Thank you

Note: Just a side story :)

(Solar's POV)

I woke up earlier than usual because of a dream I had. A dream about my brother killing Jimin's family. I can't remember the exact detail. but it was one of my brothers holding a blood covered knife. Mr. Park and his wife were covered with dirt and splattered blood from head to toe. They had their backs of the wall looking at each other crying together hoping to be saved. And then he slit their head off with one swipe. It scared the hell out of me. And I never ever get any like these. I got out of bed and went to my kitchen to grab a cup of water.

It's strange that one of my brothers are trying to kill Jimin's family. I don't think anything happened between them unless there was. I don't know much more of my step siblings, meaning I'm not very close with them. I'm the step daughter of Kim Nam Jung who is the vice president of the KIM Company, and chairman of the two department of Food and Electronics. Before my mother met him, I was just a little living in the countryside. My father owned the biggest food plantation there until the KIM Company forced our family to move out. We left with nothing, but money left from the plantation sales. The loss of our land led my father to a sorrowful state. He didn't want his life to end up that. He dreamed of making a big happy family in the plantation, but it all falls down. On night he lied about going to get a job and went home late at night drunk. Mother was so worried at the same time angry for lying to her. The habit started growing and growing. He constantly came home late drunk, that he had abused my mother. It repeated for days, weeks, and months until one day I came home with a letter in my room. It was from my mother saying that she ran away somewhere far and that she'll come back with help. I remember crying and feeling scared of what my father could do to me. The rest was all something I don't want to remember, but the most important thing was that mother and I were in safe hands. She ran into my step father at the KIM Company building. She came there to ask for help. but no one would listen. The only one who listened was my step father. Later, they fell in love and got married. I was happy for her and all, but the thing that surprised me the most was my stranger new siblings. I remember coming home to the family home, it was very modern and looked very expensive. The maids in the house showed me my room, and when I was just coming in... SeokJin pulled my hair from behind me. He asked me who I was and if I was a intruder. Then another boy came who is the oldest of the two, SeokJoong. It was my first time meeting them and I was very scared to live with them. Especially when they are older than me.

I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I wore the appropriate attire to the KIM Company. I work there to take over the food and electronic departments, only if SeokJin declines the offer. Which he hasn't. No one really knows where SeokJoong went, so the department passes to SeokJin. I went to work and started doing my job. There were only a few people I see.




Hours Later...




"Madame Kim...", I finally just finished the last thing I had to do when my new assistant, Nam Yun Do, came back from a task. He came to me a few days ago for a job. I hired him as an assistant and things got chaotic.

"I told you to call me Solar"

"That's not your real name though, it's Kim Yong-sun. Anyways, Madame...", I glared at him.

He proceeded, "But I must tell you something I think that will break your heart"

What does he mean he's going to break my heart, why did I even hire him?!

"Well, continue"

"Are you sure, Madame? You can take it all in?"

Who do you think I am? A crying monkey?! *Tch Please I'm way stronger than that.

"Try me Eric, try me"

"Well then... I deeply apologize for the loss of your dear friend, Miss Montgomery Luna. She had passed away just this morning at 1:11...", when he started, I couldn't believe what was happening, it's like the mood changed in one go. My heart felt heavy at every word and it felt like something very familiar. The heaviness of my heart gave me pain and nonstop suicidal thoughts.

"There were no signs of any broken symptoms or anything wrong. The doctors were very confused and couldn't figure wha-", he stopped because heavy tears fell very fast.

"Madame... Do you need a handkerchief? Or perhaps a hug?", I quickly came back to my senses and wipe the tears off. I sat up and fixed my posture.

"No need, you did well on your job, Eric. You may go-" I was cut by warm arms wrapped around me. My heart stopped beating for a second from all of the sudden movement. The hug was warm and feels so safe. I feel my checks burn, but I didn't care. I wanted to hug or something to keep me away from this sad news. He broke the hug and fixed his attire.

"I'm sorry Madame. I thought you needed it", he bowed down and started walking towards the door.

"Eric wait!", the words slip... I didn't want him to go. Once, he stopped at the door and looked back at me.

"Thank you!", I yelled as tears fell down again.

(End of POV)




(Author's POV)


I'm so bad at writing!!! :( I'm sorry for the long wait and if you were excited, I'm sorry it's not the official story, just a side story.




Follow me on insta @mluna_writer




Reminder: Wear a mask and be safe


- MLuna 💜