
[NOTE]: It's a disaster when I continued writing, so if you don't understand you know why. Also, there is an EXTRA at the end :)

(August 6, 2022)

(Narrator's POV)

It's 9:55 in morning. Luna's supposed to meet up with Ji-na to continue their plan. Adopting So-yun. But something makes her want to stay at home. Not something, maybe someone.

(Luna's POV)

I woke up on my bed smiling like a clown. I just couldn't believe it! Me and Taehyu-

A small yawn cut me off from thinking. I forgot Taehyun slept with me cause I asked him to.

I turned around facing Taehyun and whispered to him softly, "Babe? Are you still sleeping?"

He opened his eyes and smiled, "Good morning my beautiful angel!"

We hugged each other. He was like a home. He felt so safe and loveable. I wish I can stay with this man after we die and never part. I love him so much that would give up anything I have just to stay by him and to love him for the rest of my life.

(A few moments later...)

We ate late brunch (late-breakfast) and got our selves ready to go. I left first, but before I go I kissed Taehyun goodbye. I went to my car and drove to Ji-na's restaurant. Good thing it was close today, so we can think without any interruptions.

"Girl!! I've been waiting for 3 hours. Where have you been?", she argued as I entered and gave her a clown smile.

"Why are you smiling like a clown?", she asked. I then, showed her my hand.

"What do you want me to do with your han- WAIT! OMG!! NO you are not?!!", she was so surprised. "I- Congratulations!!!" she yelled and gave me a hug. I hug her back and squealed with her. And yes, Taehyun proposed to me. It made my heartbeat so fast.

(Flashback to August 5, 2022)

"Luna, I love you!", Taehyun said and pulled a out a red velvet box. He knelt on the floor and said the words, "Will you marry me?" He opened the box revealing a gold diamond ring.

I was not expecting him to propose early. I was expecting he would after we bring down the Kim's company. It brought me to tears. His parents never liked me and still Taehyun would always break the border lines for me. This is my man.

"Yes!! Yes, I will marry you, Taehyun!!", I said as tears of joy made their way on my cheeks. He put the beautiful ring on my now full ring finger.

"I designed this ring for you, love. It took me many months to work on this. Now, it has finally come to you and it is ready to stay with you. It's only one of a kind, like you, Luna", he said as he hugs me.

"I love you Taehyun!", I whispered in his ear.

Mom looked so excited for my wedding and father looked so happy for me. I'm so happy to have this supportive family even though I'm not blood related to them.

(End of Flashback)

"I'm so happy for you! So... When is the wedding??", Ji-na who's excited looked at me impatiently for the answer. The thing is we haven't really talk about it because he just proposed. But I'm allowing Taehyun to do most of the preparations. I don't really care what color or what theme. All that matters is that there will be a wedding.

"I don't know. Maybe the wedding will be held next year. We haven't really talked about it, so I don't know yet", I said.

"That's sad. If I was getting married, I would get married in 10 weeks or even closer to the wedding day. Anyways, there's tea going on in Seoul, let's check the news", she said and turned the television on.

"What tea?", I asked curious.

"Some problem with the richest family"

We sat down on the one of the tall chairs and waited for the news to come.


News Reporter: People have been looking back at the case of Chairman Kim Jung-Hwa's lost granddaughter every year on her birthday. Kim Dal Byeol, the youngest member of the Kim family was missing in an unfortunate fire at the Kim's vacation houses. No one knows how the fire started or where it came from, but it killed many people. The most important people that died in the fire was the parents of Kim Namjoon and Kim Dal Byeol, Kim Kang-dae and Kim Soomin. Many people who were at the accident thought Byeol is dead, while many think she isn't dead. Some have said Kim Jennie, Korean's proud actress is the lost girl. But Kim Namjoon have made a really big statement saying that Jennie was just too much to take care of and Dal Byeol would act like their mother Kim Soomin. Sounds like Kim Namjoon was a really good brother. Then, just 2 hours ago Chairman Kim Jung-Hwa finally made a statement about Dal Byeol.

"Today is indeed my granddaughter's birthday. She probably didn't know that. Dal Byeol, please come back to us. Your brother Kim Namjoon has suffered for 16 years. I have suffered for 16 years. Please come back!"

It looks like Chairman Kim is still looking. We do have a group of girls that might be the lost granddaughter. We're still not sure, but here is a list: Kpop idol Han Mi, actress Wang Jang-mi, actress Yoo Deiji, Kpop idol Seong Eun Ae, Kpop idol-actress Lee Ji-eun, actress Kim Jisoo, actress Park Shin-hye, actress Kim Yoo-jung, fashion icon Hyein Seo, and another girl was added in the report today. Fashion Designer and icon, Montgomery Luna.

(End of news)

Ji-na's eyes widened, "Ya! How did you get in that list?", I look at her and I was afraid I would have to tell the truth.

"I-.... I have to go somewhere I forgot I promised someone something... I-I-I'll be back in a few hours!", I shuttered a little and then stood up.

"But what about our conversation? What about So-yun?", she asked worried.

"We'll talk. I just need to do something really fast", I opened the door and left. Of course, I had to make something up to get out of the problem.

When I got in my car, I quickly called a friend.

???: "Hey! Luna What's up?"

Luna: "Did you see the news?"

