It was Min Yoongi

(Taehyung's POV)

After what happened to Luna, I was so worried, I should have been with her to help her get used to the school. Thank god that Yoongi was with her, for I don't want to watch someone die AGAIN. Three doctors came in her room 5 hours ago, and they had not found anything wrong with her. They said it might be a possibility of stress or depression, but she doesn't look depressed when she came to our school. The only thing is special about her is a secret or a theory that was only between me, Jimin, and Yoongi. Anyways, I woken up from her. I'm so happy that she's awake. But as soon as she said that Jimin kissed her I was in full shock. I looked at Yoongi who drop the food and was also shock. Everyone froze and the room was silent for a few seconds.

(Luna's POV)

Yoongi was shock and dropped the food, Taehyung was also shock, Jimin glared at both of them, and I was still in bed thinking what I just said out loud. Taehyung and Yoongi quickly makes a move and picked Jimin up and left the room. I'm now in the worse situation. Why does my stupid brain do this? Why I'm I like this? I covered myself with the blanket and l lie down on the bed wishing I wasn't in this world. I then heard the door opened.


Wait, I know this familiar voice.

I uncovered myself and saw mom and dad standing.

"Mom.. Dad!" I said happily.

"Dear, what happened to you. Did you have another flashback?"

I nodded to respond.

"Thank goodness you were with that dear child! What was his name again hon?"

I was going to answer, but mom remembered.

"Ah! It's that child, Park Jimin"

I jumped in surprise.

"Wait...What?!! P..Park J..Jimin!"

No this can't be happening. Taehyung said it was Yoongi.

"Mom. Dad it was actually Yoongi"


Mom and dad looked at each other.

"Are you talking about Min Yoongi or Agust-D"

"Yeah Agust D"

"Honey, you need to stay away from him. We heard that his family is rich because his father is a mafia gang leader."

I thought to myself. If his dad is a mafia leader. Then that means Yoongi also has his dad's traits or doings. But why would he save me?

After talking to mom and dad, the doctors said I wasn't ready to go home. So, I had to stay for only one night. Mom offered to stay with me, but I told her that I will be fine. Mom and dad left and I'm in the room by myself.

I wonder if Taehyung, Jimin, or Yoongi are still here in the hospital? I wonder who called my parents? How did I get here? I have so many questions roaming around my head. I feel like a little child, always looked after. Some day I will be done with school and travel around the world by myself. I can't wait for peace to come in my life.

"Knock! Knock!"

I wonder who's awake at this hour? The door opened and revealed a tired Yoongi.


He walks over to the small couch. And sat in the darkness.

"Hey, u feeling fine?"


"I'm sorry about Jimin. He's been a idiot since his sister left with her husband."

Oh, I didn't know Jimin has a sister.

"I never said thanks to you, Yoongi."

I reached out my hand for a hand shake. He doesn't makes a move and just sat on the couch. I gave up.

"I've never saved anyone in my life, so don't thank me."

"What do you mean?"

"Like your parents said my father is a mafia leader. That means he kills not saves."

How did he figure that out? Was he outside listening to the conversation? Anyways, the rumor is true.

"I'm sorry to ask. I just want to get to know you more. Do you ever loved your father?"

He sits up showing his dark hair, Snow White skin, and dark eyes staring into my soul.

"Why would I save you?"

He gets up and made his way to the door, then stops by the door.

"Of course I don't. Why would I love a cheater to my own poor mother?"

He leaves silently. How could I be stupid again? But that's sad, how can he live like this? Looks like Yoongi and I have something in common. We're both alone hiding in our own shadows. What else can happen? First of all, I didn't know what to wear to school. Second, I had to deal with Park Jimin. Third, I fainted again for the 100th time. Fourth, Jimin kissed me. And now Yoongi seems to be mad at me. Can this day get any worse?

(End of POV)


(Author Here!)

It's going to be a roller coaster.

-MLuna 💜