Chapter #1(Second day of summer)

Its finally summer, school just ended for me two days ago. I mean don't get me wrong its not like i like school or anything in fact i hate it, always getting bullied almost every day gets tiring but i do miss something to do. I don't really have any friends to hangout with so its not like that's an option for me. My dad says every single time i ask to hang out or do anything with him he says "Work has me busy kiddo sorry bud but maeby next time ok?" Do you know how many next times theres been well to many to count and thats for sure.Don't get me wrong i respect his work and every thing, especially after my mom and dad got a divorce but he's been at work a lot more. I think its to keep his mind off things and using it to distract him from the truth. He never really talks about mom with me. Of course i can still talk to my mom i have her number and every thing but i don't know what i would say. Oh i forgot to introduce myself hi my name is Jonathan Jones and this is were my storey begins.