???: "Yeah, I was just watching it. I saw your name. I panicked a little."

Luna: "Have you found out who sent my name in the report?"

???: Yeah. I've asked my assistant. He's still looking into it right now. I'm not sure how long he is going to be out there."

Luna: "Well, that's good. I have to take a DNA test tomorrow, is there a way to change it to negative??"

???: "Yeah, I can do that for you."

Luna: "Thank you so much!"

???: "It's fine as long as you're happy. So... How are you? We haven't met up in two years."

Luna: "I know, but life was good until they showed up."

???: "Oh SHIT! I completely forgot to change the destination for their trip, I'm so sorry.

Luna: "It's alright. Take a break. I just hope they were not the ones who put my name in the report. And you?"

???: "There's not a lot of things going on here, just work work and work."

Luna: "Well... I'm getting married!"

???: "Wait! REALLY?!!!"

Luna: "Yeah!"

???: "OMG congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

Luna: "Thanks... uhm I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

???: "Alright, don't forget to invite me to your wedding, and goodbye!!"

Luna: "Bye!"

After ending the call with a friend, I drove to Busan's sandy shores. I took off my shoes and let my feet feel the calm soft sand. I come here whenever I'm upset or just don't feel well. It's a beautiful day in Busan today it makes me happy. All of a sudden, I remembered what they said in the news. Today is Kim Dal Byeol's birthday today. It's my actual birthday. I haven't showed up and been hiding ever since I found out. It would be nice to just have the perfect life and never have to live two lives. If I did die in the fire, but was still missing... Will Namjoon still wait and suffer finding me? I didn't know D&W were just waiting for me to come by. Is this really my destiny? I still don't want to be Dal Byeol, for some reason it just keeps pulling me back to be the lost sister. Maybe if I just go to the other side for a little bit, then maybe when I come back to being Montgomery everything is back to normal... It's just not the same anymore. If only I have one chance to repeat history everything would change of course, but I would be in a new course. History is history. You can't change anything. I don't know if I can continue this life anymore. I'm not in the right place to live one last time, but it's a peaceful place to sleep. If only I just break a mirror and hold every piece of glass in my hands, slowly pushing each one everywhere on my body. Once the blood comes out, the heart beats one last time and feels it's last pain. It will no longer feel the pain. It will no longer feel insecurity and broke. And lastly it won't feel alone. If only the people that love don't cry. If only I wasn't between two families. If only I didn't meet D&W. IF ONLY-

It was suddenly silent. I could not hear the ocean waves or loud horns from cars. I could not feel the sand or the air passing by. I also could not see anything, but darkness. I can't feel myself or I should say I feel like my soul actually left my body. One thing I know was that I am still breathing. But how is that possible? Am I day dreaming? Sleeping? Or am I DEAD? I try controlling myself. As I try controlling my body, it became harder and harder to breathe every time I move until my last breath came-

(Narrator's POV)

No one knows where Luna have been. Not even her parents or fiancé, Taehyun. All she wanted was a life full of adventure. How can such a curious smart girl have been living a terrible life? How? She has everything. POWER. FAME. MONEY. Then again... she is lonely ever since the beginning. All her thoughts are trapped in her mind. Never told anyone any of her ideas or feelings. But how did she end up falling in love with a boy like Taehyun? How could she still be lonely when someone is by her side? She could be missing something and she is clueless about it or it could be that she decides to run away from it. The number one thing that no one knows was that Luna would wake up late at night wishing on a star. Every night she spots the same seven stars. She closes her eyes and asked the stars for seven wishes. But she is not only the person who asked the stars seven wishes... It was EVERYONE.

If only I grabbed her hand... If only I didn't have to live two lives... If only I gave her comfort... If only I met her sooner... If only I killed her... If only I pushed him away. IF ONLY...

(End Of POV)


(EXTRA Pt 2)

(???'s POV)

I'm tied on a chair, blindfolded. I never imagined this would happen to me. I hope they find me. I don't know what day it is or when was the last time I ate, but I really am hungry and in the need of a shower. It happens all of a sudden... I was in my company building. I thought everyone is gone and out. I thought I was the last one leaving the building. As I walk out the doors, someone with a cloth covered my mouth from behind. I tried not to breathe in, but it was too late the smell of chemicals had already went in my nose. Then he said, "It won't hurt when we are out here. Just wait when I take you home", that was the last thing I heard before I fainted in his arms. When I woke up, my hands were tied and I am sitting on a chair. Duct tape was on my mouth and was blindfolded. I screamed for help, but that made everything go downhill. Once I say something or scream, he abuses me. I didn't know what he wanted, but when I found out she was part of this... It shocks me. How can a girl like her be so DANGEROUS? And What did Luna do wrong?!?



(Author Here!)

Got some time to finish this draft!! Have you guys listened to 'Life Goes On'? It's such a beautiful song. She's like Spring Day's daughter. I updated 'The Stranger I Love'. Please wait and be patient with me. The virus got in my family and I also had it for only a few days. It is a very bad experience and I would recommend you not getting it. Lastly, I decided to continue writing 'Filter' and it will be a mystery.


Reminder: Corona is still out there, so be careful and Stay Gold... Stream BTS on the way.

Don't worry if you failed something... Life Goes On... lol see what I did there

I PURPLE U! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

-MLuna 💜