
(???'s POV)


Three days has passed since the day Taehyung and Jimin left us at a clothing store. The second day in Busan, we were told to go back to Seoul since many of our fans are chasing us, but the boys acted like they didn't want to leave. The last day in Busan, they were so quiet. They were hiding something and I'm going to find out.



(Taehyun's POV)


I walked in my father's office without knocking, and saw him kissing another woman. I wasn't surprise at all. I caught them one time, mother almost saw them, but I kept her busy.


"Taehyun!!", he yelled as he push the woman to the side. I stood at the door frame looking at my father disappointed. The woman stands up and leaves the room, but I stop her.


"I'm sorry, sir!", she at bowed ninety degrees as fast as she could. With a guilty look on her face, she left the room quietly.


"What the HELL!! You better not tell your mother!"


"Shut up! I know everything about your new mistress", I close the door shut, making a loud bang. I sat at one of the chairs and faced my father.



"What is it do you want?"


"I know a way to beat the Kim's, or maybe all of the Kim's", I said as he looked confused.


"What? Impossible. There's no way a sloth like you would be able to beat that disastrous family like them!", he said with the cold voice he uses with my mother.


"Ha! You really hate me that much. I'll gladly tell mother and we both leave you with zero money. Remember you're not the real successor of this company, it's mother. She trusted you and you're doing the things that'll break her to pieces. She's a confident brave independent woman, but when it comes to a broken heart... It's OVER for you."



He coughed and sit up straight.


"Well, tell me. I'll lead it. Forget what you saw earlier just-", I cut him off, with a small chuckle.


"You can't get out easily. You always forget that there's a condition. I lead everything, I sit in the chair, and a wedding will be held. If not, then you know what's going to happen", I stood up and walk out.


I stop by the door frame forgetting to tell him one more thing.


"And... Your decision is due tonight, when I come back", I look at him giving him a cold stare.


I left the building and went straight to Luna's house.








(Luna's POV)








I woke up early at 6. I got myself ready for today. I wore a bright yellow Spaghetti Wrap Mini dress, with a lavender cardigan. I talk to all of the workers in the house, telling them it's their day off for two days. While I was setting up the table the doorbell rang. I went to the door, and opened it revealing Taehyun.




"Hello Babygirl", he said and peck me on the cheek. He was acting strange after what happened yesterday.


"Uhm, hi babe", I said.


I led him straight to the dining table and went back to the kitchen. I was stirring the bibimbap when suddenly, hands wrap around my waist. He pushed his body behind me, feeling his torso. I stop moving.


"Baby", he whispered softly in my ears giving me goosebumps. I turn my head to look at him. His stare was so deep, I felt like I was hypnotizing by his eyes.


He smiled and whispered again, "What is it, babe? Am I too handsome for you?", he jokes.


I just stare at him. He's never been touchy like this... I like it.


I turn my whole body around facing him. I smiled and then grabbed his collar pulling him close to my face.


A smirk appeared on my face, "Why are you being touchy, PRETTYBOY?", I kissed him and quickly turned around.


He shrugged and I felt myself blushing.


"Cause you're soon to be my wife, honey", he moved my hair to the side and started planting wet kisses on my neck.


"Ta- Taehyun ~ I still need to cook", I moaned a little. He stopped and hugged me one more time.


What has gone to this boy? He usually asks for my permission if he can kiss me. He was shy, but he's confident when around debates and company meetings. Maybe he's comfortable with me.


"Taehyun dear! Why are you here and early? I thought you have work today, son", I heard my mom all the way to the dining room.


As I was turning the stove off, I listened to Taehyun's reply, "I asked my father if I could take the day off cause Luna and I have something to say, aun- I mean mom!". My eyes widened, he's never called mom, MOM! There is something wrong with this boy.





(A few moments later...)





We were all in the middle of eating our food, when Taehyun interrupted.


"Uhmm... We have things to say, but she goes first", he said and turned to me. Mom and dad looked at me.


"Well, let's hear it dear", dad said.


I fixed myself and started, "Mom, dad. I'm sorry for worrying you when we were back at Seoul. The reason why I wanted to move was not because I didn't like the school. I found my biological family".


Mom dropped her spoon on her food.


"That day when I came home wearing that purple dress, makeup, and barrettes. That was the day I found out".


"Luna? Why did you not tell us right away?", mom said.


"I was scared that I'll leave you guys", tears fell as Taehyun wipes it away with a handkerchief. Mom walk to me and hugged me.


"Oh! Silly girl! You're part of this family! No one's going to leave you."


"Luna! It's okay. We're not upset, just a little sad. So, who's family are you from?", I stopped crying and breathed in.


"I'm the lost granddaughter of Kim Jung-Hwa", I said.


They looked at me surprise.


"Oh, my goodness dear!! Is this why you can't remember anything?", mom asked and looked at dad.


"The thing is, Luna. We all knew you don't remember anything, right? Well, there was an accident that happened about 8 years before we adopted you. The accident was big. A huge fire came in their vacation houses, killing many people. They said that your actual parents tried to finding you. They entered the fire and both were dead. People think their daughter is dead. So... How did you survive such a huge accident? Or you might not be the granddaughter. Just Montgomery Luna", dad said.


Could it be possible? I'm just a Montgomery, not a Kim. If that is possible, then I'm glad.


"Honey, I'm not sure and I don't think our daughter is the missing child", mom said.


"She can take a DNA test", Taehyun said.


Mom gasped, "That's a good idea. I'll call my assistant to schedule a test."


"Well, what was the other thing, Taehyun?"


Taehyun started smiling. I could see he was really happy.


"Luna", he took my hand and we both stood up. I was confused.


"Do you remember the day I ask you out?", he said.


That day was so amazing!






(Flashback to August 1, 2021)





Taehyun and I first met in Business Class last year. We were just nothing. But one day when I was walking around Busan's sandy beaches, a kidnapper almost kidnapped me. Thankfully, Taehyun was there. It's like destiny. He saved me from the kidnapper and also brought me home safely. Since that day we became friends, and also there I met Ji-na. I grew feelings for him. He was like one of those K-drama boys that are quiet and very smart, but very handsome. Today, he texted me and told me to meet him at the beach. School was done, so I went straight home to change and to tell my parents.





(Few moments later...)





I met up with Taehyun at the beach and started talking. We kept walking until I stop from a subject he started.


"Do you like anyone??", he said. I started blushing.


"N-no", I shuttered.


"Well, too bad. I was going to ask you something."


"What is it??"


"It's nothing. You won't get it because you don't have a feeling for anyone"


"Taehyun, please tell me", I begged.


"It's nothing. I was just wasting your time."






"I have a confession to make... I'm sorry for lying to you. I like you, Taehyun", I said.


"Wait, you do?!"




"Will you be my girlfriend?!"


"Wait! You have feelings for me?"


"Yes, Luna. So??"







(End of Flashback)








"Yeah! That day always makes me smile!", I said.


"Well, then", he started messing around with his pocket.


"Luna, I love you", he said smiling at me.


He pulled something out reveling a....








(End of POV)







(Author Here!)


I'm sorry for the late chapter, blame it on school. Hope you love that cliffhanger. I'm also going to promote my new novel, even though there's probably going to be only one chapter. But I will update the story, whenever I have time. I do have a draft, so I'll work on that.



Again, Thank You! For supporting this story. I'm always hyped up when I write this story.



Reminder: Stay Safe Corona is still out there, put a little funk and soul in you, and Stream BTS on the way



I PURPLE U! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜



-MLuna 💜