The Scum Is Abominable 

"Tch!" Xie Lan clicked his tongue when they didn't see Bozun around. 

"Hiding again?" Wu Yuan asked as they looked around with his brows knitted together.

"These foreign people are really cowards! They always hide!" Tang Teng frowned in anger. 

"They are really good with hiding tricks." Sun Yu sneered when he recalled the spirit servants and Devouring Worms. "Shameless cowards." He added. 

They nodded in agreement. 

Xie Lan suddenly grinned as he reached for his qiankun sleeve. "Fortunately, xiao Sheng made this…" he said as his eyes narrowed in mischief. 

Wu Yuan, Sun Yu and Tang Teng saw his expression and they lit candles for Bozun. If Xie Lan is already abominable in his usual state, then it is tenfold when he wants to cause a 'mischief'. Not to mention that these foreign invaders harmed their fellow cultivators and nearly killed Dong Zheng and destroyed the Dongcheng Sect, they also wreaked havoc in the east, which is Xie Lan's turf!