The Secret Between Us Three

(Yoongi's POV)

After leaving luna alone to rest, I decided to stay even though my father wants me home. Taehyung and Jimin went home and I don't want to go home. I've been cold around people since my mother left me with my father at age 3. I felt really controlled, lonely, and angry. Every time someone's talking about my father, I immediately start to cry. My father is horrible a man and I'm glad my mother ran away from us. He did everything to control her. He would abuse her when she talks bad about him or talk to other guys. And after she gets abuse, I hear her going in her room, locks the door, and starts to cry. One time, father abused her so bad that she had blood all over her face. She said she would come back for me, but she didn't. She did not even showed up. The last time I went home late, I thought dad was asleep, but he was sitting in the darkness with a gun on his hand. I wasn't afraid back then because all I wanted was to die young. I didn't care about anything else since nobody loves me anymore.

When I met Jimin and the other guys it changed my whole mindset. The guys made me feel less lonely and more loved. To me they are like a real family. Last year after graduation, the guys bought a house for everyone to hangout. No one knew about the house except for Gwan Crystal, Jimin's older sister. All of my childhood was all sad and anger. And now I'm here sitting on a hospital chair, next to the room of the girl I saved. I didn't mean to scare her a little bit, but it really hurts when she said something about my dad. I've never heard a girl ask me about my father. She's the first one. She can actually make a good member of Dark&Wild if Jimin says yes. There are 7 rules that Jimin and everyone made.


1. Be really smart. By Jin

2. Good at acting. By Hoseok

3. Date the right girls. By Namjoon

4. Talented. By Me

5. Help each other. By Taehyung

6. No secrets. By Jungkook

And the last rule by Jimin

7. Play mind games

Everyone had to make a rule when they're new to the group and everyone has to agree to the rule. If anyone breaks one of the rules, they will need to pay money and also have a punishment from Namjoon's grandfather. Rule number 6 was one rule that everyone disagreed, but Jungkook is the youngest. We didn't want him to be sad and hear the worst secrets from every member, so we make things up sometimes.

There's this secret that was a belief made by Jimin. It only was kept between me, Tae, and Jimin. We think that Luna is Namjoon's lost sister. The first time we saw Montgomery Luna, was on a magazine front page brought from Crystal since Hoseok was into fashion. At first, she looks kinda like Namjoon. Second her name is Luna. Namjoon mentioned his sister's nickname was Luna, so that's why we think it's her. But there was this necklace that Namjoon also mentioned about, he said that the necklace was given from his mother to Luna. And it said Luna's real name on it. I haven't seen a necklace on Montgomery Luna. Maybe it's not her?

I'm really anxious. What if she has the necklace on right now?

(End of POV)