
What do people want power, money, or to rule? For some, they want happiness and to live a peaceful life. Although many are unable to do so and have to live in fear. The people from long ago, that were unable to live their best lives became monsters. If you wonder how I know all this, then we are the same, because I wonder as well.

     The world has stats to detail strength, intelligence, luck, defense, wisdom, and agility. Stats are increased by levelling up or by training in certain ways. There is also health points detailing how close to death you are. Many have become something close to gods, in a way. Although others seem to want to avoid that type of life. Although the adventurer lifestyle called to many which lead to the creation of guilds, as well as quests to get experience, and to get bronze, silver, gold, and platinum coins. 

     In this world magic was created by an unknown being. Magic just came into existence. Magic and sword skills are categorized as skills. There are unique skills that are found in many varieties of ways and some require you to master a unique energy. Dungeons started showing up more and more, some believe they were created by evil monsters, but others believe they were created by gods. Although whoever created them bestowed the dungeons with a special power, skill, or even a weapon. One young man is about to start a journey that leads him to a new start.