The Scum Is Absurd 

"… huh?" Fan Wen, Lei Ling, Sun Yi, Xi Ming, and Xi Xing muttered as they looked at Xie Lan with blank expressions on their faces. Then, they turned to look at Sun Yu, Wu Yuan, and Tang Teng with inquiring gazes, asking if they really hadn't heard what Xie Lan said. 

Huh? Is he dreaming? Did he hit his head and he became stupid? They thought as they turned back to Xie Lan and looked at him with a weird gaze as if he had heard two more heads and six arms. But, when they turned to Sun Yu, Wu Yuan, and Tang Teng to confirm if they really heard right of what Xie Lan said, they felt that the world had gone crazy after they saw Sun Yu, Wu Yuan, and Tang Teng's awkward expressions, which indicates that they really heard it right. That Xie Lan is telling the truth.