions. Kids these days have none of the work ethic that my generation had."

I snorted. "Back in my day we were expected to run back to back suicide missions, in 10ft of snow. You damn kids have it to easy this day" I mocked my dad in a poor impression of his voice. He wasn't pleased. I laughed and grabbed a glass of water. The day's conversation slamming into my skull all at once. I wheeled around and pinned him with a glare. He jumped slightly, startled by the heat my gaze was radiating.

"So, anything you want to confess, father?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Ummm. No? What do you mean?" Dad asked, looking at me warily.

"Oh, I don't know? Kill any S-Rank opponents lately? Turn a squad of men against each other and watch them fight, battle royale style? Anything at all, Inoko "Silver Tongue" Yamanaka?" I dropped the sweet tone.

Dad laughed loudly. "That's what's got your panties in a twist? I wasn't hiding anything! You just never asked, goofball." He drank his coffee, still chuckling.

I felt my face flush, but I wasn't going down without a fight. "Listen here, Old Man. I'm your son. I'm your oldest child and I am self-inflicting the pride and honor of this clan onto my broad shoulders. I shouldn't have to ask! You should be regaling me with tales of your glory days! I need bragging material! Do you know how stupid I looked at the Chunin promotion announcement in front of LORD FIFTH! He's telling us all about your accomplishments, and I looked like a fish out of water. You're a terrible parent!" I finished, whining like I was a kid again. Scratch that, I didn't start whining until I was past that age you're supposed to quit whining. I just do everything in reverse, I'm cool like that.

He smiled at me. "Sorry, bud. I just didn't think you'd be interested in hearing stories a decade past."

"Are you kidding me? You've personally killed 3 S-Rank shinobi! Do you know how many people alive today could claim that?!" I all but shouted.

He waved away my outburst. "They barely registered as S-Rank. Two of them were only labeled as such due to that fact that they had stolen forbidden techniques. A Genin that escapes with a technique with that label is considered S-Rank. Their combat abilities were barely B-Rank once you realize they were all one trick ponies. There's very true S-Rank opponents out there, Kenta. The real way to determine the strength of your opponent is how their warning label is worded. THAT will tell you what you need to know." He flipped a bingo book towards me that I caught. It fell open to an old entry of Lord Fourth.

Minato Namikaze – Konoha's Yellow Flash

Warning: Opponent is extremely dangerous. Flee on sight; do not engage without a full platoon of skilled Jonin. Even then, do not take opponent lightly.

I looked up at my dad and pointed down to the entry. He smiled wide. "THAT, is the true testament of power. If you have a flee on sight order? Yeah, you've reached the pinnacle of strength in the shinobi world. Most true S-Rank aren't as dramatic as Minato's. He was in a league of his own. Most say things like "Do not engage in one on one combat. Engage only with a full team of Jonin. Do not approach unless you want to die." Things like that.

I nodded. "Well then, do you have some time to tell me of some of your biggest battles?"

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "I can kill an hour or two for my son. Especially my son who got a promotion today. I'm proud of you, Kenta. You bring pride to our entire family. Mom and Kono will be home soon and we'll plan a small celebration. You game?" I agreed wholeheartedly with my dad. For the next three dad told me of all his biggest battles.

By the time Mom and Kono got home, both giving me bone crushing hugs, Dad had to head to work. My dad was already one of my personal heroes. After hearing of everything he did during the 3rd Shinobi War? My respect and admiration had pierced the clouds. That was one of the greatest days of my life. Had I only known what awaited my family in the future, I would have begged dad to stay a little longer.

Annndd that's it. I know, another fluffy, angsty, non-exciting, boring chapter. We're near the end of part one though. We need to set the table before we dig into the main course! I was going to keep going with this chapter so the action would pick up right up next chapter, buuutttt then I finished the last sentence and thought "What a great place to stop. Kudos to you, buddy!"

I can't lie to all my devoted fans. When I was re-reading this chapter looking for mistakes, there was a few spots I teared up at... MY OWN WRITING! I don't know if that's next level savage, or 150% pathetic as hell? Yes I know my stories have random spelling and wrong words. My fingers move really fast, but my brain moves even faster. I try to find as many as I can at least? Snaps and Claps for effort?

So what do you all think of my decision for 5th Hokage? I love it, so it doesn't matter what you say. Tsunade and Shizune take over the hospital FULL-TIME and startup a REAL kickass medical school.

Jiraiya was a no-go, for obvious reasons. He has a journey to go on with Naruto! He can't do that stuck behind a desk.

Can anyone guess who the 4th candidate was? First person to guess correctly gets to choose the name for the next OC I create! Yayyyyyy?

The most anticipated "Retrieval Arch/Chapter" is NEXT chapter. With an Aello twist of course. A few of you have actually made accurate/semi-accurate guesses on what will happen, just not in the exact way you think. I hope to have that out for you all by Thursday? Friday? I have no idea I just have a feeling it's going to be another BEAST of a chapter! Possibly the longest yet!

Anyway, see you all next time! Thanks for your support and feedback! Keep it coming, the PMs and reviews I get inspire a lot of my ideas!