In the hokage office currently Hiruzen was reading some documents when suddenly two of the anbu black ops hiding, fell down on the ground from the ceiling.

The hokage jumped up and directly went towards the two fallen anbus

"What happened to the both of you" Hiruzen said in a concerned voice as he shook both the bodies but there was no response. After checking the both of them properly, he found out that they were not dead as they had pulses. They seemed to be unconscious. Hiruzen sighed when suddenly a voice came from his behind.

"You don't have have to be concerned about them old man. They are just knocked out" Hiruzen turned around at a lightning speed and saw a man wearing a black coat with black hair swept backwards. He held a sheathed Katana in his hand. He was looking at Hiruzen serenly.

"Who are you?! Are you the one responsible for this?" Hiruzen asked as he pointed his finger at the lying anbus. He was looking at the stranger menacingly.

The stranger had a smile on his face as he walked towards Hiruzen. Hiruzen prepared to attack him when he saw that the man's eyes have changed. His left eye was purple with rippled pattern and his right eye was red with rippled pattern. Both of the eyes contained six tomoes in each circle. This was the Rinnegan.

"Wha––" *ZINGGG*

Hiruzen couldn't say anything because the entire world turned into a barren world which had its sky overcast with heavy clouds. Lightning coiled around them.

Hiruzen was flabbergasted by this phenomenon.

"Where are we?!! What did you do ?!" Hiruzen asked the stranger angryly as he looked around.

"I have teleported you and me to a different dimension I created with the help of my ability 'Amenotenjikara'" Said the stranger as he looked at Hiruzen with his rinnegan.

"W..what? What do you want from me?" Hiruzen asked as sweats appeared on his forehead. Currently he was really scared by the man who was able to hop dimension and could create one too. He knew that the stranger was extremely powerful as he had the rinnegan which was the most strongest dojutsu.

"I want to ask you only one thing and that is what actually happened with the Uchiha clan and why did Itachi Uchiha murdered the whole clan?" The stranger asked.

"What ? w...why do you want to know about the Uchiha clan?" Hiruzen asked in a confused voice.

"Just answer the question old man" The stranger said threateningly.

"O...OK it was due to the Uchiha clan planning to do a coup and overthrow the governing power. Uchiha Itachi followed his orders given to him by Danzo. I promised him that I would keep the coup a secret from the others which would not tarnish the village and the clan's name and protect his brother" Hiruzen said as a look of despair appeared on his face.

The stranger clenched his fists tightly as a dark purple aura surrounded his body. The dimension was acting strange as lighting fell from the clouds continuously. Looking at this Hiruzen was scared.

"Tell me why the Uchiha clan was planning a coup d' etat?" The stranger said clenching his teeth. Killing intent leaked from his voice.

" was a...after t...the nine t...tails incident that a rift was formed between the village and the Uchiha clan. The village and the council believed that the Uchiha clan was the one responsible for the Nine tails incident so they started to isolate the Uchiha clan and placed them under surveillance. This created a mistrust between the village and the clan" Hiruzen said in a downcast and shameful voice.

"And as the hokage you never tried to mediate between the clan and the village?" The stranger said with a pissed expression.

"I.....I " Hiruzen couldn't say anything. Truthfully he hadn't done anything to solve this problem.

"You couldn't save those innocent children from the clan who didn't even know what was going on. You let them die just because you couldn't afford to act" The stranger said as veins appeared on his forehead.

"..." Hiruzen didn't say anything as he kept his head down. Looking at this the stranger was even more pissed.The dimension started to get darker as the wind picked up.

The stranger took a deep breath as he calmed down. He looked a Hiruzen with a cold face.

"Tell me why Itachi Uchiha did it and why he let his brother live?" The stranger asked in a cold voice.

"I... It was due to Itachi believing that he should be the one who kills them and take all the blame and not Konoha. As for his brother I think he loved him and couldn't come to kill him and I promised Itachi to keep his brother safe but it seems I couldn't" Hiruzen said slowly with a remorse full voice.

After listning to this the stranger didn't say anything as a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away slowly.

"It was nice talking to you hokage" Said the stranger as the world around them changed back to that of the hokage office as his eyes returned to normal.

He pulled out his katana out of his sheath as he slashed at space in front of him horizontally and vertically in the shape of s plus sign, which expanded into a portal. He sheathed his Katana and moved towards the portal. Before going inside the portal he turned his head and looked at Hiruzen who was looking at him with confusion, fear and other emotions.

"By the my name is Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha" After saying this he entered the portal leaving the flabbergasted and wide eyed Hiruzen behind.


At this time in a forest currently the land was completely destroyed as multiple bodies were laying on the ground.

The forest was burned as the land was shattered.

Currently Naruto and Nanako were standing on a hill and looking at the people who were currently lying on the ground. These were the members of akatsuki along with the konoha shinobis who had been taken out by the immensely powerful Sibling duo.

"This is what you get when you looked down on someone" Naruto said in a mocking voice as his sister laughed at the fallen beings.

The members of akatsuki and the konoha shinobis were extremely injured as they looked at the duo hatefully.

"Why do you want to destroy Konoha Naruto?!!" asked a injured Kakashi who was currently lying on the ground, clutching his right shoulder which now missed an arm. Near him, lying was the six paths of pain among whom only the deva path survived albeit extremely damaged. He too looked at Naruto and said in a painful voice," s...eems w..we looked d...down on you" .

After saying this the deva path closed his eyes to never open it again.