9 First Day

As Lilli walked into the room, she saw that it was divided by cubicals, and people were in them busying themselves in their work. She walked up to a women who was up getting a coffee before she began her work and asked, " Excuse me, I just started today and was wondering where to sit?" The women grinned and relpied, "Oh yes, you must be Lilli. I'm Hannah, and you can sit anywhere you like, as long as no one is already sitting there." After a quick chat with Hannah about themselves, Lilli chose a seat adjacent to Hannahs desk, and started working on her first mini project, background art. It wasn't the most entertaining things to be drawing, trees and bushes, but Lilli quickly got into it and tried to prove that she could handle bigger projects. Before she relized it, it was already lunch time when Hannah asked if she could eat with her. "Sure! Let me wrap up real quick, then we can head down to the cafeteria." Lilli quiclky signed out of her computer, then grabbing her lunch went down with Hannah to eat. During lunch, they got to know each other better, and Lilli met some other people. Luke, who was a redheaded, fresh out of college sweet man, and Tray, the quiet and shy intern. Lilli enjoyed meeting everyone in the department, and before she knew it lunch was already over. She headed back to her desk and finished up her day by finishing the background she was working on. Overjoyed, Lilli left Highland Corp feeling accomplished with her work, and went home for dinner. On her way back, she got a call from Mary asking how her first day of work was. After confirming that she loved it, they talked a while before hanging up to go to bed. Lilli went to bed that night with so much joy and content on her heart, and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.