2 An Interview

Lilli, after composing herself, started unpacking her groceries in the kitchen. She looked up at the clock and relized that it was almost 8, and that she was going to be late for her interview at Highland Corp. as a video game designer. This was her dream job, one she has been preparing for her whole life and she couldnt miss it for the world. So, grabbing her purse and portfolio, Lilli left her apartment and got in a cab with high hopes for a fresh start. Around five minutes later, Lilli was stepping out of the cab and infront of a gleaming building that had a 'Highland Corperation' logo right above the entryway. She walked briskly tword the doors, and as she stepped into the building she gasped. Apart from the sleek design of the front lobby and the many peoole, she recognized one of them stepping into the elevator. It was the man she had ran into this morning, with his enchanting eyes and jet black hair. The doors closed before he could see her, but she definitely saw him. after a moment of shock, she continued to the receptionists who appointed her to the fifth floor for her interview. Lilli took the next elevator, and walked into the conference room that she had been told to go to. Two men sat opposite of the chair that she was given, and one of then was none other than him. That man. The man with the mesmerizing eyes. Lilli spoke, "Hello, I'm Lilli Hausmen." He said, "Daniel Willman, a pleasure." So his name was Daniel seems fitting. The interview continued, with Daniel asking her questions and Lilli answering them to the best of her abilities. The other man barely spoke, only to interject a few times but it was obvious that Daniel was in charge. Lilli left the room confused but confident in her answers. All she has to do is wait.