The Scum Is A Father 

Wu Yuan doesn't want Luo Shi to resurrect. Not because he doesn't respect him or value him as his shifu, as his second father. Nor does he disregard Wu Fan's life, his father's life, which will be one of the things in exchange for Luo Shi's life. But, he highly respects them instead. 

Although it doesn't show on his iceberg face, he highly respects Luo Shi. He treats him as he treats Wu Fan. He respects Luo Shi so much, even if Luo Shi is stern towards him and Sun Yi as their shifu. He treats Luo Shi as one of his family. For him, his only family is Wu Fan, his father; Sun Yi, his husband; Chen Han, his best friend, da shixiong an older brother figure; Chen Jing, whom he treats as his uncle; and lastly, Luo Shi, his and Sun Yi's shifu, as well as his second father.