Chapter #2(Friends ?)

Yep that's me Jonathan Jones, my mom says it has a nice ring to it.My dad calls me JJ sometimes though witch i think also has a nice ring too it if i do say so my self. But enuff of that i really think i should more so breakdown what i was talking about before. As i already said yes its sadly true that i get bullied almost pretty much every day i mean that is if they see me.I mean personally i think its stupid that they bully me for one thing and one thing only, and that's because I'm gay.I know it sounds pretty straightforward but i mean its the truth and ill tell you how even happened, so last year it was my first day of high school and i was in the freshmen hall with other new people as well, witch to clarify was nothing special in fact it was really boring but that's off topic, so as my day continued i was saying i whent to go eat lunch and i sat at this vary abandoned table that no one and i repeat no one wanted to sit there and to be honest i wouldn't either if i had friends from my old school that came here too but of course life doesn't work out like that for me.As in siting their this guy comes and sits in front of me and says "hey is this seat taken?" I turn my head both ways and say "does it look like its taken?" he smiles and even chuckles a little and says"i guess ill make it taken now".He sits and makes small talk i found out his name was Clark Henderson the converstions were kinda corney but lets not talk about that. He then asks "hey do you wanna be friends?"