My Moon

Note: Time is important

(Youn Hookak Bar in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea)



(Jimin's POV)

~ *Clink! * *Clink! * ~

"Sir, what drink would you like to try tonight?"

I sat down on the high seats on the bar. I look at the annoyed bartender because I've been here for 3 weeks straight.

"Ardbeg Scotch," I said and put my head down for a moment.

"Are you even old enough to drink?" I ignored him and just closed my eyes.

"Hey you!! Answer my question. Are you old enough to drink?" he asked again, but this time his saliva went everywhere. I continued to ignored him not until he entered to get me. Yoongi Hyung.

"No! He's not old enough and he shouldn't be drink that. He can't handle that, I can!", Yoongi shouted.

I sat up once the bartender put the drink on the table, I was about to drink, but Yoongi quickly drank it without even making any reaction. He slapped money on the table and relentlessly pulled me out of the bar. He then pushed me onto the wall. He drags me again only this time to the parking lot and into his car.

"What's your problem, Hyung!?!," I yelled at him raging with anger. "When will you learn to be mature Park Fucking Jimin!!," he snapped at me.

I was tired of seeing that girl's face again after running away from us for two years, only finding out she was still in Korea. I just stared at him as his eyes were very big, I could see he wanted to know something I know.

"Fuck you! I'm so glad the group didn't pick as the group leader!", he said as he started reversing the car.

"Jimin, I know that you are hiding a FUCKING secret. I want you to tell me or els-", I snapped back.


He stepped on the speed once we were on the road.

"JIMINIE! DON'T EVEN BLAME ME I-," I cut him off again. "YOU WHAT, HYUNG? I had hoped that I will be able to see her again!! I waited to see her in TWO YEARS! TWO FUCKING YEARS, HYUNG! But DAMNIT!! She has a BOYFRIEND!! I waited and hoped for this long, just to see her with ANOTHER MAN!"

"You saw her?", He said softly as he slowly stopped the car in an alley way. His expression changed quickly, from a tempered Yoongi to a sad kitten. "Where is she?", he then said.

"She's somewhere in Busan, I don't want to see her."

To be honest, I do want to see her and wish her a good life. But her bitch looking boyfriend is around. He didn't dare to talk nor did I. I was wondering how he knows that I was keeping something from him. Well... It's Yoongi Hyung in front of me of course he will find out about everything.

We went back to the highway and went straight to the dorms. Once we opened the door, Jin Hyung was at the frame of the door, standing very still, with eyes darkened, I could already tell I was in really big trouble.

"Now," he said softly, "Before I start chasing you around the dorm... Go to your room and lock the door, I'm sick of your face."

I quickly walk past him and went upstairs. I went to my room locked the door and entered my bathroom. I closed the drain to the bathtub and turned the water on to a specific temperature. I filled it until it's almost overflowing. I stared at it for a second. I then went through the photo app on my phone, see smiles on the members were genuine, we were more successful than other groups on our debut. We all planned this ever since we started being a group of friends, ever since we started to grow apart...

(Yoongi's POV)


"What you looking at? Get in before anyone finds us living here, you know there's a lot of sasaengs out," Jin Hyung said.

I entered the dorm to the other members watching the tv, some already asleep. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed myself something to eat. As I was eating, Jin Hyung entered with small tears running down his cheeks.

"H..H..Hyung are you alright?", I asked with confusion.

"Y..y... y-you think I'm okay, Yoongi? I hate you", my heart felt like it sank, I never knew someone like Hyung hates me so much. I could really tell what he was saying was true, no denning it, his sorrowful eyes can tell. He said it so clearly that I am not able to speak or make my mouth move. The tears in my eyes are about to fall too and I'm too scared to show it. I'm having a hard time to breathe or move any part of my body.

I stood up, walk past him as tears fell. I went to my room, pulled my bag out. I threw my things in it and closed it.

I left the house carrying my bag, I ran to the highway not even watching out for cars. At this moment, the only thing that was in my mind was that I was the problem. The troublemaker. I was the one that gave the group a hard time. I was running away like what Luna did. Without any words or warnings.... JUST RUN







~~ "Waaaaaahhhhhhh" ~~



(A Few Hours Later...)




(Luna's POV)


I woke up in a bright room... I couldn't feel anything, no pain. I sit up on a bed. Once I could see clearly, I can see what was going on. It was mother beside the bed, sleeping. Father at the corner of the room also asleep. I look around more and I could see wires and many different cords around me. My clothes were different too. It's hospital clothes.

