Friends to Brothers

(Taehyung's POV)

I went home with Jimin at the Dark&Wild house and saw something that we didn't expect to see. I told Yoongi to stay with Luna, so I can figure out the problem with Jimin. I know he's been through ups and downs. Jimin was the first person a look up to when I'm sad, and now I have to help him.

Jimin and I met since we were 6. He was 2 months older than me. My parents and I lived in Daegu. My parents bought a orphanage in Busan 11 years ago. And we went there to check it out for 8 months. I had xenophobia (fear of strangers) when I was little. My parents didn't really care about me, but money. They would choose money over me. My parents would hit me if I don't listen, which is hard for me. When I met Jimin I wasn't afraid. Something about him made me not scared of meeting strangers.

Then we both became best friends with a beautiful girl. It was hard to remember the girl's real name, so we called her "L". When my family and I had to leave to the next company building, I was sad. My parents finally had some heart. They bring me to the orphanage every day until the day we had to go back to Daegu. Through the years, I was lonely when I'm home. My parents also saw me being weird, so they threw me a surprise. At age 10, they went to a so called "vacation in another country", and took Jimin home. It was the happiest moment in my life. We grew up together and just remembered the girl. We ask our parents about her information, but turns out she was also the same week as my family took Jimin. Jimin and I really wanted to see who adopted her to pay her a visit. Sadly, we couldn't.

At age 15, Jimin and I was sent here in Seoul to start high school. This was the part where the group started. We found out that our parents was demanded to bring us to Seoul to meet 5 other children from 5 other rich families. We first met Jungkook he was from Busan, where I met Jimin. Jin from Gwacheon, Namjoon from Iisan, Hoseok from Gwangju, and then Yoongi who was also from Daegu. Another child from another rich family came. It was girl named Park Crystal and she was from Busan also. Crystal and Jungkook were very close friends same with their family's. When the girl's Parents came for a huge family meeting with all the group members families, they noticed something about Jimin. They asked if Jimin and I were biologically brothers. We said no. They never asked for Jimin's name until another meeting between them and our parents. The Park's finally asked for Jimin's name and their facial expressions were surprising. They hugged Jimin which made me confused for a little bit.

The truth came out. The Park's had to leave their now missing son with his grandmother to find money. They were having trouble with money in the past, so they left with 3 years old Crystal. And they've been using their money to find him. Jimin was the lost son, and there I lost my old Brother. I was also happy for him, but his parents said he didn't talk and just ignore questions when they left for Busan. They came back here in Seoul after 3 months. They figured that Jimin didn't like them and wanted to stay with my family. I asked Jimin why he didn't want to live with his real parents. He said it wasn't fair. I didn't understand what he meant. I started to ignore him until he accepts his family.

Around that year, the Park's called saying Jimin was missing. I got scared and quickly ran up to the door. He was never like this. I opened the door and with surprise Jimin was fainted on my arms. My family brought him to the hospital. The doctors said he had a bad mindset. He was depressed. We brought him to treatments everyday and instead of keeping in my house. We gave him to his family, after treatments. Jimin finally accepted his family. Crystal took care of him, and for the first time I've seen her take care of anyone. Jimin and I promised each other that we are brothers from our hearts and we won't turn each other away.

I took my phone and called Jin.



(Author Here!)

I love these kinds of parts... Brotherly love even though they aren't related. And Jimin was a little psycho 🥴

-MLuna 💜