In the spaceship current everyone was sleeping after the long day. *beep beep beep* Suddenly a beeping sound came from the room in which Naraka and Mithra were sleeping.

"Master you got a voice message from your sister"(Ain)

Naraka groggily sat up on his bed and looked at the naked figure lying next to him. He looked at Mithra with a loving expression and said,"OK play it for me Ain".

*Female voice*" HOW ARE YOU BIG BROTHER?!!! I heard that you and big sister Mithra went to another universe for an adventure. So COOL!!!!. Anyway you should know that elder sister Maya and your rival Solomon are also in that universe. So look out for yourself and stay safe. Ciao"

Naraka sat still and didn't say a word. His right eye was twitching. He thought to himself, " So that woman and Solomon has also travelled to this universe. Che, I cannot find their location but the good thing is that they too can't find our location".

After thinking for sometimes he went back to sleep cuddling his wife.

On planet earth;

Currently one could see a little girl around five six years old running hastily, She had dark blue hair that was kept in a hime-cut which was up to her forehead with chin length strands framing her face. She had featureless white tinged lavender eyes. She also had a x-shaped mark on her forehead.

She was Hinata Hyuga the ex-heiress of the Hyuga clan. She had been disowned by her father and been banished from her clan.


Few days after the Naruto incident, everything has calmed down Inside the Hyuga compound;

Hinata Hyuga was silently staring at the small pond in front of her. She was completely lost in thoughts. She had heard how her saviour Naruto was hunted by the villagers and nobody helped him. And later he was declared lost in the forest of death by the council. She was extremely sad. She remembered how Naruto had saved her from a few bullies two years earlier. She remembered his bright smile as he cheered her up. She had felt something in chest, A kind of feeling she had never felt.

" Don't worry naruto kun I will find you and save you no matter what!" She said clenching her tiny fist and with conviction in her eyes. But she didn't knew how much this statement was going to cost her because her 'dear father' actually heard her saying this.

"What did you just say???!! you girl" Said Hiashi Hyuga, Hinata's father in a severe tone.

" n..nothing father, I didn't say a...anything" Hinata said in a shaky voice.

"Don't lie to me!!! I heard you say that you wanted to find out that demon brat and save him. How dare you get in company with that thing. Didn't you even thought about honor of the clan or what the villagers would say if they ever find out that the Hyuga heiress is keeping company with the demon" Hiashi shouted at Hinata.

Hinata was shaking with fear and tears were rolling down her cheeks as she said," B...but f...father N...naruto ku..un isn't a bad person. He s..saved me–"

"SHUT UP!!! you ....girl" Hiashi said, he was currently fuming. He thought how dare his daughter talk back to him.

"Now come with me!!!" He said as he pulled her arm towards the inner rooms where they trained.

Inside, one could see various people standing there. They were the clan elders, the main clan members and branch clan members. They were currently looking at them with serious expressions on their faces.

In the middle of training room Hinata's younger sister Hanabi Hyuga was standing. She too had a frown on her cute little face.

Hiashi pulled Hinata at the centre of the room where Hanabi was standing and announced to the people present there," Today my daughter Hinata will fight again against her younger sister, my other daughter Hanabai for the title of the clan heiress for the final time. If one of them looses today then the 'caged bird curse seal' would be put on them and them will be disowned by the clan. After that no clan members is to interact with the person ever in the future"

Everyone present in the room were completely flagbustered. They started discussing amongst themselve quietly.

One of the elders tried to say something," But don't you think this is too seve–"

" SHUT UP!!! my decision is not to be altered " Hiashi said in a loud voice.

Everyone quited down as the situation became extremely tensed.

Hinata started shivering as she heard her father's cruel word. Even Hanabi was scared out of her wits. She too was shivering and looking at Hinata. She wondered what her sister had done to bring their father's wrath this time.

" Both of you get ready and take you position. This fight is going to decide your future in the clan" Hiashi said in a severe tone.

Both Hinata and Hanabi took their fighting stances as they looked at each other. Both of them had conflicted expression on their faces.

Hiashi went towards the members and stood there after that he looked towards the two sisters and announced, "START!!!!"

Both the sisters rushed at each other with ferocity. Hinata and Hanabi activated their byakugan and started attacking each other with palm strikes.

*Boom boom * * bam bam bam*. The two of them were going all out as their future depended on it. Suddenly Hanabi twisted her leg and kicked towards Hinata which she could barely dodge. Suddenly Hanabi thrust her palm towards Hinata's chest which she stopped bring both her arms in front of her chest in a cross shape. * bang* Hinata was sent flying towards the wall and hit it. She barely got up as she was huffing due to exhaustion. She saw Hanabi running towards her and went into defensive position.

Hinata dodged her attack this time and strike her with the gentle fist style at her stomach. Hanabi got hit by the strike as clutched her stomach gritting her teeth. One could see a streak blood leaking out of her mouth. She barely dodged one of Hinata's attack again as she started counterattacking back.

*Bang * *boom boom* This went on for twenty minutes. *Huff huff huff* both Hinata and Hanabi were completely drained after this long exchange. They looked at each other. Currently Hinata had a concerned look on her face. She didn't wanted to beat her sister. She was extremely conflicted cause she knew that if she defeated her then her sister would be banished from the clan and would be branded with the clan's most terrifying curse.

When she was thinking this, Hanabi suddenly attacked her with viciousness. She spoke silently," I am sorry sister I cannot be banished from the clan, I am sorry I am sorry" She directly hit Hinata in the face with the gentle fist style. *Boom * Hinata was sent flying and lost her consciousness.

Nobody said anything. The room fell into complete silence. Hiashi shook his head in disappointment and flicked his hand.

Two of the clan members came forward and picked Hinata up. They took her away inside the house.

After a few hours Hinata woke up. She found herself in her room. She was bandaged up. She got up from her bad and went towards a mirror. Her eyes trembled as she saw the terrible x-shaped mark on her forehead. This was the 'caged bird curse seal' put on the branch family members so that the main family could control them anytime and which sealed their byakugan after so that others could not find the secret about it.

She slowly moved away from the mirror and went out of her room towards the clan hall. Everyone from the main family including her father and sister were waiting for her in the room.

" So you woken up. It's time now" Hiashi said in a cold voice as he looked towards her.

"From today onwards I announce that Hinata hyuga is disowned by me and she is banished from the the Hyuga clan" He announced. Everyone lowered their heads in disappointment.

"Now you can leave" He said turning his back.

Hanabi was standing with her father father. She wasn't able to look straight in her eyes.

Slowly Hinata left the room and went near the gate of the clan gate. Without turning back she went through it. The doors closed behind her back forever.

*********Flashback end ***********

She stopped and looked around. She found that she had reached the red light district of konoha. She could see all types of shady figure looking at her as if she was a lamb for slaughter. She was afraid, afraid of the dark future that awaited her. Suddenly she saw six shady figures closing in on her. They had disgusting smile on their faces.

"Please somebody help me. Please Naruto kun save me". She Silently prayed as tears rolled down her cheeks. She would remember everyone who were responsible for her downfall. She would never forgiver her father, her sister and all those clan members who abandoned her in this hell hole. She would take her revenge on them if she is able to get out of her current predicament. She turned around to run but couldn't.

Before those shady figure could even catch her she disappeared from the place where she was standing.

In time the Hyuga clan will come to know what they lost but it would not be enough to even regret. When she returns it would be the day when the Hyuga clan disappears from the world.

{ This event takes place at the same time when sasuke was approched by the woman.}