The noise of the electrocardiographic heart monitor started making this loud alarming noise. It was like an alarm cause both of my parents woke up. I happy to see them.


"Eomma!! Appa!! You're finally wake!!", I screamed with joy and hugged mother.

But this is where the nightmare started. I....They.... I. I'm d-dead?!! I started panicking! I couldn't touch my mother. It's like she's a ghost... NO I'M A GHOST I cried and cried. Father ran out the room and got doctors in. They started moving wires, moving my body, and pushing my chest. I moved out of my own body and saw my human body the one that's actually on the bed. The doctors were trying to keep me alive, but I'm right here.

I could hear mother cry as nurses try to get her out. Her cries were so loud and powerful, I was again crying in my ghost form.

Then, a voice rang from above, it was saying my name and each time it says my name it gets louder and louder. I yelled back answering whoever is calling my name.

"Luna. I'm your Guardian Angel Seheiah", I look around for an angel, but there's no flying person.

"You won't be able to see until you enter the world of God"

"So... You're here to take me up there?", I asked.

"Yes...", I frowned at myself and started thinking about the people I'm going to leave behind.

"But we can gave you an opportunity, it's a choice you make...", I calmed down once I heard it say something about an opportunity. Maybe it's an opportunity to live? But then again, I will in pain again... I took a breather and answered it.

"What's the opportunity?" I asked hoping it's a good opportunity.

"Go back in time and fix everything... Or I can take you away now. It's your choice and make it quick my time here is running out"

I ran out the hospital door and saw my mother and Father. Tears roll down her face, I can see she's really sad. I took another breathe and finally made a decision. If I don't take this opportunity... Mother wouldn't live. It's for the best.

"Alright Seheiah!! I pick-"

(Taehyun's POV)

"TAEHYUN!! SHE'S GONE!!", I swallowed the lump in my throat, and tears quickly run down my cheeks. Quicker than a light flash. I was at the office in what used to be my father's office now mine, I now lead the family business. Father answered me before I went over to Luna's house, yesterday morning. I was glad that my plans are finally working and shows because I the biggest smirk on my face. And even before I came to her house, I had called mother to confirm the news, that her youngest son is finally becoming successful. And even more successful after he gets a share of the Montgomery Fashion Company. He is also going to marry the most beautiful girl in the world and have her kids. With the two family's together, it's going to be unstoppable. With small companies in every country and shops everywhere. But... It's all a dream, a dream that was supposed to come true. Unfortunately, it will not ANYMORE. A man can't be successful without his other half, even if he still is successful, it isn't enough. Without their partner, dreams will never come true.

Now I think about it, I realize that she is actually gone. Away from this planet, FOREVER. I... I can't say a word. I let go of my grip on my phone making it fall and probably break, I broke into tears quietly, memories of us flashed back every tear that fell. The death of her broke my heart into millions to billions of pieces, each piece is how much I'm in love with her and how much I miss her, but some pieces now say "I HATE YOU" because she left me without saying goodbye...

(Luna's mother POV)

She's gone.... I said in my head... But my heart still has hopes that she's still alive

(A few hours back)

I a got call late in the afternoon from the hospital, stating that Luna is in the Emergency room. I was nervous and told my assistant to cancel any appointments. I then called Luna's father what happened, we both met at the hospital. We ran to her room, I kind of expected her to look injured, but no-she wasn't. She was just on the bed with many wires around her. Then a young man came in the room and greeted us. We found out where Luna was before all this happen. She was at beach and suddenly fainted, just like when she has those dreams, it's a good thing that young man was there at the beach too, or no one could ever save her. He didn't mention his name, however I do remember what he looks like, and someday if we ever bumped to each other again, I will say thank you for saving Luna's life. Only if she stays alive. And it goes down when I hear the heart monitor in a monotone sound.

(Present time)

I can feel her flying up to heaven, I hope she had a safe trip there. I love you, my moon.




(Author Here!)

Heyy! Sorry it took so long... I was busy as always cause of sch**l. I will be starting to put hints at the start of each chapter, so watch for that if you what to know what's going to happen next. Anyways, since it's a new year I'm ending volume 2! And will hopefully start volume 3 around April or May.... Hehe Sorry 👉👈

Also I opened up an Instagram account so hurry and follow me for some updates

It's @mluna_writer


Reminder: Wear a mask and also I miss y'all 💜

I PURPLE U! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

- MLuna 💜