The fox was looking warily at Naruto. It was astonished by Naruto's powerful punch. But it didn't think much about him as the fox knew there were really powerful humans like Uchiha Madara or Hashirama Senju who had lived before. He believed that this boy in front of him was still weaker than them.
" You boy tell me your name"The fox asked even though it knew his name.
"Hey didn't your parents never teach you, that it is rude to ask someone else's name before introducing yourself?" Naruto asked the fox in a mocking voice.
The fox was pissed and said,"How dare––"
" Just shut up" Naruto interjected the fox. Naruto's eye changed colour. His sclera was black in color and his irises were golden. The world started to change around him. From Naruto's left the world has transformed into a fiery hell. It consisted of lava mountains, fire, red sky and volcanoes. And on his right side the world has transformed into a tundra region complete covered with snow and ice. There were mountains caped with snow and glaciers were flowing through it. The sky on his ride side was covered with dark cloud from which snowflakes fell.
"W...what going o...on?!!" kurama was extremely confused and scared.
" i.. isn't an illusion!!" Kurama could feel that the transformation in the surrounding weren't any illusion. Everything around him felt real. The cold temperature on the right side and scalding hot temperature on left side were real.
Slowly from both the sides creatures started to come out from the ground. They started to take various eldritch forms which looked extremely terrifying. On the fiery hell side skeletons, gigantic and on fire, there were massive creatures with tens of arms, sharp fangs and claws, there were also skeleton dragons coming out of the ground. While on the icy side, there were skyscraper like giants who had ice spikes all over their body, flying ten headed creatures with multiple limbs, creatures made out of storm and ice etc were coming out of the ground as if they were birthed from the world itself. They were releasing immense amount of pressure from their bodies.
Looking at this kurama's eyes widened with shock and fear. This was the first time he had seen anything like this in his long life. Everything he was seeing and feeling was hundred percent real. He was currently feeling extremely terrified. He was shaking, looking at Naruto, behind whom where those eldritch monsters looking at Kurama menacingly.
Naruto was smirking at the cowering kurama. He said in a mocking tone," You scared ?!"
Kurama didn't say anything and was just looking at him with fear in its eyes.
"So what's your name?" Naruto asked sarcastically.
"'s k..kurama" kurama said still shaking.
"Well...." Naruto closed his eyes and everything changed in an instant. The place returned back to being the mountainous region. There were no signs of the fiery hell or the icy region. All the monsters had disappeared too. He opened his eyes and it had returned back to normal.
Kurama was shocked. Just now the place was half covered with ice and the other half was a fiery hell which was spawning abominations. And in an instant everything returned back to normal. This felt completely unreal but he knew that this was not an illusion because he could feel everything, the cold and heat, the immense power radiating from those creatures were not fake. They were extremely real.
Kurama looked at Naruto warily. He knew that the boy in front of him was not someone anyone could trifle with. He felt that even the sage of the six paths his creator and father might not be a match for Naruto. Kurama was astonished how the boy changed so much. The last thing he remembered before he suddenly fell into a deep slumber was that the boy was a weakling whom nobody liked but now he was so much powerful that he could even make kurama cower away in fear. Now that he thought about it he didn't knew how he fell in slumber or what had happened after that. He didn't even knew how much time has passed. He wanted to as Naruto was scared to do so.
At this time Naruto was looking at him with a strange smile. He was enjoying how the fox was all scared and didn't know what was going on. Naruto was actually flexing his [ Creation of all things] to alter the landscape and giving birth to all those creatures. He had actually mastered this ability and it was still growing stronger.
"What do you want?" Kurama asked slowly. He was afraid that the boy would kill him. He somehow felt that this boy was able to destroy him permanently.
"Do you want to meet my best friend kurama?" Naruto asked with a smirk as he put his palm on the ground before kurama could even answer.
*Woosh* large amount of smoke appeared in front of Naruto and kurama. When the smoke settled kurama saw something which made his eyes wide with fear and horror. In front of him standing was a gigantic and majestic looking wolf. It had fur like the colour of the darkest night, Golden eyes, Sharp fangs and claws and a fluffy tail. It was ten times bigger than the mountains around it. Kurama looked like a cub in front of the gigantic wolf. Looking at the majestic wolf kurama started to pant heavily.
*AWWWWWOOOOOOO* The wolf looked at the sky and have a howl. The howl echoed through the entire dimension. After that the would looked at Naruto in a friendly manner.
"What's the matter Naruto? why did you call me. You know that it is time for my nap." The wolf said in a majestic voice with a hint annoyance in it.
" Hey kurama meet my buddy Fenrir" Naruto said to kurama without even looking at Fenrir. Fenrir was a bit annoyed at Naruto for ignoring him and looked at fox with nine tails. He frowned at the fox because it reminded him of someone annoying.
" Hey Naruto who is this pup?" He asked Naruto as he pointed at kurama disdainfully.
"He is the fox who was sealed inside me" Naruto said.
"Ooohh it's that guy" Fenrir said as scary smile appeared on his face.