The Scum Is Jittery

"Cheng Sheng." Wu Yuan called as he stood by the door while he looked at Cheng Sheng and Fei Yin holding each other's hands. Bitterness flashed in his eyes when he remembered Sun Yi. He immediately concealed his emotions. "Chen Han qi deviated." He told Cheng Sheng. 

Cheng Sheng fell silent as he stared at the floor. "Bringing him with us… it is more dangerous than him staying here with Ming Ye." He said and looked at Luo Shi lying on the bed. "Ming Ye was softened by Luo Shi. If Ming Ye didn't kill you when he captured you, then how can he kill Chen Han, who is his own disciple?" he asked as he looked at Wu Yuan. 

Wu Yuan didn't answer.