10 Bump in the Hall

As Lilli woke up the next morning, she felt refreshed and prepared for her next day of work. Even though she had only been there one day, she was already in love with the whole process and her coworkers were so kind and helpful. She cooked a simple breakfeast of eggs and toast, then changed into a flowy pink blouse and a light grey skirt accesorized with a thin gold necklace. After doing some light makeup, as she wasn't one for lots of makeup, she walked out the door and called a taxi for a ride to Highland Corp. She fixed her hair up on the short trip over, then stepped out of the car to start her second day of her new job. She walked into the silver doors and greeted the receptionist on her way to her cubicle. As she rounded the corner into the room, a man suddenly appeared, and having no time to think she ran into him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Lilli said while looking up to see who she had run into. She new instantly who it was, Daniel, and grew a shocked expression in her face.

Daniel seeing this said, "Oh, no worries."

they stood there for a second in awkard silenece, starring at one another, then both started talking at the same time.

"Well I-"

" Would you like-"

"You go first Mr. Conner."

"Oh I was just wondering if you would like to get coffee with me during lunch. I would like to catch up with you and see how you're doing since your trip to the hospital," Daniel questioned with a concerned look on is face.

"Oh, um, sure I guess." Lilli answered timmidly.

"Great," he said, then walked away back to his office, leaving Lilli standing there more confused then ever.