1 Meetings not so akward

A women, fresh out of college walked briskly down second avenue. In the mild spring morning, she wore a light blue dress fitted tightly to her curvy body, and simple strapy sandles. Carying bags from her most recent trip to the market, she was on a call with her ex-boyfriend, who wouldn't stop pestering her with apolgies about his most recent of three affairs. Just as she goes to turn the corner, she slams into a tall lean man dressed in a suit. She fell to the ground, but right before she hit the hard cement, the man grabbed her arm and rapped his other around her torso. She was out of breath, for the man had emerald green eyes with his black hair covering his face, as if he was in a rush that morning and hadn't had time to fix it. The man pulled her up and were so close that she could smell the minty toothpaste that he must of used earlier that morning. "Um. S-sorry." she stamered out while looking into his eyes. "No problem. I'm Daniel." he replied back as he gently let go of her. "I'm Lilli." she replied, then dashed away and quickly rushed into her apartment a few doors down. Thinking back, all she could remeber was his enchanting eyes and how gently he seemed to hold her in his arms. But, shaking her head she thought, I'll never see him again so it doesn't matter.' Right?